- Author: Paul Graham Raven Author Record # 142025
- Language: English
- Webpages: velcro-city.co.uk
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Anthologies Short Fiction
- Alex in Hinterland (2008)
- Alien Abduction (2008)
- Daddy in the Stone (2008)
- J (2008)
- Oh! for the Life of a Sailor! (2008)
- Secrets of the Faith (2008)
- Sturgeon's Law (2008)
- The Last Bird (2008)
- The New Arrival (2008)
- On the Messdecks of Madness (2011)
- A Boarding House Heart (2014)
Los Piratas del Mar de Plastico (Pirates of the Plastic Ocean) (2014)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Los Piratas del Mar de Plastico (2023)
- Staunch (2016)
- Facing Kiruna (2022)
- Heavy Meta
- The BSFA Review
- BSFA Review: Best of 2012 (2013) with Graham Andrews and Lynne Bispham and Liz Bourke and Gary S. Dalkin and David Hebblethwaite and Paul Kincaid and Martin Lewis and Patrick Mahon and Ian Sales and Maureen Kincaid Speller and Jim Steel and Sue Thomason and Sandra Unerman [only as by Graham Andrews and Lynne Bispham and Liz Bourke and Gary Dalkin and David Hebblethwaite and Paul Kincaid and Martin Lewis and Patrick Mahon and Paul Graham Raven and Ian Sales and Maureen Kincaid Speller and Jim Steel and Sue Thomason and Sandra Unerman]
- Editor's Introduction (Illuminations: The Friday Flash Fiction Anthology) (2008)
- 2009 Vector Reviewers' Poll (2009) with Graham Andrews and Paul Bateman and Lynne Bispham and Tanya Brown and Nic Clarke and Mark Connorton and Gary S. Dalkin and Mark Harding and Niall Harrison and Penny Hill and Steve Jeffery and Tony Keen and Paul Kincaid and Martin Lewis and Anthony Nanson and Martin Potts and Adam Roberts and Dave M. Roberts and Myfanwy Rodman and Kari Sperring and Jim Steel and Martyn Taylor and Sandra Unerman and Anne F. Wilson [only as by Graham Andrews and Paul Bateman and Lynne Bispham and Tanya Brown and Nic Clarke and Mark Connorton and Gary Dalkin and Mark Harding and Niall Harrison and Penny Hill and Steve Jeffery and Tony Keen and Paul Kincaid and Martin Lewis and Anthony Nanson and Martin Potts and Paul Graham Raven and Adam Roberts and Dave M. Roberts and Myfanwy Rodman and Kari Sperring and Jim Steel and Martyn Taylor and Sandra Unerman and Anne F. Wilson]
- 2009 in Review (2010) with Karen Burnham and Nic Clarke and Matt Denault and L. Timmel Duchamp and Nader Elhefnawy and Dan Hartland and Colin Harvey and Tony Keen and Paul Kincaid and Richard Larson and Duncan Lawie and Martin Lewis and Jonathan McCalmont and David McWilliam and Farah Mendlesohn and Abigail Nussbaum and Hallie O'Donovan and Sara Polsky and Adam Roberts and David J. Schwartz and Graham Sleight and Kari Sperring and Hannah Strom-Martin and Alvaro Zinos-Amaro [only as by Karen Burnham and Nic Clarke and Matt Denault and L. Timmel Duchamp and Nader Elhefnawy and Dan Hartland and Colin Harvey and Tony Keen and Paul Kincaid and Richard Larson and Duncan Lawie and Martin Lewis and Jonathan McCalmont and David McWilliam and Farah Mendlesohn and Abigail Nussbaum and Hallie O'Donovan and Sara Polsky and Paul Graham Raven and Adam Roberts and David Schwartz and Graham Sleight and Kari Sperring and Hannah Strom-Martin and Alvaro Zinos-Amaro]
- 2010: Books in Review (2011) with Graham Andrews and Lynne Bispham and Mark Connorton and Gary S. Dalkin and Alan Fraser and Niall Harrison and David Hebblethwaite and Tony Keen and Paul Kincaid and Jonathan McCalmont and Martin McGrath and Anthony Nanson and Martin Potts and Ian Sales and Jim Steel and Martyn Taylor and Sandra Unnerman and Anne Wilson [only as by Graham Andrews and Lynne Bispham and Mark Connorton and Gary Dalkin and Alan Fraser and Niall Harrison and David Hebblethwaite and Tony Keen and Paul Kincaid and Jonathan McCalmont and Martin McGrath and Anthony Nanson and Martin Potts and Paul Graham Raven and Ian Sales and Jim Steel and Martyn Taylor and Sandra Unnerman and Anne Wilson]
