- Author: Baird Searles Author Record # 8386
- Legal Name: Searles, William Baird
- Birthplace: Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
- Birthdate: 30 April 1934
- Deathdate: 22 March 1993
- Language: English
- Webpages: SFE, Wikipedia-EN
- Author Tags: A-to-Z of writers (2), Book with list (2), The 5-Parsec Shelf (1), The Seven-League Shelf (1), halflings (1), hobbits (1), little people (1), fantasy (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Magazine Editor Series
- The Science Fiction Review Monthly
- The Science Fiction Review Monthly - 1975 (1975) with Martin Last and Don Yee
- The Science Fiction Review Monthly - 1975 (1975) with Martin Last
- The Science Fiction Review Monthly - 1976 (1976) with Martin Last
Halflings, Hobbits, Warrows & Weefolk: A Collection of Tales of Heroes Short in Stature (1991)
Brian M. Thomsen
only appeared as:
- Variant: Halflings, Hobbits, Warrows & Weefolk: A Collection of Tales of Heroes Short in Stature (1991) [as by Baird Searles and Brian Thomsen]
- Translation: Il piccolo popolo. Storie di nani e hobbit [Italian] (1993) [as by Baird Searles and Brian Thomsen]
- Cliffs Notes on Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land (1975)
- The Science Fiction Quiz Book (1976) with Martin Last
- A Reader's Guide to Science Fiction (1979) with Michael Franklin and Martin Last and Beth Meacham
- A Reader's Guide to Fantasy (1982) with Michael Franklin and Beth Meacham
- Films of Science Fiction and Fantasy (1988)
- The Wilis (1968)
- Another Fungus from Yuggoth (1982)
- Books (F&SF)
- Books (F&SF, October 1971) (1971)
- Films (Amazing Stories)
- Film Reviews (Amazing Stories, November 1984) (1984)
- Screen Reviews (Amazing Stories, January 1985) (1985)
- Screen Reviews (Amazing Stories, March 1985) (1985)
- Screen Reviews (Amazing Stories, May 1985) (1985)
- Screen Reviews (Amazing Stories, July 1985) (1985)
- Screen Reviews (Amazing Stories, September 1985) (1985)
- Screen Reviews (Amazing Stories, November 1985) (1985)
- Screen Reviews (Amazing Stories, January 1986) (1986)
- Screen Reviews (Amazing Stories, March 1986) (1986)
- Screen Reviews (Amazing Stories, May 1986) (1986)
- Screen Reviews (Amazing Stories, July 1986) (1986)
- Cinemasaurus Rex (1986)
- Films (F&SF)
- Films: Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970)
- Films (F&SF, November 1970) (1970)
- Films (F&SF, December 1970) (1970)
- Films (F&SF, January 1971) (1971)
- Films (F&SF, February 1971) (1971)
- Films (F&SF, March 1971) (1971)
- Films (F&SF, May 1971) (1971)
- Films (F&SF, June 1971) (1971)
- Films (F&SF, July 1971) (1971)
- Films (F&SF, September 1971) (1971)
- Films (F&SF, November 1971) (1971)
- Films (F&SF, December 1971) (1971)
- Films (F&SF, January 1972) (1972)
- Films (F&SF, February 1972) (1972)
- Films: Mixed Medea (1972)
- Films: Kubrick's Earth Odyssey (1972)
- Films: The People on the Tube (1972)
- Films: "They're coming to get you Barbara." (1972)
- Films: Z.P.G.-P.U. (1972)
- Films: Candy Coated Robots (1972)
- Films: Sex and the S-F Film (1972)
- Films (F&SF, October 1972) (1972)
- Films (F&SF, November 1972) (1972)
- Films: The Minority Vampire (1972)
- Films: UFOs, Werewolves and Other Familiarities (1973)
- Films: Horrors! (1973)
- Films: Return to Cobra Island (1973)
- Films: Transcendence on the Tube (1973)
- Films: Strange Bedfellows (1973)
- Films: The Very Good Dr. Phibes (1973)
- Films: Dr. Frankenstein, Mr. Hyde, Ms. Satan et al (1973)
- Films: Green Grows the Soylent (1973)
- Films: Blood Up to Here (1973)
- Films: Revivals, Repeats and Reflections (1973)
- Films: Some Garlic for Jonathan (1973)
- Films: See the Giant Clams Eat the Friendly Natives (1973)
- Films: Jesus With Jets (1974)
- Films: Damn You, Harlan Ellison (1974)
- Films: Where the Deer and the Androids Play (1974)
- Films: Frankenstein Redux (1974)
- Films: Zardoz (1974)
- Films: Miscellany (1974)
- Films: Mickey Who? (1974)
- Films: Sinbad, Shamans, and a Strangler (1974)
- Films: Earthtrek (1974)
- Films: Frankenstein Re-Redux (1974)
- Films: Flesh Gordon (1974)
- Films: Picnic World (1974)
- Films: The First Picture Show or What's up, Paper Planet (1975)
- Films: Rosemary's Cuckoo (1975)
- Films: A Funky, Faustian, Filmorian Fantom (1975)
- Films: Mangled Moorcock (1975)
- Films: Frankenstein Re-Re-Redux (1975)
- Films: Dracula Redux (1975)
- Films: Simulacra Suburbia (1975)
- Films: Electra and the Beast, or Incest Like Charity Begins at Home (1975)
- Films (F&SF, September 1975) (1975)
- Films: The Ultimate Quest (1975)
- Films: Rollerbore (1975)
- Films: Genesis 3˝ + ˝ (1975)
- Films: An Edgar Rice Pudding (1976)
- Films: Space: 1949 (1976)
- Films: Space 1949 (Cont.) (1976)
- Films: Midwinter Mishmosh (1976)
- Films: Mismosh Redux (1976)
- Films: Peripheralia (1976)
- Films: The Greenwood at Sunset (1976)
- Films: Things to Come (1976)
- Films: Blood Doesn't Go "Arf!" (1976)
- Films: Watch out for Falling Men (And Bluebirds) (1976)
- Films: See Logan Run (1976)
- Films: Space 1939 (1976)
- Films: Futureworld Imperfect and an Edgar Rice Burrough (1977)
- Films: Fillet of Solaris (1977)
- Films: A Glass Galosh (1977)
- Films: Beauty & Beast Redux (1977)
- Films: King Kong and Arthur, et al. (1977)
- Films: Jolly Juvenalia on the Little Screen (1977)
- Films: .2001 (1977)
- Films: Hal Colossus von Frankenstein (1977)
- Films: Wizards, Garbage et al. (1977)
- Films: Star Wars (1977)
- Films: Star Wars II (1977)
- Films: Carry Me Back to the House of Pain. (1977)
- Films: Sinbad, Stay Home! (1978)
- Films and Television: See Logan Run & Run & Run & Run & Run & Run ... (1978)
- Films and Television: The Road to Albany (1978)
- Films and Television: "Baggins! We Hates it, We Hates it!" (1978)
- Films: Just Another Pretty UFO (1978)
- Films: The Big Time (1978)
- Films: Ad Infinitum, Ad Nauseum, Etc. (1978)
- Films and Television: Losses (1978)
- Films: Fury Most Foul (1978)
- Films: Fantasia (1978)
- Films and Television: An Oddity by Homer (1978)
- Films and Television: Whimsy One (1978)
- Films and Television: Whimsy Two (1979)
- Films and Television: Doctor Who's on First (1979)
- Films and Television: Rattletrap Galactica (1979)
- Films: Tolkien Betrayed and Thumper Redux (1979)
- Films: Od's Podkins! (1979)
- Films: The Ice Cap Cometh (1979)
- Films: Little Screen Blues (1979)
- Films: The Lion, the Witch, and Buck Rogers (1979)
- Films: In Short, Superman (1979)
- Films: Egg Foo Alien (1979)
- Films: Creatures Walk Among Us (1979)
- Films: Vamp 'Til Ready (1979)
- Films: Blights of Angels (1980)
- Films: Time After Time After Time After Time After ... (1980)
- Films: An Englishman's Castle (1980)
- Films: The Lathe of Heaven (1980)
- Films: A Slack, Hack Black Hole (1980)
- Films: Too Late and Lathe Too (1980)
- Films: The Chronic Marginal (1980)
- Films: Return of the What? (1980)
- Films: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
- Films: Tations — Incan & Recan (1980)
- Films: Shine on ... and on ... and on (1980)
- Films: Of Watches and Cages (1980)
- Films: Xanadon't or Terpischore on Roller Skates (1981)
- Films: Strike Striken (1981)
- Films: A Whole New Ball Game (1981)
- Films: A Non-Review of a Non-Event (1981)
- Films: Corned Beef Flash (1981)
- Films: Dr. J. & Mr. H. X 3 (1981)
- Films and Television: Mundane Munsters and Multicolored Munchkins (1981)
- Films: The Buck Flops Here (1981)
- Films: Comexalibur (1981)
- Films: Another Empire Heard From (1981)
- Films: Io Noon or Not Outlandish Enough (1981)
- Films: Trash of the Titans (1981)
- Films: Lead Balloon (1982)
- Films: The Crowbar in the Concrete (1982)
- Films: Bungled Bandits and a Faithful Frankenstein (1982)
- Films: Twilight to Dark (1982)
- Films: Hoary Story (1982)
- Films: Electric Granny, Eclectic Alice (1982)
- Films: Flick Need Bic (1982)
