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Award Bibliography: Ted Chiang

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Place Year and Award Title Category
Win 1991 Nebula Tower of Babylon Novelette
Nomination 1991 SF Chronicle Tower of Babylon Novelette
3 1991 Hugo Tower of Babylon Best Novelette
4 1991 Locus Tower of Babylon Best Novelette
7 1992 Locus Division by Zero Best Short Story
1 1992 Asimov's Readers' Understand Best Novelette
5 1992 Hugo Understand Best Novelette
13 1992 Locus Understand Best Novelette
1 1992 Campbell / Astounding Best New Writer
Preliminary Nominees 1993 Nebula Division by Zero Short Story
5 1998 Premio Ignotus La torre de Babilonia (Spanish translation of Tower of Babylon) Mejor cuento extranjero - Best Foreign Story
Nomination 1998 Tiptree / Otherwise Story of Your Life Gender-bending SF
Nomination 1998 HOMer Story of Your Life Novella
1 1999 Sturgeon Story of Your Life Best Short Science Fiction
3 1999 Hugo Story of Your Life Best Novella
10 1999 Locus Story of Your Life Best Novella
Win 2000 Sidewise Seventy-Two Letters Best Short Form Alternate History
Win 2000 Nebula Story of Your Life Novella
27 2001 Locus Catching Crumbs from the Table Best Short Story
4 2001 Locus Seventy-Two Letters Best Novella
5 2001 Hugo Seventy-Two Letters Best Novella
Nomination 2001 World Fantasy Seventy-Two Letters Best Novella
Finalists 2001 Sturgeon Seventy-Two Letters Best Short Science Fiction
Win 2002 Seiun
あなたの人生の物語?あなた の じんせい の ものがたり
Anata no Jinsei no Monogatari
(Japanese translation of Story of Your Life)
Best Translated Short Story
1 2002 Hugo Hell Is the Absence of God Best Novelette
1 2002 Locus Hell Is the Absence of God Best Novelette
Finalists 2002 Sturgeon Hell Is the Absence of God Best Short Science Fiction
Nomination 2002 Tiptree / Otherwise Liking What You See: A Documentary Gender-bending SF
Win 2003 Nebula Hell Is the Absence of God Novelette
2 2003 Locus Liking What You See: A Documentary Best Novelette
Withdrawn -- Nomination Declined 2003 Hugo Liking What You See: A Documentary Best Novelette
Finalists 2003 Sturgeon Liking What You See: A Documentary Best Short Science Fiction
1 2003 Locus Stories of Your Life and Others Best Collection
Nomination 2003 Mythopoeic Stories of Your Life and Others Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Adult Literature
Win 2004 Seiun
地獄とは神の不在なり?Jigoku towa Kami no Fuzai Nari
じごく とは かみ の ふざいなり
(Japanese translation of Hell Is the Absence of God)
Best Translated Short Story
2 2005 Premio Ignotus El infierno es la ausencia de Dios (Spanish translation of Hell Is the Absence of God) Mejor cuento extranjero - Best Foreign Story
Nomination 2007 Imaginaire La tour de Babylone (French translation of Stories of Your Life and Others) Nouvelle étrangère
Nomination 2007 BSFA The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate Best Short Fiction
Win 2008 BSFA Exhalation Best Short Fiction
1 2008 Hugo The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate Best Novelette
Win 2008 Nebula The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate Novelette
2 2008 Locus The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate Best Novelette
Finalists 2008 Sturgeon The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate Best Short Science Fiction
Win 2009 Seiun
Shōnin to Renkinjutsushi no Mon
Shounin to Renkinjutsushi no Mon
(Japanese translation of The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate)
Best Translated Short Story
1 2009 Hugo Exhalation Best Short Story
1 2009 Locus Exhalation Best Short Story
The awards were presented twice in 2010. This award is from the second set which was labeled "2010 Etonnants Voyageurs". The eligibility period was from July to December 2009.
