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Publication: Urania #827

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  • Publication: Urania #827Publication Record # 383082 (View All Issues) (View Issue Grid)
  • Editors: Carlo Fruttero, Franco Lucentini
  • Date: 1980-03-16
  • Catalog ID: 827
  • Publisher: Mondadori
  • Price:
    Lit 1,000?Lit: Italian lira. ISO code: ITL in 1861-1999
  • Pages: 192
  • Format:
    digest?Digest-size magazine, including both standard digest size, at about 7" by 4.5", and also large digest, such as recent issues of Asimov's, which are about 8.25" by 5.125".
  • Type: MAGAZINE
  • Cover: Urania #827 by Karel Thole
  • Notes: 100 Great Science Fiction Short Short Stories was translated by Michelangelo Spada as "Microfantascienza: altre 44 storie". Single stories were translated as follow: Stubborn as "Ostinato" The Better Man as "L'uomo migliore" Merchant as "Buone notizie per l'ufficio vendite" Don't Fence Me In as "Non c'è gabbia che tenga" The Die-Hard as "L'irriducibile" The First as "Il primo" Feeding Time as "Usi e costumi del grifone" The Voice from the Curious Cube as "La voce dello strano cubo" The Room as "La camera" Dry Spell as "Periodo di sterilità" Bohassia Learns as "Bohassia impara" Star Bride as "La sposa delle stelle" Latest Feature as "Ultimo modello" Chief as "Capo" After You're Stood on the Log at the Center of the Universe, What Is There Left to Do? as "Quando siete stati in equilibrio sul ceppo al centro dell'universo, che altro vi resta da fare?" Maid to Measure as "Su misura" Eyes Do More Than See as "Gli occhi non vedono soltanto" Thang as "Thang" How Now Purple Cow as "La vacca purpurea" Revival Meeting as "Resurrezione" Prototaph as "Non assicurabile" The Rocket of 1955 as "Il razzo del 1955" Science Fiction for Telepaths as "Fantascienza per telepati" Kindergarten as "Kindergarten" A Little Knoweledge as "Massime e proverbi" A Cup of Hemlock as "Una coppa di cicuta" Present Perfect as "Passato prossimo" A Lot to Learn as "Il materializzatore" The Anphibious Cavalry Gap as "Cavalleria anfibia" Not Counting Bridges as "Difficoltà di parcheggio" The Man Inside as "Parole nella testa di papà" The Mars Stone as "La roccia marziana" Source Material as "Sussidi didattici" The Compleat Consummators as "Consumo totale" Examination Day as "Giorno d'esami" The Man Who Could Turn Back the Clock as "L'uomo che poteva portare indietro l'orologio" Patent Rights as "Diritto di brevetto" The Sky's and Oyster; the Stars Are Pearls as "Il cielo è un'ostrica, le stelle sono perle" Alien Cornucopia as "Cornucopia aliena" The Last Paradox as "L'estremo paradosso" Course of Empire as "Scuola d'impero" Syncronicity as "Sincronicità" The Man at the Top as "L'uomo sulla vetta" Rejection Slip as "Lettera di rifiuto" Other stories of the original collection were published in Urania #815; The Advent on Channel Twelve, Shall the Dust Praise Thee?, Bug-Getter, Inaugural, January 1975, Half-Baked Publisher's Delight, Sign at the End of the Universe, The Re-Creation, Oom, Eripmav, I'm Going to Get You and Sweet Dreams, Melissa are missing. Alas, All Human was translated by Laura Serra as "Umano, troppo umano" Data from
Cover art supplied by Mondourania
Editor Title: Urania - 1980 • [Urania (collana)] • (1980) • edited by Carlo Fruttero and Franco Lucentini

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