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1992 Asimov's Readers' Poll

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Award Years for Asimov's Readers' Poll

1980's:  -   -   -   -   -   -   -  1987 1988 1989
1990's: 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
2000's: 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2010's: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2020's: 2020 2021 2022 2023  -   -   -   -   -   - 
Best Novella
1 Beggars in Spain Nancy Kress
2 Forward the Foundation Isaac Asimov
2 Frankenswine Janet Kagan
3 Raising Cane Janet Kagan
4 Jack Connie Willis
5 And Wild for to Hold Nancy Kress
6 The Gallery of His Dreams Kristine Kathryn Rusch
7 By the Time We Got to Gaugamela R. Garcia y Robertson
8 Bully! Mike Resnick
9 The Fourth Intercometary Phillip C. Jennings
10 Candle Tony Daniel
Best Novelette
1 Understand Ted Chiang
2 The July Ward Sharon N. Farber
3 Miracle Connie Willis
4 Living Will Alexander Jablokov
5 The Happy Man Jonathan Lethem
6 Water Bringer Mary Rosenblum
7 The Bee Man Mary Rosenblum
8 Second Cousin Twice Removed Cynthia Felice
9 Fin de Cyclé Howard Waldrop
10 The Return of Weird Frank Allen Steele
Best Short Story
1 A Walk in the Sun Geoffrey A. Landis
2 Press Ann Terry Bisson
3 Robot Visions Isaac Asimov
4 A Flying Saucer with Minnesota Plates Lawrence Watt-Evans
5 Books Peni R. Griffin
6 Bright Light, Big City Greg Costikyan
7 The Odor of Cocktail Cigarettes Ian Watson
8 One Perfect Morning, with Jackals Mike Resnick
9 Details Lawrence Person
10 In the Late Cretaceous Connie Willis
10 The Hole in Edgar's Hillside Gregory Frost
Best Poem
1 Angels Fly Because They Take Themselves Lightly Jane Yolen
2 Extinction Michael Bishop
3 The SF Editor's Lament Joe Haldeman
4 A Child's Garden of Grammar: Nouns, Adjectives, Pronouns, If/Then, Maybe Thomas M. Disch
4 Christmas Father Robert Frazier and James Patrick Kelly
5 Entropy Ad E. R. Stewart
6 The Watcher David Lunde
7 Carbon Star Joe Haldeman
8 Verbs Thomas M. Disch
9 Consider the Amoeba Arthur E. Stamps III
9 The Number of the Man Joe Haldeman
10 1967 NFC Championship Game Remembered After Awakening from Cryogenic Sleep Roger Dutcher
Best Cover Artist
1 ---- Bob Eggleton
1 ---- Gary Freeman
2 ---- Broeck Steadman
3 ---- Dorian Vallejo
4 ---- Steven Crisp
5 ---- Alan Gutierrez
6 ---- Wayne Barlowe
7 ---- Nicholas Jainschigg
Best Interior Artist
1 ---- Laura Lakey
2 ---- Gary Freeman
3 ---- Janet Aulisio
4 ---- Broeck Steadman
5 ---- Bob Walters
6 ---- Terry Lee
7 ---- John Johnson
8 ---- Pat Morrissey
9 ---- Steve Cavallo
10 ---- A. C. Farley

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