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Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Best in Show: Fifteen Years of Outstanding Furry Fiction (2003)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Furry: The Best Anthropomorphic Fiction Ever (2006)
- Variant: Furry! The Best Anthropomorphic Fiction Ever! (unpublished)
- Already Among Us; An Anthropomorphic Anthology (2012)
- The Ursa Major Awards Anthology; A Tenth Anniversary Celebration (2012)
- What Happens Next: An Anthology of Sequels (2013)
- Five Fortunes (2014)
- Anthropomorphic Aliens: An Interstellar Anthology (2014)
- The Furry Future: 19 Possible Prognostications (2015)
- An Anthropomorphic Century: Stories from 1909 to 2008 (2015)
- Cats and More Cats: Feline Fantasy Fiction (2016)
- Gods with Fur; And Feathers, Scales, ... (2016)
- Dogs of War (2017)
- Symbol of a Nation (2017)
- Dogs of War II: Aftermath (2017)
- What the Fox?! (2018)
- Exploring New Places (2018)
- Worldcon Program Books
- 30 L.A.Con Program Book (1972)
An Anthropomorphic Bibliography (1995)
only appeared as:
- Variant: An Anthropomorphic Bibliography, First Edition (1995)
- Variant: An Anthropomorphic Bibliography, Second Edition (1996)
- Variant: An Anthropomorphic Bibliography, Third Edition (2000)
- Watching Anime, Reading Manga: 25 Years of Essays and Reviews (2004)
- Funny Animals and More: From Anime to Zoomorphics (2014)
- Furry Fandom Conventions, 1989-2015 (2017)
- Furry Tales: A Review of Essential Anthropomorphic Fiction (2019)
- Family Life (2014)
- Growing Fur (2015)
- Clearance Papers (2015)
- That Exclusive Zodiac Club (2016)
- A Legend in His Own Time (2018)
- Come to Todor! (2018)
- ジャングル大帝 / Jungle Emperor
- マッハGoGoGo / Speed Racer?Mahha GoGoGo / Speed Racer
- Locus Looks at Books
- Locus Looks at Books (Locus #71) (1971)
- Locus Looks at Books (Locus #72) (1971)
- Locus Looks at Books (Locus #77) (1971) with Charles N. Brown and Ted Pauls and Mary H. Schaub and Tom Soyer [only as by Charlie Brown and Fred Patten and Ted Pauls and Mary Schaub and Tom Soyer]
- Locus Looks at Books (Locus #80) (1971) with Charles N. Brown and Vincent Di Fate and Bruce Fox and Ted Pauls and Jeff Soyer [only as by Charlie Brown and Vincent DiFate and Bruce Fox and Fred Patten and Ted Pauls and Jeff Soyer]
- Locus Looks at Books (Locus #84) (1971)
- Locus Looks at Books (Locus #88) (1971)
- Locus Looks at Books (Locus #97) (1971) with Eli Cohen and Buzz Dixon and Roger Drayne and David G. Hartwell and Ted Pauls and Mary H. Schaub [only as by Eli Cohen and Buzz Dixon and Roger Drayne and David G. Hartwell and Fred Patten and Ted Pauls and Mary Schaub]
- Locus Looks at Books (Locus #100) (1971) with Grant Carrington and David G. Hartwell and Ted Pauls [only as by Grant Carrington and Dave Hartwell and Fred Patten and Ted Pauls]
- Locus Looks at Books (Locus #102) (1971)
- Locus Looks at Books (Locus #108) (1972) with Grant Carrington and Buzz Dixon and David G. Hartwell [only as by Grant Carrington and Buzz Dixon and Dave Hartwell and Fred Patten]
- Locus Looks at Books (Locus #114) (1972) with Grant Carrington and George Alec Effinger and David G. Hartwell [only as by Grant Carrington and Geo. Alec Effinger and David G. Hartwell and Fred Patten]
Locus Looks at Books (Locus #125) (1972)
Charles N. Brown
Gregory Feeley
David G. Hartwell
Anthony R. Lewis
only appeared as:
- Variant: Locus Looks At Books (Locus #125) (1972) [as by Charlie Brown and Greg Feeley and David G. Hartwell and Tony Lewis and Fred Patten]
Locus Looks at Books (Locus #144) (1973)
Gregory Feeley
Mel Gilden
David G. Hartwell
Anthony R. Lewis
only appeared as:
- Variant: Locus Looks At Books (Locus #144) (1973) [as by Greg Feeley and Mel Gilden and Dave Hartwell and Tony Lewis and Fred Patten]
- Oz and Ends
- Oz & Ends (The Baum Bugle, Autumn 1967) (1967) with James E. Haff [only as by James Haff and Fred Patten]
- Oz and Ends (The Baum Bugle, Christmas 1969) (1969) with Jack Ewing and Rob Roy MacVeigh [only as by Jack Ewing and Robert MacVeigh and Fred Patten]
- Letter (Fantastic, March 1963) (1963)
A Bibliography of Robot Fiction (1965)
Forrest J. Ackerman
Al Lewis
William F. Nolan
only appeared as:
- Variant: A Bibliography of Robot Fiction (1965) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Bibliografia della narrativa centrata sulla figura del robot [Italian] (1967)
- Letter (Locus #12) (1968)
- Letter (Locus #20) (1969)
- Letter (Amazing Stories, July 1969) (1969)
- Letter to Science Fiction Review, April 1970 (1970)
- Letter (Locus #54) (1970)
- Letter (Locus #56) (1970)
- Westercon 23 (1970) with Marsha Brown
- L.A.Con News (Locus #67) (1970)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review, January 1971) (1971)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review, March 1971) (1971)
- Forgotten Fantasy to Fold (1971)
- Westercon XXIV (1971)
- L.A.Con News (Locus #99) (1971)
- DUFF News (1971)
- DUFF Progress Report (1972)
- LASFS Finds a Home (1974)
- Bibliography (Philip K. Dick: Electric Shepherd) (1975)
- Aussie News Release (1975)
- Review of the nonfiction work "The Birth of a Principality" by Robert C. Hyslop (1975) [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Carter's Heroic Slow Ball (1975) [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Home on the SF Range (1975) [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Review of The 1975 Kelly Freas Selections calendar (1975) [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Review of the J. R. R. Tolkien Calendar 1976 by the Brothers Hildebrandt (1975) [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Review of the Star Trek (Stardate) Calendar 1976, ed. by Karen Batten & Elliot Kreloff (1975) [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Review of The Worlds of Fantasy Calendar 1976, ed. by David Larkin (1975) [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Review of the nongenre collection "One Winter Night in August and Other Nonsense Jingles" by X. J. Kennedy (1976) [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Review of The Hobbit Calendar 1976 (1976) [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Editorial (Delap's F & SF Review #14) (1976) [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Editorial (Delap's F & SF Review #15) (1976) [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Editorial (Delap's F & SF Review #17) (1976) [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Review of the comic book "Starstream", Issues 1-4 edited by Roger Elwood (1976) [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Review of "Apollo Expeditions to the Moon" by Edgar M. Cortright (non-genre) (1976) [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Books Published in December (1976) (1976)
- Editorial (Delap's F & SF Review #22) (1977) [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #20) (1977)
- Science Fiction Books for March (1977) (1977) with Charles N. Brown
- Editorial (Delap's F & SF Review #25) (1977) with Richard Delap [only as by Richard Delap and Frederick Patten]
- Review of The Lord of the Rings 1977 Calendar (1977) [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Science Fiction Books for April 1977 (1977) with Charles N. Brown
- Letter (Algol, Summer-Fall 1977) (1977)
- Science Fiction Books for May & June (1977) (1977) with Charles N. Brown
