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Authors for Publisher Gnome Press, Sorted by Count

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Note that the statistics below count the number of publications associated with publication-level authors and editors. They do not count the authors of individual titles (stories, poems, etc.) contained in publications. Each edition of a book increments its author's count. Different forms of an author's name, e.g. 'Mary Shelley' vs. 'Mary W. Shelley', are counted separately.

# Author/Editor Publication Count
1 L. Sprague de Camp 9
2 Martin Greenberg 9
3 Robert E. Howard 9
4 Isaac Asimov 8
5 Robert Bloch 5
6 Arthur C. Clarke 5
7 Bob Tucker 5
8 Robert A. Heinlein 4
9 Judith Merril 4
10 Frederik Pohl 4
11 George O. Smith 4
12 Jack Williamson 4
13 Edd Cartier 3
14 Murray Leinster 3
15 C. L. Moore 3
16 Lewis Padgett 3
17 Fletcher Pratt 3
18 Clifford D. Simak 3
19 Hannes Bok 2
20 Nelson Bond 2
21 H. Chandler Elliott 2
22 James E. Gunn 2
23 Talbot Mundy 2
24 Andrew North 2
25 Robert Randall 2
26 Edward E. Smith, Ph.D. 2
27 Poul Anderson 1
28 Arthur K. Barnes 1
29 William Gray Beyer 1
30 James Blish 1
31 Leigh Brackett 1
32 John W. Campbell, Jr. 1
33 Hal Clement 1
34 Mark Clifton 1
35 Everett B. Cole 1
36 Groff Conklin 1
37 Gordon R. Dickson 1
38 Tom Godwin 1
39 L. Ron Hubbard 1
40 Raymond F. Jones 1
41 Fritz Leiber 1
42 Jeffrey Logan 1
43 William Morrison 1
Björn Nyberg?Bjoern Nyberg
45 Frank Owen 1
46 Frank R. Paul 1
47 Frank Riley 1
48 Nat Schachner 1
49 James H. Schmitz 1
50 Wilmar H. Shiras 1
51 Robert Silverberg 1
52 Will Stewart 1
53 A. E. van Vogt 1
54 F. L. Wallace 1
55 Wallace West 1
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