- Films: A Phoenix Too Frequent (1982)
- Films: Car Bash Down Under (1982)
- Films: Hyperboring (1982)
- Films: Khan-Founded (1982)
- Films: Kevin in Computerland (1982)
- Films: E.T., Go Home (1983)
- Films: Dragooned Dragon (1983)
- Films: Tube or Not Tube (1983)
- Films: Tube Two (1983)
- Films: The Dark Crystal (1983)
- Films: The Other Ring (1983)
- Films: Mess Media (1983)
- Films and Television: More (And Less) Mess Media (1983)
- Films: Visiting Wrongs (1983)
- Films: Jaded Jedi (1983)
- Films: 2D 3D (1983)
- Films: In the Gloaming (1983)
- Films: Krulltured Pearl (1984)
- Films: Fit For Man Nor Beast (1984)
- Films: Echolaliac Ectoplasm (1984)
- Films: Some Months After (1984)
- Films: Unadsorbed Shocks (1984)
- Films: Droidful (1984)
- Films: Grimm Fun (1984)
- Letters: Isaac Asimov
- Letters (Asimov's, September 1984) (1984) with Isaac Asimov and Shawna McCarthy
- Locus Looks at Books
Locus Looks at Books (Locus #150) (1973)
David G. Hartwell
only appeared as:
- Variant: Locus Looks At Books (Locus #150) (1973) [as by Dave Hartwell and Baird Searles]
Locus Looks at Books (Locus #154) (1974)
Anthony R. Lewis
Richard A. Lupoff
only appeared as:
- Variant: Locus Looks At Books (Locus #154) (1974) [as by Tony Lewis and Dick Lupoff and Baird Searles]
Locus Looks at Books (Locus #150) (1973)
David G. Hartwell
only appeared as:
- On Books
- On Books (Asimov's, May 1979) (1979)
- On Books (Asimov's, June 1979) (1979)
- On Books (Asimov's, July 1979) (1979)
- On Books (Asimov's, August 1979) (1979)
- On Books (Asimov's, September 1979) (1979)
- On Books (Asimov's, October 1979) (1979)
- On Books (Asimov's, November 1979) (1979)
- On Books (Asimov's, December 1979) (1979)
- On Books (Asimov's, January 1980) (1980)
- On Books (Asimov's, February 1980) (1980)
- On Books (Asimov's, March 1980) (1980)
- On Books (Asimov's, April 1980) (1980)
- On Books (Asimov's, June 1980) (1980)
- On Books (Asimov's, July 1980) (1980)
- On Books (Asimov's, August 1980) (1980)
- On Books (Asimov's, September 1980) (1980)
- On Books (Asimov's, October 1980) (1980)
- On Books (Asimov's, November 1980) (1980)
- On Books (Asimov's, December 1980) (1980)
- On Books (Asimov's, January 19, 1981) (1981)
- On Books (Asimov's, February 16, 1981) (1981)
- On Books (Asimov's, March 16, 1981) (1981)
- On Books (Asimov's, April 13, 1981) (1981)
- On Books (Asimov's, June 8, 1981) (1981)
- On Books (Asimov's, July 6, 1981) (1981)
- On Books (Asimov's, August 3, 1981) (1981)
- On Books (Asimov's, August 31, 1981) (1981)
- On Books (Asimov's, September 28, 1981) (1981)
- On Books (Asimov's, October 26, 1981) (1981)
- On Books (Asimov's, November 23, 1981) (1981)
- On Books (Asimov's, December 21, 1981) (1981)
- On Books (Asimov's, January 18, 1982) (1982)
- On Books (Asimov's, February 15, 1982) (1982)
- On Books (Asimov's, March 15, 1982) (1982)
- On Books (Asimov's, April 14, 1982) (1982)
- On Books (Asimov's, May 1982) (1982)
- On Books (Asimov's, July 1982) (1982)
- On Books (Asimov's, August 1982) (1982)
- On Books (Asimov's, September 1982) (1982)
- On Books (Asimov's, October 1982) (1982)
- On Books (Asimov's, November 1982) (1982)
- On Books (Asimov's, December 1982) (1982)
- On Books (Asimov's, Mid-December 1982) (1982)
- On Books (Asimov's, January 1983) (1983)
- On Books (Asimov's, February 1983) (1983)
- On Books (Asimov's, March 1983) (1983)
- On Books (Asimov's, April 1983) (1983)
- On Books (Asimov's, May 1983) (1983)
- On Books (Asimov's, June 1983) (1983)
- On Books (Asimov's, August 1983) (1983)
- On Books (Asimov's, September 1983) (1983)
- On Books (Asimov's, October 1983) (1983)
- On Books (Asimov's, November 1983) (1983)
- On Books (Asimov's, December 1983) (1983)
- On Books (Asimov's, Mid-December 1983) (1983)
- On Books (Asimov's, January 1984) (1984)
- On Books (Asimov's, February 1984) (1984)
- On Books (Asimov's, March 1984) (1984)
- On Books (Asimov's, April 1984) (1984)
- On Books (Asimov's, May 1984) (1984)
- On Books (Asimov's, June 1984) (1984)
- On Books (Asimov's, July 1984) (1984)
- On Books (Asimov's, September 1984) (1984)
- On Books (Asimov's, October 1984) (1984)
- On Books (Asimov's, November 1984) (1984)
- On Books (Asimov's, Mid-December 1984) (1984)
- On Books (Asimov's, January 1985) (1985)
- On Books (Asimov's, February 1985) (1985)
- On Books (Asimov's, April 1985) (1985)
- On Books (Asimov's, May 1985) (1985)
- On Books (Asimov's, June 1985) (1985)
- On Books (Asimov's, August 1985) (1985)
- On Books (Asimov's, September 1985) (1985)
- On Books (Asimov's, October 1985) (1985)
- On Books (Asimov's, December 1985) (1985)
- On Books (Asimov's, Mid-December 1985) (1985)
- On Books (Asimov's, February 1986) (1986)
- On Books (Asimov's, March 1986) (1986)
- On Books (Asimov's, April 1986) (1986)
- On Books (Asimov's, June 1986) (1986)
- On Books (Asimov's, July 1986) (1986)
- On Books (Asimov's, August 1986) (1986)
- On Books (Asimov's, October 1986) (1986)
- On Books (Asimov's, November 1986) (1986)
- On Books (Asimov's, December 1986) (1986)
- On Books (Asimov's, January 1987) (1987)
- On Books (Asimov's, February 1987) (1987)
- On Books (Asimov's, March 1987) (1987)
- On Books (Asimov's, May 1987) (1987)
- On Books (Asimov's, June 1987) (1987)
- On Books (Asimov's, August 1987) (1987)
- On Books (Asimov's, September 1987) (1987)
- On Books (Asimov's, November 1987) (1987)
- On Books (Asimov's, Mid-December 1987) (1987)
- On Books (Asimov's, February 1988) (1988)
- On Books (Asimov's, April 1988) (1988)
- On Books (Asimov's, May 1988) (1988)
- On Books (Asimov's, July 1988) (1988)
- On Books (Asimov's, August 1988) (1988)
- On Books (Asimov's, October 1988) (1988)
- On Books (Asimov's, December 1988) (1988)
- On Books (Asimov's, January 1989) (1989)
- On Books (Asimov's, February 1989) (1989)
- On Books (Asimov's, April 1989) (1989)
- On Books (Asimov's, May 1989) (1989)
- On Books (Asimov's, June 1989) (1989)
- On Books (Asimov's, September 1989) (1989)
- On Books (Asimov's, October 1989) (1989)
- On Books (Asimov's, Mid-December 1989) (1989)
- On Books (Asimov's, January 1990) (1990)
- On Books (Asimov's, March 1990) (1990)
- On Books (Asimov's, July 1990) (1990)
- On Books (Asimov's, August 1990) (1990)
- On Books (Asimov's, September 1990) (1990)
- On Books (Asimov's, November 1990) (1990)
- On Books (Asimov's, December 1990) (1990)
- On Books (Asimov's, Mid-December 1990) (1990)
- On Books (Asimov's, March 1991) (1991)
- On Books (Asimov's, April 1991) (1991)
- On Books (Asimov's, May 1991) (1991)
- On Books (Asimov's, July 1991) (1991)
- On Books (Asimov's, August 1991) (1991)
- On Books (Asimov's, September 1991) (1991)
- On Books (Asimov's, October 1991) (1991)
- On Books (Asimov's, December 1991) (1991)
- On Books (Asimov's, January 1992) (1992)
- On Books (Asimov's, February 1992) (1992)
- On Books (Asimov's, March 1992) (1992)
- On Books (Asimov's, May 1992) (1992)
- On Books (Asimov's, June 1992) (1992)
- On Books (Asimov's, July 1992) (1992)
- On Books (Asimov's, September 1992) (1992)
- On Books (Asimov's, October 1992) (1992)
- On Books (Asimov's, December 1992) (1992)
- On Books (Asimov's, Mid-December 1992) (1992)
- On Books (Asimov's, January 1993) (1993)
- On Books (Asimov's, February 1993) (1993)
- On Books (Asimov's, March 1993) (1993)
- On Books (Asimov's, May 1993) (1993)
- On Books (Asimov's, June 1993) (1993)
- On Books (Asimov's, August 1993) (1993)
- On Books (Asimov's, October 1993) (1993)
- Introduction (The Well of the Unicorn) (1967)
- Letter to Psychotic, May 1968 (1968)
- Boo Kreviews (The Haunt of Horror, June 1973) (1973)
- On Opening a Science Fiction Shop (1974)
- Review of the J. R. R. Tolkien Calendar 1976 by the Brothers Hildebrandt (1975)
- Review of The Worlds of Fantasy Calendar 1976, ed. by David Larkin (1975)