- Science Fiction Books for July 1977 (1977) with Charles N. Brown
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #28) (1978)
- Review of the comic book collection "Arzach" by Moebius (1979) [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Review of the comic book collection "Conquering Armies" by Jean-Claude Gal & Jean-Pierre Dionnet (1979) [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Review of the comic book collection "Is Man Good?" by Moebius (1979) [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Review of the comic book collection "Psychorock" by Sergio Macedo (1979) [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Review of the graphic novel "Ulysses" by Homer-Lob-Pichard (1979) [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Review of comic book "Alfred Bester's The Stars My Destination: The Graphic Story Adaptation, Vol. 1" by Howard Chaykin and Byron Preiss (1980)
- Review of comic book graphic novel "Manhunter: The Complete Saga" by Archie Goodwin and Walt Simonson (1980)
- Dawn of the Warrior Robots: The Beginnings of A New Breed of Action Hero! (1980)
- TV Animation in Japan (1980)
- Bruce Pelz: Two Sketches (1980)
- Previous Worldcons (Noreascon Two Program Book) (1980)
- Force Five: Previewing an Ambitious New Animated Science-Fiction TV Series! (1980)
- Review of "The World Encyclopedia of Cartoons" by Maurice Horn (1981)
- Review of comic book series "Valerian" by Jean-Claude Mezieres and Pierre Christin (1982)
- Review of the comic book "Groo the Wanderer" by Sergio Aragones (1983)
- Remembrance of Cons Past (1984)
- The Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society: 50 Years of LASFS 1934 - 1984 (1984)
- Mangamania! (1984)
- Review of Japanese manga "Mangamania!" (1984)
- Robotech: Japanimation Invades Comics with a Trio of Comico Titles (1985)
- Japan + Animation = Japanimation! Part 1 (1986)
- Japan + Animation = Japanimation! Part 2 (1986)
- All Those Japanese Animation Soundtracks (1986)
- Japanese SF Awards (1986)
- DaiCon Report (Science Fiction Chronicle #87) (1986)
- A New Wind from the East (1987)
- Full Circle: Japanese Animation From Early Home Studios to Personal Workshops for Home Video (1987)
- Hypersexual Psychoviolence! The Dynamic World of Go Nagai (1988)
- Letter (Science Fiction Chronicle #102) (1988) [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Review of the children's illustrated mystery story "The Eleventh Hour: A Curious Mystery" by Graeme Base (1990)
- Japanese Anime: The Cult Grows Up (1990)
- Review of BRIXOI (fanzine) by Tom Foster and Ken Fletcher (1990)
- Review of Normal u.s.a. (comic strip book) by Mike Jantze (1990)
- Review of the nonfiction book "It's Raining Cats and Dogs ... and Other Beastly Expressions" by Christine Ammer (1990)
- Osamu Tezuka (1928-1989) (1990)
- Review of The Brixoi Chronicles (fanzine) by Tom Foster and Ken Fletcher (1991)
- Review of the comic book "Sleepers, Part 1" by Vito Bianca & Kevin Vetrone (1991)
- Review of the comic book collection "Galen the Saintly" by G. Raymond Eddy (1991)
- Review of animated feature "The Little Fox" (1991)
- Review of magazine article "The History of the Olympic Mascot" by Andy Wodka (1992)
- Osamu Tezuka: A Memorial to the Master (1993)
- Tom Digby (1993)
- Preview of 1994 Anthropomorphic Comic Books (1994)
- What's Wrong With Japanese Animation? (1994)
- Introduction (Felicia: Melari's Wish) (1994)
- Fifteen Years of Japanese Animation Fandom, 1977-92 (1995)
- Review of fanzine "File 770 #105" by Mike Glyer (1995)
- Review of fanzine "Phlogiston #40" by Alex Heatley (1995)
- Review of the motion picture "Fluke" (1995)
- Japan's Anime (1995)
- Review of Motion Picture "Babe" (1995)
- Anime Licensing Grows Up (1996)
- A Capsule History of Anime (1996)
- Los Angeles: Home of Worldcons (1996) with Charles E. Jackson, II and Len Moffatt and Bruce Pelz and Rick Young [only as by Charles E. Jackson, II and Leonard J. Moffatt and Fred Patten and Bruce E. Pelz and Rick Young]
- Momotaro's Gods-Blessed Sea Warriors: Japan's Unknown Wartime Feature (1996)
- A Chronology of Furry Fandom (1997)
- Letter (Locus #433) (1997)
- Review of "Reinardus: Yearbook of the International Reynard Society" (1997)
- Review of cartoon book "Kevin & Kell: Quest for Content" by Bill Holbrook (1997)
- The World's Biggest Animation Home Video Market? (1997)
- Letter to the Editor: "Anime" as Pejorative (1998)
- Letter (Science Fiction Chronicle #197) (1998)
- Review of cartoon book "Kevin & Kell: Seen Anything Unusual?" by Bill Holbrook (1998)
- Review of comic album "Harum Scareum" by Lewis Trondheim (1998)
- Review of comic album "The Hoodoodad" by Lewis Trondheim (1998)
- Review of graphic novel "Xanadu: Across Diamond Seas" by Vicky Wyman (1998)
- The Anime "Porn" Market (1998)
- Review of the nongenre collection "Rover's Tales" by Michael Z. Lewin (1998)
- Review of graphic novel "The Complete Wraith" by Michael T. Gilbert (1998)
- The Best of Anime CD liner notes (1998)
- Who Knows "Best"? (1998)
- Prince of Something: The Heroic Legend of Arslan: Age of Heroes (1999)
- Go to JAILED (1999)
- The Thirteen Top Developments in Anime, 1985-99 (1999)
- By the Numbers (1999)
- Anime 2000: Money Talks (2000)
- Review of cartoon book "Kevin & Kell: Accepting Domestication" by Bill Holbrook (2000)
- Astro Old and Astro New (2000)
- Pokémon: Ready for Its Next Success (2000)
- Review of cartoon book "Kevin & Kell: Run Free!" by Bill Holbrook (2000)
- Anime Theatrical Features (2000)
- Is Digimon Movie Destined for Success? (2000)
- Vampire Hunter D: The Next Anime Hit in America? (2000)
- Anime in the United States (2001)
- Review of cartoon book "La Vida Panthera: A Suburban Jungle Portfolio" by John "The Gneech" Robey (2001)
- Anime: Subliminal Lessons in Japanese History (2001)
- Blood: The Last Vampire - Anime's First Digital Feature (2001)
- Review of cartoon book "Dela the Hooda Treasury 1: A Nice Place to Visit" by Style Wager and Greg Older (2001)
- Review of cartoon book "Kevin & Kell: For the Birds" by Bill Holbrook (2001)
- Review of cartoon book "Ozy and Millie II: Never Mind Pants" by D. C. Simpson (2001)
- Review of cartoon book "Tonight's Top Story: A Newshounds Collection" by Thomas K. Dye (2001)
- Review of graphic novel "Here Comes a Candle" by Mary Hanson-Roberts (2001)
- Review of the comic book "Sleepers, Part IV" by Vito Bianca & Kevin Vetrone (2001)
- Academy of Motion Picture Arts Anime Event (2002)
- A Retro-Future Metropolis (2002)
- Shotaro Ishinomori: A Profile (2002)
- A Winning Spirit (2002)
- Hayao Miyazaki's Spirited Trip to the U.S. (2002)
- Profile: Gigantor, the Space-Age Robot (2003)
- Cowboy Bebop: The Movie ... At Last (2003)
- Less, or More, Than Human (2003)
- The Animatrix: Anime Reloaded (2003)
- Afterword: Furry History and Lit 101: Introduction and Bibliography (2003) also appeared as:
- Introduction (Best in Show: Fifteen Years of Outstanding Furry Fiction) (2003)
- July 1978: First Anime Fan Magazine, Animage, Published (2003)
- Anime Expo 2003: Conventions Enter Their Adolescence (2003)
- Millennium Actress: The Struggle to Bring Quality Animation to Theaters (2003)
- Refighting World War II (2003)
- Review of cartoon book "Cigarro & Cerveja: Round 1" by Tony Esteves (2003)
