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Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
- Renderings (1995)
- A Few Last Words (1970)
- Limits of the Sensible World (1995)
- Time's Hammers: The Collected Short Fiction of James Sallis (2000)
- A City Equal to My Desire (2004)
- Potato Tree (2007)
- Bright Segments: The Complete Short Fiction (2024)
- New Worlds
- New Worlds Magazine
- New Worlds - 1968 (1968) with Michael Moorcock
- New Worlds - 1969 (1969) with Michael Moorcock and Charles Platt
- New Worlds - 1969 (1969) with Michael Moorcock
- New Worlds Magazine
- The Review of Contemporary Fiction
The War Book (1969)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das Kriegsbuch [German] (1972)
- The Shores Beneath (1971)
- Others of My Kind (2013)
- Jerry Cornelius
The Anxiety in the Eyes of the Cricket (1969)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Angst im Auge der Grille [German] (1973)
The Anxiety in the Eyes of the Cricket (1969)
also appeared as:
Kazoo (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Kazoo [German] (1970)
- Letter to a Young Poet (1968)
Weather Man (1968)
David Lunde
also appeared as:
- Translation: Météorhomme [French] (1973)
- Bubbles (1968)
A Few Last Words (1968)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ein paar letzte Worte [German] (1972)
- Translation: Quelques mots pour finir [French] (1985)
And then the dark— (1969)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Und das Dunkel [German] (1972)
- Translation: Napalm, Inc. [French] (1976)
- Jeremiad (1969)
Slice of Universe (1969)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Slice of Universe (1969) [as by James R. Sallis]
- Translation: Une tranche d'univers [French] (1973)
- A Brief History of the Revolution (1969) with David Lunde
The History Makers (1969)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ephemera [German] (1973)
- Translation: Ceux qui font l'histoire [French] (1975)
This One (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Celle-là [French] (1970)
Faces, Hands (1970)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Faces & Hands (1970)
- Translation: Des visages et des mains [French] (1973)
Front and Centaur (1970)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Front & Centaur (1970)
The Creation of Bennie Good (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Eine Kreation von Bennie Good [German] (1972)
- The Dying Castles (1970) with Samuel R. Delany and Michael Moorcock [also as by Michael Moorcock]
Jim and Mary G (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Jim und Mary G. [German] (1973)
- Enclave (1970)
- Jane Crying (1970)
- Kettle of Stars (1970)
- Occasions (1970)
- The Floors of His Heart (1970)
- The Opening of the Terran Ballet (1970)
Binaries (1971)
also appeared as:
- Variant: European Experience (2007)
- Marrow (1971)
- Only the Words Are Different (1971)
- Field (1971)
They Fly at Ciron (1971)
Samuel R. Delany
also appeared as:
- Translation: Tu ne tueras point [French] (1972)
- Doucement, S'il Vous Plaît (1972)
53rd American Dream (1972)
also appeared as:
Translation: 53-я американская мечта?53-ya amerikanskaya mechta[Russian] (1992) [as byДжейли Салли?Dzheyli Salli]
At the Fitting Shop (1972)
also appeared as:
Translation: Примерка?Primerka[Russian] (1992) [as byДжейли Салли?Dzheyli Salli]
- Tissue (1972)
- A Weather Report from the Top of the Stairs (1973) with David Lunde
- Insect Men of Boston (1974)
- My Friend Zarathustra (1974)
- Echo (1974)
- Delta Flight 281 (1974)
- The First Few Kinds of Truth (1974)
- They Will Not Hush (1974) with David Lunde
The Invasion of Dallas (1976)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Einnahme von Dallas [German] (2015)
