Bio:John Nichols

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This is an ISFDB biography page for John Nichols. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of John Nichols. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of John Nichols should be placed on Author:John Nichols.

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John Nichols a science fiction poet living in the suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio. He is a former Secretary/Treasurer of the Science Fiction Poetry Association,

His science fiction poetry has appeared in Star*Line, Asimovs, The Mindsparks Anthology of Science Fiction Poetry, Year 2000, The Magazine of Speculative Poetry, and most recently in June 2008 issue of The Fifth Di, with forthcoming appearances in Oddlands Magazine and From the Asylum.

He is a member of the Cleveland Speculators, which is workshop for local science fiction poets in the Cleveland area.

By profession John Nichols is Social Studies teacher in the Cleveland Schools, where he is the chair of the Social Studies department at South High School.