- Review of graphic novel "The Courageous Princess: Masterpiece Edition" by Rod Espinosa (2003)
- September 1963: Astro Boy Premieres in America (2003)
- Perfect Blue, Revisited (2003)
- "Anime" vs. "Japanimation" (2003)
- January 1917: First Animation Produced in Japan Is Released (2004)
- America's First Manga Advertisements (2004)
- Simba-Kimba Redux? The Nadia Versus Atlantis Affair (2004)
- Foreword to the ibooks Edition (2006)
- The First Furry Anthology for the Mainstream (2006)
- L.A.Con: Matrimony and Peanut Butter (2006)
- Review of the comic strip collection "Nip and Tuck, Volume 1" by Ralph E. Hayes, Jr. (2006)
- Review of the comic strip collection "Tales of the Questor, Volume 1" by Ralph E. Hayes, Jr. (2006)
- Review of the comic strip collection "Tofu Knights: Ozy and Millie, 2004-2005" by D. C. Simpson (2006)
- Review of the Warrior series by Erin Hunter (2006)
- Review of the comic book collection "Mouse Guard: Fall 1152" by David Peterson (2008)
- Review of the comic strip "Gene Catlow" by Albert Temple (2008)
- Review of the comic strip collection "A Doemain of Our Own" by Susan Rankin (2008)
- Review of the comic strip collection "All the Newshounds Fit to Print" by Thomas K. Dye (2008)
- Review of the comic strip collection "Tales of the Questor, Vol. 2" by Ralph E. Hayes, Jr. (2008)
- Review of the comic strip collection "Under the Lemon Tree" by Ralph E. Hayes, Jr. (2008)
- Review of the comic strip collections "Digger", Vols. 1 & 2 by Ursula Vernon (2008)
- Review of the graphic novel "Iron Rabbit" by Bill Holbrook (2008)
- Reviews of four Ozy and Milly comic strip collections by O. C. Simpson (2008)
- Review of the comic strip collection "A Doemain of Our Own, Vol. 2: Shift Happens" by Susan Rankin (2010)
- Review of the comic strip collection "All I Hold Deer: A Deer Me Collection" by Sheryl Schopfer (2010)
- Review of the comic strip collection "Closer to the Void: Ozy and Millie, 2006-2007" by D. C. Smpson (2010)
- Review of the comic strip collection "Code Name: Hunter. File 0, The Breaking of the Seal" by Darc and Gyrfalcon (2010)
- Review of the comic strip collection "Digger, Vol. 3" by Ursula Vernon (2010)
- Review of the comic strip collection "Nip and Tuck: Gone Hollywood, Back Later" by Ralph E. Hayes, Jr. (2010)
- Review of the comic strip collection "Yo Momma" by Bill Holbrook (2010)
- Review of the graphic novel "DreamKeepers, Volume 1: Awakenings" by David Lillie & Liz Thomas (2010)
- Review of the graphic novel "Flight to Starfall (Dreamkeepers, Volume 2)" by David Lillie and Liz Thomas (2010)
- Review of the graphic novel "Ode to Kirihito" by Osamu Tezuka (2010)
- Review of the Jacques and Cleo: Cat Detectives series by Gilbert Morris (2010)
- The Fuzzy Story (2010)
- About the Authors (Already Among Us) (2012)
- Introduction (Already Among Us) (2012)
- Introduction (The Ursa Major Awards Anthology) (2012)
- Letter (Broken Toys 17) (2013)
- Introduction (What Happens Next) (2013)
- Introduction (Five Fortunes) (2014)
- About the Artist (Anthropomorphic Aliens) (2014)
- About the Authors (Anthropomorphic Aliens) (2014)
- About the Editor (Anthropomorphic Aliens) (2014)
- Introduction (Anthropomorphic Aliens) (2014)
- The Fifth Annual Winkie Oz Convention (2015)
- The First Annual West Coast Oz Convention (2015)
- The Fourth Annual Winkie Oz Convention (2015)
- The Second Annual West Coast Oz Convention (2015)
- The Seventh Annual Winkie Oz Convention (2015)
- The Seventh Annual Winkie Oz Convention [2] (2015)
- The Sixth Annual Winkie Oz Convention (2015)
- The Third Annual West Coast Oz Convention (2015)
- The Third Annual West Coast Oz Convention [2] (2015)
- About the Artists (The Furry Future) (2015)
- About the Authors (The Furry Future) (2015)
- About the Editor (The Furry Future) (2015)
- Introduction (The Furry Future) (2015)
- Letter (Broken Toys 42) (2015)
- About the Artists (An Anthropomorphic Century) (2015)
- About the Authors (An Anthropomorphic Century) (2015)
- About the Editor (An Anthropomorphic Century) (2015)
- Introduction (An Anthropomorphic Century) (2015)
- A Bibliography for Bast (2016)
- About the Artist (Cats and More Cats) (2016)
- About the Authors (Cats and More Cats) (2016)
- About the Editor (Cats and More Cats) (2016)
- Furry Fandom and Cats (2016)
- Introduction (Cats and More Cats) (2016)
- Letter (Broken Toys 47) (2016)
- Letter (Broken Toys 49) (2016)
- About the Authors (Gods with Fur; And Feathers, Scales, ...) (2016)
- Introduction (Gods with Fur; And Feathers, Scales, ...) (2016)
- Denvention—Denver, July 4-6, 1941 (2016)
- About the Artist (Dogs of War) (2017)
- About the Authors (Dogs of War) (2017)
- About the Editor (2017)
- Introduction (Dogs of War) (2017)
- Introduction (Symbol of a Nation) (2017)
- About the Artist (Dogs of War II) (2017)
- About the Authors (Dogs of War II) (2017)
- About the Editor (Dogs of War II) (2017)
- Introduction (Dogs of War II) (2017)
- Jokes (2018)
- Preface (What the Fox?!) (2018)
- Recommended Reading (2018)
- About the Artist (Exploring New Places) (2018)
- About the Authors (Exploring New Places) (2018)
- About the Editor (2018)
- Introduction (Exploring New Places) (2018)
- San Diego Comic Con '90 Art Jam (1992) with various
- That Exclusive Zodiac Club: ConFurence 2 Artists' Jam (1992) with 33 artists
- Chocky (1968) by John Wyndham
- The Last Unicorn (1968) by Peter S. Beagle
- The Eleventh Galaxy Reader (1970) by Frederik Pohl
- The Mighty Barbarians (1970) by Hans Stefan Santesson
- Earthman's Burden (1970) by Poul Anderson
- Cities in Flight (1970) by James Blish
- Science Fiction in the Cinema (1970) by John Baxter
- Swords Against Death (1970) by Fritz Leiber
- Swords and Deviltry (1970) by Fritz Leiber
- Master of the Dark Gate (1971) by John Jakes
- Postmarked the Stars (1971) by Andre Norton
- The Eternal Champion (1971) by Michael Moorcock
- Children of Tomorrow (1971) by A. E. van Vogt
- Ringworld (1971) by Larry Niven
- The Reluctant Shaman and Other Fantastic Tales (1971) by L. Sprague de Camp
- The Wheels of If (1971) by L. Sprague de Camp
- Assassin of Gor (1971) by John Norman
- Thirteen O'Clock and Other Zero Hours (1971) by C. M. Kornbluth
- Transmigration (1971) by J. T. McIntosh
- Children of Tomorrow (1971) by A. E. van Vogt
- Alice's World (1971) by Sam J. Lundwall
- Deathstar Voyage (1971) by Ian Wallace
- No Time For Heroes (1971) by Sam J. Lundwall
- Satellite 54-Zero (1971) by Douglas R. Mason
- The Traveler in Black (1971) by John Brunner
- Beyond the Golden Stair (1971) by Hannes Bok
- Anita (1971) by Keith Roberts
- Between Planets (1971) by Robert A. Heinlein
- Blackmark (1971) by Gil Kane
- Red Planet (1971) by Robert A. Heinlein
- Rocket Ship Galileo (1971) by Robert A. Heinlein
- The Rolling Stones (1971) by Robert A. Heinlein
- The Star Beast (1971) by Robert A. Heinlein
The Wind Whales of Ishmael (1971)
Philip José Farmer?Philip Jose Farmer
- Tunnel in the Sky (1971) by Robert A. Heinlein
Behind the Walls of Terra (1971)
Philip José Farmer?Philip Jose Farmer
- Once Departed (1971) by Mack Reynolds
- Clockwork's Pirates (1971) by Ron Goulart
- Ghost Breaker (1971) by Ron Goulart
- M 33 in Andromeda (1971) by A. E. van Vogt
- Undersea City (1971) by Frederik Pohl and Jack Williamson
- Undersea Fleet (1971) by Frederik Pohl and Jack Williamson
