Note: There are other series with the same name: Oz Universe (nonfiction)
- Series: Oz Universe Series Record # 21605
- Series Tags: juvenile fantasy (180), fantasy (137), young-adult fantasy (137), Librivox (15), juvenile sf (3), derived (1), revolution (1), Hitler Wins (1), Kindle Unlimited (1), historical fantasy (1), space opera (1), parallel universe (1), prisoners (1), escape (1), adventure (1), movie novelization (1), novelization (1), into-video game (1), NESFA Core Reading List (1), tornado (1) and 7 additional tags. View all tags for Oz Universe
- Oz Universe
(View Issue Grid)
- Leprechauns in Oz (2000) by Mark E. Haas
- The Medicine Man of Oz (2001) by Mark E. Haas
The Unnaturals (2005) [SF]
Philip José Farmer?Philip Jose Farmer
- Queer and Loathing on the Yellow Brick Road (2012) by Deb Hoag
- Oz The Great and Powerful (2013) by Elizabeth Rudnick
- Rainbow's Emissary (2013) by Mike LaMontagne
- The Wizard of Oz: A Polychrome Omnibus (2013) [O] by L. Frank Baum and Mike LaMontagne
- Polychrome (2015) by Ryk E. Spoor
Toto: The Dog-Gone Amazing Story of the Wizard of Oz (2017)
Michael Morpurgo
also appeared as:
- Variant: Toto: The Wizard of Oz As Told by the Dog (2020)
- The Lost Tales of Oz (2018) [A] by Joe Bongiorno
- Lost Histories from the Royal Librarian of Oz (2018) [NF] by Joe Bongiorno
- O magnífico Mágico e a maravilhosa Terra de Oz (2018) [O/1-2] by L. Frank Baum
- Волшебник изумрудного города / The Wizard of the Emerald City?Volshebnik izumrudnogo goroda(View Issue Grid)
- 1
Волшебник изумрудного города?Volshebnik izumrudnogo goroda(1939) byАлександр Волков?Aleksandr Volkovalso appeared as:
Alexander Volkov-
Translation: Զմրուխտ քաղաքի կախարդը?Zmrukht k'aghak'i kakhardy[Armenian] (1962) [as byԱլեքսանդր Վոլկով?Alek'sandr Volkov]
Translation: Smaragda pilsētas burvis?Smaragda pilsetas burvis[Latvian] (1962) [as by A. Volkovs]
- Translation: Der Zauberer der Smaragdenstadt [German] (1963) [as by Alexander Wolkow]
- Translation: De tovenaar van Smaragdstad [Dutch] (1970) [as by Alexander Wolkow]
- Translation: The Wizard of the Emerald City [English] (1991) [as by Alexander Melentyevich Volkov]
- 2
Урфин Джюс и его деревянные солдаты?Urfin Jus i ego derevyannyye soldaty(1963) byАлександр Волков?Aleksandr Volkovalso appeared as:
Alexander Volkov- Translation: The Wooden Soldiers of Oz [English] (1969) [as by Alexander Volkov]
- Translation: Urfin Jus and His Wooden Soldiers [English] (1991) [as by Alexander Melentyevich Volkov]
- Translation: Der schlaue Urfin und seine Holzsoldaten [German] (1992) [as by Alexander Wolkow]
- 3
Семь подземных королей?Sem' podzemnykh koroley(1967) byАлександр Волков?Aleksandr Volkovalso appeared as:
Alexander Volkov- Translation: Die sieben unterirdischen Könige [German] (1992) [as by Alexander Wolkow]
- Translation: The Seven Underground Kings [English] (1993) [as by Alexander Melentyevich Volkov]
- 4
Огненный бог марранов?Ognennyj bog marannov(1971) by
Ognennyy bog marannovАлександр Волков?Aleksandr Volkovalso appeared as:
Alexander Volkov- Translation: Der Feuergott der Marranen [German] (1991) [as by Alexander Wolkow]
- Translation: The Fiery God of the Marrans [English] (1993) [as by Alexander Melentyevich Volkov]
- 5
Жёлтый туман?Zhyoltyi tuman(1974) byАлександр Волков?Aleksandr Volkovalso appeared as:
Alexander Volkov- Translation: Yellow Fog Over Oz [English] (1986) [as by Alexander Volkov]
- Translation: Der gelbe Nebel [German] (1992) [as by Alexander Wolkow]
- Translation: The Yellow Fog [English] (2007) [as by Alexander Volkov]
- 6
Тайна заброшенного замка?Tajna zabroshennogo zamka(1982) byАлександр Волков?Aleksandr Volkovalso appeared as:
Alexander Volkov- Translation: The Secret of the Deserted Castle [English] (1987) [as by Alexander Volkov]
- Translation: Das Geheimnis des verlassenen Schlosses [German] (1992) [as by Alexander Wolkow]
- Translation: The Mystery of the Deserted Castle [English] (2007) [as by Alexander Volkov]
Tales of the Magic Land 1 (1991) [O/1,2]
Александр Волков?Aleksandr Volkov[only as by Alexander Melentyevich Volkov]
Alexander Volkov -
Изумрудный дождь?Izumrudnyy dozhd'(1992) byЮрий Кузнецов?Yuriy Kuznetsovonly appeared as:
- Translation: Der Smaragdenregen [German] (1994) [as by Jurij Kusnezow]
- Translation: Die Gefangenen des Korallenriffs [German] (1995) [as by Jurij Kusnezow]
- Translation: Die Riesin Arachna [German] (1996) [as by Jurij Kusnezow]
Tales of the Magic Land 2 (1993) [O/3,4]
Александр Волков?Aleksandr Volkov[only as by Alexander Melentyevich Volkov]
Alexander Volkov -
In den Fängen des Seemonsters (1996)
Aljonna Möckel?Aljonna MoeckelandKlaus Möckel?Klaus Moeckel[only as by Nikolai Bachnow]
Die Schlange mit den Bernsteinaugen (1997)
Aljonna Möckel?Aljonna MoeckelandKlaus Möckel?Klaus Moeckel[only as by Nikolai Bachnow]
Ellie in the Clutches of the Ogre (1997) [SF]
Александр Волков?Aleksandr Volkov[only as by Alexander Volkov]
Alexander Volkov -
Der Schatz der Smaragdenbienen (1998)
Aljonna Möckel?Aljonna MoeckelandKlaus Möckel?Klaus Moeckel[only as by Nikolai Bachnow]
Der Fluch des Drachenkönigs (1999)
Aljonna Möckel?Aljonna MoeckelandKlaus Möckel?Klaus Moeckel[only as by Nikolai Bachnow]
Die falsche Fee (2000)
Aljonna Möckel?Aljonna MoeckelandKlaus Möckel?Klaus Moeckel[only as by Nikolai Bachnow]
Die unsichtbaren Fürsten (2001)
Aljonna Möckel?Aljonna MoeckelandKlaus Möckel?Klaus Moeckel[only as by Nikolai Bachnow]
Der Hexer aus dem Kupferwald (2002)
Aljonna Möckel?Aljonna MoeckelandKlaus Möckel?Klaus Moeckel[only as by Nikolai Bachnow]
Das gestohlene Tierreich (2003)
Aljonna Möckel?Aljonna MoeckelandKlaus Möckel?Klaus Moeckel[only as by Nikolai Bachnow]
Tales of the Magic Land 3 (2007) [O/5,6]
Александр Волков?Aleksandr Volkov[only as by Alexander Volkov]
Alexander Volkov
- 1
- Изумрудный город / Emerald City?Izumrudnyj gorod(View Issue Grid)
- 1
Дочь Гингемы?Doch' Gingemy(1997) byСергей Сухинов?Sergei Sukhinovonly appeared as:
- Translation: Gingema's Daughter [English] (2013) [as by Sergei Sukhinov]
- 2
Фея Изумрудного города?Feya Izumrudnogo goroda(1997) byСергей Сухинов?Sergei Sukhinovonly appeared as:
- Translation: The Fairy of the Emerald City [English] (2013) [as by Sergei Sukhinov]
- 3
Секрет волшебницы Виллины?Sekret volshebnitsy Villiny(1997) byСергей Сухинов?Sergei Sukhinovonly appeared as:
- Translation: The Sorceress Villina's Secret [English] (2013) [as by Sergei Sukhinov]
- 4
Меч чародея?Mech charodeya(1998) byСергей Сухинов?Sergei Sukhinovonly appeared as:
- Translation: The Sorcerer's Sword [English] (2013) [as by Sergei Sukhinov]
- 5
Вечно молодая Стелла?Vechno molodaya Stella(1998) byСергей Сухинов?Sergei Sukhinovonly appeared as:
- Translation: Eternally Youthful Stella [English] (2013) [as by Sergei Sukhinov]
- 6
Алхимик Парцелиус?Alkhimik Partselius(1999) byСергей Сухинов?Sergei Sukhinovonly appeared as:
- Translation: Parcelius the Alchemist [English] (2013) [as by Sergei Sukhinov]
- 7
Битва в подземной стране?Bitva v podzemnoy strane(2000) byСергей Сухинов?Sergei Sukhinovonly appeared as:
- Translation: Battle in Underground Land [English] (2013) [as by Sergei Sukhinov]
- 8
Король Людушка?Korol' Lyudushka(2001) byСергей Сухинов?Sergei Sukhinovonly appeared as:
- Translation: King Midgety [English] (2013) [as by Sergei Sukhinov]
- 9
Чародей из Атлантиды?Charodey iz Atlantidy(2002) byСергей Сухинов?Sergei Sukhinovonly appeared as:
- Translation: The Sorcerer from Atlantis [English] (2013) [as by Sergei Sukhinov]
- 10
Рыцари Света и Тьмы?Rytsari Sveta i T'my(2004) byСергей Сухинов?Sergei Sukhinovonly appeared as:
- Translation: The Knights of Light and Darkness [English] (2013) [as by Sergei Sukhinov]
- 1
- Ages of Oz
(View Issue Grid)
- 1 A Fiery Friendship (2017) by Lisa Fiedler
- 2 A Dark Descent (2018) by Lisa Fiedler
- Bloodstained Oz
(View Issue Grid)
Bloodstained Oz (2006)
Christopher Golden
James A. Moore
also appeared as:
- Translation: Blutbesudelt Oz [German] (2020)
Bloodstained Wonderland (2017)
Christopher Golden
James A. Moore
also appeared as:
- Translation: Blutbesudelt Wonderland [German] (2020)
Bloodstained Neverland (2023)
Christopher Golden
James A. Moore
only appeared as:
- Translation: Blutbesudelt Neverland [German] (2023)
Bloodstained Oz (2006)
Christopher Golden
James A. Moore
also appeared as:
- Dorothy and Toto
(View Issue Grid)
- The Hunt for the Perfect Present (2016) [SF] by Debbi Michiko Florence
- What's YOUR Name? (2016) [SF] by Debbi Michiko Florence
- The Disappearing Picnic (2016) [SF] by Debbi Michiko Florence
- Little Dog Lost (2016) [SF] by Debbi Michiko Florence
- Illustrated Adventures in Oz
(View Issue Grid)
- 1 The Wizard of Oz / The Land of Oz / Ozma of Oz (2011) [O] by L. Frank Baum
- 2 Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz / The Road to Oz / The Emerald City of Oz (2011) [O] by L. Frank Baum
- 3 The Patchwork Girl of Oz / Tik Tok of Oz / The Scarecrow of Oz (2011) [O] by L. Frank Baum
- 4 Rinkitink in Oz / The Lost Princess of Oz / The Tin Woodman of Oz (2011) [O] by L. Frank Baum
- 5 The Magic of Oz / Glinda of Oz / The Little Wizard Stories of Oz (2012) [O] by L. Frank Baum
- Of Cabbages ...
