- Author: Penny Hill Author Record # 121858
- Language: English
- Webpages: Facebook, LiveJournal
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
- Letter (Banana Wings 5) (1997)
- Big Butt (1997) with Elizabeth A. Billinger and Andrew M. Butler and Steve Jeffery and Yvonne Rowse and Chris Terran [only as by Elizabeth Billinger and Andy Butler and Penny Hill and Steve Jeffery and Yvonne Rowse and Chris Terran]
- Books of the Year: 1998 (1999) with Andrew A. Adams and Chris Amies and Graham Andrews and K. V. Bailey and Cherith Baldry and Elizabeth A. Billinger and Paul N. Billinger and Colin Bird and Lynne Bispham and Claire Brialey and Tanya Brown and Andrew M. Butler and Mat Coward and Gary S. Dalkin and Alan Fraser and Lesley Hatch and Chris Hill and Edward James and Steve Jeffery and Paul Kincaid and David Langford and Vikki Lee and Farah Mendlesohn and Andy Mills and John Newsinger and John D. Owen and Steve Palmer and Ian Sales and Andy Sawyer and Andrew Seaman and Maureen Kincaid Speller and Brian Stableford and Jon Wallace (1954 -) and Gary Wilkinson [only as by Andrew Adams and Chris Amies and Graham Andrews and K. V. Bailey and Cherith Baldry and Elizabeth Billinger and Paul Billinger and Colin Bird and Lynne Bispham and Claire Brialey and Tanya Brown and Andrew M. Butler and Mat Coward and Gary Dalkin and Alan Fraser and Lesley Hatch and Chris Hill and Penny Hill and Edward James and Steve Jeffery and Paul Kincaid and David Langford and Vikki Lee and Farah Mendlesohn and Andy Mills and John Newsinger and John D. Owen and Steve Palmer and Ian Sales and Andy Sawyer and Andrew Seaman and Maureen Kincaid Speller and Brian Stableford and Jon Wallace (1954 -) and Gary Wilkinson]
- Letter (Vector 204) (1999)
- Books of the Year - 2001 (2002) with K. V. Bailey and Cherith Baldry and Elizabeth A. Billinger and Paul N. Billinger and Colin Bird and Lynne Bispham and Claire Brialey and Tanya Brown and Stuart Carter and Gary S. Dalkin and Iain Emsley and Alan Fraser and Mark Greener and Lesley Hatch and Chris Hill and Steve Jeffery and Paul Kincaid and David Langford and Mitch Le Blanc and Vikki Lee and Farah Mendlesohn and John Newsinger and Colin Odell and Andy Sawyer and Andrew Seaman and Maureen Kincaid Speller and Kathy Taylor and Sue Thomason and Jon Wallace (1954 -) and Gary Wilkinson [only as by K. V. Bailey and Cherith Baldry and Elizabeth Billinger and Paul Billinger and Colin Bird and Lynne Bispham and Claire Brialey and Tanya Brown and Stuart Carter and Gary Dalkin and Iain Emsley and Alan Fraser and Mark Greener and Lesley Hatch and Chris Hill and Penny Hill and Steve Jeffery and Paul Kincaid and Dave Langford and Mitch Le Blanc and Vikki Lee and Farah Mendlesohn and John Newsinger and Colin Odell and Andy Sawyer and Andrew Seaman and Maureen Kincaid Speller and Kathy Taylor and Sue Thomason and Jon Wallace (1954 -) and Gary Wilkinson]
