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Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Fiction Series
- Delos
- 2 Futureworld (1976) [only as by John Ryder Hall]
- Goonies
- Cavern of Horror (1985)
- Marvel metaverse
- Doctor Strange
- Nightmare (1979)
- Iron Man
- And Call My Killer... Modok! (1979)
- Doctor Strange
- Mr. Merlin
- 1 Mr. Merlin: Episode 1 (1981)
- 2 Mr. Merlin: Episode 2 (1981)
- Planet of the Apes
- Return to the Planet of the Apes
- 1 Visions from Nowhere (1976) [only as by William Arrow]
- 3 Man, the Hunted Animal (1976) [only as by William Arrow]
- Planet of the Apes Omnibus: Volume 4 (2018) [O/1-3] with Donald J. Pfeil [only as by William Arrow]
- Return to the Planet of the Apes
- Star Trek Universe
- Star Trek II: Biographies (1982) [C]
- Star Trek II: Distress Call! (1982)
- Star Trek II: Short Stories (1982) [C]
- Star Trek III: Short Stories (1984) [C]
Star Trek III: The Vulcan Treasure (1984)
Wendy Barish
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Vulcan Treasure (1986) [as by William Rotsler]
- Tom Swift
- 3 Tom Swift [2]
- 1 The City in the Stars (1981) with Sharman DiVono [only as by Victor Appleton]
- 2 Terror on the Moons of Jupiter (1981) with Sharman DiVono [only as by Victor Appleton]
- 3 The Alien Probe (1981) with Sharman DiVono [only as by Victor Appleton]
- 4 The War in Outer Space (1981) with Sharman DiVono [only as by Victor Appleton]
- 5 The Astral Fortress (1982) with Sharman DiVono [only as by Victor Appleton]
- 6 The Rescue Mission (1981) with Sharman DiVono [only as by Victor Appleton]
- 3 Tom Swift [2]
- Zandra
Zandra (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Zandra [Italian] (1980)
- Translation: Les prisonniers de Zandra [French] (1980)
- The Far Frontier (1980)
- The Hidden Worlds of Zandra (1983)
Zandra (1978)
also appeared as:
Patron of the Arts (1974)
also appeared as:
Translation: Maître des arts?Maitre des arts[French] (1975)
Translation: Ein Patron der Künste?Ein Patron der Kuenste[German] (1977)
- Translation: Il patrono delle arti [Italian] (1977)
To the Land of the Electric Angel (1976)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ins Land des elektrischen Engels [German] (1979)
- Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger (1977) [only as by John Ryder Hall]
Shiva Descending (1980)
Gregory Benford
also appeared as:
- Translation: Schiwas feuriger Atem [German] (1982)
- Translation: Shiva le destructeur [French] (1983) [as by G. Benford and W. Rotsler]
- Serializations:
- Translation: Tra dieci mesi la fine del mondo (Part 1 of 2) [Italian] (1981)
- Translation: Tra dieci mesi la fine del mondo (Part 2 of 2) [Italian] (1981)
- Blackhawk (1982)
- The Fannish Worry Book
- The Fannish Worry Book (21st Century Edition) (2006) with Arnie Katz [only as by Arnie Katz and Bill Rotsler]
- The Kong Papers
- The Kong Papers (1969) with Harlan Ellison
- Science Fictionisms (1995)
- Elfquest
- Blood of Ten Chiefs
- The Long Hunt (1993) with Len Wein
- Blood of Ten Chiefs
The Kong Papers (1969)
Harlan Ellison
also appeared as:
- Translation: Histoires de Kong [French] (1980)
Ship Me Tomorrow (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Livrez-la moi demain [French] (1974)
- Epic (1971)
Bohassian Learns (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Bohassia Impara [Italian] (1980)
After the End and Before the Beginning (1971)
also appeared as:
Translation: Après la fin et avant le comencement?Apres la fin et avant le comencement[French] (1972) [as by William Rostler]
- Patron of the Arts (1972) also appeared as:
- Star Level (1972)
- There's a Special Kind Needed out There (1972)
- Seed (1973)
- Gerald Fitzgerald and the Time Machine (1973) with Charles Burbee [only as by Charles E. Burbee and William Rotsler]
- The Gods of Zar (1973)
War of the Magicians (1973)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La guerre des magiciens [French] (1981)
- A'la Mode Knights (1973)
- The Immortality of Lazarus (1973)
- A New Life (1974)
- The Raven and the Hawk (1974)
- 2002: A Spaced Lunacy (1974)
- Balance Point (1974)
- The Conversation (1974)
- Surprise Party (1975)
- I'm Not Sure I Want to Go to the Future (1975)
- Landing Party (1975)
- To Gain a Dream (1975)
Parental Guidance Suggested (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'ombre du père [French] (1980)
- Translation: Väterliche Führung gesucht [German] (1982)
- Translation: Vietato ai minori non accompagnati [Italian] (1992)
- Intelligence Test (1982)
- The Blaze of Glory (1982)
- The Secret Empire (1982)
- To Wherever (1982)
- Under Twin Moons (1982)
- Wild Card (1982)
- A Vulcan, a Klingon, and an Angel (1984)
- As Old As Forever (1984)
- The Azphari Enigma (1984)
- The Jungles of Memory (1984)
- World's End (1984)
- Which Came First? (1995)
- A New Life (1998)
- I Think Stf Heroes Are Queer (1950)
- Psychotic, January 1968 (1968) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
Psychotic, July 1968 (1968)
Al Andrews
John D. Berry
Vaughn Bodé?Vaughn Bodeand John Godwin and Doug Lowenstein and Ray Nelson and Steve Stiles [only as by Al Andrews and John D. Berry andVaughn Bodé?Vaughn Bodeand John Godwin and Doug Lowenstein and Ray Nelson and Bill Rotsler and Steve Stiles]
- Letter (Locus #61) (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Letter (Science Fiction Review, October 1970) (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- The Art of Tim Kirk (1973)
- Letter (The Alien Critic #6) (1973) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- The Art of George Barr (1973)
- Letter (The Alien Critic #10) (1974) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- How To: Names and Language in SF (1975)
- On Novelizations of Film Scripts (1977)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #22) (1977)
- Bakshi's Lord of the Rings (1978)
- Judging Art Shows (1978) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Lord of the Rings: A Review (1978)
- The Art Book Explosion (1978) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- On Serendipity (1979)
- Alien Ascendant (1979)
- Letter (Locus #223) (1979)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #32) (1979) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Art Books: 1979 (1980)
- Letter (Locus #231) (1980) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Letter (Asimov's, June 1980) (1980)
- Another View (Noreascon II Artshow) (1980)
- Another View (Noreascon II Masquerade) (1980)
- Foreword (Kirk's Works: An Index of the Art of Tim Kirk) (1980)
- The 1980 Art Book Scene (1981)
- 8th Annual SF Film Awards (1981)
- Letter (Locus #268) (1983)
- What Will Life Be Like in Year 3000?: William Rotsler (1983)
- 1984: A Great Year for Science Fiction (Recommended Reading) (1985)
- Hubbard New Writers' Bash (1985)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #57) (1985) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #60) (1986)
- "Star Tours" Opens at Disneyland (1987)