(View Issue Grid)
- 1 Of Cabbages, Kings and Even (Odd) Queens of Wonderland and Oz (2011) by Ron Baxley, Jr. and James C. Wallace, II
- 2 Whether the Sea is Boiling Hot... And Whether Pigs Have Wings (unknown) by Ron Baxley, Jr. and James C. Wallace, II
- 3 Of Dismal Things to Do and Deeply Sympathizing (2014) by Ron Baxley, Jr. and James C. Wallace, II
- Of Cabbages, Kings, Queens, Flying Pigs, and Dismal Things (2015) [O/1,2,3] by Ron Baxley, Jr. and James C. Wallace, II
- Oz
(View Issue Grid)
- 1
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1900)
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Variant: The New Wizard of Oz (1903)
- Variant: The Wizard of Oz Waddle Book (1934)
- Translation: Il Mago Di Oz [Italian] (1949)
- Translation: Il mago di Oz [Italian] (1954)
- Variant: The Wizard of Oz (1956)
- Variant: The Wizard of Oz (abridged) (1958)
Translation: Čarovnik iz Oza?Carovnik iz Oza[Slovenian] (1959) [as by Lyman Frank Baum]
Charovnik iz Oza - Translation: Jadugar-e-Shahr-e-Zomorrod [Persian] (1959)
Translation: オズの魔法使い?Ozu no Mahō Tsukai[Japanese] (1960)
Ozu no Mahōtsukai
Ozu no Mahou Tsukai
Ozu no Mahoutsukai
Ozu no Maho Tsukai
Ozu no Mahotsukai
オズのまほうつかい - Variant: With Dorothy in Oz (1960)
- Translation: Carobnjak iz Oza [Serbian] (1961)
- Translation: O Magico de Oz [Portuguese] (1961)
- Translation: The Wizard of Oz [Bengali] (1963)
Translation: オズのまほうつかい?Ozu no Mahōtsukai[Japanese] (1963)
Translation: オズのまほうつかい?Ozu no Mahōtsukai[Japanese] (1964) [as byバウム?Baumu]
- Translation: Der Zauberer Oz [German] (1964)
- Translation: Le Magicien d'Oz (abridged) [French] (1964)
- Translation: Die Ongelooflike Towenaar Van Oz [Afrikaans] (1965)
Translation: Vrăjitorul Din Oz?Vrajitorul Din Oz[Romanian] (1965)
- Translation: Oz, A Nagy Varázsló [Hungarian] (1966)
Translation: オズのまほう使い?Ozu no Mahōtsukai[Japanese] (1967)
Translation: Ο Μάγος του Οζ?Ho Magos Tou Oz[Greek] (1970)
- Translation: De Grote Tovenaar Van Oz [Dutch] (1971) [as by Frank L. Baum]
- Translation: El Mago de Oz (abridged) [Spanish] (1972)
- Translation: Lonneke In Het Land Van Oz [Dutch] (1972)
Translation: Billur Köşk?Billur Kosk[Turkish] (1973)
- Variant: The Annotated Wizard of Oz (1973)
Translation: オズの魔法使い?Ozu no Mahō Tsukai[Japanese] (1975) [as by
Ozu no Mahōtsukai
Ozu no Mahou Tsukai
Ozu no Mahoutsukai
Ozu no Maho Tsukai
Ozu no Mahotsukaiライマン・フランク・ボーム?Raiman Furanku Bōmu]
Raiman Furanku Boomu - Translation: Der Zauberer Oz [German] (1975)
Translation: オズの魔法使い?Ozu no Mahō Tsukai[Japanese] (1977)
Ozu no Mahōtsukai
Ozu no Mahou Tsukai
Ozu no Mahoutsukai
Ozu no Maho Tsukai
Ozu no Mahotsukai - Translation: Ozin Velho [Finnish] (1977)
- Variant: The Wizard of Oz (abridged) (1977)
Translation: オズの魔法使い?Ozu No Mahōtsukai[Japanese] (1978)
- Variant: The Wiz Book: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1978)
Translation: オズのまほうつかい?Ozu no Mahōtsukai[Japanese] (1978) [as byバウム?Baumu]
- Variant: The Wiz (1979)
Translation: オズの魔法使い?Ozu no Mahō Tsukai[Japanese] (1980)
Ozu no Mahōtsukai
Ozu no Mahou Tsukai
Ozu no Mahoutsukai
Ozu no Maho Tsukai
Ozu no Mahotsukai -
Translation: オズの魔法使い?Ozu No Mahōtsukai[Japanese] (1980) [as byバウム?Baumu]
Translation: オズの魔法使い?Ozu no Mahō Tsukai[Japanese] (1981)
Ozu no Mahōtsukai
Ozu no Mahou Tsukai
Ozu no Mahoutsukai
Ozu no Maho Tsukai
Ozu no Mahotsukai
オズのまほうつかい - Translation: Il mago di Oz [Italian] (1983) [as by Lyman Frank Baum]
- Translation: Der Zauberer von Oos [German] (1984)
- Variant: The Wizard of Oz (abridged) (1984)
- Translation: The Classical Wizard — Magus Mirabilis in Oz [Latin] (1987)
- Translation: Il meraviglioso mago di Oz [Italian] (1989) [as by Lyman Frank Baum]
- Translation: O Marabilloso Mago de Oz [Galician] (1994)
Translation: Čaroděj ze země Oz?Carodej ze zeme Oz[Czech] (1995)
- Translation: Der Zauberer von Oz [German] (1997) [as by Lyman Frank Baum]
- Translation: Il mago di Oz [Italian] (1997)
- Translation: Le magicien d'Oz [French] (1998)
- Translation: Der Zauberer von Oz [German] (1999)
- Translation: Der Zauberer von Oz [German] (1999) [as by Lyman Frank Baum]
- Translation: Troldmanden Fra Oz (abridged) [Danish] (1999)
- Translation: La Mirinda Soristo De Oz [Esperanto] (2000)
- Translation: Nuostabusis Ozo Šalies Burtininkas [Lithuanian] (2000) [as by Frank Limen Baum]
- Translation: Ihmemaa Oz [Finnish] (2001)
- Variant: L. Frank Baum's The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, with Annotations (2002)
- Translation: Magjistari I Ozit [Albanian] (2003)
- Translation: Trollmannen fra Oz [Norwegian (Bokmal)] (2003)
Translation: Чаробњак из Оза?Charobniak iz Oza[Serbian] (2004)
- Translation: Il Meraviglioso Mago Di Oz [Italian] (2007)
- Variant: Michael Foreman's the Wonderful Wizard of Oz (2010)
- Translation: Il mago di Oz [Italian] (2011)
- Translation: The Wizard of Oz [Vietnamese] (2011) [as by Lyman Frank Baum]
- Translation: Il mago di Oz [Italian] (2012) [as by Frank Lyman Baum]
- Translation: Pystrior Marthys Pow Oz [Cornish] (2017)
Translation: Вълшебникът от Оз?Valshebnikat ot Oz[Bulgarian] (2018) [as byЛиман Франк Баум?Liman Frank Baum]
- Translation: O magnífico Mágico de Oz [Portuguese] (2018)
Translation: Օզի զարմանահրաշ կախարդը?O'zi zarmanahrash kaxardy'[Armenian] (2020) [as byԼայման Ֆրենք Բաում?Layman Frenq Baowm]
- Translation: 'aS 'IDnar pIn'a' Dun [Klingon] (2021)
- Variant: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (2021) [as by L. F. Baum]
- Translation: El bruixot d'Oz [Catalan] (2022)
- Translation: El maravilloso mago de Oz [Spanish] (2022)
- 1
Asarlaí Iontach Oz?Asarlai Iontach Oz(2018) by L. Frank Baum
- 1
Ke Kāula Kamahaʻo o ʻOza?Ke Kaula Kamaha'o o 'Oza(2018) by L. Frank Baum
- 1 The Winnerfu Warlock o Oz (2018) by L. Frank Baum
- 1 La Marveloza Sorcisto di Oz (2019) by L. Frank Baum
- 1
La Mirinda Sorĉisto de Oz?La Mirinda Sorcisto de Oz(2019) by L. Frank Baum
- 1
Draoidh Drùidhteach Oz?Draoidh Druidhteach Oz(2025) by L. Frank Baum
- 2
The Marvelous Land of Oz (1904)
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Land of Oz (1939)
- Variant: The Marvellous Land of Oz (1969)
- Translation: Landet Oz [Swedish] (1976)
- Translation: La meravigliosa terra di Oz [Italian] (1983) [as by Lyman Frank Baum]
Translation: Čarodějná země Oz?Carodejna zeme Oz[Czech] (2004)
Charodejna zeme Oz - Translation: A Maravilhosa Terra de Oz [Portuguese] (2018)
Translation: Օզի սքանչելի երկիրը?O'zi sqancheli erkiry'[Armenian] (2020) [as byԼայման Ֆրենք Բաում?Layman Frenq Baowm]
- 3
Ozma of Oz (1907)
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Translation: Prinsessa Ozma [Finnish] (1979)
- Translation: Ozma von Oz [German] (1985)
- Translation: Dorotee Kap Ozma Haeng Oz [Thai] (2003)
Translation: Օզման Օզից?O'zman O'zic[Armenian] (2022) [as byԼայման Ֆրենք Բաում?Layman Frenq Baowm]
- 4
Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz (1908)
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Variant: Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz (1908)
- Translation: Dorothy Ja Võlur Ozis [Estonian] (2001)
- 5 The Road to Oz (1909) by L. Frank Baum
- 6
The Emerald City of Oz (1910)
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Emerald City of Oz (1910) [as by Lyman Frank Baum]
- Variant: The Emerald City of Oz: Abridged Edition (1938)
- 7 The Patchwork Girl of Oz (1913) by L. Frank Baum
- 8
Tik-Tok of Oz (1914)
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Variant: Tik-Tok of Oz (1914) [as by Lyman Frank Baum]
Translation: オズのチクタク?Ozu no Chikutaku[Japanese] (1981) [as byライマン・フランク・ボーム?Raiman Furanku Bōmu]
Raiman Furanku Boomu
- 9
The Scarecrow of Oz (1915)
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
Translation: オズのかかし?Ozu no Kakashi[Japanese] (1982) [as byライマン・フランク・ボーム?Raiman Furanku Bōmu]
Raiman Furanku Boomu
- 10
Rinkitink in Oz (1916)
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Variant: Rinkitink of Oz (2016)
- 11 The Lost Princess of Oz (1917) by L. Frank Baum
- 12
The Tin Woodman of Oz (1918)
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
Translation: オズのブリキの木樵り?Ozu no Buriki no Ki Kori[Japanese] (1984) [as byライマン・フランク・ボーム?Raiman Furanku Bōmu]
Raiman Furanku Boomu - Variant: The Tin Woodsman of Oz (2014)
- 13
The Magic of Oz (1919)
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Variant: Glinda of Oz (2021) [as by L. F. Baum]
- 14 Glinda of Oz (1920) by L. Frank Baum
- 15
The Royal Book of Oz (1921)
Ruth Plumly Thompson
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Royal Book of Oz (1921) [as by L. Frank Baum]
- Variant: The Royal Book of Oz (2009) [as by L. Frank Baum and Ruth Plumly Thompson]
- 16 Kabumpo in Oz (1922) by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- 17 The Cowardly Lion of Oz (1923) by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- 18 Grampa in Oz (1924) by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- 19 The Lost King of Oz (1925) by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- 20 The Hungry Tiger of Oz (1926) by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- 21 The Gnome King of Oz (1927) by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- 22 The Giant Horse of Oz (1928) by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- 23 Jack Pumpkinhead of Oz (1929) by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- 24 The Yellow Knight of Oz (1930) by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- 25 Pirates in Oz (1931) by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- 26 The Purple Prince of Oz (1932) by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- 27 Ojo in Oz (1933) by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- 28 Speedy in Oz (1934) by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- 29 The Wishing Horse of Oz (1935) by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- 30 Captain Salt in Oz (1936) by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- 31 Handy Mandy in Oz (1937) by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- 32 The Silver Princess in Oz (1938) by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- 33 Ozoplaning with the Wizard of Oz (1939) by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- 34
The Wonder City of Oz (1940)
John R. Neill
also appeared as:
Translation: Дженни Джик в Стране Оз?Dzhenni Dzhik v Strane Oz[Russian] (1998) [as byДжон Нил?Dzhon Nil]
- 35 The Scalawagons in Oz (1941) by John R. Neill
- 36 Lucky Bucky in Oz (1942) by John R. Neill
- 37 The Magical Mimics in Oz (1946) by Jack Snow
- 38 The Shaggy Man of Oz (1949) by Jack Snow
- 39 The Hidden Valley of Oz (1951) by Rachel Cosgrove Payes [only as by Rachel R. Cosgrove]
- 40
Merry Go Round in Oz (1963)
Eloise Jarvis McGraw
Lauren Lynn McGraw
only appeared as:
- Variant: Merry Go Round in Oz (1963) [as by Eloise Jarvis McGraw and Lauren McGraw Wagner]
- Variant: Merry Go Round in Oz (1990) [as by Eloise Jarvis McGraw and Lauren McGraw]
- 41 Yankee in Oz (1972) by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- 42 The Enchanted Island of Oz (1976) [SF] by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- 43 The Forbidden Fountain of Oz (1980) by Eloise Jarvis McGraw and Lauren Lynn McGraw
- 44 The Ozmapolitan of Oz (1986) by Dick Martin
- 45 The Wicked Witch of Oz (1993) by Rachel Cosgrove Payes
- The Wizard of Oz As Told by Art Carney (unknown) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Wizard of Oz: A Windmill Pop-Up (unknown) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (excerpt) (1900) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- In the Civilized Countries (excerpt from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz) (1900) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Ruling Class (excerpt from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz) (1900) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- If We Walk Far Enough (excerpt from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz) (1900) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Uncomfortable Feeling (excerpt from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz) (1900) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- A Crowd of Monkeys (excerpt from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz) (1900) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Her Little Black Dog (excerpt from The Wonderful WIzard of Oz) (1900) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- King of Beasts (excerpt from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz) (1900) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- My Heart is Quite Empty (excerpt from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz) (1900) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Don't Call Me a Fool (excerpt from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz) (1900) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- There are Worse Things (excerpt from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz) (1900) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Dorothy Was Innocent (excerpt from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz) (1900) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Kissed by the Witch of the North (excerpt from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz) (1900) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Witch Did Not Bleed (excerpt from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz) (1900) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- A Very Bad Man (excerpt from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz) (1900) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- What They Wanted from Him (excerpt from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz) (1900) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Confessions of the Wizard of Oz (excerpt from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz) (1900) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Safe in the Funny Little Munchkin Town (1903) [POEM] by uncredited
- The Scarecrow's Lament (1903) [POEM] by L. Frank Baum
- A Quiet Think (excerpt from The Marvelous Land of Oz) (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Anyone Can Be Conquered (excerpt from The Marvelous Land of Oz) (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- A Means of Escape (excerpt from The Marvelous Land of Oz) (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- In an Emergency (excerpt from The Marvelous Land of Oz) (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- A Roman Gladiator (excerpt from The Marvelous Land of Oz) (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The More You Fish (excerpt from The Marvelous Land of Oz) (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- We Are Not Built the Same (excerpt from The Marvelous Land of Oz) (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Scarecrow Affirmations (excerpts from The Marvelous Land of Oz) (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- All Wrong, Somehow (excerpt from The Marvelous Land of Oz) (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Never So Wonderful (excerpt from The Marvelous Land of Oz) (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- What Did the Woggle-Bug Say? (1905) [POEM] by L. Frank Baum
