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Award Category: Nouvelle étrangère (Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire)

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Win L'une rêve, l'autre pas (translation of Beggars in Spain) Nancy Kress
Tombouctou à l'heure du lion?Tombouctou a l'heure du lion
(translation of Lion Time in Timbuctoo)
Robert Silverberg
Win Le grand amant (translation of The Great Lover) Dan Simmons
Nomination Temps mort (translation of Time Out) Connie Willis
Win Vous voyez et vous n'observez pas (translation of You See But You Do Not Observe) Robert J. Sawyer
Nomination Comme un disque rayé (translation of Timeskip) Charles de Lint
Nomination Notre-Dame de Tchernobyl (translation of Our Lady of Chernobyl) Greg Egan
Nomination Rêves de transition (translation of Transition Dreams) Greg Egan
Win Calcutta, seigneur des nerfs (translation of Calcutta, Lord of Nerves) Poppy Z. Brite
À la recherche de Kelly Dahl?A la recherche de Kelly Dahl
(translation of Looking for Kelly Dahl)
Dan Simmons
Nomination Les garçons sous la pluie Pat Cadigan
Nomination Un vrai crabe tente toujours sa chance (translation of A Crab Must Try) Barrington J. Bayley
La grande œuvre du temps?La grande oeuvre du temps
(translation of Great Work of Time)
John Crowley
Nomination Les fleurs du mal (translation of Les Fleurs Du Mal) Brian Stableford
Sept vues de la gorge d'Olduvaï?Sept vues de la gorge d'Olduvai
(translation of Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge)
Mike Resnick
Win Ménage en grand (translation of Uh-Oh City) Jonathan Carroll
Nomination A suivre (translation of More Tomorrow) Michael Marshall
Nomination Ketama (translation of Ketama) Silvio Sosio
Nomination La Baleine du ciel (translation of La balena del cielo) Luca Masali
La dernière ballade de Sirit Byar?La derniere ballade de Sirit Byar
(translation of The Last Song of Sirit Byar)
Peter S. Beagle
Nomination Le sculpteur (translation of The Sculptor) Garry Kilworth
Nomination Les fils du coucou (translation of The Cuckoo's Boys) Robert Reed
Win meucs (translation of macs) Terry Bisson
Nomination Echea (translation of Echea) Kristine Kathryn Rusch
L'arbre aux épines?L'arbre aux epines
(translation of The Ragthorn)
Robert Holdstock and Garry Kilworth
Nomination L'enfance attribuée (translation of We Were Out of Our Minds with Joy) David Marusek
Nomination Petite musique de nuit (translation of Barnacle Bill the Spacer and Other Stories) Lucius Shepard
Nomination Tempête sur le ring (translation of The Big Blow) Joe R. Lansdale
Win Retour au foyer (translation of The Discharge) Christopher Priest
(translation of Itsy Bitsy Spider)
James Patrick Kelly
Miroirs et fumée?Miroirs et fumee
(translation of Smoke and Mirrors: Short Fictions and Illusions)
Neil Gaiman
Nomination Quatre courts romans (translation of Four Short Novels) Joe Haldeman
Win Les nuits de Leningrad (translation of Leningrad Nights) Graham Joyce
Nomination Champs d'automne (translation of Campos de otoño) Daniel Mares
(translation of Slippage)
Harlan Ellison
Nomination Pages perdues (translation of Lost Pages) Paul Di Filippo
(translation of Tendeléo's Story)
Ian McDonald
Nomination Un bouleau, un renard blanc... (translation of ) Elena Arsenieva
Le rhinocéros qui citait Nietzsche?Le rhinoceros qui citait Nietzsche
(translation of The Rhinoceros Who Quoted Nietzsche and Other Odd Acquaintances)
Peter S. Beagle
Nomination Démons intimes (translation of Personal Demons) Christopher Fowler
Nomination Kaishaku (translation of Kaishaku) Yoss
