- Author: Pascal J. Thomas Author Record # 31233
- Birthplace: Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône, France
- Birthdate: 30 May 1958
- Language: French
- Email: pascal.thomas@math.univ-toulouse.fr
- Webpages: bdfi.net, math.univ-toulouse.fr, noosfere.org, utopiales.org
- Used These Alternate Names: Pascal Thomas
- Author Tags: France (2), Philip K. Dick (2), science fiction (1), on french sf (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
- La nouvelle science fiction américaine (1981) with Pierre K. Rey
- Bruits de l'ombre
Bruits de l'ombre No 4 (1981)
Jean-Daniel Brèque?Jean-Daniel Brequeand Patrick Marcel and Jean-Lionel Massery andFrancis Valéry?Francis Valeryand Jean-Pierre Vernay
Bruits de l'ombre No 5 (1981)
Jean-Daniel Brèque?Jean-Daniel BrequeandFrancis Valéry?Francis Valery
- Bruits de l'ombre No 7 (1981) with Jean-Lionel Massery
Bruits de l'ombre No 8 (1982)
Jean-Daniel Brèque?Jean-Daniel Brequeand Bruno Lecigne and Jean-Lionel Massery andFrancis Valéry?Francis Valeryand Jean-Pierre Vernay
Bruits de l'ombre No 9 (1982)
Jean-Daniel Brèque?Jean-Daniel Brequeand Emmanuel Jouanne and Dana Odin and Eric Odin
Bruits de l'ombre No 4 (1981)
- Cinéma (Fiction)?Cinema (Fiction)
- Cinéma (Fiction #363) (1985) with Alain Garsault
- Cinéma (Fiction #369) (1985) with Gilles Gressard
- Lectures
- Lectures (Solaris, #58) (1984) with Marcel Becker
Lectures (Solaris, #71) (1987)
Luc Pomerleau
Élisabeth Vonarburg?Elisabeth Vonarburg
Lectures (Solaris #72) (1987)
René Beaulieu
Pascal Lapointe
Luc Pomerleau
Élisabeth Vonarburg?Elisabeth Vonarburg
Lectures (Solaris, #76) (1987)
Luc Pomerleau
Élisabeth Vonarburg?Elisabeth Vonarburg
- Lectures (Solaris, #81) (1988) with Michel Lamontagne and Luc Pomerleau
Lectures (Solaris, #85) (1989)
Luc Pomerleau
Gabriel Rochette
Élisabeth Vonarburg?Elisabeth Vonarburg
Lectures (Solaris, #99) (1992)
Luc Pomerleau
Élisabeth Vonarburg?Elisabeth Vonarburg
Lectures (Solaris, #102) (1992)
Élisabeth Vonarburg?Elisabeth Vonarburg
Lectures (Solaris, #103) (1992)
Roger Bozzetto
Élisabeth Vonarburg?Elisabeth Vonarburg
Lectures (Solaris, #109) (1994)
Roger Bozzetto
Pierre K. Rey
Élisabeth Vonarburg?Elisabeth Vonarburg
- Les carnets de Papy Péji
- 1 Les carnets de Papy Péji: (1ère livraison) (1993)
- 2 Les carnets de Papy Péji: (2ème livraison) (1993)
- 3 Les carnets de Papy Péji: (3ème livraison) (1993)
- 4 Les carnets de Papy Péji: (4ème livraison) (1994)
- 5 Les carnets de Papy Péji: (5ème livraison) (1994)
- 6 Les carnets de Papy Péji (6ème livraison) (1994)
- 7 Les carnets de Papy Péji (7 : En feuilletant la presse) (1994)
- 8 Les carnets de Papy Péji (8 : Brussolo goes to a con ; suivi de 9 : Histoire de vampires - Philip K. Dick is alive, alas !) (1995)
- 10 Les carnets de Papy Péji 10 : Le droit à ne pas être différent (1995)
- 11 Les carnets de Papy Péji 11 : SF occitane, qu'es aquo ? (1995)
- 12 Les carnets de Papy Péji: 12 : Ne dites pas à ma mère que j'écris de la SF, elle croit que je fais des films pornos (1995)
- 13 Les carnets de Papy Péji: 13 : Brussolo, les sequelles (1996)
- 14 Les carnets de Papy Péji : 14 : Pédalons dans le fromage (1996)
- 15 Les carnets de Papy Péji : 15 : La mémoire qui flanche... (1996)
- 16 Les carnets de Papy Péji (16 : Elisabeth Gille in memoriam) (1996)
- 17 Les carnets de Papy Péji: 17/ Canne brandie, Papy traverse l'autoroute... (1997)
- Livres (Fiction)
Livres (Fiction #309) (1980)
Bernard Blanc
Dominique Douay
Denis Guiot
Michel Jeury
Bruno Lecigne
Jean-Marc Ligny
Jean Milbergue
Richard D. Nolane
Pierre Pelot
Pierre K. Rey
Francis Valéry?Francis Valeryand Jean-Pierre Vernay and Daniel Walther
Livres (Fiction #313) (1980)
Bernard Blanc
Bruno Lecigne
Jean-Marc Ligny
Stéphane Nicot?Stephane Nicotand Richard D. Nolane and Michel Ruf and Jean-Pierre Vernay
Livres (Fiction #318) (1981)
Bernard Blanc
Stéphane Nicot?Stephane Nicotand Richard D. Nolane and Pierre K. Rey and Michel Ruf and Jean-Pierre Vernay and Daniel Walther
Livres (Fiction #319) (1981)
Noé Gaillard?Noe Gaillardand Denis Guiot and Bruno Lecigne and Jean-Marc Ligny and Richard D. Nolane and Pierre K. Rey and Jean-Pierre Vernay
Livres (Fiction #321) (1981)
Jean-Pierre Andrevon
Jean-Daniel Brèque?Jean-Daniel Brequeand Claude Ecken and Bruno Lecigne andStéphane Nicot?Stephane Nicotand Richard D. Nolane and Michel Ruf and Jean-Pierre Vernay and Daniel Walther
Livres (Fiction #322) (1981)
Jean-Pierre Andrevon
Roger Bozzetto
Bruno Lecigne
Stéphane Nicot?Stephane Nicotand Richard D. Nolane and Pierre K. Rey and Michel Ruf and Jean-Pierre Vernay and Daniel Walther
Livres (Fiction #323) (1981)
Sylviane Corgiat
Alain Duret
Stéphane Nicot?Stephane Nicotand Richard D. Nolane and Pierre K. Rey and Michel Ruf and Jean-Pierre Vernay and Daniel Walther
Livres (Fiction #324) (1981)
Claude Ecken
Dominique Martel
Stéphane Nicot?Stephane Nicotand Richard D. Nolane and Pierre K. Rey and Daniel Walther
Livres (Fiction #325) (1982)
Alain Dorémieux?Alain Doremieuxand Claude Ecken and Emmanuel Jouanne and Bruno Lecigne andStéphane Nicot?Stephane Nicotand Richard D. Nolane and Michel Ruf and Jean-Pierre Vernay and Daniel Walther
Livres (Fiction #330) (1982)
Alain Duret
Emmanuel Jouanne
Stéphane Nicot?Stephane Nicotand Pierre K. Rey
Livres (Fiction #331) (1982)
Emmanuel Jouanne
Frédéric Kurzawa?Frederic KurzawaandStéphane Nicot?Stephane Nicot[only as by Emmanuel Jouanne and Frédéric Kursawa andStéphane Nicot?Stephane Nicotand Pascal J. Thomas]
Livres (Fiction #333) (1982)
Jean-Daniel Brèque?Jean-Daniel BrequeandStéphane Nicot?Stephane Nicot
Livres (Fiction #334) (1982)
Jean-Pierre Andrevon
Jean-Daniel Brèque?Jean-Daniel Brequeand Emmanuel Jouanne andFrédéric Kurzawa?Frederic KurzawaandStéphane Nicot?Stephane Nicot[only as by Jean-Pierre Andrevon andJean-Daniel Brèque?Jean-Daniel Brequeand Emmanuel Jouanne and Frédéric Kursawa andStéphane Nicot?Stephane Nicotand Pascal J. Thomas]
Livres (Fiction #336) (1983)
Jean-Pierre Andrevon
Claude Ecken