- The Woggle Bug Song (1905) [POEM] by L. Frank Baum
- Anything is Possible (excerpt from Ozma of Oz) (1907) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Best Thinker (excerpt from Ozma of Oz) (1907) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Girl Power (excerpt from Ozma of Oz) (1907) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- I Came from Kansas (excerpt from Ozma of Oz) (1907) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Autobiography of the Wonderful Wizard of Oz (excerpt from Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz) (1908) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Only a Humbug Wizard (excerpt from Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz) (1908) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Living in Oz (excerpt from The Road to Oz) (1909) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- We Are Loved for Ourselves Alone (excerpt from The Road to Oz) (1909) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Tin Woodman Lectures on Money in Oz (excerpt from The Road to Oz) (1909) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- What Should We Do Next? (excerpt from The Road to Oz) (1909) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- A Once-in-a-While Princess (excerpt from The Road to Oz) (1909) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Marching to the Song of Johnny Dooit (excerpt from The Road to Oz) (1909) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- In Joyous Greeting (excerpt from The Road to Oz) (1909) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Many Queer Things (excerpt from The Emerald City of Oz) (1910) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Weather (excerpt form The Emerald City of Oz) (1910) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Reason Most People Are Bad (excerpt from The Emerald City of Oz) (1910) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Simplicity and Kindness (excerpt from The Emerald City of Oz) (1910) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- An Adventure in Oz (1910) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Heart of a Man of Tin (1910) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Shaggy Man (1910) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Yellow Hen (1910) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Cowardly Lion (1910) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Scarecrow's Story (1910) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Animation of the Sawhorse (1910) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Johnny Dooit (1910) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- In Chinaland (1910) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Jack Pumpkinhead and the Scarecrow King (1910) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Emperor's Tin Castle (1910) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Melting a Wicked Witch (1910) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Wogglebug's Story (1910) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Dear Old Hank (1913) [POEM] by L. Frank Baum
- Many Brains (excerpt from The Patchwork Girl of Oz) (1913) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Never GIve Up (excerpt from The Patchwork Girl of Oz) (1913) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Toto's Secret (excerpt from The Patchwork Girl of Oz) (1913) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Toto and the Tin Woodman (excerpt from The Patchwork Girl of Oz) (1913) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- At Home with the Tin Woodman (excerpt from The Patchwork Girl of Oz) (1913) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Higgledy, Piggledy, Dee (excerpt from The Patchwork Girl of Oz) (1913) [POEM] by L. Frank Baum
- Read This Tree (excerpt from Tik-Tok of Oz) (1914) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- I Have Lived Here Many Years (excerpt from The Scarecrow of Oz) (1915) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Is the Scarecrow Alive, Grasshoper? (excerpt from The Scarecrow of Oz) (1915) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Booktionary (excerpt from The Scarecrow of Oz) (1915) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Like Many Other Girls (excerpt from The Scarecrow of Oz) (1915) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Love Has Nine Lives (excerpt from The Scarecrow of Oz) (1915) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Earth Is a Beautiful Place (excerpt from The Scarecrow of Oz) (1915) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Sawhorse (1915) [POEM] by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- Land Mass (excerpt from The Lost Princess of Oz) (1917) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Anyone Who's Sorry (excerpt from The Lost Princess of Oz) (1917) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Pity the Poor Meat People (excerpt from The Lost Princess of Oz) (1917) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Birds Are the Luckiest Creatures of All (excerpt from The Lost Princess of Oz) (1917) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Imagination (excerpt from The Lost Princess of Oz) (1917) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Harboring Wicked Creatures (excerpt from The Lost Princess of Oz) (1917) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- A Bag of Magic (excerpt from The Lost Princess of Oz) (1917) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- A Grand Title (excerpt from The Tin Woodman of Oz) (1918) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Everyone is Happy (excerpt from The Tin Woodman of Oz) (1918) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- You Have to Ask (excerpt from The Tin Woodman of Oz) (1918) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Sweet Fresh Golden Straw (excerpt from The Tin Woodman of Oz) (1918) [POEM] by L. Frank Baum
- When We Have the Least Reason (excerpt from The Tin Woodman of Oz) (1918) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Land of the Munchkins (excerpt from The Tin Woodman of Oz) (1918) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Near to Quarreling (excerpt from The Tin Woodman of Oz) (1918) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Last End of a Wait (excerpt from The Tin Woomand of Oz) (1918) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Famous Jacks—One Who Is Some Pumpkin (1918) [POEM] by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- Money (excerpt from The Magic of Oz) (1919) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Why He Isn't a Coward (excerpt from The Magic of Oz) (1919) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Way with Wicked People (excerpt from The Magic of Oz) (1919) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Any Enchantment (excerpt from The Magic of Oz) (1919) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The People (excerpt from Glinda of Oz) (1920) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Time (excerpt from Glinda of Oz) (1920) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- A Day in the Life of Glinda (excerpt from Glinda of Oz) (1920) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- One Magical Art (excerpt from Glinda of Oz) (1920) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- When Ozma Was a Baby (1926) [POEM] by Rachel Campbell
- If, An Oz Verse to Be Used for Advertising Purposes (1927) [POEM] by Ruth Plumly Thompson
The Cowardly Lion! (1928) [POEM]
Ruth Plumly Thompson
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Cowardly Lion! (1928) [as by uncredited]
- Variant: The Cowardly Lion (1992)
- The Laughing Dragon of Oz (1934) by Frank Joslyn Baum [only as by Frank Baum]
- The Road to Oz (abridged) (1939) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Wizard of Oz Picture Book (1939) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Road to Oz (1951) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Byron Jackson and Kathryn Jackson [only as by Peter Archer (I) and L. Frank Baum]
- The Tin Woodman of Oz (1952) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Byron Jackson and Kathryn Jackson [only as by Peter Archer (I) and L. Frank Baum]
- The Emerald City of Oz (1952) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Byron Jackson and Kathryn Jackson [only as by Peter Archer (I) and L. Frank Baum]
The Tin Woodman Slams the Door (1954) [SF]
Philip José Farmer?Philip Jose Farmer
- The Cowardly Lion from the Wizard of Oz (1956) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and uncredited
A Murder in Oz (1958) [SF]
Jack Snow
also appeared as:
- Serializations:
- A Murder in Oz (Part 1 of 5) (1958)
- A Murder in Oz (Part 3 of 5) (1959)
- A Murder in Oz (Part 2 of 5) (1959)
- A Murder in Oz (Part 5 of 5) (1960)
- A Murder in Oz (Part 4 of 5) (1960)
- Kabumpo, the Elegant Elephant of Oz (1958) [POEM] by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- Breakfast, the Bananny Goat of Oz (1959) [POEM] by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- Where Santa Spends Christmas (1960) [POEM] by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- A Christmas Wish (1961) [POEM] by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- El Mago de Oz (1961) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- An Ozzy Adventure (1961) [POEM] by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- A Christmas Present for Ozma (1962) [POEM] by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- The Wonderful Land of Oz (1963) [POEM] by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- The Tin Wooman and the Tin Soldier of Oz (1963) [SF] by Robert R. Pattrick
- A Short, Short Oz Story (1964) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
An Oz Book (1965) [SF]
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Variant: An Oz Book (Fragment) (2019) [as by uncredited]
- The Colorful Wizard of Oz (1965) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
The Enchanted Tree of Oz (1965) [SF]
Bill Eubank
Ruth Plumly Thompson
only appeared as:
- Serializations:
- The Enchanted Tree of Oz (Part 1 of 2) (1965) [as by Ruth Plumly Thompson]
- The Enchanted Tree of Oz (Part 2 of 2) (1965) [as by Bill Eubank]
- The Blue Emperor of Oz (1966) by Henry S. Blossom
- The Wizard of Oz: A Stand-Up Story for You Because You're Special (1966) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Crystal People (1967) [SF] by Jack Snow
- I'll Sing a Song of Ozland (1967) [POEM] by L. Frank Baum
- Merry Christmas from Jinnicky (1968) [POEM] by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- The Umbrellaphant (1970) [POEM] by Ruth Plumly Thompson
A Day in Oz (1970) [SF]
Ruth Plumly Thompson
also appeared as:
- Variant: A Day in Oz, or Scraps in Oz (2003)
- The Cowardly Lion Changes His Name (1971) [SF] by March Laumer
- Sherlock Holmes in Oz (1971) [SF] by Ruth Berman
- The Patchwork Girl and the Giant (1971) [SF] by Harry E. Mongold [only as by Harry Mongold]
- Tic-Toc Takes a Trip (1971) [POEM] by Harry E. Mongold [only as by Harry Mongold]
- It's Tuesday, This Must Be Oz (1972) [SF] by Mary Reynolds
- Scraps and the Cruel Kalidah (1972) [SF] by Brian Baker
- To Oz Through the Mists (1972) [SF] by Diana Merryman
- Mr. Thinman in Oz (1972) [SF] by Adrienne Martinez and Fred M. Meyer [only as by Adrienne Martinez and Fred Meyer]
- Tempus Temporis in Terra Ozis (1973) [SF] by George Van Buren
- The Wizard of Oz in the Wild West (1973) [SF] by Willard Simms
- Excerpts from the Oziad: Part One, The Patchwork Girl of Oz (1973) [POEM] by Frederick E. Otto [only as by uncredited]
- The Improbable Forest (excerpt from The Sawhorse of Oz) (1973) [SF] by Harry E. Mongold [only as by Harry Mongold]
- The Romance of the Silver Shoes (1975) [SF] by Laura Jane Musser
- Dorothy's Dilemma (1975) [POEM] by Mark Deitch
- The Threat of Civil-Oz-Ation (1975) [SF] by Dan Cox
- How the Wizard Came to Oz, and What He Did There (1976) [SF] by Donald Abbott
- The Adventure of the Cat That Did Not Meow in the Night (1976) [SF] by Jay Delkin and Eric Shanower
- The Lost Sawhorse (1976) [SF] by Phyllis Ann Karr [only as by Phyllis Karr]
- Oz and the Three Witches (1977) [SF] by Hugh Pendexter, III
- Glinda and the Red Jinn (1977) [SF] by Robert R. Pattrick
- What If They Had Taken the Other Path? (1977) [SF] by Jay Delkin
- Two Friendships (1977) [SF] by Stanley Worden
- The Wizard of Oz (1977) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Deidre Laiken
- The Woozy's Tricky Beginning (1978) [SF] by March Laumer
- The Story of the Wizard of Oz (1978) [SF] by uncredited
- The Adventure of the Missing Belt (1978) [SF] by Jay Delkin and Vincent Ward
- Scraps' Ditty (1978) [POEM] by L. Frank Baum
- Zimbo and the Magic Amulet (1978) [SF] by George Van Buren
- Beyond the Rainbow (1978) [SF] by Daniel K. Cox
- Scraps and the Magic Box (1979) [SF] by Fred M. Meyer
- Button Bright in Oz (1979) by Harry E. Mongold
- Journal of a Journey (1979) [SF] by Mary Rakestraw
- Gloma: (The Wishing Horse of Oz) (1979) [POEM] by Ruth Berman
- Hank and the Scarecrow of Oz (1979) [SF] by Robert R. Pattrick
- The Real Critics (1979) [SF] by Geoffrey L. Gould
- How the Cowardly Lion Met the Hungry Tiger (1980) [SF] by Judy Bieber
- Colonel Cotton in Oz (1980) [SF] by Tim Hollis
- A Study in Orange (1980) [SF] by Melody Grandy
- Ozma of Oz: A Tale of Time (1981) [SF] by Suzan Zeder
- The Saw Horse of Oz (1981) by Harry E. Mongold
- Adventure on Monday Mountain (1981) [SF] by Ernest Johnson
- The Eldritch Horror of Oz (1981) [SF] by Phyllis Ann Karr
- The Rainbow's Daughter of Oz (1981) [SF] by Sean P. Duffley [only as by Sean Duffley]
- Dorothy and the Green Gobbler of Oz (1982) [SF] by Romeo Muller
- The Scarecrow Appreciation Day (1982) [SF] by Ben P. Indick
- The Cowardly Lion and the Courage Pills (1982) [INTERIORART] by David Ingersoll
- The Change Made by the Magic Turnstyle (1982) [SF] by Jay Delkin and Edith Ellen Reuwer [only as by Edith Ellen Reuwer]
A Barnstormer in Oz or a Rationalization and Extrapolation of the Split-Level Continuum (1982)
Philip José Farmer?Philip Jose Farmeralso appeared as:
Translation: Ein Himmelsstürmer in Oz?Ein Himmelsstuermer in Oz[German] (1985)
- Travelin'! : An Odyssey in Oz (1983) [SF] by Virginia Glasgow Koste