Nomination L'étrangeté du jour (translation of The Strangeness of the Day) Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Nomination Les filles de la baleine (translation of The Women of Whale Rock) Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Nomination Miettes et cailloux (translation of Breadcrumbs and Stones) Lisa Goldstein
Win Sisyphe et l'étranger (translation of Sisyphus and the Stranger) Paul Di Filippo
Nomination Dans la vallée des statues et autres récits Robert Holdstock
Nomination L'agent de voyage (translation of The Travel Agent) Nicholas Waller
Nomination L'homme en forme de poire (translation of The Pear-Shaped Man) George R. R. Martin
Nomination La rose blanche de Bonaparte (translation of La rosa bianca di Bonaparte) Franco Ricciardiello
Win Exo-Skeleton Town (translation of Exo-Skeleton Town) Jeffrey Ford
Nomination Annulé (translation of Undone) James Patrick Kelly
Nomination Presque chez soi (translation of Almost Home) Terry Bisson
Nomination Reflets (translation of Reflejos) Pablo Castro Hermosilla
Señor Volto?Senor Volto
(translation of Señor Volto)
Lucius Shepard
Nomination Solitude (translation of Solitude) Ursula K. Le Guin
Win Aztechs Lucius Shepard
Nomination Apartheid, supercordes et Mordecai Thubana (translation of Apartheid, Superstrings, and Mordecai Thubana) Michael Bishop
Nomination Baby doll (translation of Baby Doll) Johanna Sinisalo
Nomination La tour de Babylone (translation of Stories of Your Life and Others) Ted Chiang
Nomination Le pays invaincu: Histoire d'une vie (translation of The Unconquered Country) Geoff Ryman
Win Quatre chemins de pardon (translation of Four Ways to Forgiveness) Ursula K. Le Guin
Nomination Axiomatique (translation of Axiomatic) Greg Egan
Nomination Magie pour débutants (translation of Magic for Beginners) Kelly Link
La jeune détective et autres histoires étranges?La jeune detective et autres histoires etranges
Kelly Link
Nomination L'homme qui dessinait des chats (translation of More Tomorrow & Other Stories) Michael Marshall
Nomination La morsure (translation of Il morso della massa) Cesare Battisti
Le théâtre cartésien?Le theatre cartesien
(translation of The Cartesian Theater)
Robert Charles Wilson
Nomination Radieux (translation of Luminous) Greg Egan
The awards were presented twice in 2010. This award is from the first set and is for the eligibility period of July 2008 to June 2009.
Des choses fragiles: Nouvelles et merveilles (translation of Fragile Things) Neil Gaiman
The awards were presented twice in 2010. This award is from the second set which was labeled "2010 Etonnants Voyageurs". The eligibility period was from July to December 2009.
Exhalaison (translation of Exhalation) Ted Chiang
The awards were presented twice in 2010. This award is from the second set which was labeled "2010 Etonnants Voyageurs". The eligibility period was from July to December 2009.
Océanique (translation of Oceanic) Greg Egan
The awards were presented twice in 2010. This nomination is from the second set which was labeled "2010 Etonnants Voyageurs". The eligibility period was from July to December 2009.
Interférences Yoss
The awards were presented twice in 2010. This nomination is from the first set and is for the eligibility period of July 2008 to June 2009.
La jolie fille de Pol Pot (translation of Pol Pot's Beautiful Daughter (Fantasy)) Geoff Ryman
The awards were presented twice in 2010. This nomination is from the first set and is for the eligibility period of July 2008 to June 2009.
Lune et l'autre John Kessel
The awards were presented twice in 2010. This nomination is from the first set and is for the eligibility period of July 2008 to June 2009.
(translation of Maelstrom)
Kage Baker
The awards were presented twice in 2010. This nomination is from the first set and is for the eligibility period of July 2008 to June 2009.