Stéphane Nicot?Stephane Nicotand Dominique Warfa
Livres (Fiction #339) (1983)
Jean-Pierre Andrevon
Claude Ecken
Emmanuel Jouanne
Stéphane Nicot?Stephane Nicotand Richard D. Nolane and Pierre K. Rey and Jean-Pierre Vernay and Dominique Warfa
Livres (Fiction #340) (1983)
Jean-Pierre Andrevon
Emmanuel Jouanne
Frédéric Kurzawa?Frederic KurzawaandStéphane Nicot?Stephane Nicotand Dominique Warfa
Livres (Fiction #343) (1983)
Jean-Daniel Brèque?Jean-Daniel Brequeand Claude Ecken andStéphane Nicot?Stephane Nicotand Pierre K. Rey
Livres (Fiction #344) (1983)
Jean-Pierre Andrevon
Jean-Daniel Brèque?Jean-Daniel Brequeand Alain Duret and Emmanuel Jouanne and Michel Lamart andStéphane Nicot?Stephane Nicotand Jean-Pierre Vernay and Dominique Warfa
Livres (Fiction #345) (1983)
Jean-Pierre Andrevon
Claude Ecken
Stéphane Nicot?Stephane Nicotand Jean-Pierre Vernay and Dominique Warfa
Livres (Fiction #348) (1984)
Jean-Pierre Andrevon
Jean-Daniel Brèque?Jean-Daniel BrequeandPierre-Noël Duillard?Pierre-Noel Duillardand Pierre-Paul Durastanti andStéphane Nicot?Stephane Nicot
Livres (Fiction #351) (1984)
Jean-Pierre Andrevon
Jean-Claude Dunyach
Pierre-Paul Durastanti
Stéphane Nicot?Stephane Nicotand Richard D. Nolane and Dominique Warfa
Livres (Fiction #352) (1984)
Jean-Pierre Andrevon
Jean-Claude Dunyach
Pierre-Paul Durastanti
Noé Gaillard?Noe GaillardandStéphane Nicot?Stephane Nicotand Dominique Warfa
Livres (Fiction #354) (1984)
Jean-Pierre Andrevon
Pierre-Paul Durastanti
Noé Gaillard?Noe GaillardandFrédéric Kurzawa?Frederic KurzawaandStéphane Nicot?Stephane Nicotand Dominique Warfa
Livres (Fiction #355) (1984)
Jean-Pierre Andrevon
Roger Bozzetto
André-François Ruaud?Andre-Francois Ruaudand Dominique Warfa
Livres (Fiction #365) (1985)
Jean-Pierre Andrevon
Roger Bozzetto
Daniel Lemoine
Richard D. Nolane
André-François Ruaud?Andre-Francois Ruaudand Eric Sanvoisin
Livres (Fiction #369) (1985)
Jean-Pierre Andrevon
André-François Ruaud?Andre-Francois Ruaudand Eric Sanvoisin and Roland C. Wagner
Livres (Fiction #377) (1986)
Jean-Pierre Andrevon
Jean-Yves Besnard
Roger Bozzetto
Élisabeth Campos
Richard Comballot
Frédéric Kurzawa?Frederic Kurzawaand Charles Moreau andAndré-François Ruaud?Andre-Francois Ruaudand Dominique Warfa
Livres (Fiction #379) (1986)
Roger Bozzetto
Alain Dartevelle
Henri Manguy
André-François Ruaud?Andre-Francois Ruaud
Livres (Fiction #370) (1986)
Jean-Pierre Andrevon
Élisabeth Campos
Richard Comballot
Frédéric Kurzawa?Frederic Kurzawaand Eric Sanvoisin and Roland C. Wagner and Dominique Warfa
Livres (Fiction #382) (1987)
Roger Bozzetto
Élisabeth Campos
Richard Comballot
Alain Dartevelle
Frédéric Kurzawa?Frederic Kurzawaand Charles Moreau andAndré-François Ruaud?Andre-Francois Ruaudand Eric Sanvoisin
Livres (Fiction #386) (1987)
Jean-Pierre Andrevon
Richard Comballot
Frédéric Kurzawa?Frederic KurzawaandAndré-François Ruaud?Andre-Francois Ruaudand Eric Sanvoisin and Dominique Warfa
Livres (Fiction #394) (1988)
Jean-Pierre Andrevon
Richard Comballot
Frédéric Kurzawa?Frederic KurzawaandAndré-François Ruaud?Andre-Francois Ruaudand Eric Sanvoisin
Livres (Fiction #395) (1988)
Thierry Bosch
Roger Bozzetto
Richard Comballot
Alain Dartevelle
Frédéric Kurzawa?Frederic Kurzawaand Eric Sanvoisin
Livres (Fiction #396) (1988)
Jean-Pierre Andrevon
Alain Dartevelle
Frédéric Kurzawa?Frederic Kurzawaand Eric Sanvoisin
Livres (Fiction #399) (1988)
Jean-Pierre Andrevon
Richard Comballot
Alain Dartevelle
Frédéric Kurzawa?Frederic Kurzawaand Eric Sanvoisin
Livres (Fiction #400) (1988)
Jean-Pierre Andrevon
Richard Comballot
Alain Dartevelle
Frédéric Kurzawa?Frederic Kurzawaand Eric Sanvoisin
Livres (Fiction #402) (1988)
Jean-Pierre Andrevon
André-François Ruaud?Andre-Francois Ruaudand Eric Sanvoisin
Livres (Fiction #405) (1989)
Roger Bozzetto
Richard Comballot
Alain Dartevelle
Frédéric Kurzawa?Frederic Kurzawa
Livres (Fiction #410) (1989)
Jean-Pierre Andrevon
Roger Bozzetto
Frédéric Kurzawa?Frederic KurzawaandAndré-François Ruaud?Andre-Francois Ruaudand Eric Sanvoisin
Livres (Fiction #412) (1990)
Jean-Pierre Andrevon
Roger Bozzetto
Richard Comballot
Alain Dartevelle
Frédéric Kurzawa?Frederic Kurzawaand Michel Lamart and Charles Moreau
Livres (Fiction #309) (1980)
Bernard Blanc
Dominique Douay
Denis Guiot
Michel Jeury
Bruno Lecigne
Jean-Marc Ligny
Jean Milbergue
Richard D. Nolane
Pierre Pelot
Pierre K. Rey
- Locus Looks at Books
- Locus Looks at French Books (Locus #292) [English] (1985)
- Locus Looks at French Books (Locus #297) [English] (1985)
- Locus Looks at French Books (Locus #311) [English] (1986)
- Locus Looks at French-Canadian Books (Locus #311) [English] (1986)
- Locus Looks at French Books (Locus #319) [English] (1987) [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- Locus Looks at Books: French Reviews (Locus #364) [English] (1991)
- Locus Obituary
- Rene Barjavel [English] (1986)
- Pierre Barbet [English] (1995)
- Programmes de publication (Fiction)
- Programmes de publication (Fiction #310) (1980) [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- Programmes de publication (Fiction #311) (1980) [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- Programmes de publication (Fiction #316) (1981)
- Programmes de publication (Fiction #317) (1981)
- Programmes de publication (Fiction #319) (1981)
- Programmes de publication (Fiction #320) (1981)
- Programmes de publication (Fiction #327) (1982)
- Programmes de publication (Fiction #328) (1982)
- Programmes de publication (Fiction #329) (1982)
- Programmes de publication (Fiction #330) (1982)
- Programmes de publication (Fiction #333) (1982)
- Programmes de publication (Fiction #334) (1982)
- Programmes de publication (Fiction #335) (1982)
- Programmes de publication (Fiction #336) (1983)
- Programmes de publication (Fiction #337) (1983)
- Programmes de publication (Fiction #338) (1983)
- Programmes de publication (Fiction #339) (1983)
- Programmes de publication (Fiction #340) (1983)
- Programmes de publication (Fiction #341) (1983)