- Aunt Em and Uncle Henry in Oz (1983) by March Laumer
- A Recall to Oz (1984) [SF] by Michelle Van Loon
- The Good Witch of Oz: A Tale for Those with Innocent Hearts and Adventurous Minds (1984) by March Laumer
- The Year of the Woozy (1984) [SF] by Seraphim J. Sigrist
- The Magic Door to Oz (1984) [SF] by Johanna Buchner and Paul S. Ritz
- The Woozy's Sticky End (1984) [SF] by Johanna Buchner and March Laumer and Paul S. Ritz
- Scraps and the Magic Box (1984) [SF] by Fred M. Meyer [only as by Fred Meyer]
- And When She Tired (excerpt from The Wizard of Oz, A Limerick Version) (1984) [POEM] by Samuel Goldstein [only as by Inge U. Lostdamsel]
- Mister Tinker in Oz (1985) [SF] by James Howe
- Dorothy and the Magic Belt (1985) [SF] by Susan Saunders
- Dorothy and the Seven-Leaf Clover (1985) [SF] by Dorothy Haas
- Ozma and the Wayward Wand (1985) [SF] by Polly Berends
- The Magic Mirror of Oz: The Oz Book for 1944 (1985) by March Laumer
The Mysterious Chronicles of Oz, or, The Travels of Ozma and the Sawhorse (1985)
James Nitch
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Mysterious Chronicles of Oz; or, The Travels of Ozma and the Sawhorse (1985) [as by Onyx Madden]
- Mombi's Pink Polkadot Vest (1985) [SF] by Frederick E. Otto
- Magic in the Kitchen (1985) [SF] by Jane McNeive
- The Ice Cream Man of Oz (1985) [SF] by Jim Vander Noot [only as by Jim VanderNoot]
- Escape from the Witch's Castle (1985) [SF] by uncredited
- Return to Oz (1985) by Joan D. Vinge
- Dorothy and Old King Crow (1986) [SF] by Dorothy Haas
- Scraps: The Ragtime Girl of Oz (1986) [SF] by Virginia Glasgow Koste
- Uncle Henry and Aunt Em in Oz: The Oz Book for 1911 (1986) by March Laumer
- The Frogman of Oz: The Oz Book for 1947 (1986) by March Laumer
- The Emerald City of Oz (1986) [POEM] by Neal Wilgus
- Santa Claus in Oz (1986) [SF] by Tim Hollis
- Much Ado About Kiki Aru (1986) [SF] by Sean P. Duffley [only as by Sean Patrick Duffley]
- Mister Flint in Oz (1987) by Ray Powell
- Two Terrific Tales of Oz (1987) [C] by Greg Hunter
- Unc Nunkie and the White King of Oz (1987) [SF] by Greg Hunter
- Betsy Bobbin of Oz (1987) [SF] by Greg Hunter
- The Woggle Bug's New Clothes (1987) [SF] by Frederick E. Otto
- The Two Peters (1987) [SF] by Eric Shanower
- Button-Bright and the Knit-Wits of Oz (1987) [SF] by Jim Vander Noot
- The Blizzard of Oz (1987) [SF] by Tyler R. Tichelaar [only as by Tyler Tichelaar]
- The Braided Man of Oz (1987) [SF] by R. K. Lionel
- The Gardener's Boy of Oz (1988) by Phyllis Ann Karr
- The Enchanted Gnome of Oz (1988) by Greg Hunter
- A Viking in Oz (1988) by Chris Dulabone
- Veggy Man of Oz (1988) by Nate Barlow
- The Careless Kangaroo of Oz: The Oz Book for 1912 (1988) by March Laumer
- Charmed Gardens of Oz (1988) by March Laumer
- Ode to Brains (1988) [POEM] by Eric Shanower
- The Computer Wizard Makes a Comeback (1988) [SF] by Phyllis Ann Karr
- "The Northeast Wind in Oz" (1988) [SF] by Wendy Roth
- "McWogglebug" (1988) [POEM] by Neal Wilgus
- "Break Dance" (1988) [POEM] by Neal Wilgus
- "Stuff and Nonsense" (1988) [POEM] by Neal Wilgus
- A Side View of the Nonestic Islands (1988) [SF] by Martha Cornog and Timothy Perper
- Acinad Goes to the Emerald City of Oz (1988) [SF] by Candice Baca and Peter Dennedy and Danica Libutti and Naomi Maestas and Billy Sanchez and Randy Tappan and David Tolzman
- Dorothy of Oz (1989) by Roger S. Baum
- The Deadly Desert Around Oz (1989) by Chris Dulabone
- Our Trip to Oz (1989) by The Wiz Kids of Oz
- Song of Oz (1989) by Jeff Barstock
- A Fairy Queen in Oz (1989) by March Laumer
- The Magic Diamond of Oz (1989) by Danica Libutti
- The Colorful Kitten of Oz (1990) by Chris Dulabone [only as by Christopher Michael Dulabone]
- Dorothy Returns to Oz (1990) [SF] by Shawn Billman
- The Enchanted Emeralds of Oz (1990) by The Wiz Kids of Oz
- On the Road! to Oz (1990) [SF] by Virginia Glasgow Koste [only as by V. Glasgow Koste]
- A Wonderful Journey in Oz (1990) [SF] by Atticus Gannaway [only as by Ryan Gannaway]
- The Vegetable Man of Oz: The Oz Book for 1943 (1990) by Håkan Larsson and March Laumer
- The China Dog in Oz (1990) by March Laumer and Ruth Tuttle
- Lurliné and the White Ravens of Oz: An Ozian Myth (1990) [SF] by Marcus Mébès
- The Mysterious Caverns of Oz (1990) [SF] by Marcus Mébès
- The Silver Shoes of Oz (1990) by Marin Xiques [only as by Marin Elizabeth Xiques]
- Dorothy Meets Alice: or, The Wizard of Wonderland (1990) [SF] by Joseph Robinette
- Chapter Three (1990) [SF] by Eloise Jarvis McGraw
- The Rewolf of Oz (1990) [SF] by Roger S. Baum
- The Cowardly Lion's Lament (1991) [POEM] by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- Dagmar in Oz (1991) by Chris Dulabone
- The Dinamonster of Oz (1991) by Kenneth Gage Baum
- The Sillyozbuls of Oz (1991) [SF] by Roger S. Baum
- The Umbrellas of Oz: The Oz book for 1953 (1991) by March Laumer and Irene Schneyder
- The Crown of Oz (1991) by March Laumer and Michael Michanczyk
- The Many Lands in Oz (1991) by The Wiz Kids of Oz
- In Blue-Green Lands (1991) [POEM] by Eric Shanower
- Mission Impozible: Revenge of the Emerald Grasshopper (1991) [SF] by Christopher Wayne Buckley
- Pyrzgxl! (1991) [POEM] by Christopher Wayne Buckley
- Watching the Clouds Go by (1991) [POEM] by Christopher Wayne Buckley
- Fairness (1991) [SF] by Earl C. Abbe
- A Cozy Castle in Oz (1991) [SF] by Frederick E. Otto
- Book of Records (1991) [POEM] by Christopher Wayne Buckley
- The Crocheted Cat in Oz (1991) by Hugh Pendexter, III
- Time-Travelling in Oz (1992) [SF] by Atticus Gannaway [only as by Ryan Gannaway]
- Bungle and the Magic Lantern of Oz (1992) [SF] by Greg Gick
- The Sillyozbul of Oz and Toto (1992) [SF] by Roger S. Baum
- The Sillyozbul of Oz and the Magic Merry-Go-Round (1992) [SF] by Roger S. Baum
- Skeezik and the Mys-Tree of Oz (1992) [SF] by Marcus Mébès
- The Liberty Bell in Oz (1992) by The Wiz Kids of Oz
- A Christmas Tree for Dorothy (1992) [SF] by Jane Albright
- The Tail of the Pink Goat (1992) [SF] by Everett Avila
- The Woozy's Tale (1992) [SF] by Gili Bar-Hillel
- The Journey (1992) [SF] by Deborah Holden
- Untitled Story (1992) [SF] by Deborah Holden
- The Cheerful Citizens of Oz (1992) [C] by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- "Didja ever hear of Oz?" (1992) [POEM] by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- The Scarecrow (1992) [POEM] by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- The Tin Woodman of Oz (1992) [POEM] by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- Jack Pumpkinhead (1992) [POEM] by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- Tik-Tok, the Machine Man (1992) [POEM] by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- The Hungry Tiger (1992) [POEM] by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- The Soldier with the Green Whiskers (1992) [POEM] by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- Sir Hokus of Pokes (1992) [POEM] by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- The Patchwork Girl (1992) [POEM] by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- The Wizard of Oz (1992) [POEM] by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- Der wunderbare Zauberer von Oz: Nach dem Roman von Frank L. Baum (1992) by Martin Auer
- The Nome King's Shadow in Oz (1992) by Gilbert M. Sprague
- The Giant Garden of Oz (1993) by Eric Shanower
- The Wizard of Oz: A Novelization (1993) by M. J. Carr
Invisible Inzi of Oz (1993)
Robert Wauchope
Virginia Wauchope
also appeared as:
- Serializations:
- Invisible Inzi of Oz (Part 1 of 2) (1980)
- Invisible Inzi of Oz (Part 2 of 2) (1981)
- Maybe the Miffin (1993) [SF] by Phyllis Ann Karr
- Dorothy: Return to Oz (1993) by Thomas L. Tedrow
- The Flying Bus in Oz (1993) by Ruth Morris
- Cory in Oz (1993) by Allison McBain
- The Case of the Framed Fairy of Oz (1993) [SF] by Chris Dulabone and Gil S. Joel [only as by Chris M. Dulabone and Gil S. Joel]
- The Patchwork Bride of Oz (1993) [SF] by Gilbert M. Sprague
- The Lunechien Forest of Oz (1993) by Chris Dulabone
- The Haunted Castle of Oz (1993) by Marcus Mébès [only as by Marcus D. Mébès]
- Queen Ann in Oz (1993) by Karyl Carlson and Eric Gjovaag
- The Emerald Ring of Oz (1993) by Jeremy Steadman
- W.W. Denslow in Oz (1993) by The Wiz Kids of Oz
- The Merchant of Oz (1993) [SF] by Chuck Sabatos
- Jubulut (1993) [SF] by James Nitch [only as by Onyx Madden]
- Sail Away to Oz: Growing Up in the Real World (1993) [POEM] by Kerrie McIntire and Marcus Mébès [also as by Marcus Mébès]
- Masquerade in Oz (1994) by Bill Campbell and Irwin Terry
- The Magic Dishpan of Oz (1994) by Jeff Freedman
- Kaliko in Oz (1994) by K. Kline
- Red Reera the Yookoohoo and the Enchanted Easter Eggs of Oz (1994) [SF] by Richard G. Quinn
- Egor's Funhouse Goes to Oz (1994) by Chris Dulabone
- Father Goose in Oz (1994) by Donald Abbott
- The Marvelous Monkeys of Oz (1994) by Chris Dulabone
- The Odd Tale of Osoenft in Oz (1994) [SF] by Marcus Mébès
- John R. Neill Visits Oz (1994) by The Wiz Kids of Oz
- Billy Bumble of Oz (1994) [SF] by Jane Albright
- Nine Tiny Piglets (1994) [SF] by Kimberly Doyle
- Ghosts in Oz (1994) [SF] by Marie RIchardson
The Silver Jug (1994) [SF]
Frederick E. Otto
Eric Shanower
only appeared as:
- Serializations:
- The Silver Jug (Part 2 of 2) (1994) [as by Frederick E. Otto]
The Silver Jug (1994) [SF]
M. A. Berg
Eric Shanower
only appeared as:
- Serializations:
- The Silver Jug (Part 1 of 2) (1993) [as by Eric Shanower]
- The Silver Jug (Part 2 of 2) (1994) [as by Margaret Berg]
- The Amazing Flight of the Gump (1994) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Sinister Gases in Oz (1995) by Atticus Gannaway [only as by Ryan Gannaway]
- Lion of Oz and the Badge of Courage (1995) by Roger S. Baum
- The Lost Emeralds of Oz (1995) by Frederick E. Otto
- The Healing Power of Oz (1995) by Gil S. Joel
- Christmas in Oz (1995) by Robin Hess
- The Oziads (1995) [C] by Frederick E. Otto
- The Speckled Rose of Oz (1995) by Donald Abbott
- A Valuable Gift from Oz (1995) by The Wiz Kids of Oz
- The Balloon-Girl of Oz (1995) [SF] by Eric Shanower [also as by Stephen Kane]
- A Princess of Oz (1995) [SF] by David Hulan
- Pigmentation (1995) [SF] by Gili Bar-Hillel
- The Dollmaker of Oz (1995) [SF] by Karyl Carlson
- The Runaway in Oz (1995) by John R. Neill
- Percy and the Shrinking Violet (1995) [SF] by Rachel Cosgrove Payes
- The Dragon of Pumperdink (1995) [SF] by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- Gugu and the Kalidahs (1995) [SF] by Eric Shanower
- Parts Unavailable (1995) [POEM] by Eric Shanower
- The Glass Cat of Oz (1995) by David Hulan
- The Winged Monkeys of Oz (1996) by Dennis Anfuso
- How the Wizard Saved Oz (1996) by Donald Abbott
- Fwiirp in Oz: An Anthology (1996) [SF] by Nate Barlow
- Pegasus in Oz (1996) by Annie Brzozowski
- The Fantastic Funhouse of Oz (1996) by Chris Dulabone
- A Queer Quest for Oz (1996) by Chris Dulabone
- A Silver Elf in Oz (1996) by Chris Dulabone and Marin Xiques [only as by Chris Dulabone and Marin Elizabeth Xiques]
- Dorothy and the Mushroom Queen (1996) [SF] by Eric Shanower [also as by Janet Deschman]
- Umbrella Island in Oz (1996) [SF] by Ruth Waara
- Christmas in Pumperdink (1996) [SF] by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- The Forest Monster of Oz (1997) by Chris Dulabone and Bob Evans
- As the Clock Strikes Oz (1997) by Atticus Gannaway [only as by Ryan Gannaway]
- The Joust in Oz (1997) by Annie Brzozowski
- The Cloud King of Oz (1997) by Richard E. Blaine and March Laumer
- The Magic Ruby of Oz (1997) by Julia Inglis
- The Shifting Sands of Oz (1997) [SF] by Marcus Mébès
- The Shifting Sands of Oz (1997) [SF] by Jeremy Steadman
- The Tin Castle of Oz (1997) by Peter Schulenburg
- The Forbidden Cave of Grapelandia (1997) [SF] by Frederick E. Otto
- "Junk Mail" (1997) [SF] by David Hardenbrook
- "The Heart of the Matter" (1997) [SF] by Theresa Hogue
- A Generic Oz Story (1997) [SF] by Tyler Jones
- The Braided Man in Oz (1997) [SF] by Eleanor Kennedy
- Professor Woggle's Bugs: A.K.A. Computer Virozes (1997) [SF] by Gili Bar-Hillel and Nathan Dehoff and Melody Grandy and David Hardenbrook and Robin Olderman and Jeremy Steadman and uncredited and Danny Wall and John N. White [only as by Gili Bar-Hillel and Nathan Dehoff and Melody Grandy and Dave Hardenbrook and Robin Olderman and Jeremy Steadman and uncredited and Danny Wall and John N. White]
- Beenie in Oz (1997) by Tyler N. Jones and Keith Laumer and March Laumer and Michael Michanczyk and Josh Taylor [only as by Tyler N. Jones and Keith Laumer and March Laumer and Michael J. Michanczyk, III and Josh Taylor]
- The Cloud King of Oz / Beenie in Oz (1997) [O] by Richard E. Blaine and Tyler N. Jones and Keith Laumer and March Laumer and Michael Michanczyk and Josh Taylor [only as by Richard E. Blaine and Tyler N. Jones and Keith Laumer and March Laumer and Michael J. Michanczyk, III and Josh Taylor]
- Ozma Sees Herself (1997) [SF] by Edward Einhorn
- Emerald Holidays (1997) [POEM] by Ruth Berman
- The Glass Cat (1997) [POEM] by Eric Shanower
- Spots in Oz (1997) [SF] by Rachel Cosgrove Payes
- The Magic Bowls of Oz (1998) by Atticus Gannaway and Peter Schulenburg [only as by R. M. Atticus Gannaway and Peter Schulenburg]
- The Corn Mansion of Oz (1998) by Peter Schulenburg
- The Roots of Wonder in Oz (1998) by Gil S. Joel
- Thorns and Private Files in Oz (1998) by Chris Dulabone and Melody Grandy [only as by Chris Dulabone and Melody Grandy-Keller]
- The Wizard of Oz Movie Storybook (1998) [SF] by uncredited
The Ridiculous Rivals in Oz (1998)
Chris Dulabone
Marin Xiques
only appeared as:
- Variant: Ridiculous Rivals in Oz (1998) [as by Christopher Michael Dulabone and Marin Elizabeth Xiques]
- I Want to Grow Up in Oz (1998) by Chris Dulabone and Marin Xiques
- Kabumpo (1998) [POEM] by Eric Shanower
- Ozma's Swap Party (1998) [SF] by J. L. Bell [only as by Jno. L. Bell]
- The Shortest Book of Oz (1998) [SF] by J. L. Bell [only as by Jno. L. Bell]
- The Gauds of Oz (1998) [SF] by David Hulan
- The Grabbit Rabbit of Oz (1998) [SF] by Robin Olderman
- Kabumpo Finds a Frond (1998) [SF] by Atticus Gannaway [only as by Atty Gannaway]
- Hurray for Oz (1998) by Chris Dulabone
- The Lavender Bear of Oz (1998) [SF] by Bill Campbell and Irwin Terry
- The Three Imps of Oz (1998) by Chris Dulabone
- The Salt Sorcerer of Oz (1998) [SF] by Eric Shanower
- Sunday Visits (1998) [SF] by Michael Pickens
- The Tiktok with Pizazz (1998) [SF] by Thomas Strelka
- Visitors from Oz (1998) by Martin Gardner
- A Foolish Fable from Oz (1999) by Chris Dulabone and Marin Xiques [only as by Christopher M. Dulabone and Marin Elizabeth Xiques]
- The Birthday Ban in Munchkin Land (1999) [SF] by Dev Ross
- The Talking City of Oz (1999) by Ron Baxley, Jr.