- Review of "Star Trek Star Fleet Technical Manual" published by Ballantine (1975)
- About the Author (The Science Fiction Quiz Book) (1976) with Martin Last
- The Fantastic Ten (1977)
- Confessions of a Tolkien Fiend (1978)
- Letter (F&SF, February 1978) (1978)
- Letter: Baird Searles Replies (1978)
- Review of The Trigan Empire by Don Lawrence (1979)
- Films: Multiples (1980)
- Films and Television—1981 (1982)
- Films and TV: Lost Rewards (1982)
- Other Dimensions: War in Fantasyland (1982)
- Henry Kuttner and Startling Stories (and C. L. Moore) (1987)
- SF Conventional Calendar (Asimov's, October 1988) (1988)
Small Wonders (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Piccole meraviglie [Italian] (1993)
- Armed Camps (1971) by Kit Reed
- Gadget Man (1971) by Ron Goulart
- Ice (1971) by Anna Kavan
- The Star Treasure (1971) by Keith Laumer
- Dying Inside (1973) by Robert Silverberg
- The Book of Skulls (1973) by Robert Silverberg
- The Dreaming City (1973) by Michael Moorcock
- The Sleeping Sorceress (1973) by Michael Moorcock
- Hrolf Kraki's Saga (1973) by Poul Anderson
- Alpha Four (1974) by Robert Silverberg
- Breed to Come (1974) by Andre Norton
- Clarion III (1974) by Robin Scott Wilson
- Future Glitter (1974) by A. E. van Vogt
- Jupiter (1974) by Carol Pohl and Frederik Pohl
- More Things in Heaven (1974) by John Brunner
- The Flight of the Horse (1974) by Larry Niven
- The Orchid Cage (1974) by Herbert W. Franke
- The Quincunx of Time (1974) by James Blish
- The Wizard of Anharitte (1974) by Colin Kapp
- Time Jump (1974) by John Brunner
- A Midsummer Tempest (1975) by Poul Anderson
- Forerunner Foray (1975) by Andre Norton
- Lovecraft, a Biography (1975) by L. Sprague de Camp
- More Than Human (1975) by Theodore Sturgeon
- Starman Jones (1975) by Robert A. Heinlein
- The Gray Prince (1975) by Jack Vance
- Berserker's Planet (1975) by Fred Saberhagen
- Bloodstone (1975) by Karl Edward Wagner
- Moon of the Wolf (1975) by Leslie H. Whitten
- The Best of Henry Kuttner (1975) by Henry Kuttner
- The Book of Paradox (1975) by Louise Cooper
- The CTZ Paradigm (1975) by Yves Regis Francois
- The Ghost Stories of M. R. James (1975) by M. R. James
- Gather, Darkness! (1975) by Fritz Leiber
- Islandia (1975) by Austin Tappan Wright
- Myron (1975) by Gore Vidal
- The Computer Connection (1975) by Alfred Bester
- Visions of Tomorrow: Great Science Fiction from the Movies (1975) by Edward Edelson
- A Plague of Nightmares (The Dream Lords No. 1) (1975) by Adrian Cole
- Mervyn Peake: Writings and Drawings (1975) by Mervyn Peake
- The Deep (1975) by John Crowley
- The Parting of Arwen (1975) by Marion Zimmer Bradley
- Farmer in the Sky (1975) by Robert A. Heinlein
- The Annotated Dracula (1975) by Bram Stoker
- The Enchanted Planet (1975) by Pierre Barbet
- The Winds of Time (1975) by Chad Oliver
- Wandor's Journey (1975) by Roland Green
- Waterspout Up (1975) by Anne Etkin
- Dream Days (1975) by Kenneth Grahame
- The Blue Star (1975) by Fletcher Pratt
- The Golden Age (1975) by Kenneth Grahame
- The Heritage of Hastur (1975) by Marion Zimmer Bradley
- The Occult Lovecraft (1975) by H. P. Lovecraft and Anthony Raven
- The Star-Crowned Kings (1975) by Robert Chilson
- A Wizard of Earthsea (1975) by Ursula K. Le Guin
- Finn Family Moomintroll (1975) by Tove Jansson
- Marune: Alastor 933 (1975) by Jack Vance
- Science Fiction Calendar 1976 (1975) by Sam Moskowitz
- Things to Come (1975) by H. G. Wells
- More Than Human (1975) by Theodore Sturgeon
- Mutant (1975) by Henry Kuttner
- Odd John (1975) by Olaf Stapledon
- Slan (1975) by A. E. van Vogt
- The City Under Ground (1975) by Suzanne Martel
- The Fantastic Art of Frank Frazetta (1975) by Frank Frazetta
- The Hampdenshire Wonder (1975) by J. D. Beresford
- The Sword of Rhiannon (1975) by Leigh Brackett
- To the End of Time (1975) by Olaf Stapledon
- Alternate Worlds: The Illustrated History of Science Fiction (1975) by James Gunn
- Conjure Wife (1975) by Fritz Leiber
- Fantastic Science-Fiction Art, 1926-1954 (1975) by Lester del Rey
- One Hundred Years of Science Fiction Illustration: 1840-1940 (1975) by Anthony Frewin
- Star of Danger (1975) by Marion Zimmer Bradley
- The Bloody Sun (1975) by Marion Zimmer Bradley
- The Science Fiction Book (1975) by Franz Rottensteiner
- The Well of the Unicorn (1975) by Fletcher Pratt
- Bok I (1975) by Hannes Bok
- Finlay's Lost Drawings (1975) by Virgil Finlay
- House of Stairs (1975) by William Sleator
- The Book of Virgil Finlay (1975) by Virgil Finlay and Gerry de la Ree
- An Astrology Sketch Book (1976) by Virgil Finlay
- Not Without Sorcery (1976) by Theodore Sturgeon
- Out of the Storm (1976) by William Hope Hodgson
- Pillar of Fire and Other Plays (1976) by Ray Bradbury
- Red Nails (1976) by Robert E. Howard
- Science Fiction Art (1976) by Brian W. Aldiss
- Solution Three (1976) by Naomi Mitchison
- The Colour Out of Space (1976) by H. P. Lovecraft
- The Gray Prince (1976) by Jack Vance
- Horror Films (1976) by R. H. W. Dillard
- Lady of the Bees (1976) by Thomas Burnett Swann
- Lovecraft: A Biography (1976) by L. Sprague de Camp
- Science Fiction Films (1976) by Thomas R. Atkins
- The Deep (1976) by John Crowley
To Serve Man: A Cookbook for People (1976)
Karl Würf?Karl Wuerf
- Finlay's Illustrations for Weird Tales (1976) by Virgil Finlay
- Mindbridge (1976) by Joe Haldeman
- The Book of Virgil Finlay (1976) by Virgil Finlay and Gerry de la Ree
- The Dragon Masters (1976) by Jack Vance
- The Fantastic World of Gervasio Gallardo (1976) by Gervasio Gallardo
- The World Below (1976) by S. Fowler Wright
- Galactic Empires 1 (1979) by Brian Aldiss
- Galactic Empires 2 (1979) by Brian Aldiss
- I Will Fear No Evil (1979) by Robert A. Heinlein
- Land of Unreason (1979) by L. Sprague de Camp and Fletcher Pratt
- Lords of the Starship (1979) by Mark S. Geston
- The Change War (1979) by Fritz Leiber
- The Last Unicorn (1979) by Peter Beagle
- The Man Who Fell to Earth (1979) by Walter Tevis
- The Science Fiction Stories of Walter M. Miller, Jr. (1979) by Walter M. Miller, Jr.
- The Silmarillion (1979) by J. R. R. Tolkien
- Too Many Magicians (1979) by Randall Garrett
- A Princess of Mars (1979) by Edgar Rice Burroughs
- Gloriana (1979) by Michael Moorcock
- Some Summer Lands (1979) by Jane Gaskell
- The Chessmen of Mars (1979) by Edgar Rice Burroughs
- The Dragon (1979) by Jane Gaskell
- The Faded Sun: Shon'jir (1979) by C. J. Cherryh
- The Gods of Mars (1979) by Edgar Rice Burroughs
- The Master Mind of Mars (1979) by Edgar Rice Burroughs
- The Serpent (1979) by Jane Gaskell
- The Warlord of Mars (1979) by Edgar Rice Burroughs
- Thuvia, Maid of Mars (1979) by Edgar Rice Burroughs
- Children of the Atom (1979) by Wilmar H. Shiras
- Engine Summer (1979) by John Crowley
- Great Space Battles (1979) by Stewart Cowley and Charles Herridge
- Harpist in the Wind (1979) by Patricia A. McKillip
- Legacy (1979) by James H. Schmitz
- Space Opera (1979) by Jack Vance
- The Art of the Brothers Hildebrandt (1979) by The Brothers Hildebrandt
- The Planet Masters (1979) by Allen Wold
- Daughter of the Bright Moon (1979) by Lynn Abbey
- Mindsong (1979) by Joan Cox
- The Drawing of the Dark (1979) by Tim Powers
- The Fourth Book of Virgil Finlay (1979) by Virgil Finlay
- The Two Faces of Tomorrow (1979) by James P. Hogan
- Boris: Book Two (1979) by Boris Vallejo
- Castle Roogna (1979) by Piers Anthony
- Chrome (1979) by George Nader
- Don't Bite the Sun (1979) by Tanith Lee
- Hot Sleep: The Worthing Chronicle (1979) by Orson Scott Card
- Janissaries (1979) by Jerry Pournelle
- The Dancers of Arun (1979) by Elizabeth A. Lynn
- The Language of the Night (1979) by Ursula K. Le Guin
- A Wizard in Bedlam (1979) by Christopher Stasheff
- Act of Providence (1979) by Joseph Payne Brennan and Donald M. Grant
- Bander Snatch (1979) by Kevin O'Donnell, Jr.