- Miranda-Escobedo (1976)
- One Road to Damascus (1977) with David Lunde
- La Fin D'Une Monde (Interieure) (1977)
- Jackson (1977)
- Changes (1978)
Exigency & Martin Heidegger (1978)
also appeared as:
Translation: La nécessité et Martin Heidegger?La necessite et Martin Heidegger[French] (1980)
- Intimations (1982)
The Window (1982)
also appeared as:
- Variant: D.C. al FINE (2000)
- The Leveller (1983)
- Indications [French] (1983)
- Breakfast with Ralph (1984)
- Driving (1984)
- Others (1985)
- The Good in Men (1985)
Need (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Carência [Portuguese] (1992)
- Impossible Things Before Breakfast (1985)
Potato Tree (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Kartoffelbaum [German] (1987)
- Translation: L'arbre à patates [French] (1987)
- Translation: All'ombra delle patate in fiore [Italian] (1987)
- Joyride (1988)
The Curious Incident (1989)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Dogs in the Nighttime (2000)
- Attitude of the Earth Toward Other Bodies (1989)
- I Saw Robert Johnson (1989)
- Moments of Personal Adventure (1990)
The Need (1990)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Good Men (2000)
- Finger and Flame (1991)
Ansley's Demons (1992)
also appeared as:
Translation: Ansleys Dämonen?Ansleys Daemonen[German] (1995)
- Translation: Les démons d'Ansley [French] (2007)
- Powers of Flight (1993)
- Dawn Over Doldrums (1993)
- Pure Reason (1994)
- Wolf (1994)
- Walls of Affection (1994)
- Blue Devils (1996)
- Becoming (1997)
- Memory (1998)
- More Light (1998)
- Shutting Darkness Down (1998)
- Vocalities (1998)
- Old Times (1998)
- Stepping Away from the Stone (1999)
- Dear Floods of Her Hair (1999)
- Upstream (2000)
- Faces, Hands: Kettle of Strs (2000)
- Second Thoughts (2000)
- Blue Lab (2000)
- Oblations (2000)
- Winner (2000)
- Day's Heat (2001)
- Faces, Hands: The Floors of His Heart (2001)
- Blue Yonders (2001)
- When Fire Knew My Name (2001)
- Autumn Leaves (2002)
- Drive (2002)
- Flesh of Stone and Steel (2002)
- Roofs and Forgiveness in the Early Dawn (2002)
- Ukukele and the World's Pain (2002)
- Up (2002)
- Get Along Home (2002)
- Concerto for Violence and Orchestra (2003)
- New Life (2003)
- The Monster in Mid-Life (2003)
- The Genre Kid (2003)
- Free Time (2003)
- Your New Career (2003)
- Christian (2004)
- Pitt's World (2004)
- Venice Is Sinking into the Sea (2004)
- Telling Lives (2004)
- The Museum of Last Week (2004)
- Under Construction (2004)
- Men's Club (2007)
- Octobers (2007)
- Season Premiere (2007)
- As Yet Untitled (2013)
- Others of My Kind (2013)
- Dispositions (2016)
- How the Damned Live On (2016)
- Miss Cruz (2017)
- New Teeth (2017)
- Bright Sarasota Where the Circus Lies Dying (2017)
- Beautiful Quiet of the Roaring Freeway (2018)
- Dayenu (2018)
- Bedtime Story (2018)
- When We Saved the World (2019)
- Carriers (2020)
- Net Loss (2020)
- Schools of Thought (2020)
- The Cry of Evening Birds (2020)
- The Way of His Kind (2020)
- Doom Patch (2022)
- Rivers Bend (2022)
- Subtraction (2023)
- Settlers (2024)
- A Vid (1970)
- Mensuration (1971)
- Forbidden Planets (for Bruce Sogolow) (1984)
- Night-Blooming Heart (1992) with David Lunde and M. L. Brannock Lunde and Jane Rose
- The Cow of Wonder (1992) with David Lunde
- In Potato's Bed (2002)
- Tenderness (2002)
- Mother's Day (2019)
- Books (F&SF)
- Books (F&SF, December 1999) (1999)
- Books (F&SF, April 2000) (2000)
- Books (F&SF, July 2000) (2000)
- Books (F&SF, December 2000) (2000)
- Books (F&SF, April 2001) (2001)
- Books (F&SF, August 2001) (2001)
- Books (F&SF, January 2002) (2002)
- Books (F&SF, May 2002) (2002)
- Books (F&SF, September 2002) (2002)
- Books (F&SF, January 2003) (2003)