- Undersea Quest (1971) by Frederik Pohl and Jack Williamson
- Blackmark (1971) by Gil Kane
- Transmission Error (1971) by Michael Kurland
- Alpha One (1971) by Robert Silverberg
- Clarion (1971) by Robin Scott Wilson
- Men and Machines (1971) by Robert Silverberg
- Once Departed (1971) by Mack Reynolds
- Outworlder (1971) by Lin Carter
- The Boats of the Glen Carrig (1971) by William Hope Hodgson
- The Glory That Was (1971) by L. Sprague de Camp
- The Zolotov Affair (1971) by Robert H. Rimmer
- Warlocks and Warriors (1971) by L. Sprague de Camp
- All the Myriad Ways (1971) by Larry Niven
- Futures to Infinity (1971) by Sam Moskowitz
- The Mouse on Wall Street (1971) by Leonard Wibberley
- The Zolotov Affair (1971) by Robert H. Rimmer
- One Million Tomorrows (1971) by Bob Shaw
- M 33 in Andromeda (1971) by A. E. van Vogt
- Flight from Rebirth (1971) by J. T. McIntosh
- It's All in Your Mind (1971) by Robert Bloch
- Tomorrow 1 (1971) by Robert Hoskins
- Android at Arms (1971) by Andre Norton
- In the Kingdom of Beasts (1971) by Brian M. Stableford
- The Cuckoo Tree (1971) by Joan Aiken
- The Mask of Circe (1971) by Henry Kuttner
- The Goat Without Horns (1972) by Thomas Burnett Swann
- Never In THIS World (1972) by Idella Purnell Stone
- Warlocks and Warriors (1972) by L. Sprague de Camp
- The Shores of Another Sea (1972) by Chad Oliver
Time's Last Gift (1972)
Philip José Farmer?Philip Jose Farmer
The Stone God Awakens (1972)
Philip José Farmer?Philip Jose Farmer
The Wind Whales of Ishmael (1972)
Philip José Farmer?Philip Jose Farmer
- The Reluctant Shaman and Other Fantastic Tales (1972) by L. Sprague de Camp
- The Wheels of If (1972) by L. Sprague de Camp
Interplanetary Flight and Communication (1972)
Н. А. Рынин?N. A. Rynin
- The Iron Dream (1972) by Norman Spinrad
- Warlock (1972) by Dean R. Koontz
- Reference Guide to Fantastic Films, Volume 1: A-F (1973) by Walt Lee
- The Star Kings (1975) by Edmond Hamilton [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Chamiel (1975) by Edward Pearson [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Dark Star (1975) by Alan Dean Foster [only as by Frederick Patten]
- A Voyage to Dari (1975) by Ian Wallace [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Damon (1975) by C. Terry Cline, Jr. [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Nebula Award Stories Nine (1975) by Kate Wilhelm [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The "Cap Kennedy" Series: The Ghosts of Epidoris (1975) by Gregory Kern [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Day of the Ness (1975) by Andre Norton and Michael Gilbert [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Lost Farm (1975) by Jane Louise Curry [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Attar's Revenge (1975) by Robert Graham [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Contes de Terreur (1975) by Robert Bloch [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Fillostrated Fan Dictionary (1975) by Elliot Weinstein [only as by Frederick Patten]
- War of Nerves (1975) by Robert Graham [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Exploring Cordwainer Smith (1975) by Andrew Porter and John Foyster and John Bangsund [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Far Below and Other Horrors (1975) by Robert E. Weinberg [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Shardik (1975) by Richard Adams [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Computer Connection (1975) by Alfred Bester [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Jaws That Bite, the Claws That Catch (1975) by Michael G. Coney [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Seeds of Change (1975) by Thomas F. Monteleone [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Special Feature (1975) by Charles V. DeVet [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Capricorn and Other Fantasy Stories (1975) by H. L. Prosser [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Transition of Titus Crow (1975) by Brian Lumley [only as by Frederick Patten]
- An Index of Possibilities: Energy and Power (1975) by The Catalogue [only as by Frederick Patten]
- In Dreams Awake (1975) by Leslie A. Fiedler [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Whenabouts of Burr (1975) by Michael Kurland [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Crash Landing on Iduna (1975) by Arthur Tofte [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Herds (1975) by Stephen Goldin [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Marune: Alastor 933 (1975) by Jack Vance [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Renegades of Time (1975) by Raymond F. Jones [only as by Frederick Patten]
- All the Colors of Darkness (1975) by Lloyd Biggle, Jr. [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Best Science Fiction Stories of the Year: Fourth Annual Collection (1975) by Lester del Rey [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Early del Rey (1975) by Lester del Rey [only as by Frederick Patten]
- House of Stairs (1975) by William Sleator [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Illuminatus! Part I: The Eye in the Pyramid (1975) by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Illuminatus! Part II: The Golden Apple (1975) by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Illuminatus! Part III: Leviathan (1975) by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Lankar of Callisto (1975) by Lin Carter [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Lost Worlds (1975) by Daniel Cohen [only as by Frederick Patten]
- No Night Without Stars (1975) by Andre Norton [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Star-Crowned Kings (1975) by Robert Chilson [only as by Frederick Patten]
- A Witch Shall Be Born (1975) by Robert E. Howard [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Fantastic Science-Fiction Art, 1926-1954 (1975) by Lester del Rey [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Tower of the Elephant (1975) by Robert E. Howard [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Now You See It/Him/Them... (1976) by Gene DeWeese and Robert Coulson [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Slan (1976) by A. E. van Vogt [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Way to Dawnworld (1976) by Bill Starr [only as by Frederick Patten]
- A Stranger Came Ashore (1976) by Mollie Hunter [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Beyond the Galactic Lens (1976) by Gregory Kern [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Change (1976) by Ann Maxwell [only as by Frederick Patten]
Journey Across Three Worlds: Science Fiction Stories (1976)
Аркадий Львов?Arkady LvovandМихаил Емцев?Mikhail YemtsevandСевер Гансовский?Sever GansovskyandИлья Варшавский?Ilya Varshavskyand
Ilja Varsjavskij