- Electric Forest (1979) by Tanith Lee
- Macrolife (1979) by George Zebrowski
- Pretender (1979) by Piers Anthony and Frances Hall
- The Merman's Children (1979) by Poul Anderson
- Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz (1979) by L. Frank Baum
- Mistress Masham's Repose (1979) by T. H. White
- Ozma of Oz (1979) by L. Frank Baum
- The Dragon Lord (1979) by David Drake
- The Emerald City of Oz (1979) by L. Frank Baum
- The Land of Oz (1979) by L. Frank Baum
- The Patchwork Girl of Oz (1979) by L. Frank Baum
- The Road to Corlay (1979) by Richard Cowper
- The Road to Oz (1979) by L. Frank Baum
- The Web Between the Worlds (1979) by Charles Sheffield
- The Wizard of Oz (1979) by L. Frank Baum
- Beauty (1979) by Robin McKinley
- Judgement Night (1979) by C. L. Moore
- King's Daughter (1979) by Jane Gaskell
- Strange Evil (1979) by Jane Gaskell
- The Masters of Solitude (1979) by Marvin Kaye and Parke Godwin
- Tin Woodman (1979) by David F. Bischoff and Dennis R. Bailey
- Ambulance Ship (1980) by James White
- Roadmarks (1980) by Roger Zelazny
- Shadow of Earth (1980) by Phyllis Eisenstein
- Tales of Nevčr˙on (1980) by Samuel R. Delany
- The Fifth Book of Virgil Finlay (1980) by Virgil Finlay
- The Spirit of Dorsai (1980) by Gordon R. Dickson
- Urshurak (1980) by The Brothers Hildebrandt and Jerry Nichols
- Who Goes There: A Bibliographic Dictionary (1980) by James A. Rock
- At the Narrow Passage (1980) by Richard C. Meredith
- Dragonworld (1980) by J. Michael Reaves and Byron Preiss
- Survey of Science Fiction Literature (1980) by Frank N. Magill
- The Dying Earth (1980) by Jack Vance
- The Face (1980) by Jack Vance
- The Science Fiction Encyclopedia (1980) by Peter Nicholls
- The White Hart (1980) by Nancy Springer
- Wonderworks (1980) by Michael Whelan
- An Infinite Summer (1980) by Christopher Priest
- Barlowe's Guide to Extraterrestrials (1980) by Wayne Douglas Barlowe and Ian Summers
- Beyond (1980) by Theodore Sturgeon
- Charisma (1980) by Michael G. Coney
- E Pluribus Unicorn (1980) by Theodore Sturgeon
- Earthman's Burden (1980) by Poul Anderson and Gordon R. Dickson
- The Book of the Dun Cow (1980) by Walter Wangerin, Jr.
- The Stars Are the Styx (1980) by Theodore Sturgeon
- Venus Plus X (1980) by Theodore Sturgeon
- Wall of Serpents (1980) by L. Sprague de Camp and Fletcher Pratt
- A Dreamer's Tales (1980) by Lord Dunsany
- A Tolkien Bestiary (1980) by David Day
- Empire of the East (1980) by Fred Saberhagen
- Green Magic (1980) by Jack Vance
- Magic Time (1980) by Kit Reed
- Pictures by J. R. R. Tolkien (1980) by J. R. R. Tolkien
- The Golden Gryphon Feather (1980) by Richard Purtill
- The Hobbit (1980) by J. R. R. Tolkien
- The Reign of Wizardry (1980) by Jack Williamson
- Yearwood (1980) by Paul Hazel
- Far Future Calling (1980) by Olaf Stapledon
- Morreion: A Tale of the Dying Earth (1980) by Jack Vance
- Science Fiction and Fantasy Authors (1980) by L. W. Currey
- Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature (1980) by R. Reginald
- The Beginning Place (1980) by Ursula K. Le Guin
- The Night Life of the Gods (1980) by Thorne Smith
- The Snow Queen (1980) by Joan D. Vinge
- The Stray Lamb (1980) by Thorne Smith
- Topper (1980) by Thorne Smith
- Topper Takes a Trip (1980) by Thorne Smith
- Aliens! (1980) by Gardner Dozois and Jack Dann
- Golem 100 (1980) by Alfred Bester
- Lord Valentine's Castle (1980) by Robert Silverberg
- The Green Gods (1980) by N. C. Henneberg
- The Lastborn of Elvinwood (1980) by Linda Haldeman
- The Literature of Fantasy (1980) by Roger C. Schlobin
- The Patchwork Girl (1980) by Larry Niven
- The Grey Mane of Morning (1980) by Joy Chant
- The Number of the Beast (1980) by Robert A. Heinlein
- Dragon's Egg (1980) by Dr. Robert L. Forward
- Songmaster (1980) by Orson Scott Card
- The House Between the Worlds (1980) by Marion Zimmer Bradley
- The Incredible Umbrella (1980) by Marvin Kaye
- The Sword and the Satchel (1980) by Elizabeth Boyer
- Charmed Life (1980) by Diana Wynne Jones
- Galactic Warlord (1980) by Douglas Hill
- Green Is for Galanx (1980) by Josephine Rector Stone
- The Fires of Lan-Kern (1980) by Peter Tremayne
- The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories and Other Stories (1980) by Gene Wolfe
- The Shadow of the Torturer (1980) by Gene Wolfe
- Till We Have Faces (1980) by C. S. Lewis
- Unicorns in the Rain (1980) by Barbara Cohen
- Conan the Rebel (1980) by Poul Anderson
- Out of the Storm (1980) by William Hope Hodgson
- Rinkitink in Oz (1980) by L. Frank Baum
- Takeoff! (1980) by Randall Garrett
- The Black Wolf (1980) by Galad Elflandsson
- The Lost Princess of Oz (1980) by L. Frank Baum
- The Magicians (1980) by James Gunn
- The Scarecrow of Oz (1980) by L. Frank Baum
- Tik-Tok of Oz (1980) by L. Frank Baum
- Wanted (1980) by Ed Naha
- West of the Sun (1980) by Edgar Pangborn
- What If? Volume 1 (1980) by Richard A. Lupoff
- A Storm of Wings (1980) by M. John Harrison
- Aliens and Linguists (1980) by Walter E. Meyers
- On Wings of Song (1980) by Thomas M. Disch
- The Butterfly Kid (1980) by Chester Anderson
- The Edge of Running Water (1980) by William Sloane
- The Erotic World of Faery (1980) by Maureen Duffy
- The Silver Sun (1980) by Nancy Springer
- Blood Games (1981) by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
- Day By Night (1981) by Tanith Lee
- Hotel Transylvania (1981) by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
- The Dragon Lensman (1981) by David A. Kyle
- The Palace (1981) by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
- The Wind in the Willows (1981) by Kenneth Grahame
- Breathing Space Only (1981) by Wynne Whiteford
- Bunnicula (1981) by Deborah Howe and James Howe
- Fields of Sleep (1981) by E. Charles Vivian
- Looking for Blucher (1981) by Jack Wodhams
- New Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos (1981) by Ramsey Campbell
- The Fourth Hemisphere (1981) by David Lake
- The Nitrogen Fix (1981) by Hal Clement
The Sundered Realm (1981)
Robert E. Vardeman
Victor Milán?Victor Milan
- Black Easter / The Day After Judgment (1981) by James Blish
- Dream Park (1981) by Larry Niven and Steven Barnes
- The Sixth Book of Virgil Finlay: The Astrology Years (1981) by Virgil Finlay
- VALIS (1981) by Philip K. Dick
Dance of the Tiger (1981)
Björn Kurtén?Bjoern Kurten
- Di Fate's Catalog of Science Fiction Hardware (1981) by Vincent Di Fate
- Marune: Alastor 933 (1981) by Jack Vance
- Science Fiction Origins (1981) by William F. Nolan and Martin H. Greenberg
- Solar Wind (1981) by Peter Jones
- The Book of Dreams (1981) by Jack Vance
- The Dictionary of Imaginary Places (1981) by Alberto Manguel and Gianni Guadalupi
- The Door in the Wall and Other Stories (1981) by H. G. Wells
- The Great Science Fiction Series (1981) by Martin H. Greenberg and Frederik Pohl and Joseph D. Olander
- The Ring of the Nibelung (1981) by Ul de Rico
- Trullion: Alastor 2262 (1981) by Jack Vance
- Wyst: Alastor 1716 (1981) by Jack Vance
- An Island Called Moreau (1981) by Brian W. Aldiss
- Andre Norton: A Primary and Secondary Bibliography (1981) by Roger C. Schlobin
- Dream Dancer (1981) by Janet Morris
- Guinevere (1981) by Sharan Newman
- Roger Zelazny: A Primary and Secondary Bibliography (1981) by Joseph L. Sanders
- Samuel R. Delany: A Primary and Secondary Bibliography (1981) by Michael W. Peplow and Robert S. Bravard
- The Claw of the Conciliator (1981) by Gene Wolfe
- Theodore Sturgeon: A Primary and Secondary Bibliography (1981) by Lahna F. Diskin
- Astounding Science Fiction July 1939 (1981) by John W. Campbell, Jr.
- Federation (1981) by H. Beam Piper
- Sword of the Lamb (1981) by M. K. Wren
- The World and Thorinn (1981) by Damon Knight
- Weird Tales #1 (1981) by Lin Carter
- Weird Tales #2 (1981) by Lin Carter
- A Treasury of Modern Fantasy (1981) by Terry Carr and Martin H. Greenberg
- Companion to Narnia (1981) by Paul F. Ford
- Dai-San (1981) by Eric Van Lustbader
- Shallows of Night (1981) by Eric Van Lustbader
- The Sunset Warrior (1981) by Eric Van Lustbader
- To the Chapel Perilous (1981) by Naomi Mitchison
- Windhaven (1981) by Lisa Tuttle and George R. R. Martin
- Alpha Centauri (1981) by Robert Siegel
- Childhood's End (1981) by Arthur C. Clarke
- Khai of Ancient Khem (1981) by Brian Lumley
- Sunfall (1981) by C. J. Cherryh
- The Many-Colored Land (1981) by Julian May
- The Next (1981) by Bob Randall
- The Pastel City (1981) by M. John Harrison
- A Planet in Arms (1981) by Donald Barr
- Caverns (1981) by Kevin O'Donnell, Jr.