- Books (F&SF, May 2003) (2003)
- Books (F&SF, August 2003) (2003)
- Books (F&SF, December 2003) (2003)
- Books (F&SF, April 2004) (2004)
- Books (F&SF, July 2004) (2004)
- Books (F&SF, December 2004) (2004)
- Books (F&SF, March 2005) (2005)
- Books (F&SF, July 2005) (2005)
- Books (F&SF, December 2005) (2005)
- Books (F&SF, April 2006) (2006)
- Books (F&SF, July 2006) (2006)
- Books (F&SF, December 2006) (2006)
- Books (F&SF, May 2007) (2007)
- Books (F&SF, September 2007) (2007)
- Books (F&SF, January 2008) (2008)
- Books (F&SF, April 2008) (2008)
- Books (F&SF, July 2008) (2008)
- Books (F&SF, December 2008) (2008)
- Books (F&SF, April-May 2009) (2009)
- Books (F&SF, December 2009) (2009)
- Books (F&SF, July-August 2010) (2010)
- Books (F&SF, March-April 2011) (2011)
- Books (F&SF, November-December 2011) (2011)
- Books (F&SF, May-June 2012) (2012)
- Books (F&SF, March-April 2013) (2013)
- Books (F&SF, July-August 2013) (2013)
- Books(F&SF, May-June 2014) (2014)
- Books (F&SF, January - February 2015) (2015)
- Books (F&SF, July-June 2015) (2015)
- Books (F&SF, January-February 2016) (2016)
- Books (F&SF, July-August 2016) (2016)
- Books (F&SF, January-February 2017) (2017)
- Books (F&SF, September-October 2017) (2017)
- Books: Tourists and Native Speakers (2018)
- Books (F&SF, November-December 2018) (2018)
- Books (F&SF, September/October 2019) (2019)
- Books (F&SF, May/June 2022) (2022)
- Books (F&SF, November/December 2022) (2022)
- Introduction (The Downstairs Room and Other Speculative Fiction) (1968)
- Introduction (The War Book) (1969)
- Orthographies (1969)
- Afterword (Tissue) (1972)
- Introduction (Clarion II) (1972)
- The Writer as Teacher (1972)
- Introduction (Saint Glinglin) (1993)
- Books: Elvis in Wonderland (1993)
- Samuel R. Delany: An Introduction (1996)
- Introduction (Ash of Stars: On the Writing of Samuel R. Delany) (1996)
- Feverish Country, This (1999)
- Letter (Realms of Fantasy, April 1999) (1999)
- Long Pants for Little Adolf (1999)
- Forward, Bravely, Into the Anthills (2000)
- It's Three O'Clock: Do You Know Where Your Monsters Are? (2000)
- Introduction (Potato Tree) (2007)
- Birthday Wishes and Greetings (2008) with Piers Anthony and Robin Wayne Bailey and Peter Crowther and Harlan Ellison and Richard E. Geis and James E. Gunn and Gay Haldeman and Joe Haldeman and Tracy Knight and David Langford and Joe R. Lansdale and Richard A. Lupoff and Michael Moorcock and Will Murray and Kim Newman and Garth Nix and Mike Resnick and Chris Roberson and Norman Spinrad and S. M. Stirling and Gary K. Wolfe [only as by Piers Anthony and Robin Wayne Bailey and Pete Crowther and Harlan Ellison and Richard E. Geis and Jim Gunn and Gay Haldeman and Joe Haldeman and Tracy Knight and David Langford and Joe R. Lansdale and Richard A. Lupoff and Mike Moorcock and Will Murray and Kim Newman and Garth Nix and Mike Resnick and Chris Roberson and Jim Sallis and Norman Spinrad and S. M. Stirling and Gary K. Wolfe]
- Repopulating Oz (2011)
- Approaching the Page (2018)
- Books (F&SF, May/June 2020) (2020)
- Books (The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, November-December 2021) (2021)
- Beast of the Heartland and Other Stories (1999) by Lucius Shepard
- Death of a Tango King (1999) by Jerome Charyn
- The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove (1999) by Christopher Moore
- The Compleat Boucher: The Complete Short Science Fiction and Fantasy of Anthony Boucher (2000) by Anthony Boucher
- Word Made Flesh (2000) by Jack O'Connell
- Mockingbird (2000) by Walter Tevis
- The Man Who Fell to Earth (2000) by Walter Tevis
- In the Upper Room and Other Likely Stories (2000) by Terry Bisson
- Perpetuity Blues and Other Stories (2000) by Neal Barrett, Jr.