Ilja WarschawskiКир Булычев?Kir Bulychevand Eremei Parnov andБорис Стругацкий?Boris StrugatskyandАркадий Стругацкий?Arkady StrugatskyandСергей Абрамов?Sergei AbramovandАлександр Абрамов?Alexander Abramov[only as by Frederick Patten] - Little Fuzzy (1976) by H. Beam Piper [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Return to Tomorrow (1976) by L. Ron Hubbard [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Specimens (1976) by Fred Saberhagen [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Enquiries of Doctor Eszterhazy (1976) by Avram Davidson [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Stardust Voyages (1976) by Stephen Tall [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Time and the Riddle: Thirty-One Zen Stories (1976) by Howard Fast [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Monsters, Monsters, Monsters (1976) by Helen Hoke [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Deathworld Trilogy (1976) by Harry Harrison [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Long Arm of Gil Hamilton (1976) by Larry Niven [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Science Fiction Roll of Honor (1976) by Frederik Pohl [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Voyage of the Space Beagle (1976) by A. E. van Vogt [only as by Frederick Patten]
- To the Land of the Electric Angel (1976) by William Rotsler [only as by Frederick Patten]
- A Dictionary of Mythical Places (1976) by Robin Palmer [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Armada of Antares (1976) by Alan Burt Akers [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Star Prince Charlie (1976) by Poul Anderson and Gordon R. Dickson [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Swordships of Scorpio (1976) by Alan Burt Akers [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Church Mice Spread Their Wings (1976) by Graham Oakley [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Ophidian Conspiracy (1976) by John F. Carr [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Shores of Kansas (1976) by Robert Chilson [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag (1976) by Robert A. Heinlein [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Valley Where Time Stood Still (1976) by Lin Carter [only as by Frederick Patten]
- A Wind in the Door (1976) by Madeleine L'Engle [only as by Frederick Patten]
- A Wrinkle in Time (1976) by Madeleine L'Engle [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Bibliographia Oziana (1976) by Peter E. Hanff and Douglas G. Greene [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Fantastic Pulps (1976) by Peter Haining [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Garments of Caean (1976) by Barrington J. Bayley [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Witling (1976) by Vernor Vinge [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Time Explorers, Inc. (1976) by E. W. Hildick [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Dragonfall 5 and the Empty Planet (1976) by Brian Earnshaw [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Peter's Angel: A Story About Monsters (1976) by Hope Campbell [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Section G: United Planets (1976) by Mack Reynolds [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Devil's Piper (1976) by Susan Price [only as by Frederick Patten]
The Red Napolean (1976)
Floyd Gibbons
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Red Napoleon (1976) [as by Frederick Patten]
- The Space Beyond (1976) by John W. Campbell, Jr. [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Ultimate Weapon (1976) by John W. Campbell, Jr. [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Virgin & the Wheels (1976) by L. Sprague de Camp [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Tomorrow Knight (1976) by Michael Kurland [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Bloodstar (1976) by Richard Corben [only as by Frederick Patten]
- For Texas and Zed (1976) by Zach Hughes [only as by Frederick Patten]
- King and Joker (1976) by Peter Dickinson [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Ruler of the World (1976) by J. T. McIntosh [only as by Frederick Patten]
- SFBRI: Science Fiction Book Review Index, Volume 6, 1975 (1976) by Hal Hall [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Spacepaw (1976) by Gordon R. Dickson [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Hand of Oberon (1976) by Roger Zelazny [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Treasures of Morrow (1976) by H. M. Hoover [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Chrysalis of Death (1976) by Eleanor Robinson [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Dying of Fright (1976) by Les Daniels [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Miss Pickerell Takes the Bull By the Horns (1976) by Ellen MacGregor and Dora Pantell [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Nightmare Garden (1976) by Vic Ghidalia [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Seven Footprints to Satan (1976) by A. Merritt [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Sisters of Sorcery (1976) by Seon Manley and Gogo Lewis [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The 50-Meter Monsters & Other Horrors (1976) by Roger Elwood [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Adventures of Jules de Grandin (1976) by Seabury Quinn [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Casebook of Jules de Grandin (1976) by Seabury Quinn [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Magicians (1976) by James Gunn [only as by Frederick Patten]
The Satanic Mill (1976)
Otfried Preußler?Otfried Preussler[only as by Frederick Patten]
- The St. Francis Effect (1976) by Zach Hughes [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Aldair in Albion (1976) by Neal Barrett, Jr. [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Beyond Tomorrow (1976) by Lee Harding [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Happening Worlds of John Brunner (1976) by Joe de Bolt [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Siege of Wonder (1976) by Mark S. Geston [only as by Frederick Patten]
The Vision of Esmaree (1976)
Elna Stone
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Visions of Esmaree (1976) [as by Frederick Patten]
- Wraiths of Time (1976) by Andre Norton [only as by Frederick Patten]
- A Star Trek Portfolio (1976) by S. Fantoni [only as by Frederick Patten]
- MidAmeriCon Program Book (1976) by Tom Reamy [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Star Trek Concordance (1976) by Bjo Trimble [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Dog Days of Arthur Cane (1976) by T. Ernesto Bethancourt [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Dragon and the George (1976) by Gordon R. Dickson [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Dying Earth (1976) by Jack Vance [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Edgar Rice Burroughs Library of Illustration, Volume One (1976) by Russ Cochran [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Father Christmas Letters (1976) by J. R. R. Tolkien [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Who Was That Monolith I Saw You With? (1976) by Michael Goodwin [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Charles Fort: A Radical Corpuscle (1977) by Sam Moskowitz [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Planets of Wonder (1977) by Terry Carr [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Quest of the Dark Lady (1977) by Quinn Reade [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Renegade of Kregen (1977) by Alan Burt Akers [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Rogues in the House (1977) by Robert E. Howard [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Immortal of World's End (1977) by Lin Carter [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Jewel in the Skull (1977) by Michael Moorcock [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Last Celt: A Bio-Bibliography of Robert Ervin Howard (1977) by Glenn Lord [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Sowers of the Thunder (1977) by Robert E. Howard [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Tides of Kregen (1977) by Alan Burt Akers [only as by Frederick Patten]