- Programmes de publication (Fiction #342) (1983)
- Programmes de publication (Fiction #343) (1983)
- SF in France (Locus #226) [English] (1979)
- Letter (Starship, Spring 1980) [English] (1980)
- Another View (Noreascon II) [English] (1980) [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- Noreascon Two: Convention mondiale 1980 (1980)
- Letter (Ansible 17) [English] (1981) [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- SF in France (Locus #243) [English] (1981)
- SF in France (Locus #246) [English] (1981)
- Letter (Ansible 20) [English] (1981) [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- Letter (Vector 103) [English] (1981)
- Another View (Denvention) [English] (1981)
- Une mondiale intime (1981)
- Letter (Ansible 25) [English] (1982) [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- Letter (Ansible 28) [English] (1982) [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- Le retour des barbes blanches (1983)
- Le palmarès et les espoirs (1984)
- The International Science Fiction Scene: Report from France [English] (1984)
- Letter (PKDS Newsletter 3) [English] (1984)
- Report from France (Locus #280) [English] (1984)
- Les prix Nebula 1983 (1984)
- Mandarines au pays des oranges (1984)
- Report from France: Short Fiction [English] (1984)
- Report from France (Locus #285) [English] (1984)
- L.A.con Programming [English] (1984)
- Un nouvel éditeur de SF Outre-Atlantique : Bluejay Books (1985)
- French SF and the Legacy of Philip K. Dick [English] (1985)
11th French SF Convention [English] (1985)
Stéphane Nicot?Stephane Nicot
- 42e convention mondiale de SF à Los Angeles (1985)
- French Before English [English] (1985)
- Letter (Locus #288) (Response to Jean-Pierre Moumon) [English] (1985)
- Report from France (Locus #288) [English] (1985)
- Quand on aime la vie, on lit de la SF ! (1985)
- Report from France (Locus #292) [English] (1985)
- Report from France (Locus #297) [English] (1985)
- 12th National French SF Convention [English] (1985)
- Report from France (Locus #299) [English] (1985)
- Letter (Fantasy Review, January 1986) [English] (1986)
- Report from France (Locus #302) [English] (1986)
- Une année du « Magazine d'Asimov » (1986)
- 1986 Metz Festival [English] (1986) [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- SF in France (Locus #308) [English] (1986)
- Letter (Science Fiction Chronicle #85) [English] (1986)
- Masters of French SF: Jean-Pierre Andrevon / Michel Jeury [English] (1986)
- Philip K. Dick Congress [English] (1986)
- 1986 French National Convention [English] (1987)
- Le point sur la SF Américaine : Les indépendants coulent pavillon haut (1987)
- Sercon: La convention du retour aux sources (1987)
- SF in France (Locus #319) [English] (1987)
- Letter (Science Fiction Chronicle #96) [English] (1987) [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- The Nature of Conspiracy: Woldcon Programme Report [English] (1987)
- Cyberpunk Forum/Symposium: Cyberpunk as Roots Music: An Observation [English] (1988)
- (1987) EuroCon Report [English] (1988) [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- A bas les festivals-à-lieu-fixe... (1988)
- Les étoiles et Bethléem (1988)
- SF in France: 1987 [English] (1988) [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- Aux noms de la science-fiction (1988)
- SF in France (Locus #333) [English] (1988)
- Avenues of Power: Cities as the Mindscapes of Politics [English] (1989)
- Paris en quelques portraits (1989)
- Survol de Clermont-Ferrand (1989)
- Science Fiction in France: 1988 French National Convention [English] (1989) with Thierry Jandrok
- Science Fiction in France: Clermont-Ferrand Festival [English] (1989)
- Science Fiction in France: Rosny-Aîné Award [English] (1989)
- California, the end (1989)
- Entre litératurants et narratifs (1989)
- Les voyages forment le fandom (1989)
- Entre deux univers, faut-il choisir le moindre ? (1990)
- Letter (Science Fiction Chronicle #126) [English] (1990) [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- SF in France (Locus #350) [English] (1990) [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- Fragments [English] (1990)
- Entre Schtroumpfs et friches Big Bang SF (1990)
- La muse et les musées (1990)
- SF in France (Locus #363) [English] (1991) [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- Delicatessen (1991)
- La mort aveugle et la science-fiction myope (1991)
- Humour et science-fiction: La danse de l'impossible mariage (1992)
Désespoir futur et révélations hérétiques: L'œuvre romanesque de Jack Womack?Desespoir futur et revelations heretiques: L'oeuvre romanesque de Jack Womack(1992)
- Le festin nu (Naked Lunch) (1992)
- Confessions of a Moviegoer [English] (1992)
- Les confessions d'un cinéphile (1992)
- Ayerdhal et ses fantasmes trop bruts (1992)
- Letter (NYRSF, November 1992) [English] (1992)
- Le grand prêtre et la science-fiction (1992) [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- Notre époque est celle du collage (1993)
- Letter (NYRSF, March 1993) [English] (1993)
- Letter (NYRSF, March 1993) [2] [English] (1993)
- SF in France (Locus #387) [English] (1993)
- Science Fiction Fandom in Western Europe: A French Perspective [English] (1994)
- Lewis Shiner (1994)
- "Soyez donc maçon..." de Patrick Cauvin (1994)
- SF in France (Locus #411) [English] (1995)
- Chaos technique (1995) [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- Babel in 1995 (An Earful of Intersection's Program) [English] (1995)
- Les classiques du Space Opera (1996) with Roland C. Wagner
Mélodies d'outre-temps?Melodies d'outre-temps(1996)
- SF in France (Locus #428) [English] (1996)
- SF in France: Utopia '98 [English] (1999)
- David Brin : L'homme qui se rit des paradoxes (2000)
- Vingt ans dans les coulisses du prix Rosny aîné (2001)
- Une bibliothèque essentielle du space opéra (2004) with Roland C. Wagner
- Letter (Trap Door, December 2004) [English] (2004)
- Letter (Trap Door, December 2011) [English] (2011) [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- Toutes sortes de hard (2012)