- A Saucer of Loneliness (2001) by Theodore Sturgeon
- Selected Stories (2001) by Theodore Sturgeon
- Ceres Storm (2001) by David Herter
- Fools Errant (2001) by Matthew Hughes
- Mars Crossing (2001) by Geoffrey A. Landis
- Ordinary Horror (2001) by David Searcy
- The Hell Screens (2001) by Alvin Lu
- The Ill-Made Mute (2001) by Cecilia Dart-Thornton
- Dossier: A Collection of Short Stories (2002) by Stepan Chapman
- From These Ashes: The Complete Short SF of Fredric Brown (2002) by Fredric Brown
- Immodest Proposals: The Complete Science Fiction of William Tenn, Volume 1 (2002) by William Tenn
- Meet Me in the Moon Room (2002) by Ray Vukcevich
- Stranger Things Happen (2002) by Kelly Link
- Dark Light (2002) by Ken MacLeod
- Futures (2002) by Peter Crowther
- Landor's Tower, or, The Imaginary Conversations (2002) by Iain Sinclair
Perdido Street Station (2002)
China Miéville?China Mieville
- The Crime Studio (2002) by Steve Aylett
- The Eyre Affair (2002) by Jasper Fforde
- The Fantasy Writer's Assistant and Other Stories (2002) by Jeffrey Ford
- The Portrait of Mrs. Charbuque (2002) by Jeffrey Ford
- Whole Wide World (2002) by Paul J. McAuley
Karel Capek: Life and Work (2003)
Ivan Klíma?Ivan Klima
- L. Frank Baum: Creator of Oz (2003) by Katharine M. Rogers
- Mervyn Peake: My Eyes Mint Gold: A Life (2003) by Malcolm Yorke
- If Lions Could Speak (2003) by Paul Park
- Report to the Men's Club and Other Stories (2003) by Carol Emshwiller
- The Mount (2003) by Carol Emshwiller
- Altered Carbon (2003) by Richard K. Morgan
- Fat White Vampire Blues (2003) by Andrew Fox
- The Etched City (2003) by K. J. Bishop
- Martian Quest: The Early Brackett (2003) by Leigh Brackett
- A Place So Foreign and 8 More (2004) by Cory Doctorow
- In for a Penny (2004) by James P. Blaylock
- For Us, the Living: A Comedy of Customs (2004) by Robert A. Heinlein
I Am Alive and You Are Dead: A Journey into the Mind of Philip K. Dick (2004)
Emmanuel Carrère?Emmanuel Carrere
- Conversations With Ray Bradbury (2005) by Steven L. Aggelis
- H. G. Wells: Traversing Time (2005) by W. Warren Wagar
- Ray Bradbury: The Life of Fiction (2005) by Jonathan R. Eller and William F. Touponce
- The Evolution of the Weird Tale (2005) by S. T. Joshi
- H. P. Lovecraft: Tales (2005) by H. P. Lovecraft
- Camouflage (2005) by Joe Haldeman
- Life (2005) by Gwyneth Jones
- Troll: A Love Story (2005) by Johanna Sinisalo
- Eternity and Other Stories (2006) by Lucius Shepard
Looking for Jake (2006)
China Miéville?China Mieville
- Transformations: The Story of the Science Fiction Magazines from 1950 to 1970 (2006) by Mike Ashley
- River of Gods (2006) by Ian McDonald
- The Empire of Ice Cream (2006) by Jeffrey Ford
- The Line Between (2006) by Peter S. Beagle
- Three Days to Never (2007) by Tim Powers
Un Lun Dun (2007)
China Miéville?China Mieville
- Fast Forward 1: Future Fiction from the Cutting Edge (2007) by Lou Anders