To Serve Man: A Cookbook for People (1977)
Karl Würf?Karl Wuerf[only as by Frederick Patten]
- O Master Caliban! (1977) by Phyllis Gotlieb [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Blal (1977) by A. E. van Vogt [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Blue Stone (1977) by Richard Kennedy [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Dreamfields (1977) by K. W. Jeter [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Gryb (1977) by A. E. van Vogt [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Then Beggars Could Ride (1977) by R. F. Nelson [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Jagger, the Dog from Elsewhere (1977) by Alexander Key [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Seas of Ernathe (1977) by Jeffrey Carver [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Tau Zero (1977) by Poul Anderson [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Attempted Assassination of John F. Kennedy: A Political Fantasy (1977) by Lucas Webb [only as by Frederick Patten]
The Napoleans of Eridanus (1977)
Pierre Barbet
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Napoleons of Eridanus (1977) [as by Frederick Patten]
- War of the Wing-Men (1977) by Poul Anderson [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Baleful Beasts and Eerie Creatures (1977) by Andre Norton [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Beyond Midnight (1977) by Kirby McCauley [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Ghosts and Ghastlies (1977) by Helen Hoke [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Dracula Book of Great Vampire Stories (1977) by Leslie Shepard [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Fox Woman and The Blue Pagoda & The Black Wheel (1977) by Hannes Bok and A. Merritt [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Man Who Wrote Dracula: A Biography of Bram Stoker (1977) by Daniel Farson [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Shining (1977) by Stephen King [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Weird Tales (1977) by Peter Haining [only as by Frederick Patten]
- A Preliminary Checklist of Science Fiction and Fantasy Published by Ballantine Books (1953-1974) (1977) by Dick Spelman [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Granfa' Grig Had a Pig (1977) by Wallace Tripp [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Science Fiction and Fantasy Published by Ace Books (1953-1968) (1977) by Dick Spelman [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Book of Skaith (1977) by Leigh Brackett [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Ginger Star (1977) by Leigh Brackett [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Hounds of Skaith (1977) by Leigh Brackett [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Missing Persons League (1977) by Frank Bonham [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Reavers of Skaith (1977) by Leigh Brackett [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Skeleton Closet of Jules De Grandin (1977) by Seabury Quinn [only as by Frederick Patten]
- W. W. Denslow (1977) by Douglas G. Greene and Michael Patrick Hearn [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Bunduki (1977) by J. T. Edson [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Venom of Argus (1977) by Richard Avery [only as by Frederick Patten]
- An Album of Great Science Fiction Films (1977) by Frank Manchel [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Science-Fiction and Horror Movie Posters in Full Color (1977) by Alan Adler [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger (1977) by John Ryder Hall [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Star Trek Reader (1977) by James Blish [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Star Trek Reader II (1977) by James Blish [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Alice (1978) by Kirill Bulychev [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Fuzzy Papers (1978) by H. Beam Piper [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Another Fine Myth (1978) by Robert Asprin [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Charmed Life (1978) by Diana Wynne Jones [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Jack-in-the-Box Planet (1978) by Robert Hoskins [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Empty World (1978) by John Christopher
- Science Fiction Handbook for Readers and Writers (1979) by George S. Elrick [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Face in the Frost (1979) by John Bellairs [only as by Frederick Patten]
- A Research Guide to Science Fiction Studies (1979) by Marshall B. Tymn and Roger C. Schlobin and L. W. Currey [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Watch House (1979) by Robert Westall [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Wolfen (1979) by Whitley Strieber [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Lost Worlds, Unknown Horizons: Nine Stories of Science Fiction (1979) by Robert Silverberg [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Crossroads of Time (1979) by Andre Norton [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Quillian Sector (1979) by E. C. Tubb [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Ivan Efremov's Theory of Soviet Science Fiction (1979) by G. V. Grebens
- Tales from Gavagan's Bar (1979) by L. Sprague de Camp and Fletcher Pratt [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Subsidy (1979) by James Galen [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Mechanismo (1979) by Harry Harrison [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Gods' Temptress (1979) by Irving A. Greenfield [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Drowned Ammet (1979) by Diana Wynne Jones [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Planet Patrol (1979) by Sonya Dorman [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Great Fetish (1979) by L. Sprague de Camp [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Volcano Ogre (1979) by Lin Carter [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Fantastic Imagination II (1979) by Robert H. Boyer and Kenneth J. Zahorski [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Lest Darkness Fall (1979) by L. Sprague de Camp [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Jewel in the Skull (1979) by Michael Moorcock [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Official Battlestar Galactica Scrapbook (1979) by James Neyland [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Gentle Dragon (1980) by Joseph K. Coates [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Galactic Warlord (1981) by Douglas Hill [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Haunted (1981) by Judith St. George [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Homeworld (1981) by Harry Harrison [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Mirror Friend, Mirror Foe (1981) by George Takei and Robert Asprin [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Forbidden Fountain of Oz (1981) by Eloise Jarvis McGraw and Lauren Lynn McGraw [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Human Zero: The Science Fiction Stories of Erle Stanley Gardner (1981) by Erle Stanley Gardner [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Mudhead (1981) by Josephine Rector Stone [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Otherborn (1981) by Joan Gould [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Shadows on the Wall (1981) by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor [only as by Frederick Patten]
