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Authors for Publisher Galeria Panorama, Sorted by Count

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Note that the statistics below count the number of publications associated with publication-level authors and editors. They do not count the authors of individual titles (stories, poems, etc.) contained in publications. Each edition of a book increments its author's count. Different forms of an author's name, e.g. 'Mary Shelley' vs. 'Mary W. Shelley', are counted separately.

# Author/Editor Publication Count
1 Robert Silverberg 6
2 Poul Anderson 5
3 Philip K. Dick 5
Philip José Farmer?Philip Jose Farmer
5 Hugh Walters 5
6 John Brunner 3
7 Louis Charbonneau 2
8 Edmund Cooper 2
9 A. E. van Vogt 2
10 Brian Aldiss 1
11 Isaac Asimov 1
12 James Blish 1
13 Robert Bloch 1
14 Ray Bradbury 1
15 Marion Zimmer Bradley 1
16 Fredric Brown 1
17 Gordon R. Dickson 1
18 Gordon Eklund 1
19 C. B. Gilford 1
20 Edmond Hamilton 1
21 Peter Heath 1
22 E. Mayne Hull 1
23 John Jakes 1
24 F. A. Javor 1
25 Raymond F. Jones 1
26 Leo P. Kelley 1
27 Michael Moorcock 1
28 Kris Neville 1
29 Curt Siodmak 1
30 Jack Swann 1
31 Jack Vance 1
32 Stanley G. Weinbaum 1
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