- The Woozy of Oz / The Talking City of Oz (1999) [O] by Ron Baxley, Jr. and March Laumer
- How Oz Became a Fairyland (1999) [SF] by Marin Xiques [only as by Marin Elizabeth Xiques]
- Canis Heroicus (1999) [POEM] by Robin Olderman
- Toto's Tale (1999) [SF] by Ian Fink
- Unauthorized Magic (1999) [SF] by Edward Einhorn
- The Ruby Heart (1999) [SF] by Michael O. Riley
- Jack Pumpkinhead's Day in Court (1999) [SF] by J. L. Bell
- Paradox in Oz (Chapter One) (1999) [SF] by Edward Einhorn
- Dorothy's Mystical Adventures in Oz (2000) by Bob Evans [only as by Robert J. Evans]
- Abducted to Oz (2000) by Chris Dulabone and Bob Evans [only as by Chris Dulabone and Robert Evans]
- The Green Star of Oz (2000) by Roger S. Baum
- The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: A Commemorative Pop-Up (2000) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Vampires and Oz (2000) by Nikki Kay Richardson
- Beach Blanket Babyloz (2000) [SF] by Christopher Wayne Buckley
- Brewster Bunny and the Case of the Purloined Pachyderm of Oz (2000) by Chris Dulabone and Marin Xiques [only as by Chris Dulabone and Marin Elizabeth Xiques]
- The Invisible Fairy of Oz (2000) [SF] by Frederick E. Otto
- Ozma Fights the Sniffles (2000) [SF] by J. L. Bell
- The Marvelous Menagerie: A Centennial Oz Story in 100 Haikus (2000) [POEM] by Atticus Gannaway
- Oz, the First 100 Years (2000) [POEM] by Robin Olderman [only as by Robin Olderman and Percy Vere]
- Paradox in Oz (2000) by Edward Einhorn
- The Hidden Prince of Oz (2000) by Gina Wickwar
- The King of Pumperdink (2000) [POEM] by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- The Motorman (2000) [POEM] by L. Frank Baum
- When You Love, Love, Love (2000) [POEM] by L. Frank Baum
- Trot of Oz (2000) [SF] by Glenn Ingersoll and Eric Shanower
- The Traveller and the Pie (2000) [POEM] by L. Frank Baum
- Toto and the Truth (2000) [SF] by Atticus Gannaway
- Rocket Trip to Oz (2000) [SF] by Rachel Cosgrove Payes
- Menu (2000) [POEM] by Eric Shanower
- The Emerald Burrito of Oz (2000) by Marc Levinthal and John Skipp
- The Unknown Witches of Oz: Locasta and the Three Adepts (2001) by David Hardenbrook
- The Tired Tailor of Oz (2001) [SF] by Lin Carter
- The Bunny King of Oz (2001) by Chris Dulabone
- The Unwinged Monkey of Oz (2001) by Peter Schulenburg
- A Mystical Magical Super Adventure in Oz (2001) by Chris Dulabone and Marin Xiques [only as by Chris Dulabone and Marin Elizabeth Xiques]
- Looking for a Rainbow (2001) by Vincent Begley
- The Many Trees (2001) [SF] by Kieran F. Miller
- The Great Jinjin (2001) [SF] by Melody Grandy
- Dearest Mother: The Last Letters of the Slave of the Magic Dinner Bell (2001) [SF] by J. L. Bell
Бастинда и крылатый лев?Bastinda i krylatyy lev(2001) [SF] byСергей Сухинов?Sergei Sukhinovonly appeared as:
- Translation: Bastinda and the Winged Lion [English] (2007) [as by Sergei Sukhinov]
The Rundelstone of Oz (2001)
Eloise Jarvis McGraw
[only as by Eloise McGraw]
- Serializations:
- The Rundlestone of Oz (Complete Novel) (2000)
- Dr. Angelina Bean in Oz (2002) by Ruth Morris
- The Silver Sorceress of Oz (2002) by Atticus Gannaway
- Toto in Candy Land of Oz (2002) [SF] by Roger S. Baum
- Appendix A: Another Fiat-Money Metaphor from The Marvellous Land of Oz (excerpt) (2002) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Vice Versa (2002) [SF] by J. L. Bell
- Cat and Mouse in Oz (2002) [SF] by Margaret Koontz
- Woot Meets Yoop (2002) [SF] by J. L. Bell
An Oz Cliffhanger (2002) [SF]
Gina Wickwar
only appeared as:
- Serializations:
- An Oz Cliffhanger (part 1 of 2) (2001)
- An Oz Cliffhanger (part 2 of 2) (2002)
- Dorothy: This Side of the Rainbow (2002) by Vincent Begley
- The Wizard of Oz and the Magic Merry-Go-Round (2003) [SF] by Roger S. Baum
- Ozallooning in Oz (2003) by M. A. Berg [only as by Margaret Berg]
- The Emerald Enchantress of Oz (2003) by Peter Schulenburg
- The Enchantment of Oz (2003) by Marin Xiques [only as by Marin Elizabeth Xiques]
- The Bashful Baker of Oz (2003) [SF] by Kieran Miller
- Tik-Tok's Transformation (2003) [SF] by Jimm Phillips
- Dr. Byz Zaar in Oz (2003) [SF] by Daniel Gobble
- The Salt Sorcerer of Oz and Other Stories (2003) [C] by Eric Shanower
- The Silver Jug (2003) [SF] by Eric Shanower
- All Things Oz: The Wonder, Wit, and Wisdom of The Wizard of Oz (2003) [C] by L. Frank Baum
- Laws in the Land of Oz (excerpts from The Tin Woodman of Oz, The Emerald City of Oz and The Patchwork Girl of Oz) (2003) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Laws in the Land of Oz (excerpts from The Tin Woodman of Oz and The Marvelous Land of Oz) (2003) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Fairy Amendments (excerpts from Glinda of Oz and The Lost Princess of Oz) (2003) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Legal System in Oz (excerpts from Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz, The Patchwork Girl of Oz and The Lost Princess of Oz) (2003) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- She Rules Oz (2003) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Every Road Leads Somewhere (excerpts from The Road to Oz, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and The Emerald City of Oz) (2003) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Dining in Oz (excerpts from The Patchwork Girl of Oz, The Emerald City of Oz, The Land of Oz, The Scarecrow of Oz and Ozma of Oz) (2003) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Animal Life in Oz (excerpts from Glinda of Oz, The Emerald City of Oz, Ozma of Oz and The Tin Woodman of Oz) (2003) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Only Dog in Oz (excerpts from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and The Emerald City of Oz) (2003) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Military Life in Oz (excerpts from Ozma of Oz, The Lost Princess of Oz and The Emerald City of Oz) (2003) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Favorite Sayings in Oz (excerpt from The Tin Woodman of Oz, The Scarecrow of Oz, The Emerald City of Oz, The Lost Princess of Oz, The Marvelous Land of Oz, The Patchwork Girl of Oz and The Wonderful Wizard of Oz) (2003) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Wisdom of Oz (excerpts from Glinda of Oz, The Road to Oz, The Lost Princess of Oz and The Tin Woodman of Oz) (2003) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Wizard's Words of Wisdom (excerpts from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and The Emerald City of Oz) (2003) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Theme Song for "Tales of the Wizard of Oz" (2003) [POEM] by uncredited
- The Witch Queen of Oz (2003) by Philip John Lewin
- The Hollyhock Dolls in Oz (2004) by Phyllis Ann Karr
- The Giant King of Oz (2004) by Chris Dulabone
- Toto of Oz and the Surprise Party (2004) [SF] by Roger S. Baum
- A Bungled Kidnapping in Oz (2004) [SF] by David Hulan
- New Moon Over Oz (2004) [SF] by M. A. Berg
- Evrob & the Nomes (2004) [SF] by J. L. Bell
- Calling All Ozzy Poets! (2004) [POEM] by uncredited
- The Merry Mountaineer of Oz (2004) [C] by Lin Carter
- The Awful Ogre of Ogodown (2004) [SF] by Lin Carter
- High TImes on Tip Top Mountain (2004) [SF] by Lin Carter
- The Wooden Soldier of Oz (2004) [SF] by Lin Carter
- No Joy in Mudville (2004) [SF] by Lin Carter
- Brewster Bunny of Oz (2005) by Chris Dulabone
- Scratch and Sketch Wizard of Oz (2005) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Mara Conlon
- Jinjur's Journal (2005) [SF] by Loralee Petersen
- The Patchwork Girl's Pet (2005) [POEM] by Peter Schulenburg
- The Red Desert of Oz (2005) [SF] by Nathan M. DeHoff
- The Emerald Wand of Oz (2005) by Sherwood Smith
- A Million Miles from Here is Oz (2005) [SF] by Chris Dulabone [only as by Christopher M. Dulabone]
- The Living House of Oz (2005) by Edward Einhorn
- Forever in Oz (2006) by Melody Grandy
- Dreaming in a Scarlet Slumber (2006) [SF] by Jeffrey Rester [only as by Jeffrey K. Rester]
- Time in Oz (2006) by Jeremy Steadman
- The Wailing Witch of Oz (2006) [SF] by Daniel Gobble
- Rivals (2006) [POEM] by Adrian Korpel
- The Axman's Arm (2006) [SF] by J. L. Bell
- The Oz Odyssey (2006) by Roger S. Baum
- Toto of Oz (2006) by Gina Wickwar
- Trouble Under Oz (2006) by Sherwood Smith
- Lost in Oz (2007) by Joshua Patrick Dudley
- Halloween in Oz: Dorothy Returns (2007) by Leo Moser and Carol Nelson
- The Magic Door to Oz (2007) [SF] by Johanna Buchner and Paul Ritz
- Shipwrecked in Oz (2008) by Marcus Mébès [only as by Marcus D. Mébès]
- The Astonishing Tale of the Gump of Oz (2008) by Dennis Anfuso
- The Bouncy Bunnies in Oz (2008) by Marin Xiques [only as by Marin Elizabeth Xiques]
- As the Rainbow Follows the Rain (2008) [SF] by Jeffrey Rester [only as by Jeff Rester]
- Executive Decisions (2008) [SF] by David Tai
- Bud and the Red Jinn: or, Always Look a Gift Goat in the Mouth (2008) [SF] by Jared Davis
- The Rainbow's Daughter (2008) [POEM] by Marcus Mébès
- The Fearful Symmetry (2008) [SF] by Jeffrey Rester
- The Mysterious Caverns of Oz (2008) [SF] by Marcus Mébès [only as by Marcus D. Mébès]
- Lurline and the White Ravens of Oz (2008) [SF] by Marcus Mébès [only as by Marcus D. Mébès]
- Wicked the Musical: A Pop-Up Compendium of Splendiferous Delight and Thrillifying Intrigue (2009) [SF] by Jami Attenberg
- The Undead World of Oz: L. Frank Baum's Beloved Tale Complete with Zombies and Monsters (2009) by L. Frank Baum and Ryan C. Thomas
- The Emerald Mountain of Oz (2009) by Mark E. Haas
- Three-Headed Elvis Clone Found in Flying Saucer Over Oz (2009) by Chris Dulabone
- Toto Reveals (2009) [SF] by Brianna Landon
- Barry Porter and the Sorceress of Oz: A Parody (2009) [SF] by Eleanor Kennedy
- The Ransom of Button-Bright (2009) [SF] by J. L. Bell
- Celebrating Ozma: The Silver Jubilee Issue (2009) [SF] by Andrew Heller and Rachel Heller
- Fiddle's Revenge (2009) [SF] by Arianna Brown
- Invisible Fence (2009) [SF] by J. L. Bell
- The Trouble with the Magic Belt (2009) [SF] by Stephen J. Teller [only as by Steve Teller]
- Dr Will Price and the Curious Case of Dorothy Gale (2009) [SF] by Mark Onspaugh
- Pumpkinhead (2009) [SF] by Rajan Khanna
- Tin (2009) [SF] by Barry Napier
- Fly, Fly Pretty Monkey (2009) [SF] by Camille Alexa
- A Heart Is Judged (2009) [SF] by Kevin G. Summers
- Mr. Yoop's Soup (2009) [SF] by Michael D. Turner
- Emerald City Confidential (2009) [SF] by Jack Bates
- The Last Battle of Trewis (2009) [SF] by David F. Mason
- The Utility of Love (2009) [SF] by David Steffen
- The China People of Oz (2009) [SF] by T. L. Barrett
- Dorothy of Kansas (2009) [SF] by J. W. Schnarr
- One Wicked Day (2009) [SF] by Frank Dutkiewicz
- A Chopper's Tale (2009) [SF] by Jason Rubis
- A Perfect Fit (2009) [SF] by E. M. MacCallum
- The Fuddles of Oz (2009) [SF] by Mari Ness
- Four AM at the Emerald City Windsor (2009) [SF] by H. F. Gibbard
- Scarecrow's Sunrise (2009) [SF] by Gef Fox
- Not in Kansas Anymore (2009) [SF] by Lori T. Strongin
- The King of Oz (2009) [SF] by Martin Rose
- The Master Crafters of Oz (2009) by Philip John Lewin
- Bucketheads in Oz (2010) by Chris Dulabone and Greg Gick and Melody Grandy and Greg Hunter and Phyllis Ann Karr and Jim Vander Noot and Chuck Sabatos and Deen Shumate
- Voyaging Through Strange Seas of Thought, Alone (2011) [SF] by David Tai
- Blinkie of Oz (2011) [SF] by Justice C. S. Fischer
- Jenny Everywhere in Oz (2011) [SF] by Kass Stone
- The Solitary Sorceress of Oz (2011) [SF] by Mycroft Mason
- Cryptic Conversations in a Cornfield: A Prolusio in Umbra (2011) [SF] by Jeffrey Rester
- Adolf Hitler in Oz (2011) by Sam Sackett
- An Oz Book (2012) [SF] by Dennis Anfuso and Mike Conway and Paul Dana and Jared Davis and Nathan Dehoff and Chris Dulabone and Atticus Gannaway and Nicki Haladay and S. P. Maldonado and Mycroft Mason and Kim McFarland and Marcus Mébès and Sam Milazzo and Jeffrey Rester and Paul Ritz and uncredited [only as by Dennis Anfuso and L. Frank Baum and Mike Conway and Paul Dana and Jared Davis and Nathan Dehoff and Chris Dulabone and Atticus Gannaway and Nicki Haladay and S. P. Maldonado and Mycroft Mason and Kim McFarland and Marcus Mébès and Sam Milazzo and Jeff Rester and Paul Ritz]
- Shadow of Oz (2012) by Nick Damon
- Outsiders from Oz (2012) by Jared Davis
- The Complete Stories of Oz (2012) [C] by L. Frank Baum
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz & Glinda of Oz (2012) [O/1,14]
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (2021) [O/1,14] [as by L. F. Baum]
Dinner at the Del (2012) [SF]
Robert A. Baum, Jr.
