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Publication: Science Fiction: The Early Years (Pages 545 - 998)

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  • Publication: Science Fiction: The Early Years (Pages 545 - 998)Publication Record # 309328
  • Authors: Everett F. Bleiler, Richard J. Bleiler
  • Date: 1991-01-00
  • Format:
    unknown?The publication record was created from a secondary source and the publication format is unknown.
  • Notes: For technical reasons the entries for this publication have been split over two publication records. The first part of the contents is available here. Bleiler uses "Francis Merton Lyon", but the correct name is "Harris Merton Lyon", recorded as such here.
Nonfiction Title: Science-Fiction: The Early Years • nonfiction by Everett F. Bleiler and Richard Bleiler [as by Everett F. Bleiler and Richard J. Bleiler]

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Nihonjoe 2022-03-01 13:01:16 Permanent 2025-01-20
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