- Terry Carr: In Memoriam (1987)
- A Party for Olaf Stapledon (1987)
- Letter #2 (Locus #327) (1988)
- Letter (Locus #327) (1988)
- More Than You Ever Wanted to Know About Star Trek Books, or What Uhura's First Name Really Is (1988)
- Letter (Locus #381) (1992)
- Letter (Locus #412) (1995)
- Charles Burbee: An Appreciation (1996)
- Letter (Locus #438) (1997)
- Letter (Locus #440) (1997)
- The Acolyte, #14, Spring 1946 (1946)
Neophyte, January 1948 (1948)
only appeared as:
- Interior Art: Neophyte, January 1948 (cover) (1948) [as by Bill Rotsler]
- The National Fantasy Fan, April 1948 (1948) [only as by Rotsler]
- The National Fantasy Fan, August 1948 (1948) [only as by Rotsler]
- Abstract, July 1954 (1954)
- Abstract, August 1954 (1954)
Grue, May 1956 (1956)
only appeared as:
- Interior Art: Grue, May 1956 (cover) (1956) [as by ATom and Bill Rotsler]
- The SAPS Index (1959)
Psychotic, December 1967 (1967)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Psychotic, December 1967 (1967) [as by Bill Rotsler]
- Interior Art: Psychotic, December 1967 (cover) (1967) [as by Bill Rotsler]
- Psychotic, March 1968 (1968) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- The Kong Papers (1969)
- Locus, #19 January 30, 1969 (1969) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Locus, #23 March 16, 1969 (1969) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Locus, #56 June 16, 1970 (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- SF Commentary, #13 (1970)
- Locus, #68 November 23, 1970 (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- SF Commentary, #18 (1970)
- Locus, #72 January 19, 1971 (1971) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Locus, #121 September 8, 1972 (1972) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Locus, #159 May 11, 1974 (1974) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Locus, #189 May 30, 1976 (1976) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Bobolings, February 1977 (1977) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- File 770, September 16, 1978 (1978)
- SF Published in 1977 (1979) with Derek Carter [only as by Derek Carter and Rotsler]
- The SFWA Atrium, March 1983 (1983)
Fandom is a Way of Death (1984)
Linda Miller
only appeared as:
- Variant: Fandom Is a Way of Death (1984) [as by Linda Miller and Bill Rotsler]
- Banana Wings, #44 (2010)
- Grandfather Read Fantasy, Too (1949)
Bradbury Fit De Battle (1950)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Masque, #7 (2018) [as by Bill Rotsler]
- Masque, #7 (cover) (1950)
- The "Future" of Science-Fiction (1951)
- Science Fiction Newsletter, March 1952 (1952) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Ghuvna, #2, August 1952 (1952) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: Untitled (1953)
- Spaceman (1953)
- Psychotic, May-June-July 1955 (1955) with ATom and Larry Bourne and Jim Bradley and Dean A. Grennell and Plato Jones and Robert Kellogg and Ralph Rayburn Phillips and Ted Rasmussen and Dave Rike [only as by Larry Bourne and Jim Bradley and Dean A. Grennell and Plato Jones and Bob Kellogg and Ralph Rayburn Phillips and Ted Rasmussen and Dave Rike and William Rotsler and Arthur Thompson]
- "by" Lee Hoffman (1956) [only as by Rotsler]
- Grue #27 (1956) [only as by Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "I HAVE NO MOUTH AND I MUST SCREAM." (1961) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Beermutterings (Vorpal Glass, June 1961) (1961)
- Beermutterings (Vorpal Glass, June 1961) [2] (1961)
- Beermutterings (Vorpal Glass, June 1961) [3] (1961)
- Beermutterings (Vorpal Glass, June 1961) [4] (1961)
- Beermutterings (Vorpal Glass, June 1961) [5] (1961)
- Beermutterings (Vorpal Glass, June 1961) [6] (1961)
- The Great Conversation (Vorpal Glass, June 1961) (1961)
- The Great Conversation (Vorpal Glass, June 1961) [2] (1961)
- The Great Conversation (Vorpal Glass, June 1961) [3] (1961)
- The Great Conversation (Vorpal Glass, June 1961) [4] (1961)
- The Great Conversation (Vorpal Glass, June 1961) [5] (1961)
- The Great Conversation (Vorpal Glass, June 1961) [6] (1961)
- The Great Conversation (Vorpal Glass, June 1961) [7] (1961)
- The Great Conversation (Vorpal Glass, September 1961) [2] (1961)
- The Wondrous Adventures of Grady Goodmonster or My Vacation (1965) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- How Harlan Ellison Came to Be So Honored by the Lords (Etc.) of Fandom... (1967)
- Trumpet #5 (1967) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Psychotic, November 1967 (1967) with Robert Kellogg and Peters [only as by Kellogg and Peters and Rotsler]
- Psychotic, December 1967 (1967) with Peters [only as by Peters and Rotsler]
- Psychotic, January 1968 (1968) with Jack Gaughan [only as by Jack Gaughan and Bill Rotsler]
- Psychotic, March 1968 (1968) with John D. Berry and Dick Flinchbaugh and Jack Gaughan and Ray Nelson and Carol Peters and Andrew Porter and Steve Stiles and Bjo Trimble [only as by John D. Berry and Bjo and Richard Flinchbaugh and Jack Gaughan and Ray Nelson and Carol Peters and Andy Porter and Bill Rotsler and Steve Stiles]
- A Walk Through Infinity: Reviews (Books) (1968)
- A Walk Through Infinity: Reviews (Fanzines) (1968)
- A Walk Through Infinity: Reviews (Prozines) (1968)
- Psychotic, May 1968 (1968) with John D. Berry and Jack Gaughan and Ray Nelson and Mike Symes and Stan Taylor [only as by John D. Berry and Jack Gaughan and Ray Nelson and Bill Rotsler and Mike Symes and Stan Taylor]
- Amra V2n49, August 1968 (1968) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
Psychotic, September 1968 (1968)
Al Andrews
Richard Bergeron
John D. Berry
Vaughn Bodé?Vaughn Bodeand Ross Chamberlain and Jack Gaughan and Bob Kellog and Doug Lowenstein and Ray Nelson and Steve Stiles and Mike Symes [only as by Al Andrews and Richard Bergeron and John D. Berry andVaughn Bodé?Vaughn Bodeand Ross Chamberlain and Jack Gaughan and Bob Kellog and Doug Lowenstein and Ray Nelson and Bill Rotsler and Steve Stiles and Mike Symes]
- The Psychotic InMate #3 (1968) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, November 1968 (1968) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, November 1968 [2] (1968) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, November 1968 [3] (1968) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, November 1968 [4] (1968) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, November 1968 [5] (1968) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, November 1968 [6] (1968) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, November 1968 [7] (1968) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, November 1968 [8] (1968) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Editorial and Other Petentions (Trumpet #10) (1969)
- The Kong Papers (1969) with Harlan Ellison
- The Kong Papers (1969)
- The Pornographic Soapbox (1969)
- Trumpet #10 (1969)
- Trumpet #10 [2] (1969)