Pixel Juice (translation of Pixel Juice) Jeff Noon
Win Sous des cieux étrangers Lucius Shepard
Nomination L'essence de l'art (translation of The State of the Art) Iain M. Banks
Nomination Les vestiges de l'automne (translation of A Piece of the Great World) Robert Silverberg
Nomination Voyages avec mes chats (translation of Travels with My Cats) Mike Resnick
--- Preliminary Nominees -------
* Récif (translation of Reef) Paul J. McAuley
* Un précis (translation of A Concise and Ready Guide) Ian R. MacLeod
Ainsi naissent les fantômes?Ainsi naissent les fantomes
Lisa Tuttle
(translation of The Island)
Peter Watts
Nomination La muse égarée (translation of The Wayward Muse) Brian Stableford
Nomination Le dragon Griaule (translation of The Dragon Griaule) Lucius Shepard
--- Preliminary Nominees -------
* Exorciser ses fantômes (translation of Laying the Ghost) Eric Brown
Frères lointains?Freres lointains
Clifford D. Simak
* Lunes de gel (translation of Bridesicle) Will McIntosh
Win La petite déesse (translation of The Little Goddess) Ian McDonald
Nomination Les dames de Grâce Adieu et autres récits (translation of The Ladies of Grace Adieu and Other Stories) Susanna Clarke
Nomination Les Mains de son mari (translation of Her Husband's Hands) Adam-Troy Castro
Manhattan à l'envers?Manhattan a l'envers
(translation of Manhattan in Reverse)
Peter F. Hamilton
--- Preliminary Nominees -------
L'avenir du marché des souvenirs?L'avenir du marche des souvenirs
(translation of Futures in the Memories Market)
Nina Kiriki Hoffman
* Les autres livres (translation of Algunos de los otros / Los otros libros) Ramiro Sanchiz
* Les robots (translation of I, Robot) Cory Doctorow
* Poneys (translation of Ponies) Kij Johnson
Win Complications (translation of The Silver Wind: Four Stories of Time Disrupted) Nina Allan
Nomination Je suis la reine et autres histoires inquiétantes (translation of ) Anna Starobinets
Nomination La ménagerie de papier (translation of The Paper Menagerie) Ken Liu
Nomination Le démon de Maxwell (translation of Maxwell's Demon) Ken Liu
Nomination Le littéromancien (translation of The Literomancer) Ken Liu
Nomination Live at Budokan (translation of At Budokan) Alastair Reynolds
--- Preliminary Nominees -------
* La mort de monsieur Teodorescu (translation of Moartea domnului Teodorescu) Cristian-Mihail Teodorescu
* La petite déesse et autres nouvelles d'une Inde future (translation of Cyberabad Days) Ian McDonald
* Le cru véritable d'Erzuine Thale (translation of The True Vintage of Erzuine Thale) Robert Silverberg
* Mono no aware (translation of Mono no Aware) Ken Liu
Win La fille-flûte et autres fragments de futurs brisés (translation of Pump Six and Other Stories) Paolo Bacigalupi
Nomination Chants du cauchemar et de la nuit Thomas Ligotti
Nomination Les furies de Borås Anders Fager
Nomination Les perséides (translation of The Perseids and Other Stories) Robert Charles Wilson
--- Preliminary Nominees -------
* Dead Horse Point (translation of Dead Horse Point) Daryl Gregory
* Éparpillés le long des rivières du ciel (translation of Scattered Along the River of Heaven) Aliette de Bodard
* Foyer Sainte-Lucie pour jeunes filles élevées par les loups (translation of St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves) Karen Russell
* Snodgrass (translation of Snodgrass) Ian R. MacLeod
* The algorithms for love (translation of The Algorithms for Love) Ken Liu
La ménagerie de papier?La menagerie de papier
Ken Liu
Nomination Infiltration (translation of Inside Job) Connie Willis
Nomination Le bazar aux merveilles d'Alastair Baffle (translation of Alastair Baffle's Emporium of Wonders) Mike Resnick
Nomination Ma chèvre s'est mangé les pattes (translation of My Goat Ate Its Own Legs) Alex Burrett
--- Preliminary Nominees -------
* L'été de l'infini Christopher Priest
* Tous assis par terre (translation of All Seated on the Ground) Connie Willis
Win Un pont sur la brume (translation of The Man Who Bridged the Mist) Kij Johnson
Nomination Au-delà du gouffre Peter Watts
Nomination Honey bear (translation of Honey Bear) Sofia Samatar
(translation of The Woman Who Thought She Was a Planet and Other Stories)
Vandana Singh
Nomination L'homme qui mit fin à l'histoire: un documentaire (translation of The Man Who Ended History: A Documentary) Ken Liu
Nomination Une brève histoire des formes à venir (translation of The Thing About Shapes to Come) Adam-Troy Castro
--- Preliminary Nominees -------
* Fin de partie (translation of Endgame) Lev Grossman
* L'après-vie (translation of After This Life) Janna Silverstein
* Le choix (translation of The Choice) Paul J. McAuley
* Les yeux de l'arc-en-ciel (translation of Seventh Sight) Greg Egan