only appeared as:
- Variant: Dinner at the Del (2012) [as by Bob Baum]
- Variant: Dinner at the Del (2020) [as by Robert Baum]
- Crossover (2012) [SF] by J. L. Bell
- The Hackers of Oz (2012) by Tom Mula
- The Harvest Ball (2013) [SF] by Gina Wickwar
- Jinnicky Save Christmas (2013) [SF] by Nathan M. DeHoff
- The Love-Bug of Oz (2013) [SF] by Ed McCray
- The Way of a Lion (2013) [SF] by Jared Davis
- Witches of the West (2013) [SF] by Marcus Mébès and Darrell Spradlyn
- The Law of Oz and Other Stories (2013) [C] by Paul Dana
- Time Travellers of Oz (2013) [SF] by Paul Dana
- The Lost Boy of Oz (2013) [SF] by Paul Dana
- Mothers of Oz (2013) [SF] by Paul Dana
- The Law of Oz (2013) [SF] by Paul Dana
- Sky Pyrates Over Oz (2014) by Sherwood Smith
- The New Fellow (2014) [SF] by J. L. Bell
- The Magic Umbrella of Oz (2014) by Paul Dana
- Ruggedo Reflects on Love (2014) [POEM] by J. L. Bell
- Bad Wizard (2014) by James Maxey
- The Malevolent Mannequin in Oz (2015) [SF] by Joe Bongiorno
- Tin Man (2015) [POEM] by A. Waller Hastings
- Prince Pompadore in Oz (2015) [SF] by Nathan Dehoff
- Toto's Story: My Amazing Adventurs with Dorothy in Oz (2016) by Steve Metzger
- If I Only Had a Heart: Bridge Over the Rainbow (2016) [C] by Alex Adamson and Harry Smith
- Prologue (If I Only Had a Heart: Bridge Over the Rainbow) (2016) [SF] by Alex Adamson and Harry Smith
- True or False? (2016) [SF] by Alex Adamson and Harry Smith
- The Phantom Menace (2016) [SF] by Alex Adamson and Harry Smith
- The Battle of the Sexes (2016) [SF] by Alex Adamson and Harry Smith
- If I Only Had a Heart (2016) [SF] by Alex Adamson and Harry Smith
- Dumb and Dumber (2016) [SF] by Alex Adamson and Harry Smith
- Some Like It Hot (2016) [SF] by Alex Adamson and Harry Smith
- There's No Place Like Home (2016) [SF] by Alex Adamson and Harry Smith
- Defense of the Realm (2016) [SF] by Alex Adamson and Harry Smith
- If Ever a Wiz There Was... (2016) [SF] by Alex Adamson and Harry Smith
- Bridge Over Troubled Waters (2016) [SF] by Alex Adamson and Harry Smith
- The Odd Couple (2016) [SF] by Alex Adamson and Harry Smith
- The Man Who Knew Too Much (2016) [SF] by Alex Adamson and Harry Smith
- Follow the Yellow Brick Road (2016) [SF] by Alex Adamson and Harry Smith
- Epilogue (If I Only Had a Heart: Bridge Over the Rainbow) (2016) [SF] by Alex Adamson and Harry Smith
- Angry Jack (2017) [SF] by Sara Philips
- Patchworked Memory (2017) [SF] by Grace Willey
- The Road Not Taken (2017) [SF] by E. J. Hadadorn
- Unsociable (2017) [SF] by S. A. Samuelson
- The Prankster of Oz (2017) by John R. Rose
- The Brains, the Heart, the Courage and Home (2018) [SF] by Momina Arif
- The Strongman of Oz (2018) [SF] by Jared Davis and Jonathan Miranda
- Himself (2018) [SF] by David Tallman
- Yookoohoos of Oz (2018) by Paul Dana
- Prologue: The Lost Histories (2018) [SF] by Joe Bongiorno
- The Great and Terrible Oz Mystery (2018) [SF] by Michael O. Riley
- Interlude I (2018) [SF] by Joe Bongiorno
- The Witch's Mother of Oz (2018) [SF] by Paul Dana
- The Trade: A Landidere Story (2018) [SF] by Mike Conway
- Ojo and the Woozy (2018) [SF] by J. L. Bell
- The Other Searches for the Lost Princess (2018) [SF] by Nathan M. DeHoff
- Chop (2018) [SF] by Eric Shanower
- Interlude II (2018) [SF] by Joe Bongiorno
- In Flesh of Burnished Tin: A Prolusio in Dolor (2018) [SF] by Jeffrey Rester
- Diplomatic Immunity (2018) [SF] by David Tai
- The Scrap Bag Circus of Oz (2018) [SF] by M. A. Berg
- The Wizard in New York (2018) [SF] by Joe Bongiorno and Sam Sackett
- Ali Cat in Oz (2018) [SF] by Sam Sackett
- Lurline and the Talking Animals of Oz (2018) [SF] by Joe Bongiorno
- Tommy Kwikstep and the Magpie (2018) [SF] by Jared Davis
- Ozma and the Orange Ogres in Oz (2018) [SF] by Joe Bongiorno and Nathan M. DeHoff
- Quiet Victory (2018) [SF] by Marcus Mébès
- Vaneeda of Oz (2018) [SF] by Nathan M. DeHoff
- Interlude III (2018) [SF] by Joe Bongiorno
- The Puppet-Mistress of Oz (2018) [SF] by Andrew Heller [only as by Andrew J. Heller]
- An Odd Transformation (2019) [SF] by Sara Philips
- Bitsy, the Patchwork Cat of Oz (2019) [SF] by Jane Albright
- The Epiphany of Miss Gulch (2019) [SF] by Paul Dana
- The End of the Road (2019) [POEM] by E. J. Hagadorn
- The Giant Weasel of Oz (2019) [SF] by Nathan M. DeHoff
- Immortal Longings of Oz (2019) by Paul Dana
- Zinnia's Wish (2020) [SF] by Suren Oganessian
- Polychrome's Sky School (2020) [SF] by Paul Dana
The Wizards of Silver and Gold in Oz (2020) [SF]
Joe Bongiorno
Nathan Dehoff
only appeared as:
- Serializations:
- The Wizards of Silver and Gold in Oz (Part 1 of 2) (2020)
- The Wizards of Silver and Gold in Oz (Part 2 of 2) (2021)
- The Wizard of Oz (2020) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and unknown
- The Butter Lamb of Oz (2021) [SF] by Nathan Dehoff
- Heartless (2021) [SF] by Templeton Moss
- Christmas, Toys, and Oz (2021) [SF] by Nathan M. DeHoff
The Trunk in the Attic... (2021) [SF]
Robert A. Baum, Jr.
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Trunk in the Attic... (2021) [as by Robert A. Baum]
- Variant: The Trunk in the Attic (2022) [as by Bob Baum]
- Buckethead in Oz (2021) [SF] by Marcus Mébès [only as by Marcus D. Mébès]
- J'Accuse Kabumpo: Justice for the Curious Cottabus (2022) [SF] by Garrett Kilgore
- Fortune Favors the Wogglebug (2023) [SF] by Paul Dana
- Together (2023) [SF] by Carter Lappin
- Buton-Bright and the Professor (2023) [SF] by J. L. Bell
- A Portrait of Ozma (2023) [SF] by Jane Albright
- A Rotten Pumpkin (2023) [SF] by Suren Oganessian
- Adventures in Oz
(View Issue Grid)
- A Visit to Utensil Town (excerpt from The Emerald City of Oz) (1910) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Cowardly Lion Gets the Evil Eye (excerpt from The Emerald City of Oz) (1910) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Fuddles Fall Apart (excerpt from The Emerald City of Oz) (1910) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- What Toto Lost (excerpt from The Lost Princess of Oz) (1917) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- A Wogglebug Education (excerpt from The Magic of Oz) (1919) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Emerald City: A Visitor's Guide (2003) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Denslow's Scarecrow and Tin-Man
(View Issue Grid)
- 1
Dorothy's Christmas Tree (1904) [SF]
W. W. Denslow
also appeared as:
- Variant: "Dorothy's Christmas Tree" (1904)
- 2
Denslow's Scarecrow and Tin-Man on Skates (1904) [SF]
W. W. Denslow
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Scarecrow and Tinman on Skates (2006)
- 3
Denslow's Scarecrow and the Tinman on Fifth Avenue (1904) [SF]
W. W. Denslow
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Scarecrow and the Tinman on Fifth Avenue (2006)
- 4
Denslow's Scarecrow and Tinman on the Water (1905) [SF]
W. W. Denslow
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Scarecrow and Tinman on the Water (2006)
- 5
Denslow's Scarecrow and Tin-Man on the Ocean (1905) [SF]
W. W. Denslow
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Scarecrow and Tinman on the Ocean (2006)
- 6
Denslow's Scarecrow and Tinman in Bermuda (1905) [SF]
W. W. Denslow
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Scarecrow and Tinman in Bermuda (2006)
- 7
Denslow's Scarecrow and the Tinman Shipwrecked (1905) [SF]
W. W. Denslow
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Scarecrow and the Tinman Shipwrecked (2006)
- 8
Denslow's Scarecrow and Tinman in Yucatan (1905) [SF]
W. W. Denslow
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Scarecrow and Tinman in Yucatan (2006)
- 9
Denslow's Scarecrow and the Tinman at the Carnival in New Orleans (1905) [SF]
W. W. Denslow
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Scarecrow and Tinman at the Carnival in New Orleans (2006)
- 10
Denslow's Scarecrow and the Tinman Captured by Indians (1905) [SF]
W. W. Denslow
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Scarecrow and Tinman Captured by Indians (2006)
- 11
Denslow's Scarecrow and Tinman with the Cowboys (1905) [SF]
W. W. Denslow
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Scarecrow and Tinman with the Cowboys (2006)
- 12
Denslow's Scarecrow and Tinman at the Flower Festival in California (1905) [SF]
W. W. Denslow
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Scarecrow and Tinman at the Flower Festival in California (2006)
- 13
Denslow's Scarecrow and the Tin-Man (1904) [SF]
W. W. Denslow
also appeared as:
- Variant: Scarecrow and Tin-Man (1904)
- Variant: The Scarecrow and Tinman Escape (2006)
- Serializations:
- Denslow's Scarecrow and the Tin-Man About Town (2009)
- Denslow's Scarecrow and the Tin-Man Recaptured (2009)
- Dorothy's Christmas Tree (1904) [INTERIORART] by W. W. Denslow
- Denslow's Scarecrow and Tin-Man on Skates (1904) [INTERIORART] by W. W. Denslow
- Denslow's Scarecrow and the Tinman on Fifth Avenue (1904) [INTERIORART] by W. W. Denslow
- Denslow's Scarecrow and the Tin-Man About Town (1905) [INTERIORART] by W. W. Denslow
- Denslow's Scarecrow and the Tin-Man Recaptured (1905) [INTERIORART] by W. W. Denslow
- Denslow's Scarecrow and Tinman on the Water (1905) [INTERIORART] by W. W. Denslow
- Denslow's Scarecrow and Tin-Man on the Ocean (1905) [INTERIORART] by W. W. Denslow
- Denslow's Scarecrow and Tinman in Bermuda (1905) [INTERIORART] by W. W. Denslow
- Denslow's Scarecrow and the Tinman Shipwrecked (1905) [INTERIORART] by W. W. Denslow
- Denslow's Scarecrow and Tinman in Yucatan (1905) [INTERIORART] by W. W. Denslow
- Denslow's Scarecrow and the Tinman at the Carnival in New Orleans (1905) [INTERIORART] by W. W. Denslow
- Denslow's Scarecrow and the Tinman Captured by Indians (1905) [INTERIORART] by W. W. Denslow
- Denslow's Scarecrow and Tinman With the Cowboys (1905) [INTERIORART] by W. W. Denslow
- Denslow's Scarecrow and Tinman at the Flower Festival in California (1905) [INTERIORART] by W. W. Denslow
- The Scarecrow and Tin-Man of Oz (2006) [C] by W. W. Denslow
- 1
Dorothy's Christmas Tree (1904) [SF]
W. W. Denslow
also appeared as:
- Donald Gardner
(View Issue Grid)
- 1 Silver Shoes (2009) by Paul Miles Schneider
- 2 The Powder of Life (2012) by Paul Miles Schneider
- 3 The Magic Belt (2018) by Paul Miles Schneider
- In Search of Dorothy
(View Issue Grid)
- 1
In Search of Dorothy: What If It Wasn't a Dream? (2004)
David Anthony
also appeared as:
- Variant: In Search of Dorothy: What If Oz Wasn't a Dream? (2006)
- 2 The Witch's Revenge: There's Trouble in Oz! (2006) by David Anthony
- 3 Dorothy & the Wizard's Wish (2010) by David Anthony
- Oz Gift Box Trilogy Set (2010) [O/1-3] by David Anthony
- 1
In Search of Dorothy: What If It Wasn't a Dream? (2004)
David Anthony
also appeared as:
- Little Wizard Stories
(View Issue Grid)
- 1
The Cowardly Lion and the Hungry Tiger (1913) [SF]
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Cowardly Lion and the Hungry Tiger of Oz (1939)
- 2
Little Dorothy and Toto (1913) [SF]
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Variant: Little Dorothy and Toto of Oz (1939)
- 3
Tiktok and the Nome King (1913) [SF]
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Variant: Tik-Tok and the Gnome King of Oz (1939)
- Variant: Tik-Tok and the Nome King (1985)
- 4
Ozma and the Little Wizard (1913) [SF]
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Variant: Princess Ozma of Oz (1939)
- 5
Jack Pumpkinhead and the Sawhorse (1913) [SF]
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Variant: Jack Pumpkinhead and the Sawhorse of Oz (1939)
- 6
The Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman (1913) [SF]
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman of Oz (1939)
- Little Wizard Stories of Oz (1913) [C] by L. Frank Baum
- Little Dorothy and Toto of Oz Also the Cowardly Lion and the Hungry Tiger of Oz (1939) [C] by L. Frank Baum
- Jack Pumpkinhead and the Sawhorse of Oz Also Tik-Tok and the Gnome King of Oz (1939) [C] by L. Frank Baum
- The Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman of Oz Also Princess Ozma of Oz (1939) [C] by L. Frank Baum
- 1
The Cowardly Lion and the Hungry Tiger (1913) [SF]
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Munchkin Tales
(View Issue Grid)
- Her Pretty Shoes (excerpt from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz) (1900) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Thirty Heads Are Better Than One (excerpt from Ozma of Oz) (1907) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Lunch-Box Tree (excerpt from Ozma of Oz) (1907) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- That Make's Me Angry (excerpt from The Emerald City of Oz) (1910) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- At Home with the Scarecrow (excerpt from The Emerald City of Oz) (1910) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Love at First Sight (excerpt from The Patchwork Girl of Oz) (1913) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Wisdom of the Shaggy Man (excerpt from Tik-Tok of Oz) (1914) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- A Kansas Dog (excerpt from Tik-Tok of Oz) (1914) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Blinkie (excerpt from The Scarecrow of Oz) (1915) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Oz (Maguire)
(View Issue Grid)
- Scarecrow (2001) [SF] by Gregory Maguire
- Tales Told in Oz (2012) [C] by Gregory Maguire
- The Legend of Saint Aelphaba of the Waterfall (2012) [SF] by Gregory Maguire
- Four Improbable Handshakes: A Munchkinlander Pumpkinhead Tale (2012) [SF] by Gregory Maguire
- The Witch and the Fox Babies: An Arjiki Folk Tale from the Vinkus (2012) [SF] by Gregory Maguire
- Skellybones Fir-Cloak: A Tale from the Lurline Cycle (2012) [SF] by Gregory Maguire
- Quadling Quacklings (2012) [POEM] by Gregory Maguire
- 1 Wicked Years
(View Issue Grid)
- 1
Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West (1995)
Gregory Maguire
also appeared as:
- Variant: Wicked (1996)
- Translation: Wicked [Spanish] (2007)
- Translation: Wicked: แม่มดสติแตก และดินแดนมหัศจรรย์ 1 [Thai] (2008)
- Variant: Wicked: Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West (2008)
