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Publication: Occulta. L'omnibus del soprannaturale

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  • Publication: Occulta. L'omnibus del soprannaturalePublication Record # 416981
  • Editor: Montague Summers
  • Date: 1988-05-00
  • ISBN: 88-04-30846-X [978-88-04-30846-1]
  • Publisher: Mondadori
  • Pub. Series: Oscar
  • Pub. Series #: 2036
  • Price:
    Lit 14,000?Lit: Italian lira. ISO code: ITL in 1861-1999
  • Pages: xiv+560
  • Format:
    tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
  • Cover: Occulta. L'omnibus del soprannaturale by Karel Thole
  • Notes: The Supernatural Omnibus was translated by Giuseppe Lippi as "Occulta. L'omnibus del soprannaturale". Single stories were translated as follows: • Narrative of the Ghost of a Hand as "Storia della mano fantasma" • An Account of Some Strange Disturbances in Aungier Street as "Gli straordinari avvenimenti di Aungier Street" • Man-Size in Marble as "L'uomo di marmo" • The Judge House as "La casa del giudice" • Thurnley Abbey as "Thurnley Abbey" • The Story of The Spaniards, Hammersmith as "Storia della Casa Spagnola ad Hammersmith" • The Story of Konnor Old House as "Storia della vecchia casa Konnor" • The Phantom Coach as "La carrozza fantasma" • Brickett Bottom as "Brickett Bottom" • The Cold Embrace as "Amplessi freddi" • How the Third Floor Knew the Potteries as "La cottura del terzo forno" • Not to Be Taken at Bed-Time as "Meglio non portarla a letto" • The Trial for Murder as "Cum Grano Salis" • No. 1 Branch Line The Signalman as "Il casellante" • The Compensation House as "La Casa del Risarcimento" • The Engineer as "Il macchinista" • When I Was Dead as "La mia morte" • The Story of Yand Manor House as "La storia di Yand Manor House" • The Business of Madame Jahn as "Il caso di Madame Jahn" • Amour Dure as "Amour Dure. Brani dal Diario di Spiridion Trepka" • A Phantom Lover: a Fantastic Story as "Oke di Okehurst ovvero L'amante fantasma" • Eveline's Visitant as "Il visitatore di Eveline" • John Charrington's Wedding as "Il matrimonio di John Charrington" • De Profundis as "De Profundis" • The Dream Woman as "Donna di sogno" • Singular Passage in the Life of the Late Henry Harris, Doctor in Di as "Lo strano caso di Henry Harris" • The Spirit of Stonehenge as "Lo spirito di Stonehenge" • The Seeker of Souls as "Il predatore di anime" • The Astrologer's Legacy as "L'ereditΰ dell'astrologo" • My Brother's Ghost Story as "La storia di fantasmi di mio fratello" • Sir Dominick's Bargain:a Legend of Dungoran as "Il patto di Sir Dominick. Leggenda di Dunoran" • The Bargain of Rupert Orange as "Il patto di Rupert Orange" • Carmilla as "Carmilla" • The White Wolf of the Hartz Mountains as "La lupa bianca dei monti Hartz" • A Porta Inferi as "A porta Inferi" • Jerry Jarvis's Wig as "La parrucca di Jerry Jarvis" • The Watcher o' the Dead as "Il Guardiano dei Morti" • Toussel's Pale Bride from: The Magic Island as "La moglie bianca" Data from, which gives page 100 for "Storia della vecchia casa Konnor", already occupied by "Storia della Casa Spagnola ad Hammersmith".
Cover art supplied by ISFDB on this Web page
Anthology Title: Occulta. L'omnibus del soprannaturale • anthology by Montague Summers

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