- Giger's Alien (1981) by H. R. Giger
- Of Men and Monsters (1981) by William Tenn
- Conjure Wife (1981) by Fritz Leiber
- Fane (1981) by David M. Alexander
- Headlong (1981) by Emlyn Williams
- Little, Big (1981) by John Crowley
- The City of the Singing Flame (1981) by Clark Ashton Smith
- The Third Grave (1981) by David Case
- Journeys of Frodo (1981) by Barbara Strachey
- Land Under England (1981) by Joseph O'Neill
- Starship and Haiku (1981) by Somtow Sucharitkul
- The Atlas of Middle-Earth (1981) by Karen Wynn Fonstad
- The Lord of the Rings (1981) by J. R. R. Tolkien
- The Psychotechnic League (1981) by Poul Anderson
- The Shrouded Planet (1981) by Robert Randall
- Tomoe Gozen (1981) by Jessica Amanda Salmonson
- Beyond This Horizon (1981) by Robert A. Heinlein
- Black Hearts in Battersea (1981) by Joan Aiken
- Nightbirds on Nantucket (1981) by Joan Aiken
- Shadow of the Swan (1981) by M. K. Wren
- The Wolves of Willoughby Chase (1981) by Joan Aiken
- Timescape (1981) by Gregory Benford
- Tomorrow's Heritage (1981) by Juanita Coulson
- A Walk in Wolf Wood (1982) by Mary Stewart
- Blakely's Ark (1982) by Ian MacMillan
- Elidor (1982) by Alan Garner
- The Golden Torc (1982) by Julian May
- The Moon of Gomrath (1982) by Alan Garner
- The Owl Service (1982) by Alan Garner
- The Weirdstone of Brisingamen (1982) by Alan Garner
- The Witches of Karres (1982) by James H. Schmitz
- The Wolves of Memory (1982) by George Alec Effinger
- Too Long a Sacrifice (1982) by Mildred Downey Broxon
- Distant Stars (1982) by Samuel R. Delany
- Lord Darcy Investigates (1982) by Randall Garrett
- Oath of Fealty (1982) by Jerry Pournelle and Larry Niven
- Paratime (1982) by H. Beam Piper
- Red Shift (1982) by Alan Garner
- The Black Wheel (1982) by A. Merritt and Hannes Bok
- The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, April 1965 (1982) by Edward L. Ferman
- Virgil Finlay Remembered (1982) by Virgil Finlay
- In the Hands of Glory (1982) by Phyllis Eisenstein
- Out of the Everywhere and Other Extraordinary Visions (1982) by James Tiptree, Jr.
- Space Skimmer (1982) by David Gerrold
- The Broken Sword (1982) by Poul Anderson
- The Homeward Bounders (1982) by Diana Wynne Jones
- The Sardonyx Net (1982) by Elizabeth A. Lynn
- Total War (1982) by Jerry Ahern
- After Man (1982) by Dougal Dixon
- Peake's Progress (1982) by Mervyn Peake
- Song of Sorcery (1982) by Elizabeth Scarborough
- Sunwaifs (1982) by Sydney J. Van Scyoc
- The Dinosaurs (1982) by William Stout and William Service
- The Morphodite (1982) by M. A. Foster
- The Stolen Lake (1982) by Joan Aiken
- The Sword of the Lictor (1982) by Gene Wolfe
- At the Mountains of Madness (1982) by H. P. Lovecraft
- Science Fiction No-Frills Novel (1982) by uncredited
- The Case of Charles Dexter Ward (1982) by H. P. Lovecraft
- The Doom That Came to Sarnath (1982) by H. P. Lovecraft
- The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath (1982) by H. P. Lovecraft
- The Golden Space (1982) by Pamela Sargent
- The Lurking Fear (1982) by H. P. Lovecraft
- The Soul Eater (1982) by Mike Resnick
- The Tomb (1982) by H. P. Lovecraft
- The War Hound and the World's Pain (1982) by Michael Moorcock
- Twentieth Century Science Fiction Writers (1982) by Curtis C. Smith
- A Gift of Mirrorvax (1982) by Malcolm MacCloud
- She (1982) by H. Rider Haggard
- Special Deliverance (1982) by Clifford Simak
- Star Colony (1982) by Keith Laumer
- The Coming of the Demons (1982) by Gwenyth Hood
- The Drowned World (1982) by J. G. Ballard
- The Hand of Zei (1982) by L. Sprague de Camp
- The Keeper of the Isis Light (1982) by Monica Hughes
- Heroes of Zara Keep (1982) by Guy Gregory
- Majipoor Chronicles (1982) by Robert Silverberg
- Roderick: The Education of a Young Machine, Vol. I (1982) by John Sladek
- The Gardens of Delight (1982) by Ian Watson
- The Pillars of Eternity (1982) by Barrington J. Bayley
- The Rape of the Sun (1982) by Ian Wallace
- They'd Rather be Right (1982) by Mark Clifton and Frank Riley
- Friday (1982) by Robert A. Heinlein
- Helliconia Spring (1982) by Brian W. Aldiss
- Second Nature (1982) by Cherry Wilder
- The Science Fiction Design Coloring Book (1982) by Brad Hamann
- The Silver Metal Lover (1982) by Tanith Lee
- Castaways in Time (1982) by Robert Adams
- No Enemy But Time (1982) by Michael Bishop
- Pavane (1982) by Keith Roberts
- Pawn of Prophecy (1982) by David Eddings
- The Wizard Children of Finn (1982) by Mary Tannen
- Where Time Winds Blow (1982) by Robert Holdstock
- Darkworld Detective (1982) by J. Michael Reaves
- Eyas (1982) by Crawford Kilian
- The Big Time (1982) by Fritz Leiber
- The Last Incantation (1982) by Clark Ashton Smith
- The Time of the Dark (1982) by Barbara Hambly
- Voyage from Yesteryear (1982) by James P. Hogan
- Belshazzar (1982) by Chaim Bermant
- Erasmus Magister (1982) by Charles Sheffield
- Eric John Stark: Outlaw of Mars (1982) by Leigh Brackett
- Havoc in Islandia (1982) by Mark Saxton
- Northwest Smith (1982) by C. L. Moore
- Pawn to Infinity (1982) by Fred Saberhagen and Joan Saberhagen
- The Prisoner of Zhamanak (1982) by L. Sprague de Camp
- Starburst (1982) by Frederik Pohl
- The Beast (1982) by Robert Stallman
- The Blue Sword (1982) by Robin McKinley
- The Gunslinger (1982) by Stephen King
- The Identity Matrix (1982) by Jack L. Chalker
- Children of the Lens (1983) by E. E. 'Doc' Smith
- Clique (1983) by Nicholas Yermakov
- First Lensman (1983) by E. E. 'Doc' Smith
- Galactic Patrol (1983) by E. E. 'Doc' Smith
- Gray Lensman (1983) by E. E. 'Doc' Smith
- Manshape (1983) by John Brunner
- Second Stage Lensman (1983) by E. E. 'Doc' Smith
- The Elfin Ship (1983) by James P. Blaylock
- Triplanetary (1983) by E. E. 'Doc' Smith
- Index to the Science-Fiction Magazines (1926-1950) (1983) by Donald B. Day
- Jirel of Joiry (1983) by C. L. Moore
- The Best of H. P. Lovecraft: Bloodcurdling Tales of Horror and the Macabre (1983) by H. P. Lovecraft
- The Darkling (1983) by David Kesterton
- The New Visions (1983) by Ellen Asher and Joe Miller and Mary Sherwin
- The White Plague (1983) by Frank Herbert
- 2010: Odyssey Two (1983) by Arthur C. Clarke
- Psion (1983) by Joan D. Vinge
- The Fantastic Saint (1983) by Leslie Charteris
- Writing Science Fiction That Sells (1983) by Harvey L. Bilker and Audrey L. Bilker
- Battlefield Earth (1983) by L. Ron Hubbard
- Queen of Sorcery (1983) by David Eddings
- The Mists of Avalon (1983) by Marion Zimmer Bradley
- Hercules, My Shipmate (1983) by Robert Graves
- The Citadel of the Autarch (1983) by Gene Wolfe
- The Nonborn King (1983) by Julian May
- The Umbral Anthology of Science Fiction Poetry (1983) by Steve Rasnic Tem
- Watch the North Wind Rise (1983) by Robert Graves
- Gormenghast (1983) by Mervyn Peake
- Misplaced Persons (1983) by Lee Harding
- Nifft the Lean (1983) by Michael Shea
- The Dragon of the Ishtar Gate (1983) by L. Sprague de Camp
- The Floating Gods (1983) by M. John Harrison
- The Void Captain's Tale (1983) by Norman Spinrad
- Titus Alone (1983) by Mervyn Peake
- Titus Groan (1983) by Mervyn Peake
- Fevre Dream (1983) by George R. R. Martin
- King of the Wood (1983) by John Maddox Roberts
- Red As Blood (1983) by Tanith Lee
- The Dreamstone (1983) by C. J. Cherryh
- The Eye of the Heron (1983) by Ursula K. Le Guin
- The Queen of the Legion (1983) by Jack Williamson
- Against Infinity (1983) by Gregory Benford
- Earth's Last Citadel (1983) by Henry Kuttner and C. L. Moore
- For Love of Mother-Not (1983) by Alan Dean Foster
- Lyonesse (1983) by Jack Vance
- Tea with the Black Dragon (1983) by R. A. MacAvoy
- Changewar (1983) by Fritz Leiber
- Hiero's Journey (1983) by Sterling E. Lanier
- The House of the Lions (1983) by L. T. Stuart
- The Unforsaken Hiero (1983) by Sterling E. Lanier
