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1996 Asimov's Readers' Poll

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Award Years for Asimov's Readers' Poll

1980's:  -   -   -   -   -   -   -  1987 1988 1989
1990's: 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
2000's: 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2010's: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2020's: 2020 2021 2022 2023  -   -   -   -   -   - 
Best Novella
1 A Woman's Liberation Ursula K. Le Guin
2 Mortimer Gray's "History of Death" Brian Stableford
3 We Were Out of Our Minds with Joy David Marusek
4 A Man of the People Ursula K. Le Guin
5 Da Vinci Rising Jack Dann
5 The Doryman Mary Rosenblum
6 Fault Lines Nancy Kress
7 The Death of Captain Future Allen Steele
8 Yaguara Nicola Griffith
9 Bibi Mike Resnick and Susan Shwartz
10 Hypocaust & Bathysphere Rebecca Ore
Best Novelette
1 Think Like a Dinosaur James Patrick Kelly
2 Dawn Venus G. David Nordley
3 Road Kills Kandis Elliot
4 Farthest Man from Earth John C. Wright
5 Ether OR Ursula K. Le Guin
6 Waging Good Robert Reed
7 Fragments of a Painted Eggshell Alexander Jablokov
8 TAP Greg Egan
8 When the Old Gods Die Mike Resnick
9 Drifting Off the Coast of New Mexico Steven R. Boyett
10 Across the Darkness Geoffrey A. Landis
Best Short Story
1 Life on the Moon Tony Daniel
2 The War Memorial Allen Steele
3 No Love in All of Dwingeloo Tony Daniel
4 Paradise Lost Don Webb
5 Alice's Asteroid G. David Nordley
5 Jigoku No Mokushiroku John G. McDaid
5 The Death of Beatrix Potter Candyce Byrne
6 Walking Out Michael Swanwick
7 Take Me to the Pilot Paul Di Filippo
8 A Place of Honor Pat Murphy
8 Long Term Project: Report to the Great Council of Cockroaches Geoffrey A. Landis
9 Sitcom Lewis Shiner
9 Teaching Machines Lawrence Watt-Evans
10 Passage to Galena Phillip C. Jennings
10 The Bone-Carver's Tale Jeff VanderMeer
10 The Skin Trade Brian Stableford
10 Tongues Robert Reed
Best Poem
1 Curse of Bruce Boston's Wife Scott L. Towner
2 Son, Dead on the Solstice William John Watkins
3 Port City Lament David Lunde
4 The Old Astronaut Sings to the Mourning Star William John Watkins
5 In Kafkaville the Funerals Run on Time William John Watkins
6 Brownies at Work Ruth Berman
6 Kitchen Witch William John Watkins
7 Curse of the Clone's Wife Bruce Boston
7 Future Present: A Lesson in Expectation Bruce Boston
8 Curse of the Cyborg's Wife Bruce Boston
8 Postcard From a Time Traveler Robert Frazier
9 Curse of the Time Traveler's Wife Bruce Boston
10 cleaning out the attic W. Gregory Stewart
Best Cover Artist
1 ---- Bob Eggleton
2 ---- Jim Burns
3 ---- Todd Lockwood
4 ---- Kinuko Y. Craft
5 ---- John Maggard
6 ---- Chris Moore
7 ---- Peter Peebles
8 ---- Bruce Jensen
9 ---- Mark Harrison
9 ---- George H. Krauter
10 ---- Gary Overacre
Best Interior Artist
1 ---- Ron Chironna
2 ---- Steve Cavallo
3 ---- Mike Aspengren
4 ---- Laurie Harden
5 ---- Gary Freeman
6 ---- Dell Harris
7 ---- Kandis Elliot
8 ---- Alan M. Clark
9 ---- Darryl Elliott
10 ---- George H. Krauter

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