- Letter (Trap Door, December 2012) [English] (2012) [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- A Long, Live Night in Nimes [English] (2013) [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- Letter (Trap Door, December 2014) [English] (2014) [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- Letter (Trap Door 34) [English] (2018) [only as by Pascal Thomas]
Alfred Elton van Vogt : Rêveur galactique?Alfred Elton van Vogt : Reveur galactique(2020)
Le livre d'or de la Science-Fiction: J. G. Ballard (1980)
J. G. Ballard
(co-reviewed with Francis Valéry?Francis Valery) [only as by Pascal Thomas andFrancis Valéry?Francis Valery]
Le rêveur illimité (1980)
J. G. Ballard
(co-reviewed with Francis Valéry?Francis Valery) [only as by Pascal Thomas andFrancis Valéry?Francis Valery]
- Les proscrits de la barrière paradis (1980) by Joan D. Vinge
- Une planète nommée Trahison (1980) by Orson Scott Card
- L'oeil du peintre (1981) by Elizabeth A. Lynn
- La ville au bord du temps (1981) by Thomas F. Monteleone
- Au secours ! Je suis le Dr Morris Goldpepper (1981) by Avram Davidson
- Chronomachine lente (1981) by Ian Watson
- L'appel du 17 juin (1981) by André Costa
- Les sentinelles d'Almoha (1981) by Serge Brussolo
- Thomas et le rat (1981) by Jean-Pierre Vernay
- Univers 1981 (1981) by Jacques Sadoul
- La machine à explorer la fiction (1981) by Jean-Pierre April
- Ariosto furioso (1981) by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
- L'idiot-roi (1981) by Scott Baker
- Rêves infinis (1981) by Joe Haldeman
- En une éternité... (1982) by Jean Mazarin
- L'enfant des glaces (1982) by G.-J. Arnaud
- L'odeur de la bête (1982) by Philippe Curval
- La femme invisible (1982) by Christopher Stork
- La fontaine pétrifiante (1982) by Christopher Priest
Le pronostiqueur (1982)
Joël Houssin?Joel Houssin
Le silence de la cité (1982)
Élisabeth Vonarburg?Elisabeth Vonarburg
- Les mangeurs d'argile (1982) by Pierre Pelot
- Salut l'Amérique ! (1982) by J. G. Ballard
Un autre monde (1982)
André Caroff?Andre Caroff
- L'enfant des glaces [English] (1982) by G.-J. Arnaud
The Doubles [English] (1982)
Владимир Михановский?Vladimir Mikhanovsky
- L'odeur de la bete [English] (1982) by Philippe Curval
- L'héritage des étoiles (1982) by Joan D. Vinge
- Le volcryn (1982) by George R. R. Martin
- Les croque-morts (1982) by David J. Skal
- Les maîtres chanteurs (1982) by Orson Scott Card
- La balade de City (1982) by John Shirley
- La passion de l'Eve nouvelle (1982) by Angela Carter
- Un vampire ordinaire (1982) by Suzy McKee Charnas
- Vautours [English] (1982) by Marc Bourgeois
- The Robot Who Looked Like Me [English] (1982) by Robert Sheckley [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- L'année 1981-1982 de la Science-Fiction et du Fantastique (1982) by Jacques Goimard
Masques de clown (1982)
Joël Houssin?Joel Houssin
- Nebula Winners Fourteen [English] (1982) by Frederik Pohl [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- Univers 1982 (1982) by Jacques Sadoul
- Dhampire (1982) by Scott Baker
La Silence de la Cité [English] (1982)
Élisabeth Vonarburg?Elisabeth Vonarburg
- Molly Zero (1982) by Keith Roberts
- Scènes de guerre civile (1982) by Jean-Pierre Hubert
- Goer-le-renard (1983) by Michel Jeury
- L'Immeuble d'en face [English] (1983) by Jean-Pierre Andrevon and Philippe Cousin
- L'orbe et la roue (1983) by Michel Jeury
- Projet Vatican XVII (1983) by Clifford D. Simak
- Le monde divin (1983) by Ian Watson
- Blooded on Arachne [English] (1983) by Michael Bishop [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- L'année 1982-1983 de la Science-Fiction et du Fantastique (1983) by Daniel Riche
- Ah ! Que c'est beau New York (1983) by Philippe Curval
- Le livre d'or de la Science-Fiction: Orbit (1983) by Pierre K. Rey
- L'homme berserker (1983) by Fred Saberhagen
- A L'Image du Dragon [English] (1983) by Serge Brussolo [only as by Pascal Thomas]
Aussi Lourd Que Le Vent [English] (1983)
Serge Brussolo
only appeared as:
- Variant: Aussi lourd que le vent (1983) [as by Pascal Thomas]
- Homo divisus (1983) by Konrad Fialkowski
- Le Carnaval de Fer [English] (1983) by Serge Brussolo [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- Le Nuisible [English] (1983) by Serge Brussolo [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- Le Puzzle de chair [English] (1983) by Serge Brussolo [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- Le Semeur D'Abimes [English] (1983) by Serge Brussolo [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- Les Mangeurs de Murailles [English] (1983) by Serge Brussolo [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- Les Sentinelles D'Almoha [English] (1983) by Serge Brussolo [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- Portrait du Diable en Chapeau-Melon [English] (1983) by Serge Brussolo [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- Software [English] (1983) by Rudy Rucker [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- Sommeil de Sang [English] (1983) by Serge Brussolo [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- The 57th Franz Kafka [English] (1983) by Rudy Rucker [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- Traque-La-Mort [English] (1983) by Serge Brussolo [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- Vue En Coupe D'Une Ville Malade [English] (1983) by Serge Brussolo [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- Le monde du lignus (1984) by Michel Jeury
- Shadows 6 [English] (1984) by Charles L. Grant
- Le Monde du Lignus [English] (1984) by Michel Jeury [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- The Armageddon Rag [English] (1984) by George R. R. Martin
- The Sex Sphere [English] (1984) by Rudy Rucker
L'histoire détournée?L'histoire détournee(1984) by Jean Mazarin
- La guerre des pieuvres (1984) by Vladimir Volkoff
- La seconde invasion des Martiens (1984) by Boris Strougatski and Arcadi Strougatski