- King's Blood Four (1983) by Sheri S. Tepper
- Orion Shall Rise (1983) by Poul Anderson
- Prince of the Godborn (1983) by Geraldine Harris
- The Children of the Wind (1983) by Geraldine Harris
- The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy through 1968, Volume 1: Who's Who, A-L (1983) by Donald H. Tuck
- The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy Through 1968, Volume 2: Who's Who, M-Z (1983) by Donald H. Tuck
- The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy through 1968, Volume 3: Miscellaneous (1983) by Donald H. Tuck
- Code of the Lifemaker (1983) by James P. Hogan
- Millennium (1983) by John Varley
- Red Moon and Black Mountain (1983) by Joy Chant
- The Blue Hawk (1983) by Peter Dickinson
- The Sword Is Forged (1983) by Evangeline Walton
- The Tartarus Incident (1983) by William Greenleaf
- A Matter for Men (1983) by David Gerrold
- An Unkindness of Ravens (1983) by Dee Morrison Meaney
- Elric of Melnibone (1983) by Michael Moorcock
- Nebula Maker & Four Encounters (1983) by Olaf Stapledon
- Startide Rising (1983) by David Brin
- Uranian Worlds: A Reader's Guide to Alternative Sexuality in Science Fiction and Fantasy (1983) by Eric Garber and Lyn Paleo
- City at World's End (1984) by Edmond Hamilton
- The Anubis Gates (1984) by Tim Powers
- The Halfling (1984) by Leigh Brackett
- The High Kings (1984) by Joy Chant
- The Mansions of Space (1984) by John Morressy
- When Voiha Wakes (1984) by Joy Chant
- Again, Dangerous Visions (1984) by Harlan Ellison
- C. S. Lewis (1984) by Brian Murphy
- Dangerous Visions (1984) by Harlan Ellison
- Godstalk (1984) by P. C. Hodgell
- Robert Silverberg (1984) by Thomas D. Clareson
- The Crucible of Time (1984) by John Brunner
- The Seren Cenacles (1984) by Warren Norwood and Ralph Mylius
- Space Viking (1984) by H. Beam Piper
- The Adventures of Alyx (1984) by Joanna Russ
- The Circus of Dr. Lao (1984) by Charles G. Finney
- The Mirror of Helen (1984) by Richard Purtill
- The Zanzibar Cat (1984) by Joanna Russ
- Welcome, Chaos (1984) by Kate Wilhelm
- Codex Seraphinianus (1984) by Luigi Serafini
- Damiano (1984) by R. A. MacAvoy
- Not By Bread Alone (1984) by Naomi Mitchison
- Superluminal (1984) by Vonda N. McIntyre
- The Deep (1984) by John Crowley
- The Neverending Story (1984) by Michael Ende
- A Mirror For Observers (1984) by Edgar Pangborn
- Dark Valley Destiny (1984) by L. Sprague de Camp and Catherine Crook de Camp and Jane Whittington Griffin
- Golden Witchbreed (1984) by Mary Gentle
- Hoka! (1984) by Poul Anderson and Gordon R. Dickson
- The Colour of Magic (1984) by Terry Pratchett
- A Midsummer Tempest (1984) by Poul Anderson
- A Quiet of Stone (1984) by Stephen Leigh
- Realms of Fantasy (1984) by Malcolm Edwards and Robert Holdstock
- Tales of Horror and the Supernatural (1984) by Arthur Machen
- The Wild Shore (1984) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- Three Hearts and Three Lions (1984) by Poul Anderson
- Clay's Ark (1984) by Octavia Butler
- Fireball (1984) by John Christopher
- Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus (1984) by Mary Shelley
- Men, Martians and Machines (1984) by Eric Frank Russell
- The Adversary (1984) by Julian May
- The Compleat Enchanter (1984) by Fletcher Pratt and L. Sprague de Camp
- The Golden Grove (1984) by Nancy Kress
- The Green Futures of Tycho (1984) by William Sleator
- The Integral Trees (1984) by Larry Niven
- The Practice Effect (1984) by David Brin
- Witchwood (1984) by Tim Lukeman
- Procurator (1984) by Kirk Mitchell
- Salvage and Destroy (1984) by Edward Llewellyn
- The Ghost Light (1984) by Fritz Leiber
- The House on the Borderland (1984) by William Hope Hodgson
- Voyager in Night (1984) by C. J. Cherryh
- Doctor Who: The Unfolding Text (1984) by John Tulloch and Manuel Alvarado
- Extra(Ordinary) People (1984) by Joanna Russ
- Our Lady of Darkness (1984) by Fritz Leiber
- Riders of the Sidhe (1984) by Kenneth C. Flint
- The Last Day of Creation (1984) by Wolfgang Jeschke
- Archer's Goon (1984) by Diana Wynne Jones
- Bridge of Birds (1984) by Barry Hughart
- Eye of the Comet (1984) by Pamela Sargent
- Power of Three (1984) by Diana Wynne Jones
- Those Who Favor Fire (1984) by Marta Randall
- West of Eden (1984) by Harry Harrison
- Birds of Prey (1985) by David Drake
- Job: A Comedy of Justice (1985) by Robert A. Heinlein
- The Continent of Lies (1985) by James Morrow
- The Creature Features Movie Guide (1985) by John Stanley
- The Forgotten Planet (1985) by Murray Leinster
- The Last Cat Book (1985) by Robert E. Howard
- Emergence (1985) by David R. Palmer
- Gilgamesh the King (1985) by Robert Silverberg
- The Gate of Worlds (1985) by Robert Silverberg
- Venus Plus X (1985) by Theodore Sturgeon
- Viriconium Nights (1985) by M. John Harrison
- Dinner at Deviant's Palace (1985) by Tim Powers
- Earthblood (1985) by Keith Laumer and Rosel George Brown
- Mr Pye (1985) by Mervyn Peake
- Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand (1985) by Samuel R. Delany
- The Color Out of Time (1985) by Michael Shea
- The Silver Horse (1985) by Elizabeth A. Lynn
- Yesterday's Tomorrows (1985) by Joseph J. Corn and Brian Horrigan
- Darker Than You Think (1985) by Jack Williamson
- In the Drift (1985) by Michael Swanwick
- Pure Blood (1985) by Mike McQuay
- Quarreling, They Met the Dragon (1985) by Sharon Baker
- The Faces of Science Fiction (1985) by Patti Perret
- Time Piper (1985) by Delia Huddy
Dayworld (1985)
Philip José Farmer?Philip Jose Farmer
- Free Live Free (1985) by Gene Wolfe
- Hothouse (1985) by Brian Aldiss
- Star Healer (1985) by James White
- The Box of Delights (1985) by John Masefield
- The Heads of Cerberus (1985) by Francis Stevens
- Alien Stars (1985) by Elizabeth Mitchell
- Fire Watch (1985) by Connie Willis
- Footfall (1985) by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
- October the First is Too Late (1985) by Fred Hoyle
- The Copper Crown (1985) by Patricia Kennealy
- Brightness Falls from the Air (1985) by James Tiptree, Jr.
- Freaky Fables (1985) by J. B. Handelsman
- Science Made Stupid (1985) by Tom Weller
- The Dreaming Jewels (1985) by Theodore Sturgeon
- The Enchantress (1985) by Han Suyin
- The Fourth Horseman (1985) by Alan E. Nourse
- Cuckoo's Egg (1985) by C. J. Cherryh
- Pandora's Genes (1985) by Kathryn Lance
- Requiem for a Ruler of Worlds (1985) by Brian Daley
- The Curse of the Giant Hogweed (1985) by Charlotte MacLeod
- The Devil on the Road (1985) by Robert Westall
- The Instrumentality of Mankind (1985) by Cordwainer Smith
- Black Star Rising (1985) by Frederik Pohl
- The Book of Kells (1985) by R. A. MacAvoy
- The Moon Maid (1985) by Edgar Rice Burroughs
- The Moon Men (1985) by Edgar Rice Burroughs
- Walk the Moon's Road (1985) by Jim Aikin
- Artifact (1985) by Gregory Benford
- Brother Jonathan (1985) by Crawford Kilian
- Downtime (1985) by Cynthia Felice
- Sailing to Byzantium (1985) by Robert Silverberg
- The Dream Years (1985) by Lisa Goldstein
- The Postman (1985) by David Brin
- A. Merritt: Reflections in the Moon Pool (1986) by Sam Moskowitz
- Brain Wave (1986) by Poul Anderson
- Eon (1986) by Greg Bear
- Infinity's Web (1986) by Sheila Finch
- Red Flame Burning (1986) by Ward Hawkins
- The World in Amber (1986) by A. Orr
- Beauty (1986) by Robin McKinley
- Duende Meadow (1986) by Paul Cook
- Mythago Wood (1986) by Robert Holdstock
- The Cat Who Walks Through Walls (1986) by Robert A. Heinlein
- The Forest of Peldain (1986) by Barrington J. Bayley
- The Summer Tree (1986) by Guy Gavriel Kay
- Always Coming Home (1986) by Ursula K. Le Guin
- Claimed (1986) by Francis Stevens
- In the Face of My Enemy (1986) by Joseph H. Delaney
- Sinister Barrier (1986) by Eric Frank Russell
- The Alien Main (1986) by T. L. Sherred and Lloyd Biggle, Jr.