- Trumpet #9 (1969)
- Trumpet #9 [2] (1969)
- Science Fiction Review, January 1969 (1969) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, January 1969 (1969) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, January 1969 (1969) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, January 1969 (1969) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, January 1969 (1969) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, January 1969 (1969) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, January 1969 (1969) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, January 1969 (1969) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, January 1969 (1969) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, January 1969 (1969) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, April 1969 (1969) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, April 1969 [2] (1969) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, April 1969 [3] (1969) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, April 1969 [4] (1969) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, April 1969 [5] (1969) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, June 1969 (1969) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Rotsler!! A Folio (1969)
- Science Fiction Review, August 1969 (1969) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, August 1969 [2] (1969) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, August 1969 [3] (1969) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, August 1969 [4] (1969) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, August 1969 [5] (1969) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, October 1969 (1969) with John D. Berry and Ross Chamberlain and Stephen Fabian and Dick Flinchbaugh and Jack Gaughan and Michael Gilbert and Doug Lovenstein and James Shull and Bob Smith (II) [only as by John D. Berry and Ross Chamberlain and Steve Fabian and Richard Flinchbaugh and Jack Gaughan and Mike Gilbert and Doug Lovenstein and Bill Rotsler and Jim Shull and Bob Smith (II)]
- Science Fiction Review, December 1969 (1969) with ATom and George Foster, Jr. and Jack Gaughan and Michael Gilbert and Cynthia Goldstone and Jay Kinney and Tim Kirk and Dave Lovenstein and James Shull and Bernie Zuber [only as by George Foster and Jack Gaughan and Mike Gilbert and Cynthia Goldstone and Jay Kinney and Tim Kirk and Dave Lovenstein and Bill Rotsler and Jim Shull and Arthur Thompson and Bernard Zuber]
- Locus #45 (1969) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Locus #45 [2] (1969) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Granfalloon #8 (1970)
- Cartoon: "A noble nose is a satisfying thing" (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "A vote for Rotsler is a vote?" (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: no caption (SF Commentary 9) (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, February 1970 (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, February 1970 [2] (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, February 1970 [3] (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, February 1970 [4] (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, February 1970 [5] (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, February 1970 [6] (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, February 1970 [7] (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, February 1970 [8] (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Book Reviews (Science Fiction Review, April 1970) (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Book Reviews (Science Fiction Review, April 1970) (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Book Reviews (Science Fiction Review, April 1970) (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Book Reviews (Science Fiction Reviews, April 1970) (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Book Reviews (Science Fiction Reviews, April 1970) [2] (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Off the Deep End (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Remember—You Are as Sane as I (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, April 1970 (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Someday...someday I'm going to pull out my staples and just take off (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Story at Bay (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Who Am I? (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- You're at Fault (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Over the Edge: Stories from Somewhere Else (frontispiece) (1970)
- Galaxy Stars (Galaxy, June 1970) (1970)
- Science Fiction Review, June 1970 (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, June 1970 [2] (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, June 1970 [3] (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, June 1970 [4] (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, June 1970 [5] (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, August 1970 (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, August 1970 [2] (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, August 1970 [3] (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, August 1970 [4] (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, August 1970 [5] (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, August 1970 [6] (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, August 1970 [7] (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "Grr! Grr! GRR!" (1970)
- Science Fiction Review, October 1970 (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, October 1970 [2] (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, October 1970 [3] (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, October 1970 [4] (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, October 1970 [5] (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, October 1970 [6] (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, November 1970 (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, November 1970 [10] (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, November 1970 [2] (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, November 1970 [3] (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, November 1970 [4] (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, November 1970 [5] (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, November 1970 [6] (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, November 1970 [7] (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, November 1970 [8] (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, November 1970 [9] (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Locus #70 (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Locus #70 [2] (1970) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, January 1971 (1971) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, January 1971 [2] (1971) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, January 1971 [3] (1971) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, January 1971 [4] (1971) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, January 1971 [5] (1971) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, March 1971 (1971) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, March 1971 [2] (1971) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, March 1971 [3] (1971) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, March 1971 [4] (1971) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Science Fiction Review, March 1971 [5] (1971) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, July 1971 (1971)
