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Publication: L'altra faccia della realtà

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  • Publication: L'altra faccia della realtàPublication Record # 399056
  • Editors: Kathryn Cramer, David G. Hartwell
  • Date: 2009-07-00
  • Publisher: Mondadori
  • Pub. Series: Millemondi (quarterly)
  • Pub. Series #: 48
  • Price:
    €5.50?€: Euro. ISO code: EUR
  • Pages: 476
  • Format:
    tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
  • Cover: L'altra faccia della realtà by Victor Togliani
  • Notes: Year's Best SF 11 was translated by Piero Anselmi as "L'altra faccia della realtà". Single stories were translated as follows: New Hope for the Dead as "Nuova speranza per i morti" Deus Ex Homine as "Deus ex homine" When the Great Days Came as "Quando arrivò il grande giorno" Second Person, Present Tense as "Seconda persona, tempo presente" Dreadnought as "Corazzata" A Case of Consilience as "Un caso di concordanza" Toy Planes as "Aerei giocattolo" Mason's Rats as "I topi di Mason" A Modest Proposal as "Una modesta proposta per la perfezione della natura" Guadalupe and Hieronymus Bosch as "Guadalupe e Hieronymus Bosch" The Forever Kitten as "Il gattino eterno" City of Reason as "La città della ragione" Ivory Tower as "Torre d'avorio" Sheila as "Sheila" Rats of the System as "Topi del sistema" I Love Liver: A Romance as "Amo il fegato: una storia d'amore" The Edge of Nowhere as "Il margine di Nessunposto" What's Expected of Us as "Cosa ci si aspetta da noi" Girls and Boys, Come out to Play as "Ragazze e ragazzi, uscite a giocare" Lakes of Light as "Laghi di luce" The Albian Message as "Il messaggio albiano" Bright Red Star as "Stella rosso vivo" Third Day Lights as "Luci del terzo giorno" RAM Shift Phase 2 as "Spostamento RAM fase 2" On the Brane as "Sulla brana" Oxygen Rising as "Aumento di ossigeno" And Future King... as "E futuro re..." Beyond the Aquila Rift as "Oltre lo squarcio di Aquila" Angel of Light as "Angelo di luce" Ikiryoh as "Ikiryoh" I, Robot as "Io, robot" Data from
Cover art supplied by Mondourania
Anthology Title: L'altra faccia della realtà • [Year's Best SF • 11] • anthology by Kathryn Cramer and David G. Hartwell (trans. of Year's Best SF 11 2006)

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