- The Magicians of Caprona (1981) by Diana Wynne Jones [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Unbuilding (1981) by David Macaulay [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Giftwish (1981) by Graham Dunstan Martin [only as by Frederick Patten]
- This Time of Darkness (1981) by H. M. Hoover [only as by Frederick Patten]
- Spacebread (1982) by Steve Senn
- The Worms of Kukumlima (1982) by Daniel Pinkwater
- Who Censored Roger Rabbit? (1982) by Gary K. Wolf
- Howling Mad (1990) by Peter David
- Cat House (1990) by Michael Peak
- Catfantastic: Nine Lives and Fifteen Tales (1990) by Andre Norton and Martin H. Greenberg
- Franky Furbo (1990) by William Wharton
- The Coachman Rat (1990) by David Henry Wilson
- Carmen Dog (1990) by Carol Emshwiller
- Mattimeo (1990) by Brian Jacques
- Mossflower (1990) by Brian Jacques
- Redwall (1990) by Brian Jacques
- Cathouse (1990) by Dean Ing
- Ratha and Thistle-chaser (1990) by Clare Bell
- Shaman (1990) by Sandra Miesel
- Skywater (1990) by Melinda Worth Popham
- The Cold Moons (1990) by Aeron Clement
- Rememory (1990) by John Betancourt
- Midnight's Sun: A Story of Wolves (1991) by Garry Kilworth
- The Foxes of Firstdark (1991) by Garry Kilworth
- Buffalo Gals and Other Animal Presences (1991) by Ursula K. Le Guin
- Catfantastic II (1991) by Andre Norton and Martin H. Greenberg
- The Abandoned (1991) by Paul Gallico
- Zone Yellow (1991) by Keith Laumer
- Rats and Gargoyles (1991) by Mary Gentle
- Who P-P-P-Plugged Roger Rabbit? (1991) by Gary K. Wolf
- K-9 Corps (1992) by Kenneth Von Gunden
- K-9 Corps: Under Fire (1992) by Kenneth Von Gunden
- The Enchanted Cat (1992) by John Richard Stephens
- Cats in Space, and Other Places (1992) by Bill Fawcett
- Horse Fantastic (1992) by Martin H. Greenberg and Rosalind M. Greenberg
- The Ancient Solitary Reign (1993) by Martin Hocke
- Catamount (1993) by Michael Peak
- The Children's Hour (1993) by Jerry Pournelle and S. M. Stirling
- K-9 Corps: Cry Wolf (1993) by Kenneth Von Gunden
- Mariel of Redwall (1993) by Brian Jacques
- K-9 Corps: The Last Resort (1993) by Kenneth Von Gunden
- The Nine Lives of Catseye Gomez (1993) by Simon Hawke
- Forests of the Night (1993) by S. Andrew Swann
- Son of Spellsinger (1993) by Alan Dean Foster
- Dinotopia: A Land Apart From Time (1993) by James Gurney
- Magicats II (1994) by Jack Dann and Gardner Dozois
- Turning Point (1994) by Lisanne Norman
- The Weigher (1994) by Eric Vinicoff and Marcia Martin
- Animal Brigade 3000 (1994) by Martin Harry Greenberg and Charles Waugh
- Fur Magic (1994) by Andre Norton
- Adventures of the Rat Family: A Fairy Tale (1994) by Jules Verne
- Majyk By Accident (1994) by Esther Friesner
- Majyk by Hook or Crook (1994) by Esther Friesner
- A Night in the Lonesome October (1994) by Roger Zelazny
- Emperors of the Twilight (1994) by S. Andrew Swann
- Samurai Cat Goes to the Movies (1994) by Mark E. Rogers
- Specters of the Dawn (1994) by S. Andrew Swann
- Chorus Skating (1995) by Alan Dean Foster
- Dun Lady's Jess (1995) by Doranna Durgin
- Forest Wars (1995) by Graham Diamond
- Lovelock (1995) by Orson Scott Card and Kathryn H. Kidd
- Ratha's Challenge (1995) by Clare Bell
- Mus of Kerbridge (1995) by Paul Kidd
- A Hundred Doors (1995) by Tom La Farge
- The Crimson Bears (1995) by Tom La Farge
- The Second Wave (1995) by Michael Tod
- The Silver Tide (1995) by Michael Tod
- Fortune's Wheel (1995) by Lisanne Norman
- Animal Planet (1996) by Scott Bradfield
- Outcast of Redwall (1996) by Brian Jacques
- Dinotopia: Hatchling (1996) by Midori Snyder
- Dinotopia: Lost City (1996) by Scott Ciencin
- Dinotopia: River Quest (1996) by John Vornholt
- Dinotopia: The World Beneath (1996) by James Gurney
- Dinotopia: Windchaser (1996) by Scott Ciencin
- Toad Triumphant (1996) by William Horwood
- House of Tribes (1996) by Garry Kilworth
- Summerhill Hounds (1996) by J. Robert King
- Dinotopia: Sabertooth Mountain (1996) by John Vornholt
- Mink! (1996) by Peter Chippindale
- Ramar: The Rabbit With Rainbow Wings (1996) by Darrell T. Hare
- Thomas (1996) by Robin Jarvis
- Animorphs: The Encounter (1996) by K. A. Applegate
- Animorphs: The Invasion (1996) by K. A. Applegate
- Animorphs: The Message (1996) by K. A. Applegate
- Animorphs: The Predator (1996) by K. A. Applegate
- Animorphs: The Visitor (1996) by K. A. Applegate
- Catfantastic IV (1996) by Andre Norton and Martin H. Greenberg
- Cowkind (1996) by Ray Petersen
- The Pearls of Lutra: A Tale of Redwall (1996) by Brian Jacques
- Anarchist Farm (1997) by Jane Doe
- Fire Margins (1997) by Lisanne Norman
- The Bear Went Over the Mountain (1997) by William Kotzwinkle
- Top Dog (1997) by Jerry Jay Carroll
- Cat On the Edge (1997) by Shirley Rousseau Murphy
- Cat Under Fire (1997) by Shirley Rousseau Murphy
- Nine Lives to Murder (1997) by Marian Babson
- Sanctuary: A Tale of Life in the Woods (1997) by Paul Monette
- Tales from Watership Down (1997) by Richard Adams
- Changespell (1997) by Doranna Durgin
- Lives of the Monster Dogs (1997) by Kirsten Bakis
- Empire of the Ants (1997) by Bernard Werber
- Pig Tails: A Novel of Lust and Transformation (1997) by Marie Darrieussecq
- The Autobiography of Foudini M. Cat (1997) by Susan Fromberg Schaeffer
- The Bear Comes Home (1997) by Rafi Zabor
- The Collector Collector (1997) by Tibor Fischer
- The Long Patrol: A Tale of Redwall (1997) by Brian Jacques
- Razor's Edge (1998) by Lisanne Norman
- Run to the Wild Wood (1998) by Tom McCaughren
- The Wolves of Time: II, Seekers at the WulfRock (1998) by William Horwood
- Great Apes (1998) by Will Self
- The Book of Night With Moon (1998) by Diane Duane
- The Wild Road (1998) by Gabriel King
- Hoka! Hoka! Hoka! (1998) by Poul Anderson and Gordon R. Dickson
- Lucasfilm's Alien Chronicles: Book 1, The Golden One (1998) by Deborah Chester
- Lucasfilm's Alien Chronicles: Book 2, The Crimson Claw (1998) by Deborah Chester
- Reading the Rabbit: Explorations in Warner Bros. Animation (1998) by Kevin S. Sandler
- The Blood Jaguar (1998) by Michael H. Payne
- The Complete Fuzzy (1998) by H. Beam Piper
- The Power of the Bear: Paintings by Susan Seddon Boulet (1998) by Susan Seddon Boulet and Michael Babcock
- Black on Black (1999) by K. D. Wentworth
- Dark Nadir (1999) by Lisanne Norman
- Godhanger (1999) by Dick King-Smith
- Cat in an Indigo Mood: A Midnight Louie Mystery (2000) by Carole Nelson Douglas