- Auctions (1971)
- Hugo Nominations (Noreascon Program Book) (1971)
- Membership (Noreascon Program Book) (1971)
- Membership (Noreascon Program Book) [2] (1971)
- SFRA, Academe, and Science Fiction Criticism ... (1971)
- In Defense of Heroes (1971) with Dan Adkins and George Barr and James Cawthorn and Dave Cockrum and Ned Sonntag [only as by Dan Adkins and George Barr and Jim Cawthorn and Dave Cockrum and William Rotsler and Ned Sonntag]
- Locus #111 (1972) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Locus #112 (1972) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Locus #113 (1972) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Armoury in the Theatre (1972)
- Locus #114 (1972) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- SFWA Bulletin, July 1972 (1972)
- Vote for a Man Who Will Keep Us Out of Mars (1972) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- We Writers Must Unite! (1972) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Locus #125 (1972) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: no caption (The Year's Best Science Fiction No. 6) (1973)
- And Now! This Fanzine Shall Commence! (1973) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "I didn't know it was going to be like this!" (1973) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "I remember Deros and Xero and Sergeant Saturn; God I'm old!" (1973) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "They told me this was going to be a good fanzine!" (1973) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "Where did the time go?" (1973) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- The Alien Critic #5 (1973) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
untitled (1973)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Moebius Trip Library: Science Fiction Echo 17 (1973) [as by Bill Rotsler]
- Why I'm Rejoining You Shits (1973)
- Cartoon: "Prepare to meet thy maker!" (1973)
- Cartoon: "My lfe has not always been dull" (1973) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- A New Metaphor for the Future (1973)
- Some Thoughts on Trekkies (1974)
- Trumpet #11 (1974)
- Trumpet #11 (This fanzine is facing disaster. We are three pages from the end and there is no letter from Harry Warner) (1974)
- Trumpet #11 [2] (1974)
- Trumpet #11 [3] (1974)
- Why I Can't Write an Article Trashing Dealers (1974)
- Cartoon: "Well, it may work but it can't last ..." (1974)
- Balticon Guest of Honor Speech (1974)
- Cartoon (Vertex, April 1974) (1974)
- Cartoon (Vertex, June 1974) (1974)
- Con Wisdom (1974) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon (Vertex, August 1974) (1974)
- Fan Gues of Honor: Jay Kay Klein -- The Compleat Fan (1974)
- Roger Zelazny (1974)
- This Year's Nominees (1974)
- 2002: A Spaced Lunacy (1974)
- Cartoon: "Martha! We've been invaded!" (1974)
- Nickelodeon #1 (Grump. No staring allowed here ... ) (1975)
- Nickelodeon #1 (I was always liberated) (1975)
- Nickelodeon #1 (Now you look here! You can't just go on publishing a fanzine without a letter from Harry Warner!) (1975)
- Nickelodeon #1 (The Dream) (1975)
- Robots, Robots and Aliens (1975)
- The Social Role of S.F. (1975)
- The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, July 1975 (1975) with Jack Gaughan and Barry Schneider and Donald Simpson
- SFWA Bulletin, October 1975 (1975) with Jack Gaughan and Barry Schneider and Donald Simpson
- Nickelodeon #2 (1976)
- Nickelodeon #2 (This fanzine if the finest fanzine I have ever seen.) (1976)
- Persiflage (Nickelodeon #2) (1976)
- Algol, Winter 1976 (1976)
- If you've read one you've read them all (1976)
- Sounding Brass, Tinkling Cymbal (1976)
- The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, June 1976 (1976) with Greg Bear and Diane Duane and Jack Gaughan and Ruth Rigel and Barry Schneider
- The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, August 1976 (1976)
- The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, August 1976 [2] (1976)
- The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, August 1976 [3] (1976)
- Beyond This Horizon (1976) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "HAh!" (1976) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "MY GOD! I THOUGHT HE WAS DEAD!" (1976) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
fan•dom (fan´ dəm) n. a way of life?fandom (fandum) n. a way of life(1976) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- From Conciliabule to Congestion, with a Touch of Condescension (1976) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- I Remember Discon II (Confessions of a First-Timer) (1976) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Rejection Without Dejection: or What to Do When the Editor of Your Dreams Says No! (1976) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- The Hugos Nobody Knows (1976) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Will They Laugh When You Sit Down to Publish a Book? (1976) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "Huh!?! It's My Turn in the Barrel?" (1976)
- The Exorcists of IF (1976)
- The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, March 1977 (1977) with Bruce Berges and Barry Schneider
- Algol, Spring 1977 [6] (1977)
- The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Summer 1977 (1977) with Bruce Berges and Diane Duane and Barry Schneider and Andrew M. Stephenson
- Cartoon: "ANOTHER CON? SO SOON?" (1977)
- Robert A. Madle: The Quiet Fan (1977)
- Borealis, Summer 1978 (1978)
- Borealis, Summer 1978 [2] (1978)
- Borealis, Summer 1978 [3] (1978)
- The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Spring 1978 (1978) with Dave Archer and Diane Duane and Bob Naylor and Barry Schneider and A. L. Sirois [only as by Dave Archer and Diane Duane and Bob Naylor and William Rotsler and Barry Schneider and Al Sirois]
- Two Solitudes (Borealis, Summer 1978) (1978) with Derek Carter
- The Humble Atlas of Galaxies (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Winter 1978) (1978) [only as by Aloysius J. Humble]
- Cartoon: "My God! You Mean He Wrote an L. O. C.?" (1978) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Summer 1978 (1978) with Diane Duane and Bob Naylor and Barry Schneider and A. L. Sirois [only as by Diane Duane and Bob Naylor and William Rotsler and Barry Schneider and Al Sirois]