- The Mysteries of Harris Burdick (1986) by Chris Van Allsburg
- Last Letters from Hav (1986) by Jan Morris
- The Last Days of the Edge of the World (1986) by Brian Stableford
- The Long Tomorrow (1986) by Leigh Brackett
- The Planets (1986) by Byron Preiss
- Threshold (1986) by David R. Palmer
- Venus of Dreams (1986) by Pamela Sargent
- The Book of the River (1986) by Ian Watson
- The Cross-Time Engineer (1986) by Leo Frankowski
- The Day of the Triffids (1986) by John Wyndham
- The Hill of Dreams (1986) by Arthur Machen
- The Long Mynd (1986) by Edward P. Hughes
- Variety's Complete Science Fiction Reviews (1986) by Donald Willis
- Interstellar Pig (1986) by William Sleator
- Pirates in Oz (1986) by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- Quest of the Three Worlds (1986) by Cordwainer Smith
- Saturnalia (1986) by Grant Callin
- The John W. Campbell Letters, Vol. 1 (1986) by Tony Chapdelaine and George Hay and Perry A. Chapdelaine
- The Purple Prince of Oz (1986) by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- The Yellow Knight of Oz (1986) by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- Tuf Voyaging (1986) by George R. R. Martin
- Forsake the Sky (1986) by Tim Powers
- Godbody (1986) by Theodore Sturgeon
- Homunculus (1986) by James P. Blaylock
Magic Kingdom for Sale–Sold!?Magic Kingdom for Sale-Sold!(1986) by Terry Brooks
- The Road to Corlay (1986) by Richard Cowper
- The Songs of Distant Earth (1986) by Arthur C. Clarke
- Tom's Midnight Garden (1986) by Philippa Pearce
- A Choice of Destinies (1986) by Melissa Scott
- Hawk in Silver (1986) by Mary Gentle
- Highway of Eternity (1986) by Clifford Simak
- Howl's Moving Castle (1986) by Diana Wynne Jones
- Moondust and Madness (1986) by Janelle Taylor
- Tales of the Quintana Roo (1986) by James Tiptree, Jr.
- A Pictorial History of Science Fiction Films (1986) by David Shipman
- Crisis! (1986) by James Gunn
- Devine War (1986) by Dennis R. Caro
- Future Visions (1986) by Douglas Menville and R. Reginald
- Pillar of the Sky (1986) by Cecelia Holland
- The Planet on the Table (1986) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- The Wild Hunt of the Ghost Hounds (1986) by Penelope Lively
- Visible Light (1986) by C. J. Cherryh
- Boxen: The Imaginary World of the Young C. S. Lewis (1987) by C. S. Lewis
- Galaxy Jane (1987) by Ron Goulart
- Revolt in 2100 (1987) by Robert A. Heinlein
- The Forever Man (1987) by Gordon R. Dickson
- The Shattered Horse (1987) by S. P. Somtow
- Word-Bringer (1987) by Edward Llewellyn
- Antares Dawn (1987) by Michael McCollum
- Conquerors from the Darkness (1987) by Robert Silverberg
- Firechild (1987) by Jack Williamson
- Howard Who? (1987) by Howard Waldrop
- Roma Mater (1987) by Karen Anderson and Poul Anderson
- The Silent Tower (1987) by Barbara Hambly
- A Hidden Place (1987) by Robert Charles Wilson
- Ghost (1987) by Piers Anthony
- Grimbold's Other World (1987) by Nicholas Stuart Gray
Singletusk (1987)
Björn Kurtén?Bjoern Kurten
- The Crystal Empire (1987) by L. Neil Smith
- The Mirror of Her Dreams (1987) by Stephen R. Donaldson
- Seven Worlds (1987) by Mary Caraker
- Soldier of the Mist (1987) by Gene Wolfe
- Talking Man (1987) by Terry Bisson
- The Anvil of Ice (1987) by Michael Scott Rohan
- The Darkling Hills (1987) by Lori Martin
- Xorandor (1987) by Christine Brooke-Rose
- A Death of Honor (1987) by Joe Clifford Faust
- Science Fiction: The 100 Best Novels (1987) by David Pringle
- Second Genesis (1987) by Donald Moffitt
- The Folk of the Air (1987) by Peter Beagle
- The Genesis Quest (1987) by Donald Moffitt
- The Unlikely Ones (1987) by Mary Brown
- About Time (1987) by Jack Finney
- Land of Unreason (1987) by L. Sprague de Camp
- Northshore (1987) by Sheri S. Tepper
- Replay (1987) by Ken Grimwood
- Spaceache (1987) by Snoo Wilson
- The Misplaced Legion (1987) by Harry Turtledove
- Divine Endurance (1987) by Gwyneth Jones
- The Encyclopedia of Horror Movies (1987) by Phil Hardy
- Timefall (1987) by James Kahn
- Vacuum Flowers (1987) by Michael Swanwick
- Yearwood (1987) by Paul Hazel
- Ćgypt (1987) by John Crowley
- Encyclopedia of Things That Never Were (1987) by Michael Page and Robert Ingpen
- In Conquest Born (1987) by C. S. Friedman
- Rumors of Spring (1987) by Richard Grant
- So You Want to Be a Wizard (1987) by Diane Duane
- The Devil in Velvet (1987) by John Dickson Carr
- The Shadow of His Wings (1987) by Bruce Fergusson
- Gallicenae: The King of Ys, Book II (1987) by Poul Anderson and Karen Anderson
Murder on Usher's Planet (1987)
Atanielle Annyn Noël?Atanielle Annyn Noel
- Seventh Son (1987) by Orson Scott Card
- The Grey Horse (1987) by R. A. MacAvoy
- The Stars My Destination (1987) by Alfred Bester
- The Uplift War (1987) by David Brin
- Arslan (1988) by M. J. Engh
- Beyond Humanity (1988) by Justin Leiber
- Daughter of the Empire (1988) by Janny Wurts and Raymond E. Feist
- Dover Beach (1988) by Richard Bowker
- Intervention (1988) by Julian May
- Still River (1988) by Hal Clement
- The Legacy of Heorot (1988) by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle and Steven Barnes
- Toolmaker Koan (1988) by John McLoughlin
- Trekmaster (1988) by James B. Johnson
- Triplet (1988) by Timothy Zahn
- Warhaven (1988) by M. Elayn Harvey
- Way of the Pilgrim (1988) by Gordon R. Dickson
- Alqua Dreams (1988) by Rachel Pollack
- Blood of the Tiger (1988) by Rose Estes
- Budspy (1988) by David Dvorkin
- Station Gehenna (1988) by Andrew Weiner
- To Marry Medusa (1988) by Theodore Sturgeon
- Weaveworld (1988) by Clive Barker
- Desolation Road (1988) by Ian McDonald
- Pennterra (1988) by Judith Moffett
- Taliesin (1988) by Stephen R. Lawhead
- The Big Jump (1988) by Leigh Brackett
- The Tale That Wags the God (1988) by James Blish
- The Wordsmiths & the Warguild (1988) by Hugh Cook
- Mercedes Nights (1988) by Michael D. Weaver
- Michael Whelan's Works of Wonder (1988) by Michael Whelan
- Napoleon Disentimed (1988) by Hayford Peirce
- Songmaster (1988) by Orson Scott Card
- Swordspoint (1988) by Ellen Kushner
- The Hormone Jungle (1988) by Robert Reed
- An Alien Light (1988) by Nancy Kress
- Barlowe's Guide to Extraterrestrials (1988) by Wayne Douglas Barlowe and Ian Summers and Beth Meacham
- Becoming Alien (1988) by Rebecca Ore
- Eddy Deco's Last Caper (1988) by Gahan Wilson
- The Best of Science Fiction TV (1988) by John Javna
- The Broken Sword (1988) by Poul Anderson
- Willow (1988) by Wayland Drew
- Don't Bite the Sun (1988) by Tanith Lee
- Expecting Someone Taller (1988) by Tom Holt
- Not for Glory (1988) by Joel Rosenberg
- Sin of Origin (1988) by John Barnes
- The Breeds of Man (1988) by F. M. Busby
- The General's President (1988) by John Dalmas
- Islands in the Net (1988) by Bruce Sterling
- Marlborough Street (1988) by Richard Bowker
- Nightingale (1988) by Kara Dalkey
- Queenmagic, Kingmagic (1988) by Ian Watson
- The Lurker at the Threshold (1988) by H. P. Lovecraft and August Derleth
- Araminta Station (1989) by Jack Vance
- Chronosequence (1989) by Hilbert Schenck
- Druid's Blood (1989) by Esther M. Friesner
- Emerald Eyes (1989) by Daniel Keys Moran
- Land's End (1989) by Frederik Pohl and Jack Williamson
- Metropolis (1989) by Thea von Harbou
- The Mammoth Book of Classic Science Fiction: Short Novels of the 1930s (1989) by Isaac Asimov and Charles G. Waugh and Martin H. Greenberg
- The New Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (1989) by James Gunn
- The Story of Doctor Dolittle (1989) by Hugh Lofting
- The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle (1989) by Hugh Lofting
- Wolf Moon (1989) by Charles de Lint
- Anachronisms (1989) by Christopher Hinz
- Angel Island (1989) by Inez Haynes Gillmore
- Drowning Towers (1989) by George Turner
- Mona Lisa Overdrive (1989) by William Gibson
- The Dragonbone Chair (1989) by Tad Williams
- A Rendezvous in Averoigne (1989) by Clark Ashton Smith
- Euryale (1989) by Kara Dalkey
- Shadows of the White Sun (1989) by Raymond Harris
- The Eye in the Stone (1989) by Allen L. Wold
- The New Dinosaurs (1989) by Dougal Dixon
- Those Who Hunt the Night (1989) by Barbara Hambly
- Fool on the Hill (1989) by Matt Ruff
- Rocket to the Morgue (1989) by Anthony Boucher
- Sister Light, Sister Dark (1989) by Jane Yolen
- Spock's World (1989) by Diane Duane
- The Loremasters (1989) by Leslie Gadallah
