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1990 Hugo Award

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Award Years for Hugo Award

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1960's: 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969
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1980's: 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989
1990's: 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
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2020's: 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024  -   -   -   -   - 
Best Novel
1 Hyperion Dan Simmons
2 A Fire in the Sun George Alec Effinger
3 Prentice Alvin Orson Scott Card
4 The Boat of a Million Years Poul Anderson
5 Grass Sheri S. Tepper
Best Novella
1 The Mountains of Mourning Lois McMaster Bujold
2 The Father of Stones Lucius Shepard
3 A Touch of Lavender Megan Lindholm
4 Time Out Connie Willis
5 Tiny Tango Judith Moffett
--- Withdrawn -- Nomination Declined -------
* Marîd Changes His Mind George Alec Effinger
Best Novelette
1 Enter a Soldier. Later: Enter Another Robert Silverberg
2 For I Have Touched the Sky Mike Resnick
3 Everything But Honor George Alec Effinger
4 At the Rialto Connie Willis
5 The Price of Oranges Nancy Kress
6 Dogwalker Orson Scott Card
Best Short Story
1 Boobs Suzy McKee Charnas
2 Lost Boys Orson Scott Card
3 Computer Friendly Eileen Gunn
4 The Return of William Proxmire Larry Niven
5 The Edge of the World Michael Swanwick
6 Dori Bangs Bruce Sterling
--- Withdrawn -- Ineligible -------
* Remaking History Kim Stanley Robinson
Best Non-Fiction Book
1 The World Beyond the Hill: Science Fiction and the Quest for Transcendence Alexei Panshin and Cory Panshin
2 Grumbles from the Grave Robert A. Heinlein
3 Dancing at the Edge of the World: Thoughts on Words, Women, Places Ursula K. Le Guin
4 Astounding Days: A Science Fictional Autobiography Arthur C. Clarke
5 Harlan Ellison's Watching Harlan Ellison
6 The 47th World Science Fiction Convention: Noreascon Three Greg Thokar
Best Dramatic Presentation
1 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (IMDB) George Lucas and Menno Meyjes and Jeffrey Boam
2 The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (IMDB) Terry Gilliam and Charles McKeown and Rudolph Erich Raspe
3 Batman (IMDB) Sam Hamm and Bob Kane and Warren Skaaren
4 Field of Dreams (IMDB) W. P. Kinsella and Phil Alden Robinson
5 The Abyss (IMDB) James Cameron
Best Professional Editor
1 ---- Gardner Dozois
2 ---- Ellen Datlow
3 ---- David G. Hartwell
4 ---- Beth Meacham
5 ---- Edward L. Ferman
6 ---- Stanley Schmidt
7 ---- Charles C. Ryan
Best Professional Artist
1 ---- Don Maitz
2 ---- Thomas Canty
3 ---- Michael Whelan
4 ---- Jim Burns
5 ---- David A. Cherry
6 ---- Tom Kidd
7 ---- James Gurney
Best Original Artwork
1 Rimrunners Don Maitz
2 Hyperion Gary Ruddell
3 Paradise: A Chronicle of a Distant World Michael Whelan
4 The Renegades of Pern Michael Whelan
5 Quozl James Gurney
6 The Stress of Her Regard James Gurney
Best Semiprozine
1 Locus - 1989 Charles N. Brown
2 Science Fiction Chronicle - 1989 Andrew Porter
3 Interzone - 1989 Simon Ounsley and David Pringle
4 The New York Review of Science Fiction - 1989 Kathryn Cramer and L. W. Currey and Samuel R. Delany and David G. Hartwell and Susan Palwick
5 Thrust - 1989 Doug Fratz
Best Fanzine
1 The Mad 3 Party Leslie Turek
2 File 770 - 1989 Mike Glyer
3 Lan's Lantern George 'Lan' Laskowski
4 Pirate Jenny Pat Mueller
5 FOSFAX Timothy Lane
Best Fan Writer
1 ---- David Langford
2 ---- Mike Glyer
3 ---- Leslie Turek
4 ---- Arthur D. Hlavaty
5 ---- Evelyn C. Leeper
Best Fan Artist
1 ---- Stu Shiffman
2 ---- Teddy Harvia
3 ---- Taral Wayne
4 ---- Merle Insinga
5 ---- Joe Mayhew
6 ---- Steve Fox

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