
Revision as of 13:36, 30 June 2007 by BLongley (talk | contribs) (Reverted edit of AfkBw1, changed back to last version by Ahasuerus)
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When displaying information about an author, there is a link labelled "Author Data" on the left navbar. Clicking on this link will bring up the Author Data screen, which allows you to enter or modify information about the author.

The fields that can be edited are canonical name, legal name, birth place, birth date, death date, email address, web page, Wikipedia entry, IMDB entry, and author image.

  • Canonical Name - The canonical name is the name under which a particular author's bibliography is organized. For authors who publish under multiple names, the canonical name is the most recognized name for that author within the genre. The canonical name may be a pseudonym, for instance Cordwainer Smith ( Where there is any possibility of debate, an agreement should be reached on the project page for that author. For example, Megan Lindholm has had a successful career writing under her own name, and an even more successful career writing as "Robin Hobb"; a case could be made for either one being her canonical name.
    • Most of the canonical names in the ISFDB have already been set; do not change the field lightly - some Web sites link to the ISFDB using these canonical names.
    • Never use a format of Lastname, Firstname for this field.
    • Enter a space between initials, e.g. "H. P. Lovecraft" rather than "H.P. Lovecraft".
    • Name suffixes should be separated from the last name by a comma and a space. For instance:
      • Alfred Coppel, Jr.
      • Edward J. McFadden, III
      • Miles J. Breuer, M.D.
    • See How does the ISFDB deal with Unicode and accented characters? for more information about non-English characters.

see also Template:TitleFields:Author

  • Legal Name - This field should contain the most recent legal name for the author. For example, James Tiptree, Jr. was a pseudonym of Alice Sheldon, who was born Alice Bradley. Alice Sheldon is the most recent legal name for this author. Use the format "Lastname, Firstname Middlenames", with all names being given in full. The reason for this format are names like "Patrick Nielsen Hayden" where you can't readily tell whether the last name is "Hayden" or "Nielsen Hayden." No prefixes should be used: "Capt.", "Mrs.", "Sir", and so on, are not recorded in this field. Suffixes that are not part of the legal name -- for example, "Sr.", educational and professional designations such as "Ph.D." or "M.D.", ranks and orders such as "Col.", "K.G." -- also should not be recorded. Certain suffixes such as "Jr.", "II", "III", etc., may or may not be part of the legal name. We assume they are not, unless we have reliable evidence to the contrary. If a suffix is part of the legal name, use the format "Lastname, Firstname Middlenames, Suffix".
  • Birth Place - Place of birth of the author. Use the "Municipality, Administrative division, Country" format, e.g. "Ante, Champagne, France" or "Annapolis, Maryland, USA".
    • If the exact location is not known, enter the part that is known, e.g. "Japan" or "Quebec, Canada".
    • For countries that belonged to multinational entities at the time of the author's birth, include the name of that entity at the end, e.g. "Ménil-la-Horgne, Duchy of Bar, Holy Roman Empire" or "Chipping Sodbury, Gloucestershire, England, UK".
    • For locations whose names have changed over time, use the name as of the time of the author's birth, e.g. for authors born in Lviv between 1773 and 1918, use "Lemberg".
    • For locations whose name is transcribed differently in different languages, use the English version, e.g. "The Hague" rather than "Den Haag", "La Haye" or "L'Aia".
    • For places in England and Scotland, use the following names:
      • "Kingdom of England [or Scotland]" for dates prior to 1707-05-01
      • "England [or Scotland], Kingdom of Great Britain" for dates between 1707-05-01 and 1800-12-31
      • "England [or Scotland], UK" for 1801-01-01 or later dates
    • For places in Russia:
      • Prior to 1721-11-02: Russia
      • 1721-11-02 through 1917-09-13: Russian Empire
      • 1917-09-14 through 1922-12-29: Russia
      • 1922-12-30 through 1991-12-25: Russia, USSR
      • After 1991-12-26: Russia
    • For Tokyo, Japan:
      • 1889 through 1943: Tokyo was considered an actual city during this time period, so use "Tokyo City".
      • After 1943: Tokyo became a metropolis (a prefectural-level division). It is made up of 62 different municipalities. When possible, please include one of those 62 municipalities whenever indicating someone was born in Tokyo. For example, "Tachikawa, Tokyo, Japan" or "Adachi, Tokyo, Japan".
  • Birth Date - Should be in the form YYYY-MM-DD. If the day is unknown, then use YYYY-MM-00. If the month is unknown use YYYY-00-00. If the birthdate is unknown, leave the field blank. Do not enter guesstimates (1956?) or approximations (c1956). Examples:
  • Death Date - The Death Date has the same format as the Birth Date, YYYY-MM-DD. If the author is known to be alive or if there is no reliable information about the author, leave the field blank. However, if the author was born more than 125 years ago and is therefore presumably dead, it is permissible to enter a death date of 0000-00-00 . Examples:
  • Email Address - If the author's email address is public, i.e. stated on the author's Web page in plain (unobscured) text or otherwise publicly posted, enter it here. If the author has no email address, leave this field blank. If the author has more than one public e-mail address, click on the '+' button next to the field label and more "Email Address" fields will appear on the page. There is no limit to the number of email addresses that can be entered for an author. Example:
  • Web Page - Enter the URL of a Web page about this author.
    • Eligible pages include:
      • Author- and fan-run sites
      • Biographic and bibliographic pages from online encyclopedias like The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Wikipedia
      • Author-specific pages provided by publishers
      • Author-specific pages at social bibliography sites like Librarything and Goodreads
    • Reviews and interviews should only be used if there is no other online information about the author. Bookstore pages should be avoided.
    • If you need to enter additional Web pages, click on the '+' button next to the field label and a new "Web Page" field will appear. There is no limit to the number of Web pages that can be entered for an author.

Template:AuthorFields:WikipediaEntry Template:AuthorFields:IMDBEntry

  • Author Image - If there is an image of the author available on the Web and we have permission to link to the Web site that hosts the image, enter the URL of the image. For instance:

Please note that linking directly to Wikipedia-hosted images is not allowed since Wikipedia considers it bandwidth theft. However it is often possible to download an image from Wikipedia and re-upload it to the ISFDB server.