- BSFA Reviewers Poll: 2003 (2004) with K. V. Bailey and Cherith Baldry and Paul Bateman and Elizabeth A. Billinger and Paul N. Billinger and Colin Bird and Lynne Bispham and Claire Brialey and Tanya Brown and Andrew M. Butler and Stuart Carter and Alan Fraser and Mark Greener and Niall Harrison and Lesley Hatch and Chris Hill and L. J. Hurst and Edward James and Ben Jeapes and Steve Jeffery and Carol Ann Kerry-Green and Jan A. Malique and Martin McGrath and Farah Mendlesohn and Simon Morden and John Newsinger and Martin Potts and Dave M. Roberts and Andy Sawyer and Andrew Seaman and Pamela Stuart and Sue Thomason and Gary Wilkinson and Peter Young [only as by K. V. Bailey and Cherith Baldry and Paul Bateman and Elizabeth A. Billinger and Paul N. Billinger and Colin Bird and Lynne Bispham and Claire Brialey and Tanya Brown and Andrew M. Butler and Stuart Carter and Alan Fraser and Carol Ann Kerry Green and Mark Greener and Niall Harrison and Lesley Hatch and Chris Hill and Penny Hill and L. J. Hurst and Edward James and Ben Jeapes and Steve Jeffery and Jan A. Malique and Martin McGrath and Farah Mendlesohn and Simon Morden and John Newsinger and Martin Potts and Dave M. Roberts and Andy Sawyer and Andrew Seaman and Pamela Stuart and Sue Thomason and Gary Wilkinson and Peter Young]
- Unseen University (2004)
- Books of the Year: 2004 (2005)
- 1995: Fools - Pat Cadigan: Identity and Imagery in Fools (2006)
- Reviewer's Poll: Best Books of 2007 (2008) with James Bacon and Paul Bateman and Liz Batty and Lynne Bispham and Claire Brialey and Tanya Brown and Stuart Carter and Nicola Clarke and Gary S. Dalkin and Chris Hill and Tom Hunter and L. J. Hurst and Steve Jeffery and Tony Keen and Paul Kincaid and Martin McGrath and Kev McVeigh and John Newsinger and Martin Potts and Paul Raven and Dave M. Roberts and Kari Sperring and Sue Thomason [only as by James Bacon and Paul Bateman and Liz Batty and Lynne Bispham and Claire Brialey and Tanya Brown and Stuart Carter and Nicola Clarke and Gary Dalkin and Chris Hill and Penny Hill and Tom Hunter and L. J. Hurst and Steve Jeffery and Tony Keen and Paul Kincaid and Martin McGrath and Kev McVeigh and John Newsinger and Martin Potts and Paul Raven and Dave M. Roberts and Kari Sperring and Sue Thomason]
- 2009 Vector Reviewers' Poll (2009) with Graham Andrews and Paul Bateman and Lynne Bispham and Tanya Brown and Nic Clarke and Mark Connorton and Gary S. Dalkin and Mark Harding and Niall Harrison and Steve Jeffery and Tony Keen and Paul Kincaid and Martin Lewis and Anthony Nanson and Martin Potts and Paul Graham Raven and Adam Roberts and Dave M. Roberts and Myfanwy Rodman and Kari Sperring and Jim Steel and Martyn Taylor and Sandra Unerman and Anne F. Wilson [only as by Graham Andrews and Paul Bateman and Lynne Bispham and Tanya Brown and Nic Clarke and Mark Connorton and Gary Dalkin and Mark Harding and Niall Harrison and Penny Hill and Steve Jeffery and Tony Keen and Paul Kincaid and Martin Lewis and Anthony Nanson and Martin Potts and Paul Graham Raven and Adam Roberts and Dave M. Roberts and Myfanwy Rodman and Kari Sperring and Jim Steel and Martyn Taylor and Sandra Unerman and Anne F. Wilson]
- 2010 Vector Reviewers' Poll (2010) with Graham Andrews and Paul Bateman and Lynne Bispham and Tanya Brown and Mark Connorton and Jaine Fenn and Simon Guerrier and Mark Harding and Niall Harrison and Tony Keen and Paul Kincaid and Anthony Nanson and George Newberry and Martin Potts and Myfanwy Rodman and Andy Sawyer and Donna Scott and Kari Sperring and Martyn Taylor
- Letter (Banana Wings 46) (2011)
- Scent of Magic (1999) by Andre Norton
- The Death Trilogy (1999) by Terry Pratchett
- The Bard of Castaguard: Volume Two of the Book of Ond (1999) by Jane Welch
- ELV 2: Time's Square (1999) by Nick Nielsen
- The Web: Avatar (1999) by Pat Cadigan
- The Web: Walkabout (1999) by Eric Brown
- Obernetwyn (1999) by Isobelle Carmody