- Translation: Wicked (Slecht): Over het leven van de slechte heks van het westen [Dutch] (2010)
- Translation: Wicked: La véritable histoire de la méchante sorcière de l'quest [French] (2011)
- 2 Son of a Witch (2005) by Gregory Maguire
- 3 A Lion Among Men (2008) by Gregory Maguire
- 4 Out of Oz (2011) by Gregory Maguire
The Wicked Years Complete Collection (2013) [O/1-4]
Gregory Maguire
also appeared as:
- Variant: Wicked / Son of a Witch / A Lion Among Men / Out of Oz (2017) [O/1-4]
- Variant: The Wicked Years (2024) [O/1-4]
- Elphie [forthcoming: Mar 25 2025] by Gregory Maguire
- 1
Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West (1995)
Gregory Maguire
also appeared as:
- 2 Another Day
(View Issue Grid)
- 1 The Brides of Maracoor (2021) by Gregory Maguire
- 2 The Oracle of Maracoor (2022) by Gregory Maguire
- 3 The Witch of Maracoor (2023) by Gregory Maguire
- Oz omnibuses
(View Issue Grid)
The Wizard of Oz and The Land of Oz (1960) [O/1,2]
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and The Marvelous Land of Oz (1964) [O/1,2]
- Variant: Journeys Through Oz: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and The Marvelous Land of Oz (1979) [O/1,2]
- Variant: The Wonderful World of Oz (1982) [O/1,2]
- Translation: Il mago di Oz [Italian] (1983) [O/1,2] [as by Lyman Frank Baum]
- Variant: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz & The Marvelous Land of Oz (2019) [O/1,2]
- The Magical World of Oz: The Wizard of Oz / The Land of Oz / Ozma of Oz / Dororthy and the Wizard in Oz (1986) [O/1-4] by L. Frank Baum
- The Marvelous Land of Oz (1986) [O/1,3,13] by L. Frank Baum
- The Oz CD Audio Collection (1994) [O/1,2,C] by L. Frank Baum
The Wonderful World of Oz (1998) [O/1,6,14]
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Wizard of Oz: And Other Wonderful Books of Oz (2012) [O/1,6,14]
- Variant: The Wizard of Oz: And Other Wonderful Books of Oz: The Emerald City of Oz and Glinda of Oz (2024) [O/1,6,14]
- A Wonderful Welcome to Oz (2006) [O/2,3,6] by L. Frank Baum
Complete Book of Oz Vol I: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, The Marvelous Land of Oz, and Ozma of Oz (2009) [O/1,2,3]
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Variant: Oz: The Complete Collection, Volume 1: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, The Marvelous Land of Oz, Ozma of Oz (2013) [O/1,2,3]
- The Wizard of Oz: The First Five Novels (2013) [O/1-5] by L. Frank Baum
- Oz: The Complete Collection, Volume 2: Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz, The Road to Oz, The Emerald City of Oz (2013) [O/4,5,6] by L. Frank Baum
- Oz, the Complete Collection, Volume 3: The Patchwork Girl of Oz; Tik-Tok of Oz; The Scarecrow of Oz (2013) [O/7,8,9] by L. Frank Baum
- Oz, the Complete Collection, Volume 4: Rinkitink in Oz; The Lost Princess of Oz; The Tin Woodman of Oz (2013) [O/10,11,12] by L. Frank Baum
- Oz, the Complete Collection, Volume 5: The Magic of Oz; Glinda of Oz; The Royal Book of Oz (2013) [O/13,14,15] by L. Frank Baum and Ruth Plumly Thompson
- Oz, the Complete Hardcover Collection: Oz, the Complete Collection, Volume 1; Oz, the Complete Collection, Volume 2; Oz, the Complete Collection, Volume 3; Oz, the Complete Collection, Volume 4; Oz, the Complete Collection, Volume 5 (2013) [O/1-15] by L. Frank Baum also appeared as:
- The Emerald City of Oz: Novels Six Through Ten of the Oz Series (2015) [O/6-10] by L. Frank Baum
- The Magic of Oz: Books Eleven Through Fifteen of the Oz Series (2015) [O/11-15] by L. Frank Baum
Oz: The Complete Collection (2018) [O/1-14]
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Complete Wizard of Oz Collection (2024) [O]
The Wizard of Oz and The Land of Oz (1960) [O/1,2]
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Pumperdink Adventures
(View Issue Grid)
- Christmas with the Prince (1919) [SF] by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- A Story About Dragons (1920) [SF] by Ruth Plumly Thompson
The Laughing King, a Page Out of Pumperdink History (1920) [POEM]
Ruth Plumly Thompson
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Laughing King of Pumperdink (2012)
- Queer Visitors from the Marvelous Land of Oz
(View Issue Grid)
- 1 How the Adventurers Lost and Found Themselves (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- 2 How the Tin Woodman Escaped the Magic Flood (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- 3 How the Strangers Found Themselves Between the Auto and the Deep Sea (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- 4 How Uncle Eli Laughed Too Soon (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- 5 How the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman Met Some Old Friends (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- 6
How the Saw-Horse Saved Dorothy's Life (1904) [SF]
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Variant: How the Sawhorse Saved Dorothy's Life (1986)
- 7 How the Ozites Met a Beauty Doctor (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- 8 How the Adventurers Encountered an Unknown Beast (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- 9 Jack Pumpkinhead and the Sawhorse Win a Race and Incite a Riot: The Wogglebug Restores Harmony (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum also appeared as:
- 10 The Scarecrow Becomes a Man of Means in Spite of the Girls at a Church Fair (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- 11
How the Wogglebug Proved His Knowledge of Chemistry (1904) [SF]
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Variant: How the Woggle-Bug Proved His Knowledge of Chemistry (1904)
- 12
How the Wogglebug Got a Thanksgiving Dinner (1904) [SF]
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Variant: How the Woggle-Bug Got a Thanksgiving Dinner (1904)
- 13 The Scarecrow Tells a Fairy Tale to Children and Hears an Equally Marvelous True Story (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- 14
Jack Pumpkinhead Pawns the Sawhorse (1904) [SF]
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Variant: Jack Pumpkinhead Pawns the Saw-Horse (1904)
- 15 Dorothy Spends an Evening with Her Old Friends and Is Entertained with Wonderful Exhibitions (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- 16
How the Wogglebug and His Friends Visited Santa Claus (1904) [SF]
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Variant: How the Woggle-Bug and His Friends Visited Santa Claus (1904)
- 17 How the Wogglebug Found a Lost Child and Gave a Lesson in Heraldry (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum also appeared as:
- 18 The Scarecrow Presents a Magic Automobile to a Little Girl (1905) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- 19 How the Tin Woodman Became a Fire Hero (1905) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- 20 The Two Wishes (1905) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- 21 Tim Nichols and the Cat (1905) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- 22 Mr. Wimble's Wooden Leg (1905) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- 23 A Magnetic Personality (1905) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- 24 Nan's Magic Button (1905) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- 25 Eliza and the Lozenges (1905) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- 26
The Wogglebug Encourages Charity (1905) [SF]
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Woggle-Bug Encourages Charity (1905)
- 27
The Unique Adventures of the Woggle-Bug (1905) [SF]
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Unique Adventure of the Wogglebug (1905)
Translation: Գիրք Գլուխկոնծի-Բզեզի մասին [Armenian] (2020)
[as by Լայման Ֆրենք Բաում?Layman Frenq Baowm]
- Planet in Panic Over Queer Visitor (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Fell in Fright at Sight of Monsters (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- 20,000 Soldiers Lay Down a King's Arms (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Faraway World Swept by a Cyclone (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Heathens Beseech the Gods for Help (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Planet Uranus is Shaken to Centre (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Neptune Shocked: Monster is There (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Saturn Darkened: Sun Was Hidden (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Goat Tries to Eat Wogglebug Button (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Bird or Beast? Ask People of Jupiter (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Four Giants Ride on Big Bird's Back (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Wandering Monster Known to Martians (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Wogglebug Killed: Chickens Now Safe (1904) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
From the Land of Oz to the United States: Here They Come! (1904) [SF]
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Variant: Proclamation Extraordinary (1986)
- From the Land of Oz to the United States: Here They Come! (1904) [INTERIORART] by Walt McDougall
Update: 'Twas Exciting, But Not the Wogglebug (1904) [SF]
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Variant: 'Twas Exciting, But Not the Wogglebug (1904)
- How the Adventurers Lost and Found Themselves (1904) [INTERIORART] by Walt McDougall
- How the Tin Woodman Escaped the Magic Flood (1904) [INTERIORART] by Walt McDougall
- How the Strangers Found Themselves Between the Auto and the Deep Sea (1904) [INTERIORART] by Walt McDougall
- How Uncle Eli Laughed Too Soon (1904) [INTERIORART] by Walt McDougall
- How the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman Met Some Old Friends (1904) [INTERIORART] by Walt McDougall
- How the Saw-Horse Saved Dorothy's Life (1904) [INTERIORART] by Walt McDougall
- How the Ozites Met a Beauty Doctor (1904) [INTERIORART] by Walt McDougall
- How the Adventurers Encountered an Unknown Beast (1904) [INTERIORART] by Walt McDougall
- Jack Pumpkinhead and the Sawhorse Win a Race and Incite a Riot: The Wogglebug Restores Harmony (1904) [INTERIORART] by Walt McDougall
- The Scarecrow Becomes a Man of Means in Spite of the Girls at a Church Fair (1904) [INTERIORART] by Walt McDougall
- How the Wogglebug Proved His Knowledge of Chemistry (1904) [INTERIORART] by Walt McDougall
- How the Wogglebug Got a Thanksgiving Dinner (1904) [INTERIORART] by Walt McDougall
- The Scarecrow Tells a Fairy Tale to Children and Hears an Equally Marvelous True Story (1904) [INTERIORART] by Walt McDougall
- Jack Pumpkinhead Pawns the Sawhorse (1904) [INTERIORART] by Walt McDougall
- Dorothy Spends an Evening with Her Old Friends and Is Entertained with Wonderful Exhibitions (1904) [INTERIORART] by Walt McDougall
- How the Wogglebug and His Friends Visited Santa Claus (1904) [INTERIORART] by Walt McDougall
- How the Wogglebug Found a Lost Child and Gave a Lesson in Heraldry (1904) [INTERIORART] by Walt McDougall
- The Scarecrow Presents a Magic Automobile to a Little Girl (1905) [INTERIORART] by Walt McDougall
- How the Tin Woodman Became a Fire Hero (1905) [INTERIORART] by Walt McDougall
- The Two Wishes (1905) [INTERIORART] by Walt McDougall
- Tim Nichols and the Cat (1905) [INTERIORART] by Walt McDougall
- Mr. Wimble's Wooden Leg (1905) [INTERIORART] by Walt McDougall
- A Magnetic Personality (1905) [INTERIORART] by Walt McDougall
- Nan's Magic Button (1905) [INTERIORART] by Walt McDougall
- Eliza and the Lozenges (1905) [INTERIORART] by Walt McDougall
- The Wogglebug Encourages Charity (1905) [INTERIORART] by Walt McDougall
- The Visitors from Oz (1960) [C] by L. Frank Baum and Jean Kellogg [only as by L. Frank Baum and uncredited]
- How it All Began (1960) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Jean Kellogg [only as by L. Frank Baum and uncredited]
- How the Visitors Arrived from Oz (1960) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Jean Kellogg [only as by L. Frank Baum and uncredited]
- How the Travelers Told Their Tales (1960) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Jean Kellogg [only as by L. Frank Baum and uncredited]
- How Patty Ate the Pills (1960) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Jean Kellogg [only as by L. Frank Baum and uncredited]
- How the Pumpkinhead Swapped the Sawhorse (1960) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Jean Kellogg [only as by L. Frank Baum and uncredited]
- How the Tin Woodman Granted Timothy's Wish (1960) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Jean Kellogg [only as by L. Frank Baum and uncredited]
- How the Friends Barely Escaped the Bears (1960) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Jean Kellogg [only as by L. Frank Baum and uncredited]
- How the Tin Woodman Developed a Magnetic Personality (1960) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Jean Kellogg [only as by L. Frank Baum and uncredited]
- How the Oz Visitors Discovered Dorothy at Last (1960) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Jean Kellogg [only as by L. Frank Baum and uncredited]
- How the Wogglebug Worked His Wonders (1960) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Jean Kellogg [only as by L. Frank Baum and uncredited]
- How the Gump Raced Santa's Reindeer (1960) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Jean Kellogg [only as by L. Frank Baum and uncredited]
- How It All Ended (1960) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Jean Kellogg [only as by L. Frank Baum and uncredited]
- Little Oz Stories (1983) [C] by L. Frank Baum
The Third Book of Oz (1986) [C]
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Visitors from Oz (2005)
- Skeezique Books
(View Issue Grid)
- 1 Skeezik and the Mys-Tree of Oz (1992) [A] by Marcus Mébès
- 2 The Magic Tapestry of Oz (1992) [SF] by Chris Dulabone and Marcus Mébès
- The Odd Tale of Osoenft in Oz (1994) [A] by Marcus Mébès
- The Shifting Sands of Oz (1997) [A] by Marcus Mébès
- The Bashful Baker of Oz
(View Issue Grid)
- The Bashful Baker of Oz (2006) [SF] by Marcus Mébès
- The Bashful Baker's Honeymoon (2008) [SF] by Marcus Mébès
