Help:Navigation Bar

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This page is a help or manual page for the ISFDB database. It describes standards or methods for entering or maintaining data in the ISFDB database, or otherwise working with the database. Other help pages may be found via the category below. To discuss what should go on this page, use the talk page.

If, after exploring the Help system, you still have a question, please visit the Help desk and let us know. We probably know the answer, but we need your help to know what we left out of the help pages.

If you are new to editing the ISFDB, please see Help:Getting Started.

For more on this and other header templates, see Header templates.

The Navigation bar is the section of an ISFDB database page on the left of the screen containing various possibly helpful links to other database pages, to ISFDB wiki pages, to pages on external sites, or to perform various database functions or queries. Not all links are present at all times -- the links available depend on the nature of the page currently shown.

Search section

At the top is the Search section. This includes the Basic Search group, which consists of an edit box, a combo box listing the available types of search, and a "GO" button. Below the basic search group is a link to the Advanced Search form.

Logged In As section

Below the search section is the "Logged In As" section. This displays or links to information about the current user.

User ID

The first line of this section displays the User ID of the logged in user, or "Not Logged In" if the page is displayed without a logged in user. Noter that all editing features and all user-specific links require that a user be logged in with a (free) registered ISFDB account.

Log Out / In

If a user is logged in, this link will log the user out of the ISFDB (but not the ISFDB Wiki). If the user is not logged in, this link will take the user to a log in page, where the user may log in to an existing account or create a new account.

My Recent Edits

This links to a page that displays the user's recent accepted edits, with the most recent ones at the top. The Timestamp, edit type, approving moderator ("reviewer"), and subject (generally the title of the publication or work, or name of the author or publisher, affected) are listed for each accepted edit.

Only available for logged in users.

My Pending Edits

Shows edits submitted but not yet approved, in the same format as recent edits.

Only available for logged in users.

My Rejected Edits

Shows edits rejected by a moderator, in the same format as recent edits. The "Reason" column shows the rejection reason given by the moderator who rejected the edit. More detail may be found on your wiki talk page.

Only available for logged in users.

My Votes

Shows title for which the lodged in user has recorded a 'vote" (quality assessment).

Only available for logged in users.

My Tags

Shows the title tags which the logged in user has assigned, and links to the titles so tagged.

Only available for logged in users.