- Going Back to the Academy (2011)
- 101 Uses for a Masters in Creative Writing (2012)
- Breaking the Fall (2012)
- BSFA Reviewers' Poll: The Best of 2011 (2012) with Graham Andrews and Lynne Bispham and Nic Clarke and Mark Connorton and Gary S. Dalkin and Alan Fraser and Niall Harrison and David Hebblethwaite and Tony Keen and Paul Kincaid and Martin Lewis and Patrick Mahon and Martin McGrath and Kev McVeigh and Anthony Nanson and Ian Sales and Andy Sawyer and Donna Scott and Maureen Kincaid Speller and Jim Steel and Sue Thomson and Sandra Unerman
- Learning to Love Learning (2012)
- 2011 in Review (2012) with Niall Alexander and Marina Berlin and Matthew Cheney and Maya Chhabra and Indrapramit Das and L. Timmel Duchamp and Nader Elhefnawy and Sarah Frost and Lila Garrott and Dan Hartland and Matt Hilliard and Erin Horáková and Matthew Jones and Chris Kammerud and Nathaniel Katz and Roz Kaveney and Paul Kincaid and Richard Larson and Duncan Lawie and David McWilliam and Farah Mendlesohn and William Mingin and Abigail Nussbaum and Hallie O'Donovan and Alexandra Pierce and Sara Polsky and Adam Roberts and Sofia Samatar and Graham Sleight and Maureen Kincaid Speller and Aishwarya Subramanian and Molly Tanzer and Tori Truslow
- 2012 in Review (2012) with Niall Alexander and Nina Allan and Marina Berlin and Liz Bourke and Jesse Bullington and Matthew Cheney and Indrapramit Das and L. Timmel Duchamp and Benjamin Gabriel and Lila Garrott and Niall Harrison and Dan Hartland and David Hebblethwaite and Matt Hilliard and Erin Horáková and Chris Kammerud and Nathaniel Katz and Paul Kincaid and Richard Larson and Duncan Lawie and Martin Lewis and William Mingin and Gabriel Murray and Abigail Nussbaum and Alexandra Pierce and Sara Polsky and Sofia Samatar and Maureen Kincaid Speller and Aishwarya Subramanian
- New Model Authors? Authority, Authordom, Anarchism and the Atomized Text in a Networked World (2016)
- Mistaking The Nature Of The Posthuman (2009) by Steve Sneyd
- Oceanic (2009) by Greg Egan
- Bearings: Reviews 1997-2001 (2010) by Gary K. Wolfe
Embassytown (2011)
China Miéville?China Mieville
- Finch (2011) by Jeff VanderMeer
- The Universe of Things (2011) by Gwyneth Jones
- Reamde (2011) by Neal Stephenson
- Rule 34 (2012) by Charles Stross
- Gothic High-Tech (2012) by Bruce Sterling
- Nexus (2013) by Ramez Naam
- The Fourth Wall (2013) by Walter Jon Williams
- Adam Robots (2013) by Adam Roberts
- William Gibson (2013) by Gary Westfahl
- Looking Landwards: Stories Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the Institution of Agricultural Engineers (2014) by Ian Whates
- Kindred (2014) by Octavia Butler
- Call and Response (2014) by Paul Kincaid
- The Collapse of Western Civilization: A View from the Future (2014) by Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway
- Stay (2015) by John Clute
- Sibilant Fricative: Essays and Reviews (2015) by Adam Roberts
- The Water Knife (2015) by Paolo Bacigalupi
- Invaders: 22 Tales from the Outer Limits of Literature (2016) by Jacob Weisman
- The Word for World Is Forest (2016) by Ursula K. Le Guin
- After the Saucers Landed (2016) by Douglas Lain
- Inside/Outside (2011) with Chris Beckett
- The End of Sitting (2012) with Neal Stephenson (co-interviewer Simon Ings)