- The Computer Wizard of Oz
(View Issue Grid)
- A Computer Wizard in Oz (1986) [SF] by Phyllis Ann Karr
- Foiled by the Iffin (2013) [SF] by Phyllis Ann Karr
- The Frogman
(View Issue Grid)
- 1 The Final Fate of the Frogman (1990) [SF] by Eric Shanower
- 2 The Fabulous Frogman and the Faith of Freakish Friends (2018) [SF] by Joe Bongiorno
- The Green Goblins of Oz
(View Issue Grid)
- 1 The Green Goblins of Oz (1997) by Chris Dulabone and Marin Xiques [only as by Chris Dulabone and Marin Elizabeth Xiques]
- 2 The Land Before Oz (1999) by Chris Dulabone and Marin Xiques [only as by Chris Dulabone and Marin Elizabeth Xiques]
- The Royal Explorers of Oz
(View Issue Grid)
- 1 The Voyage of the Crescent Moon (2012) [SF] by Jared Davis and Marcus Mébès and Jeffrey Rester [only as by Jared Davis and Marcus Mébès and Jeff Rester]
- 2 The Crescent Moon Over Tarara (2012) by Jared Davis and Marcus Mébès and Jeffrey Rester [only as by Jared Davis and Marcus Mébès and Jeff Rester]
- 3 Terra Obscura (2013) by Jared Davis and Marcus Mébès and Jeffrey Rester [only as by Jared Davis and Marcus Mébès and Jeff Rester]
- The Seven Blue Mountains of Oz (View Issue Grid)
- The Ten Woodmen of Oz
(View Issue Grid)
- 1 The Ten Woodmen of Oz: The Oz Book for 1999 (1987) by March Laumer
- 2 A Farewell to Oz (1993) by March Laumer
- The Umbrella Man of Oz
(View Issue Grid)
- 1 The Wooing of Ozma (2002) by C. T. Phipps [only as by Charles Phipps]
- 2 The Engagement of Ozma (2003) by C. T. Phipps [only as by Charles Phipps]
- The Wizard of Oz (abridged)
(View Issue Grid)
- 1 Off to See the Wizard (1980) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- 2 Dorothy and the Wicked Witch (1980) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- 3 Dorothy and the Wizard (1980) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- 4 Over the Rainbow (1980) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Wizard of Oz (abridged) (1939) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Wizard of Oz (abridged) (1944) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Wizard of Oz (abridged) (1950) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Allen Chaffee
- The Wizard of Oz (abridged) (1951) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Wizard of Oz (abridged) (1961) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Jean Kellogg
- Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz (abridged) (1961) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Jean Kellogg
- The Wizard of Oz (abridged) (1962) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Mary Cushing and Dorothea Williams
- The Wizard of Oz to Read Aloud (1963) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Oscar Weigle
- The Wizard of Oz (abridged) (1965) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Wizard of Oz (abridged) (1968) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Albert G. Miller
- The Wizard of Oz (abridged) (1971) [SF] by L. Frank Baum [only as by L. F. Baum]
- The Wizard of Oz (abridged) (1972) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (abridged) (1977) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Barbara Shock Hazen [only as by L. Frank Baum and Barbara Hazen]
- The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (abridged) (1979) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- Wizard of Oz (abridged) (1980) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Fran Hunia
- The Wizard of Oz (abridged) (1984) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Deborah Hautzig
- The Wizard of Oz (abridged) (1984) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Joan Collins
- The Wizard of Oz (abridged) (1984) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and William Furstenberg
- The Wizard of Oz (abridged) (1985) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Wizard of Oz (abridged) (1988) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Wizard of Oz (1988) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Neil Morris and Ting Morris
- The Wizard of Oz (abridged) (1991) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Donna Jo Fuller
- The Wizard of Oz (abridged) (1998) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Rosemary Border
The Wizard of Oz (abridged) (1999) [SF]
L. Frank Baum
Kimberly Morris
also appeared as:
- Translation: O Feiticeiro De Oz (abridged) [Portuguese] (1999)
- The Wizard of Oz (abridged) (1999) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and James Riordan
Ojǔ ǔi Mabǒpsa?Oju ui Mabopsa(2004) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Wizard of Oz (abridged) (2008) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
The Wizard of Oz (abridged) (2009) [SF]
L. Frank Baum
Carol Ottolenghi
also appeared as:
- Translation: El maravilloso mago de Oz (abridged) [Spanish] (2009)
- The Wizard of Oz (abridged) (2009) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Martin Powell
- The Wizard of Oz (abridged) (2010) [SF] by L. Frank Baum
- The Wizard of Oz (abridged) (2010) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Pauline Francis
- The Wizard of Oz (abridged) (2011) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Amanda Gulliver
- The Wizard of Oz (abridged) (2012) [SF] by Daisy Alberto and L. Frank Baum
- L. Frank Baum's The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (2013) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Deborah Hautzig
- The Wizard of Oz (abridged) (2020) [SF] by uncredited
- The Wizard of Oz (abridged) (2021) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Alex Fabrizio
- The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (abridged) (2021) [SF] by L. Frank Baum and Susan Hill Long
- The Woggle-Bug
(View Issue Grid)
- There's a Lady-Bug A-Waitin' for Me (1905) [POEM] by L. Frank Baum
Mr. H. M. Woggle-Bug, T. E. (1905) [POEM]
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Variant: Mr. H. M. Woggle Bug, T. E. (1905) [as by L. F. Baum]
- Variant: Mr. H. M. Wogglebug, T. E. (1995)
- Sweet Matilda (1905) [POEM] by Arthur Gillespie
- My Little Maid of Oz (1905) [POEM] by L. Frank Baum
- The Hobgoblins (1905) [POEM] by L. Frank Baum
- Soldiers (1905) [POEM] by Arthur Gillespie
- To the Victors Belong the Spoils (1905) [POEM] by L. Frank Baum
- The Household Brigade (1905) [POEM] by L. Frank Baum
- Pattycake, Pattycake, Baker Man (1905) [POEM] by L. Frank Baum
- The Dolly and the Jumping Jack (1905) [POEM] by L. Frank Baum
- The Equine Paradox (1905) [POEM] by L. Frank Baum
- The Sandman Is Near (1905) [POEM] by L. Frank Baum
- The Wonderful Stories of Oz (View Issue Grid)
- The Wonderland of Oz
(View Issue Grid)
The Wonderland of Oz (1934)
only appeared as:
- Serializations:
- The Wonderland of Oz: No. 99-C (1933)
- The Wonderland of Oz: No. 1-D (1933)
- The Wonderland of Oz: No. 2-D (1933)
- The Wonderland of Oz: No. 3-D (1933)
- The Wonderland of Oz: No. 4-D (1934)
- The Wonderland of Oz: No. 5-D (1934)
- The Wonderland of Oz: No. 6-D (1934)
- The Wonderland of Oz: No. 7-D (1934)
- The Wonderland of Oz: No. 8-D (1934)
- The Wonderland of Oz: No. 9-D (1934)
- The Wonderland of Oz: No. 10-D (1934)
- The Wonderland of Oz: No. 11-D (1934)
- The Wonderland of Oz: No. 12-D (1934)
- The Wonderland of Oz: No. 13-D (1934)
- The Wonderland of Oz: No. 14-D (1934)
- The Wonderland of Oz: No. 15-D (1934)
The Wonderland of Oz (1934)
only appeared as:
- The Woozy of Oz
(View Issue Grid)
- 1 The Woozy of Oz (1999) by March Laumer
- 2 Dragons in Oz (1998) by March Laumer and Michael Michanczyk
- Toto in Oz
(View Issue Grid)
- 1 Toto in Oz (1986) by Chris Dulabone
- 2 Lunarr and Maureen in Oz (1992) by Chris Dulabone
- Wooglet in Oz
(View Issue Grid)
- 1 Wooglet in Oz (1993) by Hugh Pendexter, III
- 2 The Fairy Circle of Oz (1997) by Chris Dulabone
- 1
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1900)
L. Frank Baum
also appeared as:
- Oz Behind the Footlights
(View Issue Grid)
- Oz Behind the Footlights (The Baum Bugle, Autumn 1965) (1965) [ES] by Gary W. Bargar
- Oz Behind the Footlights (The Baum Bugle, Christmas 1965) (1965) [ES] by Gary W. Bargar
- Oz Behind the Footlights (The Baum Bugle, Autumn 1966) (1966) [ES] by Bill Eubank
- Oz Behind the Footlights (The Baum Bugle, Christmas 1966) (1966) [ES] by Bill Eubank
- Oz Behind the Footlights (The Baum Bugle, Autumn 1967) (1967) [ES] by Robert W. Dahl and Mr. John H. Pattrick and Mrs. John H. Pattrick and Ray Powell
- Oz Behind the Footlights (The Baum Bugle, Spring 1967) (1967) [ES] by Bill Eubank and John Fricke and Matilda J. Gage and Mrs. William W. Keefer and Daniel P. Mannix and Mr. John H. Pattrick and Mrs. John H. Pattrick [only as by Bill Eubank and John Fricke and Matilda J. Gage and Mrs. William W. Keefer and Dan Mannix and Mr. John H. Pattrick and Mrs. John H. Pattrick]
- Oz Behind the Footlights (The Baum Bugle, Autumn 1968) (1968) [ES] by Mr. Henry S. Blossom and Mrs. Henry S. Blossom and Mrs. Robert R. Covell and Matilda J. Gage and Kevin Harris and Carl T. Hartmann and Michael Patrick Hearn and Mrs. Ted Leber and William G. Lee and Mrs. C. Coleman McGehee and Mr. John H. Pattrick and Mrs. John H. Pattrick and Susan Sherman and James H. Teller [only as by Mr. Henry S. Blossom and Mrs. Henry S. Blossom and Mrs. Robert R. Covell and Matilda J. Gage and Kevin Harris and Carl T. Hartmann and Michael Hearn and Mrs. Ted Leber and William G. Lee and Mrs. C. Coleman McGehee and Mr. John H. Pattrick and Mrs. John H. Pattrick and Susan Sherman and James H. Teller]
- Oz Behind the Footlights (The Baum Bugle, Christmas 1968) (1968) [ES] by Elliott W. Brill and Fred Erisman and James E. Haff and William G. Lee and Frank Lummis and Mrs. Curtiss R. Schafer
- Oz Behind the Footlights (The Baum Bugle, Spring 1969) (1969) [ES] by uncredited
- Oz Behind the Footlights (The Baum Bugle, Spring 1975) (1975) [ES] by John Fricke
- Oz Behind the Footlights (The Baum Bugle, Spring 1976) (1976) [ES] by John Fricke
- Oz Behind the Footlights (The Baum Bugle, Spring 1977) (1977) [ES] by Pat Tobias
- Oz Behind the Footlights (The Baum Bugle, Autumn 1977) (1977) [ES] by Pat Tobias
- Oz Behind the Footlights (The Baum Bugle, Spring 1978) (1977) [ES] by Pat Tobias
- Oz Behind the Footlights (The Baum Bugle, Spring 1983) (1983) [ES] by Barbara S. Koelle
- Oz Behind the Footlights (The Baum Bugle, Winter 1983) (1983) [ES] by Seraphim J. Sigrist [only as by Seraphim Sigrist]
- Royal Shakespeare Company Presents The Wizard of Oz (1988) [ES] by Brian A. Baker [only as by B. A. Baker]
- Paper Mill Playhouse Recreates 1939 Film (1992) [ES] by Eleanor Kennedy
- Oz (1993) [ES] by Pat Tobias [only as by Patty Tobias]
- The Wiz (1995) [ES] by David Maxine
- The Wizard of Oz on Ice (1995) [ES] by David Moyer
- Sir Wylie Gyle Rides Again (1998) [ES] by Stephen J. Teller
- Second Annual Madison Square Garden Oz Production (1998) [ES] by Tricia Trozzi
- Two Times a Wizard (2002) [ES] by Jane Pigney
- Wicked is a San Francisco Treat (2003) [ES] by Angelica Carpenter
- Dot and Tot of Minnesota (2003) [ES] by Stephen J. Teller
- Dot and Tot of Minnesota (2003) [ES] by Phyllis Ann Karr
- The Wicked Witch of the Great White Way (2003) [ES] by Ryan Sucher
- Escape to What Never Was (2005) [ES] by Dee Michel
- Sweet Thing, Let Me Tell You 'Bout ...: The Wiz at the New York City Center (2009) [ES] by Sean Barrett
- The Gump Flies Again (2009) [ES] by Scott Cummings
- Oz Behind the Footlights (The Baum Bugle, Winter 2009) (2009) [ES] by Freddy Fogarty
- The 1903 Wizard of Oz Lives Again!: Canton Comic Opera Company, July 10, 2010 (2010) [ES] by Joe Cascone
- An Ozzy, Aussie Production: The 2009 Windmill Theatre Production of The Wizard of Oz (2010) [ES] by Sam Milazzo
- The Wizard of Oz at the London Palladium (2011) [ES] by Michael O'Connor
- The Yellow Brick Road: El Camino Amarillo (2011) [ES] by David Moyer
- The Wizard of Oz: Not Your Kid Sister's Dorothy Story (2012) [ES] by David Moyer
- Oz Prequels
(View Issue Grid)
- How the Wizard Came to Oz (1991) by Donald Abbott
- The Magic Chest of Oz (1993) by Donald Abbott
- The Amber Flute of Oz (1998) by Donald Abbott
- Oz Reimagined
(View Issue Grid)
- Oz Reimagined: New Tales from the Emerald City and Beyond (2013) [A] by John Joseph Adams and Douglas Cohen
- Lost Girls of Oz (2013) [SF] by Theodora Goss
- Emeralds to Emeralds, Dust to Dust (2013) [SF] by Seanan McGuire
- Dorothy Dreams (2013) [SF] by Simon R. Green
- One Flew Over the Rainbow (2013) [SF] by Robin Wasserman
- The Veiled Shanghai (2013) [SF] by Ken Liu
- Beyond the Naked Eye (2013) [SF] by Rachel Swirsky
- A Tornado of Dorothys (2013) [SF] by Kat Howard
- Blown Away (2013) [SF] by Jane Yolen
- City So Bright (2013) [SF] by Dale Bailey
- Off to See the Emperor (2013) [SF] by Orson Scott Card
- A Meeting in Oz (2013) [SF] by Jeffrey Ford
- The Cobbler of Oz (2013) [SF] by Jonathan Maberry
Dead Blue (2013) [SF]
Dave Wolverton
only appeared as:
- Variant: Dead Blue (2013) [as by David Farland]
- Variant: Oz Reimagined: Dead Blue (2013) [as by David Farland]
- The Great Zeppelin Heist of Oz (2013) [SF] by Rae Carson and Charles Coleman Finlay [only as by Rae Carson and C. C. Finlay]
- Oz Universe (nonfiction) (View Issue Grid)
- Oz-story Magazine
(View Issue Grid)
- Oz-story Magazine - 1995 (1995) [ED] by David Maxine
- Oz-story Magazine - 1996 (1996) [ED] by David Maxine
- Oz-story Magazine - 1997 (1997) [ED] by David Maxine
- Oz-story Magazine - 1998 (1998) [ED] by David Maxine
- Oz-story Magazine - 1999 (1999) [ED] by David Maxine
- Oz-story Magazine - 2000 (2000) [ED] by David Maxine
- Royal Magician of Oz Trilogy
(View Issue Grid)
- 1 Magician of Oz (2009) by James C. Wallace, II
- 2 Shadow Demon of Oz (2010) by James C. Wallace, II
- 3 Family of Oz (2011) by James C. Wallace, II
- The Story Behind The Wizard of Oz
(View Issue Grid)
- 1 A Woman in a Gray House (1939) [ES] by uncredited
- 2 The Idea Behind a Picture (1939) [ES] by uncredited
- 3 Creating the Characters of Oz (1939) [ES] by uncredited
- 4 The Strange People of Oz (1939) [ES] by uncredited
- 5 The Wonderful Land of Oz (2011) [ES] by uncredited
- 6 The Glamour and Tunes of Oz (2011) [ES] by uncredited