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1978 Locus Poll Award

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Award Years for Locus Poll Award

1970's:  -  1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979
1980's: 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989
1990's: 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
2000's: 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2010's: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2020's: 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024  -   -   -   -   - 
Best SF Novel
1 Gateway Frederik Pohl
2 In the Ocean of Night Gregory Benford
3 The Ophiuchi Hotline John Varley
4 Time Storm Gordon R. Dickson
5 Michaelmas Algis Budrys
6 A Scanner Darkly Philip K. Dick
7 The Dosadi Experiment Frank Herbert
8 Lucifer's Hammer Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
9 Dragonsinger Anne McCaffrey
10 Dying of the Light George R. R. Martin
11 The Forbidden Tower Marion Zimmer Bradley
12 Hunter of Worlds C. J. Cherryh
13 Mirkheim Poul Anderson
14 The Dark Design
Philip José Farmer?Philip Jose Farmer
15 A Heritage of Stars Clifford D. Simak
16 Cirque Terry Carr
17 Moonstar Odyssey David Gerrold
18 Midnight at the Well of Souls Jack L. Chalker
19 Inherit the Stars James P. Hogan
20 All My Sins Remembered Joe Haldeman
21 The Martian Inca Ian Watson
22 A Little Knowledge Michael Bishop
23 If the Stars Are Gods Gregory Benford and Gordon Eklund
Best Fantasy Novel
1 The Silmarillion J. R. R. Tolkien
2 Our Lady of Darkness Fritz Leiber
3 The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever Stephen R. Donaldson
4 The Shining Stephen King
5 The Sword of Shannara Terry Brooks
6 Sword of the Demon Richard A. Lupoff
7 Heir of Sea and Fire Patricia A. McKillip
8 The Book of Merlyn T. H. White
9 A Spell for Chameleon Piers Anthony
10 The Grey Mane of Morning Joy Chant
11 Cry Silver Bells Thomas Burnett Swann
12 Trey of Swords Andre Norton
13 Queens Walk in the Dusk Thomas Burnett Swann
14 Silver on the Tree Susan Cooper
Best Novella
1 Stardance Jeanne Robinson and Spider Robinson
2 A Snark in the Night Gregory Benford
3 Aztecs Vonda N. McIntyre
4 Auk House Clifford D. Simak
5 The Mars Ship Robert Thurston
6 In the Hall of the Martian Kings John Varley
7 The Family Monkey Lisa Tuttle
8 Cold Cash War Robert Asprin
9 Joelle Poul Anderson
10 The Wonderful Secret Keith Laumer
11 Growing Boys Robert Aickman
12 Equinoctial John Varley
13 Heretic in a Balloon L. Sprague de Camp
Best Novelette
1 No Award Given This Year -
Best Short Fiction
1 Jeffty Is Five Harlan Ellison
2 The Screwfly Solution James Tiptree, Jr.
3 Air Raid John Varley
4 A Rite of Spring Fritz Leiber
5 Eyes of Amber Joan D. Vinge
6 The Kugelmass Episode Woody Allen
7 The Stone City George R. R. Martin
8 Particle Theory Edward Bryant
9 Ender's Game Orson Scott Card
10 The Bagful of Dreams Jack Vance
11 The Ninth Symphony of Ludwig van Beethoven and Other Lost Songs Carter Scholz
12 The House of Compassionate Sharers Michael Bishop
13 The Big Fans Keith Roberts
14 The Detweiler Boy Tom Reamy
15 Prismatica Samuel R. Delany
16 Good-Bye, Robinson Crusoe John Varley
17 Camera Obscura Thomas F. Monteleone
18 Dog Day Evening Spider Robinson
19 Bitterblooms George R. R. Martin
19 Pinocchio Stanley Schmidt
21 A Rain of Pebbles Stephen Leigh
Best Collection
1 No Award Given This Year -
Best Anthology
1 No Award Given This Year -
Best Magazine
1 The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction Edward L. Ferman
2 Locus - 1977 (Fanzine) Charles N. Brown
3 Analog Science Fiction and Fact Ben Bova
4 Asimov's Science Fiction George H. Scithers
5 Galaxy James P. Baen and John J. Pierce
6 Science Fiction Review Richard E. Geis
7 Cosmos David G. Hartwell
8 Algol Andrew I. Porter
9 Galileo Charles C. Ryan
10 Starlog Howard Zimmerman
11 Amazing Science Fiction Stories Ted White
12 Unearth Jonathan Ostrowsky-Lantz and John M. Landsberg
13 Fantastic Ted White
14 Universe Terry Carr
15 Whispers Stuart David Schiff
16 Delap's F&SF Review Richard Delap
17 Cinefantastique Frederick S. Clarke
18 Orbit Damon Knight
19 SF Commentary Bruce Gillespie
Best Publisher
1 Lester & Judy-Lynn del Rey Ballantine/Del Rey
2 Donald A. Wollheim DAW
3 David Hartwell Berkley/Putnam
4 Ellen Asher SF Book Club
5 Pat LoBrutto & James Baen Ace
6 Sharon Jarvis & Pat LoBrutto Doubleday
7 Tom Dunne St. Martin's
8 Don Bensen Dial
9 Buzz Wyeth Harper & Row
9 Don Grant Donald M. Grant
11 Nancy Neiman Avon
12 David Hartwell Gregg Press
13 Frederik Pohl & Sydny Weinberg Bantam
14 Adele Leone Hull Pocket
15 Margaret McElderry & Jean Karl Atheneum
16 Jim Frenkel & Don Bensen Dell

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