- The Humble Atlas of Galaxies (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Summer 1978) (1978) [only as by Aloysius J. Humble]
- The Money Writer (1978)
- Algol, Summer-Fall 1978 (1978)
- Janus, Summer/Autumn 1978 (1978) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- "Shall We Indulge in Rishathra?" (1978)
- Rotsler's World (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Fall 1979) (1979)
- Rotsler's World [2] (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Fall 1979) (1979)
- Rotsler's World [3] (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Fall 1979) (1979)
- Rotsler's World [4] (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Fall 1979) (1979)
- Rotsler's World [5] (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Fall 1979) (1979)
- SumerMorn, Spring 1979 (1979)
- The Humble Atlas of Galaxies (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Fall 1979) (1979) [only as by Aloysius J. Humble]
- The Humble Atlas of Galaxies [2] (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Fall 1979) (1979) [only as by Aloysius J. Humble]
- The Humble Atlas of Galaxies [3] (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Fall 1979) (1979) [only as by Aloysius J. Humble]
- The Humble Atlas of Galaxies [4] (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Fall 1979) (1979) [only as by Aloysius J. Humble]
- Starship, Winter 1979-1980 (1979) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
Fantasy Crossroads #15 [3] (1979)
Mark Evanier
only appeared as:
- Variant: Fantasy Crossroads, January 1979 [3] (1979) [as by Mark Evanier and Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "My Veiw of Australia" (1979)
- The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Spring 1979 (1979) with Michael Carroll and Diane Duane and Bob Naylor and Barry Schneider [only as by Michael W. Carroll and Diane Duane and Bob Naylor and William Rotsler and Barry Schneider]
- The Humble Atlas of Galaxies (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Spring 1979) (1979) [only as by Aloysius J. Humble]
- Starship, Spring 1979 (1979)
- Seacon '79 Membership (1979)
- Taff & Terry Hughes (1979)
- Starship, Fall 1979 (1979) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Starship, Summer 1980 (1980) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Beneath the Dream: SATURN: And Now, a Pause ... (1980)
- Five Aliens (1980)
- This Issue's Obligatory Editorial (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Winter 1980) (1980)
- Writing Goodly (1980) with Steve Perry
- Rotsler's World (1981)
- Starship, Spring 1981 (1981) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Spring 1981 (1981)
- The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Spring 1981 [2] (1981)
- The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Spring 1981 [3] (1981)
- The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Spring 1981 [4] (1981)
- The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Spring 1981 [5] (1981)
- The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Winter 1981 (1981)
- The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Winter 1981 [2] (1981)
- The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Winter 1981 [3] (1981)
- The Cleveland Codex (1981)
- The Musty, Dusty Language of Science (1981)
- The Proposed SFWA Model Royalty Statement: A Commentary (1981)
- Trumpet #12 (1981)
- Trumpet #12 (Who are you to tell me my writing stinks? I have my own sources!!!) (1981)
- Trumpet #12 [2] (1981)
- Palimpsest (1981)
- Chicon Masquerade Rules: Combined with Mother Joni's Helpful Hints to Costumers (1982)
- Hugo and Other Awards (Chicon IV Program Book) (1982)
- From Balloons (1983) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "'You'll never take me alive!' 'That does seem to be the agreement!'" (1983) with Alexis A. Gilliland [only as by Alexis Gilliland and William Rotsler]
- The SFWA Atrium, March 1983 (1983)
- Cartoon: "I'll bet he knows what the meaning of life is!" (1983) with Alexis A. Gilliland [only as by Alexis Gilliland and William Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "'Are you REAL?' 'You better believe it, honey chile!'" (1983) with Alexis A. Gilliland [only as by Alexis Gilliland and William Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "'Glad to see you.' 'Easy Boss'" (1983) with Alexis A. Gilliland [only as by Alexis Gilliland and William Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "I feel it is my duty to advise you that I am actively reviewing my options." (1983) with Alexis A. Gilliland [only as by Alexis Gilliland and William Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "Mr. Smith you have terminal dandruff unless ... unless ... you are somehow reproducing by spores. Would you like a second opinion?" (1983) with Alexis A. Gilliland [only as by Alexis Gilliland and William Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "You are busted to a hemi-semi-demigod. Get down there and invent agriculture!" (1983) with Alexis A. Gilliland [only as by Alexis Gilliland and William Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "Whatever happened to the arrow that pointed the way?" (1984) with Alexis A. Gilliland [only as by Alexis Gilliland and William Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "You mean I can make money doing this? (1984) with Alexis A. Gilliland [only as by Alexis Gilliland and William Rotsler]
Cartoon: "I like it!" (1984)
Alexis A. Gilliland
only appeared as:
- Variant: Cartoon: "I like it!" (1984) [as by Alexis Gilliland and William Rotsler]
- Variant: Cartoon: "I LIKE IT!" (2001) [as by Alexis Gilliland and Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: no caption (Totally Wired 1) (1984)
- Cartoon: no caption (Totally Wired 1) [2] (1984)
- Cartoon: no caption (Totally Wired 1) [3] (1984)
- Cartoon: "How do you keep all those arrows going?" (1984) with Alexis A. Gilliland [only as by Alexis Gilliland and William Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "Once more into the breach, good friend! (1984) with Alexis A. Gilliland [only as by Alexis Gilliland and William Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "A FAN NIGHT AT DISNEYLAND? WOW!" (1984) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "AH, THE VOX POPULAE" (1984) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "eh? IT'S WORLDCON TIME ALREADY?" (1984) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "HM ... THE REAL STUFF ... ?" (1984) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "HOW ABOUT A PANEL ON INARTICULATENESS?" (1984) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "If you're so zen, why don't your eyes slant?" (1984) with Alexis A. Gilliland [only as by Alexis Gilliland and William Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "Ygor, no more brains from California. Ok?" (1984) with Alexis A. Gilliland [only as by Alexis Gilliland and William Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "You entrepreneurs ought to listen to us economists!" (1984) with Alexis A. Gilliland [only as by Alexis Gilliland and William Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "No, no, stupid. You call my name, shazam, and the magic lightning turns you into a bigger stupid." (1985) with Alexis A. Gilliland [only as by Alexis Gilliland and William Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "My electronic grandfathers clock!" (1985) with Alexis A. Gilliland [only as by Alexis Gilliland and William Rotsler]