- En Souvenir du Futur [English] (1984) by Philippe Curval [only as by Pascal Thomas]
Histoires d'immortels (1984)
Gérard Klein?Gerard Kleinand Jacques Goimard andDemètre Ioakimidis?Demetre Ioakimidis
Histoires de médecins?Histoires de medecins(1984) byGérard Klein?Gerard Kleinand Jacques Goimard andDemètre Ioakimidis?Demetre Ioakimidis
- World's End [English] (1984) by Joan D. Vinge
- Anthologie [English] (1984) by Jean-Pierre Andrevon
La Mort de la Terre [English] (1984)
J. H. Rosny aîné?J. H. Rosny aine
- Le livre d'or de la Science-Fiction: Science-Fiction soviétique (1984) by Leonid Heller
- Les faiseurs d'orage (1984) by Jean-Pierre Hubert
- In the Drift [English] (1985) by Michael Swanwick
- Histoires d'immortels [English] (1985) by Jacques Goimard
- Histoires de medecins [English] (1985) by Jacques Goimard
- IceHenge (1985) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- La fin du A [English] (1985) by A. E. van Vogt
- La guerre des Pieuvres [English] (1985) by Vladimir Volkoff
- La pugnace révolution de Phagor (1985) by Daniel Walther
- Le Femme Infinie [English] (1985) by Pierre K. Rey
- Light Years and Dark: Science Fiction and Fantasy Of and For Our Time (1985) by Michael Bishop
- Nouvelle recette pour canard au sang [English] (1985) by Scott Baker
Nunatak [English] (1985)
Joëlle Wintrebert?Joelle Wintrebert
- The Digging Leviathan [English] (1985) by James P. Blaylock
- The Digging Leviathan (1985) by James P. Blaylock
- The Peace War (1985) by Vernor Vinge
- Them Bones [English] (1985) by Howard Waldrop
- Universe 14 (1985) by Terry Carr
- Blues pour Julie [English] (1985) by Pierre Pelot
- Dinner at Deviant's Palace [English] (1985) by Tim Powers
- Kindred Spirits [English] (1985) by Alan Brennert
- A Coming of Age [English] (1985) by Timothy Zahn
- Debout les mortes, le train fantome entre en gare [English] (1985) by Philippe Curval
- Far Frontiers [English] (1985) by Jerry Pournelle and Jim Baen
- Fort Privilege [English] (1985) by Kit Reed
Janus [English] (1985)
Élisabeth Vonarburg?Elisabeth Vonarburg
- Le Chien Courait sur l'Autoroute en Criant son Nom [English] (1985) by Pierre Pelot
- Le Rayon SF: Catalogue Bibliographique de Science-Fiction, Utopies, Voyages Extraordinaires [English] (1985) by Henri Delmas and Alain Julian
- Les insolites [English] (1985) by René Sussan
Mémo?Memo[English] (1985) byAndré Ruellan?Andre Ruellan
- Encyclopedie de l'Utopie des Voyages Extraordinaires et de la Science Fiction [English] (1985) by Pierre Versins
- Biographie Comparee de Jorian Murgrave [English] (1985) by Antoine Volodine
- La science-fiction soviétique [English] (1985) by Leonid Heller
- Le Viet-Nam au Futur Simple [English] (1985) by Michel Pagel
- Etoile Double #14 (1985) by John Varley
- Great Science Fiction Stories by the World's Greatest Scientists [English] (1985) by Isaac Asimov and Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- Eon [English] (1985) by Greg Bear
- The Secret of Life [English] (1985) by Rudy Rucker
- Biographie comparee de jorian murgrave [English] (1985) by Antoine Volodine
- Rhino [English] (1985) by Dominique Douay
Ti-Harnog [English] (1985)
Christian Léourier?Christian Leourier
Univers 1985 [English] (1985)
Joëlle Wintrebert?Joelle Wintrebert
- Radio Free Albemuth [English] (1985) by Philip K. Dick
- Universe 15 [English] (1985) by Terry Carr
- À travers la mer des soleils (1985) by Gregory Benford
- Artifact [English] (1986) by Gregory Benford
- Eclipse [English] (1986) by John Shirley
- Schismatrix [English] (1986) by Bruce Sterling
- The Memory of Whiteness [English] (1986) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- Human Error [English] (1986) by Paul Preuss
- Homunculus [English] (1986) by James P. Blaylock
- In Alien Flesh [English] (1986) by Gregory Benford
- Comment jouer à l'homme invisible en trois leçons (1986) by Philippe Curval
- La stratégie Ender (1986) by Orson Scott Card
- Cascade Point and Other Stories [English] (1986) by Timothy Zahn
- Forsake the Sky [English] (1986) by Tim Powers
- La Malediction de l'Ephemere [English] (1986) by Richard Canal
La Nouvelle Science-Fiction Americaine [English] (1986)
Gérard Cordesse?Gerard Cordesse
- Univers 1986 [English] (1986) by Pierre K. Rey
- Le baiser du masque (1986) by Michael Swanwick
Le gambit des étoiles (1986)
Gérard Klein?Gerard Klein
- La croix et la lionne (1986) by Michel Jeury
- Comment jouer a l'homme invisible en trois lecons [English] (1986) by Philippe Curval
- Coquillage [English] (1986) by Esther Rochon
Dix nouvelles de science fiction quebecoise [English] (1986)
André Carpentier?Andre Carpentier
- L'Annee de la Science-Fiction et du fantastique Quebecois 1984 [English] (1986) by Jean Pettigrew
- Marilyn Monroe et les samourais du pere Noel [English] (1986) by Pierre Stolze
- Ombromanies [English] (1986) by Jean-Pierre Hubert
- The Serpent Mage [English] (1986) by Greg Bear
- Countersolar! [English] (1987) by Richard A. Lupoff
- Dawn [English] (1987) by Octavia E. Butler
- The Planet on the Table [English] (1987) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- Vergil in Averno [English] (1987) by Avram Davidson
Câblé?Cable(1987) by Walter Jon Williams
- Comte Zéro (1987) by William Gibson
- Forsake the Sky (1987) by Tim Powers
- Le nord électrique (1987) by Jean-Pierre April
- The Planet on the Table (1987) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- The Serpent Mage (1987) by Greg Bear
- The Year's Best Science Fiction: Third Annual Collection (1987) by Gardner Dozois
- La ville est un échiquier (1987) by John Brunner
- Soldier of the Mist (1987) by Gene Wolfe
- The Postman (1987) by David Brin
- Tom O'Bedlam (1987) by Robert Silverberg
- Universe 16 (1987) by Terry Carr
- Wrack & Roll (1987) by Bradley Denton
- Mirrorshades: The Cyberpunk Anthology (1987) by Bruce Sterling
- Superfuturs (1987) by Philippe Curval
- Le Livre d'or de la science-fiction : James Tiptree (1987) by James Tiptree, Jr.