2010 Imaginaire Exhalaison (French translation of Exhalation) Nouvelle étrangère
1 2011 Hugo The Lifecycle of Software Objects Best Novella
1 2011 Locus The Lifecycle of Software Objects Best Novella
Nomination 2011 Nebula The Lifecycle of Software Objects Novella
Win 2012 Seiun
ソフトウェア・オブジェクトのライフサイクル?Sofutouea Obujekuto no Raifusaikuru
Sofutowea Obujekuto no Raifusaikuru
(Japanese translation of The Lifecycle of Software Objects)
Best Translated Short Story
47 votes.
2012 Locus Online Exhalation 21st Century Short Story
43 votes.
2012 Locus Online Hell Is the Absence of God 21st Century Novelette
17 votes.
2012 Locus Online Liking What You See: A Documentary 21st Century Novella
16 votes.
2012 Locus Online Seventy-Two Letters 20th Century Novella
63 votes.
2012 Locus Online Story of Your Life 20th Century Novella
8 votes.
2012 Locus Online The Lifecycle of Software Objects 21st Century Novella
35 votes.
2012 Locus Online The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate 21st Century Novelette
26 votes.
2012 Locus Online Tower of Babylon 20th Century Novelette
10 votes.
2012 Locus Online Understand 20th Century Novelette
Win 2013 Kurd Lasswitz Prize Die Hölle ist die Abwesenheit Gottes Bestes ausländisches Werk
2 2013 Premio Ignotus El ciclo de vida de los objetos de software (Spanish translation of The Lifecycle of Software Objects) Mejor cuento extranjero - Best Foreign Story
2 2014 Locus The Truth of Fact, the Truth of Feeling Best Novelette
2 2014 Hugo The Truth of Fact, the Truth of Feeling Best Novelette
Nomination 2015 Kurd Lasswitz Prize Das wahre Wesen der Dinge Bestes ausländisches Werk
2 2016 Premio Ignotus La verdad de los hechos, la verdad del corazón (Spanish translation of The Truth of Fact, the Truth of Feeling) Mejor cuento extranjero - Best Foreign Story
Win 2019 Итоги года / Itogi goda
(Russian translation of Exhalation)
Авторский сборник года / Collection of the Year
Nomination 2019 Итоги года / Itogi goda
(Russian translation of Exhalation)
Книга года / Book of the Year
8 2019 Goodreads Exhalation Science Fiction
Nomination 2019 Stoker Exhalation Superior Achievement in a Fiction Collection
Finalists 2020 Seiun (Japanese translation of Omphalos) Best Translated Short Story
Finalists 2020 Seiun
不安は自由のめまい?ふあん は じゆう の めまい
Fuan wa Jiyuu no Memai
(Japanese translation of Anxiety Is the Dizziness of Freedom)
Best Translated Short Story
4 2020 Locus Anxiety Is the Dizziness of Freedom Best Novella
Finalist Pass 1
Anxiety Is the Dizziness of Freedom 694
The Deep 617
No Award 35
96 nominations with 55.67 final points.
2020 Hugo Anxiety Is the Dizziness of Freedom Best Novella
Nomination 2020 Nebula Anxiety Is the Dizziness of Freedom Novella
1 2020 Locus Exhalation Best Collection
2 2020 Locus It's 2059, and the Rich Kids Are Still Winning Best Short Story
1 2020 Locus Omphalos Best Novelette
Finalist Pass 1 Pass 2 Pass 3 Pass 4 Pass 5
Omphalos 431 432 484 549 709
Away With the Wolves 306 306 343 420 583
For He Can Creep 297 297 327 372
The Blur in the Corner of Your Eye 188 189 222
The Archronology of Love 166 167
No Award 20
70 nominations with 53.33 final points.
2020 Hugo Omphalos Best Novelette
Finalists 2020 Sturgeon Omphalos Best Short Science Fiction
Finalists 2020 Ignyte Omphalos Best Novelette
Win 2021 Shelley Award Exhalation The Mary Shelley Award for Outstanding Fictional Work
Nomination 2021 Imaginaire Expiration (French translation of Exhalation) Nouvelle étrangère
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