* Une brève histoire du tunnel transpacifique (translation of A Brief History of the Trans-Pacific Tunnel) Ken Liu
Win Danses aériennes Nancy Kress
Nomination Certains ont disparu et d'autres sont tombés Joel Lane
Nomination Des vampires dans la citronneraie (translation of Vampires in the Lemon Grove: Stories) Karen Russell
Nomination Qui t'attendra sur le pas de la porte ? (translation of Who Will Greet You at Home) Lesley Nneka Arimah
--- Preliminary Nominees -------
* 24 vues du Mont Fuji par Hokusai (translation of 24 Views of Mt. Fuji, by Hokusai) Roger Zelazny
* Avec ses yeux (translation of
带上她的眼睛?Dàishàng tā de yǎnjīng
Daishang ta de yanjing
Cixin Liu
* La reine en jaune Anders Fager
* Le sultan des nuages (translation of The Sultan of the Clouds) Geoffrey A. Landis
Win Voyage avec l'extraterrestre (translation of Touring with the Alien) Carolyn Ives Gilman
Nomination L'obélisque martien (translation of The Martian Obelisk) Linda Nagata
Nomination OrgHôtes (translation of HostBods) Tendai Huchu
Nomination Retour à la maison (translation of The Homecoming) Mike Resnick
Nomination « La vérité est une caverne dans les Montagnes noires... » (translation of The Truth Is a Cave in the Black Mountains) Neil Gaiman
--- Preliminary Nominees -------
* Instantané (translation of Snapshot) Brandon Sanderson
* L'Insondable profondeur de la solitude (translation of
孤独深处?Gudu Shenchu
gū dú shēn chù
Hao Jingfang
* La machine à voyager dans le temps (translation of The Time Machine) Robert F. Young
* Les attracteurs de Rose Street (translation of Rose Street Attractors) Lucius Shepard
* Les vieux au feu (translation of Torching the Dusties) Margaret Atwood
Win Les meurtres de Molly Southbourne (translation of The Murders of Molly Southbourne) Tade Thompson
Nomination La fille qui saigne (translation of The Daughter That Bleeds) Shweta Taneja
Nomination Son corps et autres célébrations (translation of Her Body and Other Parties) Carmen Maria Machado
Nomination ZeroS (translation of ZeroS) Peter Watts
--- Preliminary Nominees -------
* Ceux qui restent (translation of Staying Behind) Ken Liu
* Cheval de Troie (translation of Rogue Protocol) Martha Wells
* Défaillances systèmes (translation of All Systems Red) Martha Wells
* Lumières noires (translation of How Long 'til Black Future Month?) N. K. Jemisin
* Nouer des liens (translation of Tying Knots) Ken Liu
* Schémas artificiels (translation of Artificial Condition) Martha Wells
* Stratégie de sortie (translation of Exit Strategy) Martha Wells
Win La fabrique des lendemains Rich Larson
Nomination Bienvenue à Sturkeyville Bob Leman
Nomination Expiration (translation of Exhalation) Ted Chiang
Nomination Histoires bizarroïdes (translation of Opowiadania bizarne) Olga Tokarczuk
Nomination Perles
Chi Ta-wei?Ji, Da-Wei
Nomination Rue de la mémoire qui flanche (translation of Down Memory Lane) Mike Resnick
Nomination Travail d'intérêt général (translation of Community Service) Megan Lindholm
--- Preliminary Nominees -------
* C'est vous Sannata3159 ? (translation of Are You Sannata3159?) Vandana Singh
Guide sorcier de l'évasion : Atlas pratiques des contrées réelles et imaginaires?Guide sorcier de l'evasion : Atlas pratiques des contrees reelles et imaginaires
(translation of A Witch's Guide to Escape: A Practical Compendium of Portal Fantasies)
Alix E. Harrow
* Pensées et prières (translation of Thoughts and Prayers) Ken Liu
* Salissure (translation of Smear Job) Rich Larson
* Vigilance (translation of Vigilance) Robert Jackson Bennett
Win Tous les noms qu'ils donnaient à Dieu (translation of All the Names They Used for God) Anjali Sachdeva
Nomination Fournaise (translation of Furnace) Livia Llewellyn
Nomination Le livre écorné de ma vie (translation of Dog-Eared Paperback of My Life) Lucius Shepard
Nomination Ormeshadow (translation of Ormeshadow) Priya Sharma
Nomination Ring shout: Cantique rituel (translation of Ring Shout; or, Hunting Ku Kluxes in the End Times)
P. Djèlí Clark?P. Djeli Clark
--- Preliminary Nominees -------
* Comme ce monde est joli Karen Joy Fowler
* Dernières nouvelles et autres nouvelles (translation of Last Stories and Other Stories) William T. Vollmann
* Friday Black (translation of Friday Black) Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah
La fièvre de Steve?La fievre de Steve
(translation of Steve Fever)
Greg Egan
* La fille en lambeaux (translation of Ragged Girl) Hirotaka Tobi
* Les Anges de Johannesburg (translation of
ヨハネスブルグ の 天使 たち?Yohanesuburugu no tenshi tachi
Yusuke Miyauchi
* Les tambours du Dieu Noir (translation of The Black God's Drums)
P. Djèlí Clark?P. Djeli Clark
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