- Midnight Louie's Pet Detectives (2000) by Carole Nelson Douglas
- Worlds of Honor (2000) by David Weber
- On Her Majesty's Wizardly Service (2000) by Diane Duane
- The Ancient Enemy: The First Book of Arna (2000) by Christopher Rowley
- The Golden Cat (2000) by Gabriel King
- A Whisper of Wings (2000) by Paul Kidd
- Fangs of K'aath (2000) by Paul Kidd
- Animist (2001) by Eve Forward
- Anonymous Rex: A Detective Story (2001) by Eric Garcia
- Chimera (2001) by Will Shetterly
- Guardians of the Three. Volume II, Keeper of the City (2001) by Peter Morwood and Diane Duane
- Alysha's Fall (2002) by M. C. A. Hogarth
- Breaking the Ice: Stories from New Tibet (2002) by Tim Susman
- Dark Inheritance (2002) by W. Michael Gear and Kathleen O'Neal Gear
- Kingdoms of Light (2002) by Alan Dean Foster
- Lady: My Life As a Bitch (2002) by Melvin Burgess
- Scars: An Ironclaw Novel (2002) by Ted MacKinnon
- The Sands of Time: A Hermux Tantamoq Adventure (2002) by Michael Hoeye
- Earth Light (2002) by Tracy Pierce
- Pongo and Jeeves (2002) by R. N. Varhaug
- Teeth of the Storm (2002) by Rick Wilkinson
- The Ancient Secret (2002) by Rick Wilkinson
- The Ferret Chronicles: Air Ferrets Aloft (2003) by Richard Bach
- The Ferret Chronicles: Rancher Ferrets on the Range (2003) by Richard Bach
- The Ferret Chronicles: Rescue Ferrets at Sea (2003) by Richard Bach
- The Ferret Chronicles: Writer Ferrets Chasing the Muse (2003) by Richard Bach
- You're an Animal, Viskovitz! (2003) by Alessandro Boffa
- Zuntig (2003) by Tom La Farge
- Blue Road to Atlantis (2003) by Jay Nussbaum
- Dr. Franklin's Island (2003) by Ann Halam
- Firewing (2003) by Kenneth Oppel
- The Linnet's Tale (2003) by Dale C. Willard
- Fey (2003) by Paul Kidd
- Snowball's Chance (2003) by John Reed
- The Sight (2003) by David Clement-Davies
- Best in Show: Fifteen Years of Outstanding Furry Fiction (2003) by Fred Patten
- Sims (2003) by F. Paul Wilson
- The Iron Star (2003) by Brock Hoagland
- Lionboy (2005) by Zizou Corder
- The Tale of the Swamp Rat (2005) by Carter Crocker
- Cat Cross Their Graves (2006) by Shirley Rousseau Murphy
- Fey! (2006) by Paul Kidd
- Rakkety Tam (2006) by Brian Jacques
- Waiting for Gertrude (2006) by Bill Richardson
- Fleabee's Fortune (2006) by Robin Jarvis
- Haydn of Mars (2006) by Al Sarrantonio
- Sebastian of Mars (2006) by Al Sarrantonio
- Shakespeare's Cat (2006) by Malcolm Willits
- Seven for a Secret (2006) by Clive Woodall
- The Finest Choice (2006) by Jean Rabe
- The Finest Creation (2006) by Jean Rabe
- The Little Gentleman (2006) by Philippa Pearce
- Why Coyotes Howl (2006) by Watts Martin
- Black Iron (2006) by Ted MacKinnon
- Magic Tails (2006) by Janet Pack
- Oh, The Humanity (2006) by Bill Holbrook
- The Pig Scrolls by Gryllus the Pig (2006) by Paul Shipton
- Transformations (2006) by Bernard Doove
- Twisted Cat Tales (2006) by Esther Schrader
- Kitty and The Midnight Hour (2008) by Carrie Vaughn
- Kitty and the Silver Bullet (2008) by Carrie Vaughn
- Kitty Goes to Washington (2008) by Carrie Vaughn
- Kitty Takes a Holiday (2008) by Carrie Vaughn
- Shapeshifter: Dowsing the Dead (2008) by Ali Sparkes
- Shapeshifter: Finding the Fox (2008) by Ali Sparkes
- Shapeshifter: Going to Ground (2008) by Ali Sparkes
- Shapeshifter: Running the Risk (2008) by Ali Sparkes
- Shapeshifter: Stirring the Storm (2008) by Ali Sparkes
- Archival: Most Secret (2008) by Rob S. Rice
- Animal Farm (2008) by George Orwell
- Cat Breaking Free (2008) by Shirley Rousseau Murphy
- Common and Precious (2008) by Tim Susman
- Creatura (2008) by Paul Lucas
- Curious Lives (2008) by Richard Bach
- Dragon Avenger (2008) by E. E. Knight
- Dragon Champion (2008) by E. E. Knight
- Fangs of K'aath II (2008) by Paul Kidd
- Felicia and the Wrath of the Elder Glops (2008) by Chas. P. A. Melville
- Firmin: Adventures of a Metropolitan Lowlife (2008) by Sam Savage
- Hot Animal Love (2008) by Scott Bradfield
- Masters of Mars (2008) by Al Sarrantonio
- Milk Treading (2008) by Nick Smith
- Mus of Kerbridge (2008) by Paul Kidd
- New Coyote (2008) by Michael Bergey
- Pendant of Fortune (2008) by Kyell Gold
- Queen of Mars (2008) by Al Sarrantonio
- Song of the Crow (2008) by Layne Maheu
- Tails of the City (2008) by R. S. Pylman
- Tales of the Fur Side (2008) by Vixyy Fox
- The Challenge of the Rose (2008) by Fara Shimbo
- The Crow Chronicles (2008) by Clem Martini
- The Finest Challenge (2008) by Jean Rabe
- The Kitty Litter Cult (2008) by Nick Smith
- The MainFrame series (2008) by Simba Wiltz
- The Mistmantle Chronicles (2008) by M. I. McAllister
- The Outlaw Varjak Paw (2008) by S. F. Said
- The Prisoner's Release and Other Stories (2008) by Kyell Gold
- The Taken Trilogy (2008) by Alan Dean Foster
- The Warriors: The New Prophecy series (2008) by Erin Hunter
- Timothy; or, Notes of an Abject Reptile (2008) by Verlyn Klinkenborg
- Varjak Paw (2008) by S. F. Said
- Volle (2008) by Kyell Gold
- Windrusher (2008) by Victor DiGenti
- Windrusher and the Cave of Tho-Hoth (2008) by Victor DiGenti
- Dragon's Breath (2008) by E. D. Baker
- No Place for Magic (2008) by E. D. Baker
- Once Upon a Curse (2008) by E. D. Baker
- Tales of the Frog Princess (2008) by E. D. Baker
- The Frog Princess (2008) by E. D. Baker
- The Salamander Spell (2008) by E. D. Baker
- A Marriage of Insects: A novel of the World Tree (2010) by Bard Bloom
- A Taste for Rabbit (2010) by Linda Zuckerman
- Black Dogs - Part 1,The House of Diamond (2010) by Ursula Vernon
- Cat Deck the Halls (2010) by Shirley Rousseau Murphy
- Cat Pay the Devil (2010) by Shirley Rousseau Murphy
- Coyote Season (2010) by Michael Bergey
- Darkwing (2010) by Kenneth Oppel
- Dinotopia: Voyage to Chandara (2010) by James Gurney
- Dream-Carver: An Ironclaw Novel (2010) by Erin van Hiel
- Felicia and the Cult of the Rubber Nose (2010) by Chas. P. A. Melville
- Fell (2010) by David Clement-Davies
- Firestar's Quest (2010) by Erin Hunter
- Joined in Mind and Body (2010) by Kenneth Fox
- Jonathan Livingston Seagull (2010) by Richard Bach
- Kockroach (2010) by Tyler Knox
- Life's Dream: The Journal of Pandora and Karl (2010) by Bernard Doove
- New Technicolor Dreams (2010) by Will A. Sanborn
- Nightworld (2010) by Brian Carter
- Northern Lights/The Golden Compass (2010) by Philip Pullman
- Petal Storm (2010) by Paul Kidd
- ROAR, Vol. 1 (2010) by Ben Goodridge
- Sirius (2010) by Olaf Stapledon
- Swordbird (2010) by Nancy Yi Fan
- Tailchaser's Song (2010) by Tad Williams
- The Aphorisms of Kherishdar (2010) by M. C. A. Hogarth
- The Cat Master (2010) by Bonnie Pemberton
- The Heir of Mistmantle (2010) by M. I. McAllister
- The Hero (2010) by Teiran
- The Pig Who Saved the World, by Gryllus the Pig (2010) by Paul Shipton
- Three Bags Full: A Sheep Detective Story (2010) by Leonie Swann
- Time to Smell the Roses: A Hermux Tantamoq Adventure (2010) by Michael Hoeye
- Transmutation NOW! (2010) by Phil Geusz
- Travels of Thelonius: The Fog Mound, Book 1 (2010) by Susan Schade and Jon Buller
- Watership Down (2010) by Richard Adams
- Waterways (2010) by Kyell Gold
- We the Underpeople (2010) by Cordwainer Smith
- White Crusade (2010) by Ben Goodridge
- Whortle's Hope (2010) by Robin Jarvis
- Raven's End: A Tale from the Canadian Rockies (2016) by Ben Gadd
- A Coyote's In the House (2016) by Elmore Leonard
- Fred Patten: Anime Man (2002) by Simon Drax