- The Web 2027 (1999) by Stephen Bowkett and Stephen Baxter and Eric Brown and Graham Joyce and Peter F. Hamilton and Maggie Furey (co-reviewed with Andy Mills)
- Return to the Fractured Planet (1999) by Dave Stone
- Beyond the Deepwoods (2000) by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell
- Stormchaser (2000) by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell
- The Web 2028 (2000) by Stephen Baxter and Ken MacLeod and James Lovegrove and Maggie Furey and Pat Cadigan and Eric Brown
- Dreamcatcher (2000) by Stephen Bowkett
- Shadowsong (2000) by Jenny Jones
- Sir Stalwart: Book One of the King's Daggers (2000) by Dave Duncan
- The Farseekers: Book Two of the Obernewtyn Chronicles (2000) by Isobelle Carmody
- Long After Midnight (2000) by Ray Bradbury
- Don't Open Your Eyes (2000) by Ann Halam
- Dervish is Digital (2001) by Pat Cadigan
- Ice Tower (2001) by Christopher Evans
- Mindplayers (2001) by Pat Cadigan
- Spiritfeather (2001) by Colin Greenland
- The Ark (2001) by Ben Jeapes
- The Nameless Day (2001) by Sara Douglass
- Ashling: Book Three of the Obernewtyn Chronicles (2001) by Isobelle Carmody
- Ice: The Wintering, Book One (2001) by Stephen Bowkett
- Leopard in Exile: Carolus Rex Book II (2001) by Rosemary Edghill and Andre Norton
- The Ghost Sister (2001) by Liz Williams
- Bad Dream (2002) by John Christopher
- Bad Timing and Other Stories (2002) by Molly Brown
- The Well of the Unicorn (2002) by Fletcher Pratt
- The Gates to Witch World (2002) by Andre Norton
- Empire of Bones (2002) by Liz Williams
- Sabriel (2002) by Garth Nix
- Mindworlds (2002) by Phyllis Gotlieb
- Witch's Honour (2002) by Jan Siegel
- Regina's Song (2002) by David Eddings and Leigh Eddings
- The Glass Mountain (2003) by Jessica Rydill
- Piggies (2003) by Nick Gifford
- The Crippled Angel (2003) by Sara Douglass
- The Poison Master (2003) by Liz Williams
- Flowercrash (2003) by Stephen Palmer
- Skyfall (2004) by Catherine Asaro
- Gunpowder Empire (2004) by Harry Turtledove
- Cast a Bright Shadow (2004) by Tanith Lee
- Changeover (2004) by Diana Wynne Jones
- The Saint of Dragons (2004) by Jason Hightman
- Banner of Souls (2005) by Liz Williams
- Alosha (2005) by Christopher Pike
- Curious Notions (2005) by Harry Turtledove
- Clabbernappers (2005) by Len Bailey
- Here in Cold Hell (2005) by Tanith Lee
- The Last Light of the Sun (2005) by Guy Gavriel Kay
- Talyn (2006) by Holly Lisle
- Orphans of Chaos (2006) by John C. Wright
- Darkland (2006) by Liz Williams
- The Fledging of Az Gabrielson (2007) by Jay Amory
- Bloodmind (2007) by Liz Williams
- Snake Agent (2007) by Liz Williams
- New Moon (2007) by Stephenie Meyer
- Twilight (2007) by Stephenie Meyer
- Pirates of the Relentless Desert: The Clouded World, Book Two (2008) by Jay Amory
- The Domino Men (2008) by Jonathan Barnes
- The Steel Remains (2008) by Richard Morgan
- Winterstrike (2008) by Liz Williams
- All the Windwracked Stars (2009) by Elizabeth Bear
- Enclave (2009) by Kit Reed
- Irons in the Fire (2009) by Juliet E. McKenna
- The Two Pearls of Wisdom (2009) by Alison Goodman
- Blood in the Water (2010) by Juliet McKenna
- Chalcot Crescent (2010) by Fay Weldon
- Indigo Springs (2010) by A. M. Dellamonica
- Soulless (2010) by Gail Carriger
- Crash Day (2012) by Jack Mangan
- The Legend of False Dreaming (2012) by Toiya Kristen Finley
- The Day of the Triffids (2014) by John Wyndham