- Survol (1987) by Keith Roberts
- The Falling Woman (1987) by Pat Murphy
- Afterlives (1987) by Pamela Sargent and Ian Watson
- Artificial Things (1987) by Karen Joy Fowler
- Blue Champagne (1987) by John Varley
- La voix des morts (1987) by Orson Scott Card
- The Hercules Text (1987) by Jack McDevitt
- Vacuum Flowers (1987) by Michael Swanwick
- When Gravity Fails (1987) by George Alec Effinger
The Time Wanderers [English] (1987)
Борис Стругацкий?Boris StrugatskyandАркадий Стругацкий?Arkady Strugatsky
- Countersolar! (1987) by Richard A. Lupoff
- Dark Seeker (1987) by K. W. Jeter
- Dawn (1987) by Octavia E. Butler
- Infernal Devices (1987) by K. W. Jeter
La fille de Terre Deux (1987)
Joëlle Wintrebert?Joelle Wintrebert
- Land of dreams (1987) by James P. Blaylock
- Land of Dreams [English] (1987) by James P. Blaylock
- Lincoln's Dreams (1987) by Connie Willis
- Mary and the Giant (1987) by Philip K. Dick
- Mathenauts: Tales of Mathematical Wonder (1987) by Rudy Rucker
- Rituel du mépris (1987) by Antoine Volodine
- The Net (1987) by Loren J. MacGregor
- The Time Wanderers (1987) by Boris Strugatsky and Arkady Strugatsky
- The Year's Best Science Fiction: Fourth Annual Collection (1987) by Gardner Dozois
- Universe 17 (1987) by Terry Carr
- Vergil in Averno (1987) by Avram Davidson
- Wild Cards (1987) by George R. R. Martin
- Great Sky River [English] (1988) by Gregory Benford
- Kallocaine (1988) by Karin Boye
L'horreur des collines (1988)
Francis Valéry?Francis Valery
- La trace des rêves (1988) by Jean-Pierre Andrevon
- Moon of Ice (1988) by Brad Linaweaver
- Red Prophet [English] (1988) by Orson Scott Card
- Saints (1988) by Orson Scott Card
- Shadow Money [English] (1988) by George Alec Effinger
- The Gold Coast [English] (1988) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- Univers 1988 (1988) by Pierre K. Rey
- A Mask for the General (1988) by Lisa Goldstein
- Le serpent d'angoisse (1988) by Roland C. Wagner
- Life During Wartime (1988) by Lucius Shepard
- Livre de sang (1988) by Clive Barker
- Malgré le monde (1988) by Limite
- On Stranger Tides (1988) by Tim Powers
- The Secret Ascension or Philip K. Dick Is Dead, Alas (1988) by Michael Bishop
- Time Pressure (1988) by Spider Robinson
Tunnel (1988)
André Ruellan?Andre Ruellan
- La huitième vie du chat (1988) by Robert Belfiore
- Le serpent d'angoisse (1988) by Roland C. Wagner
- Mozart en verres miroirs (1988) by Bruce Sterling
Tunnel (1988)
André Ruellan?Andre Ruellan
- Des enfers fabuleux (1988) by Antoine Volodine
- ENtreFER (1988) by Iain Banks
- Les fleurs du vide (1988) by Michael Swanwick
- Les ramages de la douleur (1988) by Garry Kilworth
- Les veilleurs du feu (1988) by Connie Willis
- Becoming Alien (1988) by Rebecca Ore
- Crazy Time (1988) by Kate Wilhelm
- Des enfers fabuleux (1988) by Antoine Volodine
- Entrefer (1988) by Iain Banks
- Great Sky River (1988) by Gregory Benford
- Le château d'encre (1988) by Serge Brussolo
- Le temple d'os (1988) by Jean-Claude Dunyach
- Les ramages de la douleur (1988) by Garry Kilworth
- Metrophage (1988) by Richard Kadrey
- Napoleon Disentimed (1988) by Hayford Peirce
- Origins of Futuristic Fiction (1988) by Paul K. Alkon
- Queenmagic, Kingmagic (1988) by Ian Watson
- Red Prophet (1988) by Orson Scott Card
- Shadow Money (1988) by George Alec Effinger
- Starfire (1988) by Paul Preuss
- The Gold Coast (1988) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- Un ange s'est pendu (1988) by Roland C. Wagner
- L'arbre de la vie (1988) by Henri Vernes
- L'auberge de l'alpiniste mort (1988) by Boris Strougatski and Arkadi Strougatski
- In Alien Flesh (1988) by Gregory Benford
- The Dream Years (1988) by Lisa Goldstein
- Faces (1988) by Leigh Kennedy
- The Ragged Astronauts (1988) by Bob Shaw
- The Urth of the New Sun (1988) by Gene Wolfe
- The Year's Best Science Fiction: Fifth Annual Collection (1988) by Gardner Dozois
- La planète sur la table (1988) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- Soldat des brumes (1988) by Gene Wolfe
- Consider Phlebas [English] (1989) by Iain M. Banks
- Deep Quarry [English] (1989) by John E. Stith
- The Year's Best Science Fiction: Fifth Annual Collection [English] (1989) by Gardner Dozois
- Tourists [English] (1989) by Lisa Goldstein
- Adulthood Rites (1989) by Octavia E. Butler
- Aux yeux la Lune (1989) by Michel Jeury
- Chronosequence (1989) by Hilbert Schenck
- Consider Phlebas (1989) by Iain M. Banks
- Islands in the Net (1989) by Bruce Sterling
Le créateur chimérique (1989)
Joëlle Wintrebert?Joelle Wintrebert
Les racines de l'oubli (1989)
Christian Léourier?Christian Leourier
- Nuclear War (1989) by Gregory Benford and Martin H. Greenberg
- Opération "Serrures Carnivores" (1989) by Serge Brussolo
- The Broken Bubble (1989) by Philip K. Dick
- The Movement of Mountains (1989) by Michael Blumlein
- Le rêveur de chats (1989) by Emmanuel Jouanne
- Cradle (1989) by Arthur C. Clarke and Gentry Lee
- Instruments de mort (1989) by K. W. Jeter
- L'âge de fer (1989) by Emmanuel Jouanne
- Le fouilleur d'âmes (1989) by Michel Honaker
- Le rêveur de chats (1989) by Emmanuel Jouanne
- Script (1989) by Alain Dartevelle
- There Are Doors (1989) by Gene Wolfe
- Wetware (1989) by Rudy Rucker
- Cocktail (1989) by Jean-Pierre Hubert
- Wyrms (1989) by Orson Scott Card
- Habite-t-on réellement quelque part ? (1989) by Philippe Curval
L'hexagone halluciné (1989)
Gérard Klein?Gerard Kleinand Ellen Herzfeld and Dominique Martel
- La mémoire des pierres (1989) by Roland C. Wagner
- Les futurs mystères de Paris (1989) by Roland C. Wagner
Les mondes francs (1989)
Gérard Klein?Gerard Kleinand Ellen Herzfeld and Dominique Martel
- Prisons intérieures (1989) by Roland C. Wagner
- Crown of Stars (1989) by James Tiptree, Jr.