- The Naked Id #4 (1985)
- Cartoon: "'I'm the best there is.' 'Right. And if you want to stay that way, put the star back on my magic wand!'" (1985) with Alexis A. Gilliland [only as by Alexis Gilliland and William Rotsler]
- Aussiecon Two Convention Handbook (1985)
- Aussiecon Two Convention Handbook [2] (1985)
- Aussiecon Two Convention Handbook [3] (1985)
- Aussiecon Two Convention Handbook [4] (1985)
- Aussiecon Two Convention Handbook [5] (1985)
- Aussiecon Two Convention Handbook [6] (1985)
- Aussiecon Two Convention Handbook [7] (1985)
- Cartoon: "LIFE IS AS IT OUGHT TO BE" (1985)
- Aurora, #24 Summer 1985 (1985) with Mary Bohdanowicz and Cath Easthope and Steven Fox and Jeanne Gomoll [only as by Mary Bohdanowicz and Cath Easthope and Steven Fox and Jeanne Gomoll and Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "She loves me, she loves me not!" (1985) with Alexis A. Gilliland [only as by Alexis Gilliland and William Rotsler]
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #57) (1985)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #57) [2] (1985)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #57) [3] (1985)
- Other Voices (Science Fiction Review #57) (1985)
- Other Voices (Science Fiction Review #57) [2] (1985)
- Other Voices (Science Fiction Review #57) [3] (1985)
- The Vivisector (Science Fiction Review #57) (1985)
- You Got No Friends in This World (Science Fiction Review #57) (1985)
- The Naked Id #7 (1985)
- Cartoon: "According to the instructions, that is a pretty girl!" (1986) with Alexis A. Gilliland [only as by Alexis Gilliland and William Rotsler]
- The Naked Id #9 (1986)
- Cartoon: "'Inarticulate imbecile.' 'Glib cretin.'" (1986) with Alexis A. Gilliland [only as by Alexis Gilliland and William Rotsler]
- Autumn Breeze from the Future: The Artisty of Ray Bradbury (1986) [only as by Wm. Rotsler]
- Terry Carr (1986) [only as by Wm. Rotsler]
- Les littéranautes (Solaris, #69) [French] (1986) [only as by William Rostler]
- Sommaire (Solaris, #69) [French] (1986) [only as by William Rostler]
File 77 #62 (1986)
only appeared as:
- Variant: File 770, November 1986 (1986) [as by Bill Rotsler]
- Plot (1987)
- Controversy in Review #16, April 1987 (1987)
- C. J. Cherryh (1987)
- C. J. Cherryh [2] (1987)
- Incompleat Terry Carr (1988) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "Great Moments in Letter-Hacking #1" (1988)
- Cartoon: "Great Moments in Letter-Hacking #2" (1988)
- Cartoon: "Great Moments in Letter-Hacking #3" (1988)
- Cartoon: "Great Moments in Letter-Hacking #4" (1988)
- Cartoon: "Great Moments in Letter-Hacking #5" (1988)
- Cartoon: "Great Moments in Letter-Hacking #6" (1988)
- Cartoon: "Great Moments in Letter-Hacking #7" (1988)
- Cartoon: "Great Moments in Letter-Hacking #8" (1988)
- Cartoon: "Great Moments in Letter-Hacking #9" (1988)
- Repartee (1988) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Secret Thoughts (1988) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Constitution of the World Science Fiction Society, December 1987 (1988)
- Letters to SFR (Science Fiction Review, December 1991) (1991)
- The Geis Letter, April 1992 (1992)
- The Geis Letter, April 1992 [2] (1992)
- The Geis Letter, April 1992 [3] (1992)
- The Geis Letter, April 1992 [4] (1992)
- The Geis Letter, June 1992 (1992)
- 25 Years of Locus (1993)
- Look! A Frozen Frog (1994) with Alexis A. Gilliland [only as by Alexis Gilliland and Bill Rotsler]
- Over the Edge (1996)
- 1946 Retro-Hugo Award Nominees (1996)
- 1996 Hall of Fame Inductees (1996)
- Cartoon: "FANZINES - WHAT ARE THEY?" (1996)
- Committee List (L.A.con III: The 54th World Science Fiction Convention) (1996)
- The Films of Roger Corman, as Director (1996)
- White Bibliography (1996)
- White Bibliography [2] (1996)
- Cartoon: "NO, NO, I HAVE ENOUGH IDEAS!" (1997)
- First Fandom (1997)
- Michael Moorcock: Champion of the Eternal (1997)
- Ansible 124, November 1997 (1997) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Rotsler Gallery (1997)
- untitled (Twink #8, January 1998) (1998)
- The Geis Letter, March 1998 (1998) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- The Geis Letter, April 1998 (1998) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- The Geis Letter, April 1998 [2] (1998) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
Cartoon: Is That a "Ha-Ha" Cartoon or an "Interesting" Cartoon? (1999)
Alexis A. Gilliland
only appeared as:
- Variant: Cartoon: Is That A "Ha-Ha" Cartoon or an "Interesting" Cartoon? (1999) [as by Alexis Gilliland and William Rotsler]
- untitled (Twink, #12, January 1999) (1999)
- The Ether Still Vibrates (Trap Door, July 2000) (2000) with Steve Stiles
- Cartoon: "Put back that prop to my ego before you get hurt!" (2001) with Alexis A. Gilliland [only as by Alexis Gilliland and Bill Rotsler]
- Citizen of the Renaissance (2001) [only as by Bill Rostler]
- Fantastic Philadelphia: The Quaker City in Science Fiction & Fantasy (2001) [only as by Bill Rostler]
- Program Participants (The Millennium Philcon: The 59th World Science Fiction Convention and the 2001 Worldcon) (2001) [only as by Bill Rostler]
- Cartoon: no caption (Chunga 1) (2002)
- Cartoon: no caption [2] (Chunga 1) (2002)
- Cartoon: no caption [3] (Chunga 1) (2002)
- Cartoon: "YOUR LINE IS: 'I AM A REALLY JEALOUS GOD.'" (2002) with Alexis A. Gilliland
- Cartoon: "No! Not a letter from her!?" (2002)
- Cartoon: no caption (Chunga 2) (2002)
- Cartoon: no caption (Chunga 2) [2] (2002)
- Cartoon: "Get with the program, Smith!" (2003) with Alexis A. Gilliland [only as by Alexis Gilliland and William Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "He doesn't know what he's talking about ..." (2003) with Steve Stiles
- Cartoon: "Immortality is mine?" (2003) with Alexis A. Gilliland [only as by Alexis Gilliland and William Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "Wow, Bessie, I think I love you!" (2003) with Alexis A. Gilliland [only as by Alexis Gilliland and William Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "You mean once a year all you strange people get together" (2003) with Alexis A. Gilliland [only as by Alexis Gilliland and William Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "You scurvy bastard, he explained" (2003) with Alexis A. Gilliland [only as by Alexis Gilliland and William Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "Lust love" (2003)
