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Award Category: 2023 Best Novelette (Hugo Award)

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Displaying awards and nominations for this category for 2023. You can also view all awards and nominations for this category for all years.
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 1674 valid ballots cast, 966 valid ballots cast in category.
Finalist Pass 1 Pass 2 Pass 3 Pass 4 Pass 5 Pass 6 Runoff
时空画师 385 385 392 402 423 486 652
If You Find Yourself Speaking to God, Address God with the Informal You 150 152 175 203 245 374
A Dream of Electric Mothers 100 101 130 155 221
Murder by Pixel 116 116 128 147
The Difference Between Love and Time 95 95 105
We Built This City 93 94
No Award 27 70
Preference 966 943 930 907 889 860 722
No Preference 0 23 36 59 77 106 244
Total Votes 966 966 966 966 966 966 966
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 502 nominations with 355.81 final points.
海漄?Hai Ya
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 1674 valid ballots cast, 966 valid ballots cast in category.
Finalist Pass 1 Pass 2 Pass 3 Pass 4 Pass 5
If You Find Yourself Speaking to God, Address God with the Informal You 205 209 236 278 365
A Dream of Electric Mothers 180 189 215 270 350
Murder by Pixel 174 175 194 221
We Built This City 142 152 179
The Difference Between Love and Time 135 143
No Award 83
Preference 919 868 824 769 715
No Preference 47 98 142 197 251
Total Votes 966 966 966 966 966
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 128 nominations with 73 final points.
If You Find Yourself Speaking to God, Address God with the Informal You John Chu
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 1674 valid ballots cast, 966 valid ballots cast in category.
Finalist Pass 1 Pass 2 Pass 3 Pass 4
A Dream of Electric Mothers 231 240 285 378
Murder by Pixel 204 206 236 294
We Built This City 180 190 233
The Difference Between Love and Time 164 172
No Award 85
Preference 864 808 754 672
No Preference 102 158 212 294
Total Votes 966 966 966 966
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 218 nominations with 82.23 final points.
A Dream of Electric Mothers Wole Talabi
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 1674 valid ballots cast, 966 valid ballots cast in category.
Finalist Pass 1 Pass 2 Pass 3
We Built This City 226 238 337
The Difference Between Love and Time 228 238 282
Murder by Pixel 232 234
No Award 88
Preference 774 710 619
No Preference 192 256 347
Total Votes 966 966 966
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 158 nominations with 74.40 final points.
We Built This City Marie Vibbert
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 1674 valid ballots cast, 966 valid ballots cast in category.
Finalist Pass 1 Pass 2
Murder by Pixel 313 320
The Difference Between Love and Time 297 308
No Award 97
Preference 707 628
No Preference 259 338
Total Votes 966 966
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 78 nominations with 31.33 final points.
Murder by Pixel: Crime and Responsibility in the Digital Darkness S. L. Huang
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 1674 valid ballots cast, 966 valid ballots cast in category.
Finalist Pass 1
The Difference Between Love and Time 457
No Award 118
Preference 575
No Preference 391
Total Votes 966
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 223 nominations with 89.98 final points.
The Difference Between Love and Time Catherynne M. Valente
--- Withdrawn -- Nomination Declined -------
Statement from the author about withdrawing from the nominations. According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 181 nominations with 89.73 final points.
Two Hands, Wrapped in Gold S. B. Divya
--- Withdrawn -- Ineligible -------
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 252 nominations with 119.83 final points. No explanation offered for ineligibility, but appears to be due to first publication dates:
  • The original Chinese version was first published in 2019, so that is definitely ineligible
  • An English translation first appeared at the very end of 2021, which narrowly makes it ineligible (cf the WSFS rules that allow works translated into English to be eligible when that translation first appears).
慕明?Mu Ming
--- Nominations Below Cutoff -------
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 22 nominations with 12.67 final points. The 2023 Hugo statistics report incorrectly gives an English title of "A Collection of the 5th Lenghu Award Winning Stories", which is the subtitle of the collection in which this story appears, which shared the same main title.
不做梦的群星?Bù zuòmèng de qúnxīng
Bu zuomeng de qunxing
迟卉?Chí Huì
Chi Hui
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 43 nominations with 16.20 final points.
旧日之花?Jiù rì zhī huā
Jiu ri zhi hua
陈虹羽?Chen Hongyu
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 24 nominations with 7.65 final points.
白头雀?Báitóu què
Baitou que
杨健?Yáng Jiàn
Yang Jian
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 74 nominations with 45.67 final points.
菌歌?Jūn gē
Jun ge
Chen Qiufan
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 20 nominations with 12.50 final points.
Solidity Greg Egan
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 27 nominations with 16.67 final points.
Turing Food Court (translation of 图灵大排档) Wang Nuonuo
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 67 nominations with 21.17 final points.
Upstart (translation of 新贵) Lu Ban
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