Éon?Eon(1989) by Greg Bear
- Rock machine (1989) by Norman Spinrad
- The Novels of Philip K. Dick (1989) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- Deserted Cities of the Heart (1989) by Lewis Shiner
- The City, Not Long After (1989) by Pat Murphy
- Tourists (1989) by Lisa Goldstein
Argentine (1989)
Joël Houssin?Joel Houssin
- La nuit du bombardier (1989) by Serge Brussolo
- Top Niveau (1989) by J.-C. Lamart
- Šukran (1989) by Jean-Pierre Andrevon
- Abyss (1989) by Orson Scott Card
- Alternate Empires (1989) by Gregory Benford and Martin H. Greenberg
- Being Alien (1989) by Rebecca Ore
- Crown of Stars (1989) by James Tiptree, Jr.
- Full Spectrum (1989) by Lou Aronica and Shawna McCarthy
- Imago (1989) by Octavia E. Butler
- Prentice Alvin (1989) by Orson Scott Card
- Soldier of Arete (1989) by Gene Wolfe
- The Big Losers (1989) by Robert J. Tilley
- True Names ... and Other Dangers (1989) by Vernor Vinge
- Unicorn Mountain (1989) by Michael Bishop
- Alternate Empires [English] (1990) by Gregory Benford and Martin H. Greenberg
- Being Alien [English] (1990) by Rebecca Ore
- Castleview [English] (1990) by Gene Wolfe
- Good News from Outer Space [English] (1990) by John Kessel
- Look Into the Sun [English] (1990) by James Patrick Kelly
- Prentice Alvin [English] (1990) by Orson Scott Card
- The City, Not Long After [English] (1990) by Pat Murphy
- The Enchantments of Flesh and Spirit [English] (1990) by Storm Constantine
- The Stress of Her Regard [English] (1990) by Tim Powers
- Abyss (1990) by Orson Scott Card
- Crown of Stars (1990) by James Tiptree, Jr.
- Eternité (1990) by Greg Bear
- Mémoires d'Ijon Tichy (1990) by Stanislas Lem
- Good News from Outer Space (1990) by John Kessel
La frontière éclatée (1990)
Dominique Martel
Ellen Herzfeld
Gérard Klein?Gerard Klein
- The Stress of Her Regard (1990) by Tim Powers
- Total Recall (1990) by Piers Anthony
- The Last Coin (1990) by James P. Blaylock
- Boulevard des banquises (1990) by Serge Brussolo
- La trajectoire de la taupe (1990) by Emmanuel Jouanne
Narcose (1990)
Jacques Barbéri?Jacques Barberi
- Rivage des intouchables (1990) by Francis Berthelot
- Le rivage des femmes (1990) by Pamela Sargent
- Mémoires d'Ijon Tichy (1990) by Stanislas Lem
- Hyperion (1990) by Dan Simmons
- Lavondyss (1990) by Robert Holdstock
- Le travail du furet (1990) by Jean-Pierre Andrevon
- Le jardin aux araignées (1990) by Scott Baker
- Les années fleaux (1990) by Norman Spinrad
- Beyond the Fall of Night [English] (1991) by Gregory Benford and Arthur C. Clarke
- Human to Human [English] (1991) by Rebecca Ore
- Kaleidoscope [English] (1991) by Harry Turtledove
- Maps in a Mirror [English] (1991) by Orson Scott Card
- The Stone Giant [English] (1991) by James P. Blaylock
- Time and Chance [English] (1991) by Alan Brennert
- La fin des temps, et après (1991) by Dominique Douay
- Le voyage gelé (1991) by Philip K. Dick
- Etat de rêve (1991) by Ian McDonald
- L'autoroute de l'aube (1991) by Roland C. Wagner
- Le Rêveur des terres agglutinées (1991) by Roland C. Wagner
- A World of Difference (1991) by Harry Turtledove
Le temps du twist (1991)
Joël Houssin?Joel Houssin
- Le profanateur (1991) by Philip K. Dick
Le Temps du Twist [English] (1991)
Joël Houssin?Joel Houssin
- Rivage des Intouchables [English] (1991) by Francis Berthelot
- Swap-Swap [English] (1991) by Richard Canal
- Pacific Edge (1991) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- Zenith 2 (1991) by David S. Garnett
- In Between Dragons (1991) by Michael Kandel
- Maps in a Mirror: The Short Fiction of Orson Scott Card (1991) by Orson Scott Card
- Strange Invasion (1991) by Michael Kandel
- Cristal Express (1991) by Bruce Sterling
Les masques du réel (1991)
Christian Léourier?Christian Leourier
- The Hollow Earth (1991) by Rudy Rucker
- A Short, Sharp Shock (1991) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- La guerre en ce jardin (1991) by Richard Canal
- Les pantins cosmiques (1991) by Philip K. Dick
- Immortalité à vendre (1991) by Joe Haldeman
- Lurid Dreams (1991) by Charles L. Harness
- The Hemingway Hoax (1991) by Joe Haldeman
- Buddy Holly is Alive and Well on Ganymede [English] (1992) by Bradley Denton
- Carve the Sky [English] (1992) by Alexander Jablokov
- Stations of the Tide [English] (1992) by Michael Swanwick
- The Hemingway Hoax [English] (1992) by Joe Haldeman
- Xenocide [English] (1992) by Orson Scott Card
- Terraplane (1992) by Jack Womack
- The Difference Engine (1992) by William Gibson and Bruce Sterling
- Remaking History [English] (1992) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- Le syndrome du scaphandrier (1992) by Serge Brussolo
- Halo (1992) by Tom Maddox
- Madlands (1992) by K. W. Jeter
- Le temps meurtrier (1992) by Robert Sheckley
- Les océans du ciel (1992) by Kurt Steiner
- Count Geiger's Blues [English] (1992) by Michael Bishop
- A Fire Upon the Deep [English] (1993) by Vernor Vinge
- Alternate Presidents [English] (1993) by Mike Resnick