- The Solaris Book of New Science Fiction 2007 (2007) by George Mann
- Emshwiller: Infinity x Two: The Life and Art of Ed and Carol Emshwiller (2008) by Luis Ortiz
- And Now We Are Going to Have a Party: Liner Notes to a Writer's Early Life (2008) by Nicola Griffith
- Collected Stories (2008) by Marta Randall
- What Can Be Saved from the Wreckage? James Branch Cabell in the Twenty-First Century (2008) by Michael Swanwick
- The Dragons of Babel (2008) by Michael Swanwick
- The New Weird (2008) by Ann VanderMeer and Jeff VanderMeer
- Other Voices (2008) by Andrew Humphrey
- The Resurrectionist (2008) by Jack O'Connell
- The Wall of America (2009) by Thomas M. Disch
- Private Midnight (2009) by Kris Saknussemm
- The Manual of Detection (2009) by Jedediah Berry
- C.M. Kornbluth: The Life and Works of a Science Fiction Visionary (2010) by Mark Rich
- Detour to Otherness (2011) by Henry Kuttner and C. L. Moore
- The Collected Stories of Carol Emshwiller vol.1 (2011) by Carol Emshwiller
- Raising Stony Mayhall (2012) by Daryl Gregory
- Seed (2012) by Rob Ziegler
- American Science Fiction: Nine Classic Novels of the 1950s (2013) by Gary K. Wolfe
- At the Mouth of the River of Bees (2013) by Kij Johnson
- Before and Afterlives (2013) by Christopher Barzak
- Tenth of December (2013) by George Saunders
- Cordwainer Smith, Lord of the Afternoon (2014) by Pablo Capanna
- The Land Across (2014) by Gene Wolfe
- All Those Vanished Engines (2015) by Paul Park
- Nest of Worlds (2015) by Marek S. Huberath
- Find Me (2015) by Laura van den Berg
- Ghost Summer (2016) by Tananarive Due
- The End of the End of Everything (2016) by Dale Bailey
- A Natural History of Hell (2016) by Jeffrey Ford
- Reality by Other Means: The Best Short Fiction of James Morrow (2016) by James Morrow
- You Have Never Been Here: New and Selected Stories (2016) by Mary Rickert
- Shirley Jackson: A Rather Haunted Life (2017) by Ruth Franklin
- Temporary People (2017) by Deepak Unnikrishnan
- The Night Ocean (2017) by Paul La Farge
- Astounding: John W. Campbell, Isaac Asimov; Robert Heinlein, L. Ron Hubbard, and the Golden Age of Science Fiction (2018) by Alec Nevala-Lee
- Figures Unseen: Selected Stories (2018) by Steve Rasnic Tem
- Moderan (2018) by David R. Bunch
- The Water Cure (2019) by Sophie Mackintosh
- All Worlds Are Real (2020) by Susan Palwick
- Meet Me in the Future (2020) by Kameron Hurley
- Sooner or Later Everything Falls Into the Sea (2020) by Sarah Pinsker
- Octavia E. Butler: Kindred, Fledgling, Collected Stories (2021) by Octavia E. Butler
- Bug (2022) by Giacomo Sartori
- The Best of R. A. Lafferty (2022) by R. A. Lafferty
- "More About Writing" and Other Essays (2022) by Samuel R. Delany
- Dangerous Visions and New Worlds: Radical Science Fiction, 1950 to 1985 (2022) by Andrew Nette and Iain McIntyre
- Reverse Colonization: Science Fiction, Imperial Fantasy, and Alt-victimhood (2022) by David M. Higgins
- James Sallis Interview (1998) by Gerald Houghton