- Cartoon: no caption (Chunga 5) (2003)
- Cartoon: "Oh! You're here at last! ... Ah yes, but I'm expecting to make a previous engagement" (2003) with Steve Stiles
- Cartoon: no caption (Chunga 7) (2004)
- Cartoon: no caption (Chunga 7) [2] (2004)
- Cartoon: "Just like clockwork" (2004) [also as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: no caption (Chunga 8) (2004)
- Cartoon: no caption (Chunga 8) [2] (2004)
- Business Passed on from Torcon 3 (2004)
- Business Passed on from Torcon 3 [2] (2004)
- Constitution of the World Science Fiction Society (Noreascon 4: The 62nd World Science Fiction Convention) (2004)
- Last and First Fen: ... a Thrilling Elizabethan Drama of the Starways ... in One Act (2004)
- Notes on the Long List of Worldcons (2004)
- Program Participant Biographies (2004)
- Program Participant Biographies [10] (2004)
- Program Participant Biographies [11] (2004)
- Program Participant Biographies [12] (2004)
- Program Participant Biographies [13] (2004)
- Program Participant Biographies [14] (2004)
- Program Participant Biographies [15] (2004)
- Program Participant Biographies [16] (2004)
- Program Participant Biographies [2] (2004)
- Program Participant Biographies [3] (2004)
- Program Participant Biographies [4] (2004)
- Program Participant Biographies [5] (2004)
- Program Participant Biographies [6] (2004)
- Program Participant Biographies [7] (2004)
- Program Participant Biographies [8] (2004)
- Program Participant Biographies [9] (2004)
- Standing Rules of the Governance of the World Science Fiction Society Business Meeting (Noreascon 4: The 62nd World Science Fiction Convention) (2004)
- Standing Rules of the Governance of the World Science Fiction Society Business Meeting (Noreascon 4: The 62nd World Science Fiction Convention) [2] (2004)
- Tales of Wonder and Porn (2004)
- The Imperial Screw Job (2004)
Cartoon: no caption (Ansible 209) (2004)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Ansible 209, December 2004 (2004) [as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "Down up" (2005) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Ansible 212, March 2005 (2005) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "Relic" (2005)
- Ansible 219, October 2005 (2005) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "?" (2005) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: no caption (Dancing and Joking) (2005) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Ansible 221, December 2005 (2005) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "Love was seen in the neighborhood ... I've got to watch it" (2006) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "Me!?" (2006) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "Uh-oh ..." (2006) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "Woe" (2006) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "Money?" (2006) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "Fandom / Real Life" (2006) [also as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "Neophans" (2006) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "No fanzine can officially be called a "fanzine" without a Rotsler illo ..." (2006) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "There's a Worldcon coming ..." (2006) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "Wow! Are you really from First Fandom" (2006) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "Writer's Block" (2006) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: no caption (The Fannish Worry Book) (2006) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: no caption (The Fannish Worry Book) [2] (2006) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: no caption (The Fannish Worry Book) [3] (2006) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: no caption (The Fannish Worry Book) [4] (2006) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- 2006 Hugo Awards and John W. Campbell Nomination List (2006) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Alien Coins (2006) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Alien Money (2006) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: Round Up the Usual Suspects! (2006) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Constitution of the World Science Fiction Society, August 2005 (2006) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- In His Own Words (2006) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Proposed Agenda for L.A. con IV: Including Business Passed on from Interaction (2006) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Space Academy Faculty (2006) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Space Academy Faculty [2] (2006) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Space Academy Faculty [3] (2006) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Space Academy Faculty [4] (2006) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Standing Rules for the Governance of the World Science Fiction Society Business Meeting (Space Cadets Handbook) (2006) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- The Long List of World Science Fiction Conventions (Space Cadets Handbook) (2006) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Vessel (2006) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "This must be the spot" (2006) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Ansible 231, October 2006 (2006) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- FOSFAX, #213 December 2006 (2006)
- Cartoon: "There is no reality - only our perceptions" (2007) with Steve Stiles
- Cartoon: "What? I'm not real?" (2007) with Steve Stiles
- Cartoon: no caption (Littlebrook 6) (2007)
- Ansible 235, February 2007 (2007) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Ansible 237, April 2007 (2007) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Ansible 238, May 2007 (2007) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "Uh- oh- a mini cartoon!" (2007) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Ansible 241, August 2007 (2007) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Calvin in Hot Shit (2008)
- Cartoon: no caption (Banana Wings 36) (2008)
- Cartoon: no caption [2] (Banana Wings 36) (2008)
- Art (2009)
- Origins: The UBC SFFEN Part Four (2009)
- Origins: The UBC SFFEN Part Four [2] (2009)
- Retro Film Review: Just Imagine (1930) (2009)
- Retro Film Review: Just Imagine (1930) [2] (2009)
- Retro Film Review: Just Imagine (1930) [3] (2009)
- The Hidden History of Vcon 4: Part Three (2009)
- Cartoon: no caption (Journey Planet 4) (2009)
- Cartoon: Fandom Uber Alles! (2009)
- Cartoon: no caption (Anticipation: The 67th World Science Fiction Convention) (2009)
- Who Killed Science Fiction?: Compleat & Unexpurgated (2011)
- Hugo Award Winners Since 1953 (Renovation: The 69th World Science Fiction Convention) (2011)