- Halo [English] (1993) by Tom Maddox
- High Aztech [English] (1993) by Ernest Hogan
- Lunar Descent [English] (1993) by Allen Steele
- Storeys From the Old Hotel [English] (1993) by Gene Wolfe
- The Memory of Earth [English] (1993) by Orson Scott Card
- Last Call (1993) by Tim Powers
- Le ciel est mort (1993) by John W. Campbell
- A Million Open Doors [English] (1993) by John Barnes
- Glimpses [English] (1994) by Lewis Shiner
- Lake of the Long Sun [English] (1994) by Gene Wolfe
La terre de promesse (1994)
Christian Léourier?Christian Leourier
- Night Relics (1994) by James P. Blaylock
- Salut, et encore merci pour le poisson (1994) by Douglas Adams
- Burning Bright (1994) by Melissa Scott
- Globalement inoffensive (1994) by Douglas Adams
- Arago (1995) by Laurent Genefort
- Le frère des dragons (1995) by Charles Sheffield
- Le problème de Turing (1995) by Harry Harrison and Marvin Minsky
- Summer King, Winter Fool (1995) by Lisa Goldstein
- Temporary Agency (1995) by Rachel Pollack
- Half the Day Is Night [English] (1995) by Maureen F. McHugh
- The Jericho Iteration [English] (1995) by Allen Steele
- La route des soleils (1995) by Wildy Petoud
- New Legends [English] (1996) by Greg Bear and Martin H. Greenberg
- Basilica (1996) by Orson Scott Card
- Journal de nuit (1996) by Jack Womack
Le général?Le general(1996) by Orson Scott Card
La cité des permutants?La cite des permutants(1996) by Greg Egan
- Roi de l'été, fou de l'hiver (1998) by Lisa Goldstein
- Etoiles mourantes (1999) by Jean-Claude Dunyach and Ayerdhal
- En attendant l'année dernière (2000) by Philip K. Dick
- Le dieu venu du Centaure (2000) by Philip K. Dick
- The Year's Best Science Fiction: Seventeenth Annual Collection [English] (2001) by Gardner Dozois
- Les machines de dieu (2001) by Jack McDevitt
- The Dancers at the End of Time (2001) by Michael Moorcock
- Le pêcheur (2001) by Clifford D. Simak
- Vanishing Acts [English] (2001) by Ellen Datlow
- Omale (2001) by Laurent Genefort
Ægypt?Aegypt(2001) by John Crowley
Un feu sur l'abîme?Un feu sur l'abime(2001) by Vernor Vinge
- Forever Free (2001) by Joe Haldeman
- L'ogre de l'espace (2001) by Gregory Benford
- Invasions divines: Philip K. Dick, une vie (2002) by Lawrence Sutin
- Le pays de cocagne (2002) by Colin Greenland
Les écumeurs du silence?Les ecumeurs du silence(2002) by Michel Jeury
- Inversions (2002) by Iain M. Banks
- L'I.A. et son double (2002) by Scott Westerfeld
Détectives de l'impossible?Detectives de l'impossible(2002) byStéphane Nicot?Stephane Nicot
- Les fables de L'Humpur (2002) by Pierre Bordage
- Les profondeurs de la terre (2002) by Robert Silverberg
- The Coming (2002) by Joe Haldeman
Dédales virtuels?Dedales virtuels(2002) by Jean-Jacques Girardot
Super État?Super Etat(2002) by Brian Aldiss
- L'empire du milieu (2003) by David Wingrove
- Le temps des changements (2003) by Robert Silverberg
- La division Cassini (2003) by Ken MacLeod
- Black Flag (2003) by Valerio Evangelisti
- Coyote céleste (2003) by Kage Baker
- Poison bleu (2003) by Gardner Dozois and George Alec Effinger
- Les enfants de Darwin (2004) by Greg Bear
Perdido Street Station (2004)
China Miéville?China Mieville
- La cité du gouffre (2004) by Alastair Reynolds
- Le chevalier (2004) by T. H. White
En quête d'éternité?En quete d'eternite(2004) by Greg Bear
Les passeurs de millénaires?Les passeurs de millenaires(2005) by Ellen Herzfeld andGérard Klein?Gerard Kleinand Dominique Martel
- C'est dans la poche ! (2006) by Jacques Sadoul
- Aube d'acier (2007) by Charles Stross
L'algébriste?L'algebriste(2007) by Iain M. Banks
- The Accidental Time Machine [English] (2008) by Joe Haldeman
- John Varley (1980) with John Varley [only as by Pascal Thomas]
- Entretien avec John Varley (1981) with John Varley
- Entretien avec John Varley (suite et fin) (1981) with John Varley
- Interview: Gregory Benford [English] (1982) with Gregory Benford
- Entretien avec Orson Scott Card (1982) with Orson Scott Card
- Entretien avec Joan D. Vinge (1982) with Joan D. Vinge
- Entretien avec Gregory Benford (1982) with Gregory Benford
- Entretien avec Edward Bryant (1983) with Edward Bryant
- L'art de la synthèse (1985) with David Brin
- Interview (1985) with Greg Bear
- A Synthetic Art: David Brin Interviewed [English] (1986) with David Brin
Une littérature en prise sur l'histoire?Une litterature en prise sur l'histoire(1986) with Kim Stanley Robinson
- Greg Bear [English] (1987) with Greg Bear
Lisa Goldstein entre les frontières: entretien?Lisa Goldstein entre les frontieres: entretien(1987) with Lisa Goldstein also appeared as:
- Translation: Across the Borders: An Interview with Lisa Goldstein [English] (1991)
- L'urbanisme fantastique de Samuel Delany (1987) with Samuel R. Delany
- Rencontre avec Gene Wolfe (1988) with Gene Wolfe
- Entretien avec Octavia E. Butler (1988) with Octavia E. Butler
"Je refuse l'étiquette d'optimiste"?"Je refuse l'etiquette d'optimiste"(2000) with David Brin