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Publication: The Speculator

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  • Publication: The SpeculatorPublication Record # 435114
  • Author: Editors of Barnes & Noble Review
  • Date: 2018-09-19
  • Format:
    other?The publication format is non-standard. The details are usually provided publication notes.
  • Notes: Container pub record for Paul Di Filippo's essays and reviews published in the Barnes & Noble Review Page number field is used to give the column number (by order of appearance) Essays and reviews appeared under two different column titles. The major ones appeared in the monthly column titled "The Speculator". The others appeared more frequently in the column titled "In the Margin". Those are numbered in the 1001-1999 range. Other pieces appeared without a column title and are numbered in the 2001-2999 range. Please direct any questions concerning this pub record to ISFDB editor Mhhutchins.
Nonfiction Title: The Speculator • (2015) • nonfiction by Editors of Barnes & Noble Review

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