- Hugo Award Winners Since 1953 (Renovation: The 69th World Science Fiction Convention) [2] (2011)
- Retro Hugo Awards (Renovation: The 69th World Science Fiction Convention) (2011)
- Cartoon: no caption (Banana Wings 48) (2011) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: no caption (Chunga 18) (2011)
- Cartoon: no caption [2] (Chunga 18) (2011)
- Cartoon: no caption (Chunga 19) (2012)
- Chicon Through the Years: Previous Guests 1940 - 2000 (2012)
- Jane Frank: Wow! (2012)
- The Calling (2012)
- The Long List of World Science Fiction Conventions (The 70th World Science Fiction Convention: Chicon 7) (2012)
- Cartoon: "Memories" (2012) [also as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: no caption (Chunga 20) (2012)
- Cartoon: no caption [3] (Chunga 20) (2012)
- Escape from Lemuria (2012)
- Cartoon: no caption (Flag 1) (2013) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: no caption (Flag 4) (2013)
- Cartoon: "AW LOC'S!" (2013)
- Cartoon: "Google it" (2013)
- Cartoon: no caption (2013)
- Cartoon: "Explain that!" (2013) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: no caption (Flag 7) (2013) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: no caption [2] (Flag 7) (2013) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- I, Curiosity (2013)
- Program Participants (LoneStarCon3: The 71st World Science Fiction Convention) (2013)
- Cartoon: "What? What? Huh?" (2013) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "I have all the answers but I lost the questions" (2013) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: no caption (Flag 10) (2013) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "I Do Not Fear Death!" (2013)
- Cartoon: "Dr. Freud's Purgeville" (2014) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "Mark my words" (2014) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: no caption (Flag 14) (2014) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon "Polite conversation" (2014) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: no caption (Flag 15) (2014) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "Grrr Grr Grr" (2014) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- The Fanivore (File 770, December 2014) (2014) [only as by Bill Rotseler]
- Cartoon: no caption (Banana Wings 58) (2015) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- At the Wall (2015)
- Cartoon: "At the center stone" (2015)
- Cartoon: "Clump! Splud!" (2015) with Alexis A. Gilliland [only as by Alexis Gilliland and Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "THAT IS NOT THE SCIENTIFIC WAY!" (2016) with Alexis A. Gilliland
- Cartoon: "Fandom is the measles of the mundane world" (2016) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "I gotta kick fandom, I gotta!" (2016) with Alexis A. Gilliland [only as by Alexis Gilliland and Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "Me" (2016) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Bud Webster (2016) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- On the Saturn Run: An Interview with Ctein About His New (and first fiction) Book with John Sandford (2016) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "ART IS COMPULSION" (2016)
- Cartoon: "GAD, sir!" (2016)
- Cartoon: "HI, THERE, I'M YOUR NEMESIS..." (2016)
- Cartoon: "I'VE BROUGHT IT BACK" (2016)
- Cartoon: "Poop" (2016)
- Cartoon: "THE BEGINNING IS ART" (2016)
- Cartoon: "WHO AR YOU TO TELL ME MY WRITING STINKS??? I have my own sources!!!" (2016)
- Cartoon: "WHY AM I HAPPY?" (2016)
- Cartoon: no caption (The MidAmeriCon II Souvenir Book) (2016)
- Cartoon: no caption (The MidAmeriCon II Souvenir Book) [2] (2016)
- Cartoon: no caption (Banana Wings 64) (2016) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: no caption (Banana Wings 64) [2] (2016) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: ""Fandom!" (2016)
- Cartoon: "Hugo for Best Everything" (2016)
- Cartoon: no caption (Trap Door 33 [2]) (2016)
- Cartoon: no caption (Trap Door 33) (2016)
- Cartoon: no caption (Trap Door 33) [3] (2016)
- Cartoon: "Whee!" (2016) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "I knew I could do it" (2017) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "A minor inconsistency in the genetic structure ... nothing to get excited about" (2017) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "Open for business as usual" (2017) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: no caption (Flag 20) (2017) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: no caption (Flag 20) [2] (2017) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "It cannot be but it is" (2018)
- Cartoon: "Jovian station" (2018)
- Cartoon: "The university" (2018)
- Cartoon: no caption (Trap Door 34) (2018)
- Cartoon: no caption (Trap Door 34) [2] (2018)
- Cartoon: no caption (Trap Door 34) [3] (2018)
- Dublin 2019: An Irish Worldcon (Art Credits) (2019)
- Membership List (as of 2 August, 2019) (2019)
- Membership List (as of 2 August, 2019) [2] (2019)
- Cartoon: no caption (Banana Wings 75) (2019) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "A far place" (2021) [only as by Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "Another do-it-yourself Rotsler cartoon" (2021) [only as by Rotsler]
- Cartoon: "There's fate and there's fate" (2021) [only as by Rotsler]
- Cartoon: no caption (2022)
- Cartoon: no caption [2] (2022)
- Cartoon: no caption [3] (2022)
- Notes from the Jolly Green Jungle (2023) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Cartoon: 'Another Letter?' (2023)
- Cartoon: 'Chastity' (2023)
- Cartoon: 'Eeek! LOCS a go-go!' (2023)
- Cartoon: 'Fandom is the true path to self-fulfillment, ecstasy, wealth, power and sexual triumph' (2023)
- Cartoon: 'He likes the last issue ...' (2023)
- Cartoon: 'Hm – do LOCS have wires and a clock?' (2023)
- Cartoon: 'I'm in a revived fanzine?' (2023)
- Cartoon: 'Idea' (2023)
- Cartoon: 'LOC' (2023)
- Cartoon: 'LOC's' (2023)
- Cartoon: 'LOCs and no two alike!' (2023)
- Cartoon: 'LOCS!' (2023)
- Cartoon: 'LOCS' (2023)
- Cartoon: 'Look! A LOC from one of fandom's icons!' (2023)
- Cartoon: 'Oh, golly, golly – a LOC with philosophy!' (2023)
- Cartoon: 'Whew! The letters are over' (2023)
- Cartoon: 'Wow! LOCs!' (2023)
- Cartoon: 'Wow! Publishing again! How does it feel?' (2023)
- Cartoon: no caption (Idea #13) (2023)
- Cartoon: no caption 2 (Idea #13) (2023)
- Cartoon: no caption 3 (Idea #13) (2023)
- Cartoon: no caption 4 (Idea #13) (2023)
- Cartoon: no caption 5 (Idea #13) (2023)
- Membership List (as of 21 July 2024) (2024) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Membership List (as of 21 July 2024) [2] (2024) [only as by Bill Rotsler]
- Ice and Iron (1975) by Wilson Tucker
- Voyage to a Forgotten Sun (1975) by Donald J. Pfeil
- Vertex Interviews Judy-Lynn del Rey (1975) with Judy-Lynn del Rey
- Vertex Interviews Terry Carr (1975) with Terry Carr
- Vertex Interviews William Rotsler (1974) by Stephanie Bernstein and Terry Carr