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Authors for Publisher Timescape / Pocket Books, Sorted by Name

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Note that the statistics below count the number of publications associated with publication-level authors and editors. They do not count the authors of individual titles (stories, poems, etc.) contained in publications. Each edition of a book increments its author's count. Different forms of an author's name, e.g. 'Mary Shelley' vs. 'Mary W. Shelley', are counted separately.

# Author/Editor Publication Count
1 Brian W. Aldiss 2
2 David M. Alexander 2
3 Robin W. Bailey 1
4 Scott Baker 2
5 William Barnwell 3
6 Alfred Bester 4
7 Michael Bishop 4
8 Terry Bisson 2
9 Ben Bova 1
10 Marion Zimmer Bradley 6
11 Damien Broderick 1
12 Edward Bryant 1
13 Joseph Burgo 1
14 F. M. Busby 2
15 Octavia E. Butler 1
16 Terry Carr 7
17 Jack L. Chalker 1
18 Glen Cook 2
19 Sonni Cooper 2
20 Adam Corby 3
21 Lee Correy 2
22 Richard Cowper 1
23 A. C. Crispin 1
24 Myrna Culbreath 7
25 Philip K. Dick 4
26 Gordon R. Dickson 2
27 Diane Duane 1
28 David Dvorkin 1
29 Phyllis Eisenstein 2
30 Cynthia Felice 2
31 John M. Ford 1
32 Randall Garrett 1
33 Lisa Goldstein 2
34 Russell M. Griffin 1
35 James Gunn 2
36 Joe Haldeman 2
37 Harry Harrison 4
38 M. John Harrison 3
39 Paul Hazel 1
40 Robert Holdstock 2
41 Donald Kingsbury 1
42 Nancy Kress 2
43 David Langford 1
44 Keith Laumer 6
45 Louise Lawrence 1
46 Syd Logsdon 1
47 Richard A. Lupoff 1
48 Richard Lyon 3
49 Sondra Marshak 7
50 George R. R. Martin 7
51 Vonda N. McIntyre 9
52 Robin McKinley 1
53 L. E. Modesitt, Jr. 1
54 Michael Moorcock 2
55 M. S. Murdock 2
56 Larry Niven 4
57 Andrew Offutt 3
58 Alexei Panshin 2
59 Diana L. Paxson 2
60 Frederik Pohl 1
61 Jerry Pournelle 12
62 Marta Randall 4
63 Joanna Russ 2
64 Pamela Sargent 1
65 Hilbert Schenck 4
66 Michael Shaara 1
67 Robert Silverberg 2
68 John Sladek 1
69 Clark Ashton Smith 3
70 Norman Spinrad 3
71 Nancy Springer 5
72 Robert Stallman 4
73 Boris Strugatsky 1
74 Arkady Strugatsky 1
75 Theodore Sturgeon 1
76 Somtow Sucharitkul 4
77 Wilson Tucker 4
78 Lisa Tuttle 3
79 A. E. van Vogt 8
80 Jack Vance 2
81 Robert E. Vardeman 6
82 Jules Verne 1
83 Ian Watson 1
84 Howard Weinstein 5
85 Cherry Wilder 2
86 Kate Wilhelm 9
87 Jack Williamson 3
88 Robert Anton Wilson 2
89 Gene Wolfe 15
90 Chelsea Quinn Yarbro 1
91 Roger Zelazny 2
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