- Wheel of the Winds (1989) by M. J. Engh
- An Honorable Defense (1989) by David Drake and Thomas T. Thomas
- Deep Quarry (1989) by John E. Stith
- Eve's Rib (1989) by Bryn Chandler
- From a Changeling Star (1989) by Jeffrey A. Carver
- Molly Dear (1989) by Stephen Fine
- The Complete Compleat Enchanter (1989) by L. Sprague de Camp and Fletcher Pratt
- Fantasy, the 100 Best Books (1989) by James Cawthorn and Michael Moorcock
- Horror: 100 Best Books (1989) by Stephen Jones and Kim Newman
- Spirits of Cavern and Hearth (1989) by M. Coleman Easton
- The Book of Fantasy (1989) by Jorge Luis Borges and A. Bioy Casares and Silvina Ocampo
- The Gate of Ivory (1989) by Doris Egan
- The Tides of God (1989) by Ted Reynolds
- Who's Afraid of Beowulf? (1989) by Tom Holt
- A Talent for War (1989) by Jack McDevitt
- Dreams of Stone (1989) by Jonathan Wylie
- Gamearth (1989) by Kevin J. Anderson
- Light Raid (1989) by Connie Willis and Cynthia Felice
- Sugar Rain (1989) by Paul Park
- The City, Not Long After (1989) by Pat Murphy
- The Eight (1989) by Katherine Neville
- The Invisible Company (1989) by Scott Russell Sanders
- The Nexus (1989) by Mike McQuay
- The Third Eagle (1989) by R. A. MacAvoy
- Urn Burial (1989) by Robert Westall
- A Tale of Time City (1989) by Diana Wynne Jones
- Casting Fortune (1989) by John M. Ford
- Crystal Witness (1989) by Kathy Tyers
- Eva (1989) by Peter Dickinson
- Hyperion (1989) by Dan Simmons
- Isles of the Blest (1989) by Morgan Llywelyn
- Jason Cosmo (1989) by Dan McGirt
- Snow White and Rose Red (1989) by Patricia C. Wrede
- The Mummy, or Ramses the Damned (1989) by Anne Rice
- The Nemesis From Terra (1989) by Leigh Brackett
- Yesterday's Pawn (1989) by W. T. Quick
- Ars Magica (1990) by Judith Tarr
- Double Your Pleasure (1990) by James A. Corrick
- Lavondyss (1990) by Robert Holdstock
- Tekwar (1990) by William Shatner
- The [Widget], the [Wadget], and Boff (1990) by Theodore Sturgeon
- Carrion Comfort (1990) by Dan Simmons
- Falcon (1990) by Emma Bull
- Final Blackout (1990) by L. Ron Hubbard
- Slaves of the Volcano God (1990) by Craig Shaw Gardner
- The Outlaws of Sherwood (1990) by Robin McKinley
- Witchwood (1990) by John Buchan
- A Heroine of the World (1990) by Tanith Lee
- Gate of Darkness, Circle of Light (1990) by Tanya Huff
- Gryphon (1990) by Crawford Kilian
- Heads to the Storm (1990) by David Drake and Sandra Miesel
- Modern Fantasy: The Hundred Best Novels (1990) by David Pringle
- Rama II (1990) by Arthur C. Clarke
- Redshift Rendezvous (1990) by John E. Stith
- Strange Invasion (1990) by Michael Kandel
- The Divide (1990) by Robert Charles Wilson
- The Parasite War (1990) by Tim Sullivan
- The Wall Around Eden (1990) by Joan Slonczewski
- Castleview (1990) by Gene Wolfe
- Eye of the World (1990) by Robert Jordan
- The Illustrated History of Science Fiction (1990) by Dieter Wuckel and Bruce Cassiday
- The Middle Kingdom (1990) by David Wingrove
- A Passage of Stars (1990) by Alis A. Rasmussen
- Barrow (1990) by John Deakins
- Charlemagne's Champion (1990) by Gail van Asten
- Cromm (1990) by Kenneth C. Flint
- In Another Country (1990) by Robert Silverberg
- Jack, the Giant-Killer (1990) by Charles de Lint
- Second Contact (1990) by Mike Resnick
- Summertide (1990) by Charles Sheffield
- The Artifact (1990) by W. Michael Gear
- The Changeling Sea (1990) by Patricia A. McKillip
- The Fall of Hyperion (1990) by Dan Simmons
- Vintage Season (1990) by C. L. Moore
- Burster (1990) by Michael Capobianco
- Dragon Wing (1990) by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
- Earth (1990) by David Brin
- Scor-Sting (1990) by Frank A. Javor
- Walker of Worlds (1990) by Tom De Haven
- Celluloid Gangs (1990) by Tom Tolnay
- Illegal Alien (1990) by James Luceno
- Spell Bound (1990) by Ru Emerson
- The Lives of Christopher Chant (1990) by Diana Wynne Jones
- The Lost World (1990) by Arthur Conan Doyle
- Voyage to the Red Planet (1990) by Terry Bisson
- A Gift Upon the Shore (1990) by M. K. Wren
- Cyber Way (1990) by Alan Dean Foster
- Tehanu: The Last Book of Earthsea (1990) by Ursula K. Le Guin
- The Jewel of Bas (1990) by Leigh Brackett
- Thieves' Carnival (1990) by Karen Haber
- Tigana (1990) by Guy Gavriel Kay
- Black Trillium (1991) by Marion Zimmer Bradley and Julian May and Andre Norton
- Hawk & Fisher (1991) by Simon Green
- Mary Reilly (1991) by Valerie Martin
- Polar City Blues (1991) by Katharine Kerr
- The Jekyll Legacy (1991) by Robert Bloch and Andre Norton
- An Encyclopedia of Fairies (1991) by Katharine Briggs
- Kent Montana and the Really Ugly Thing from Mars (1991) by Lionel Fenn
- Shifter (1991) by Judith Reeves-Stevens and Garfield Reeves-Stevens
- The Arkham House Companion (1991) by Sheldon Jaffery
- The Rowan (1991) by Anne McCaffrey
- Two Queens of Lochrin (1991) by Lee Creighton
- Echoes of the Fourth Magic (1991) by R. A. Salvatore
- Raising the Stones (1991) by Sheri S. Tepper
- The Dragon Revenant (1991) by Katharine Kerr
- The Interior Life (1991) by Katherine Blake
- Fire on the Border (1991) by Kevin O'Donnell, Jr.
- Krispos Rising (1991) by Harry Turtledove
- Letters from Atlantis (1991) by Robert Silverberg
- Nicoji (1991) by M. Shayne Bell
- The Fortress of Eternity (1991) by Andrew Whitmore
- The Madness Season (1991) by C. S. Friedman
- The Night Mayor (1991) by Kim Newman
- The Real Story (1991) by Stephen R. Donaldson
- The World Next Door (1991) by Brad Ferguson
- The Year of the Quiet Sun (1991) by Wilson Tucker
- Achilles' Choice (1991) by Larry Niven and Stephen Barnes
- Down the Bright Way (1991) by Robert Reed
- Man After Man (1991) by Dougal Dixon
- The Schizogenic Man (1991) by Raymond Harris
- The Shadow Gate (1991) by Margaret Ball
- Goblin Moon (1991) by Teresa Edgerton
Nine Fairy Tales (And One Thrown in For Good Measure) (1991)
Karel Čapek?Karel Capek
Karel Chapek - The Little Country (1991) by Charles de Lint
- The Singers of Time (1991) by Frederik Pohl and Jack Williamson
War With the Newts (1991)
Karel Čapek?Karel Capek
Karel Chapek - Carve the Sky (1991) by Alexander Jablokov
- Chase the Morning (1991) by Michael Scott Rohan
- Death Qualified (1991) by Kate Wilhelm
- Expedition (1991) by Wayne Douglas Barlowe
- The Ultimate Guide to Science Fiction (1991) by David Pringle
- Hellflower (1991) by Eluki bes Shahar
- Shivering World (1991) by Kathy Tyers
- The Magic of Recluce (1991) by L. E. Modesitt, Jr.
- The Sorceress and the Cygnet (1991) by Patricia A. McKillip
- Beauty (1992) by Sheri S. Tepper
No Return (1992)
Александр Кабаков?Alexander Kabakov
- Slow Freight (1992) by F. M. Busby
- The Big Time (1992) by Fritz Leiber
- Drifter (1992) by William C. Dietz
- Stranger Suns (1992) by George Zebrowski
- The Pharaoh Contract (1992) by Ray Aldridge
- The Ship of Ishtar (1992) by A. Merritt
- The Wooden Sword (1992) by Lynn Abbey
- Great Work of Time (1992) by John Crowley
- Halo (1992) by Tom Maddox
- Orbital Resonance (1992) by John Barnes
- The Pixilated Peeress (1992) by Catherine Crook de Camp and L. Sprague de Camp
- The White Mists of Power (1992) by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
- Black Sun Rising (1992) by C. S. Friedman
- Flying in Place (1992) by Susan Palwick
- Iceman (1992) by Cynthia Felice
- The Empire of Fear (1992) by Brian Stableford
- The Face in the Abyss (1992) by A. Merritt
- A Company of Stars (1992) by Christopher Stasheff
- Black Unicorn (1992) by Tanith Lee
- Far-Seer (1992) by Robert J. Sawyer
- Futurespeak (1992) by Roberta Rogow
- The Lord of the Rings (Centenary Edition) (1992) by J. R. R. Tolkien
- China Mountain Zhang (1992) by Maureen F. McHugh
- Illusion (1992) by Paula Volsky
- Painted Space (1992) by John Berkey
- The Face in the Frost (1992) by John Bellairs
- The Remarkables (1992) by Robert Reed
- Alien Blues (1992) by Lynn S. Hightower
- Dragons in the Stars (1992) by Jeffrey A. Carver
- Dreamships (1992) by Melissa Scott
- Forbidden Magic (1992) by Angus Wells
- The Memory of Earth (1992) by Orson Scott Card
- City of Truth (1992) by James Morrow
- Dwellers in the Mirage (1992) by A. Merritt
- Exile (1992) by Michael P. Kube-McDowell
- Greenmagic (1992) by Crawford Kilian
- Sir Harold and the Gnome King (1992) by L. Sprague de Camp
- The Last Pendragon (1992) by Robert Rice
- Doomsday Book (1992) by Connie Willis
- Gormenghast (1992) by Mervyn Peake
- Jumper (1992) by Steven Gould
- The Gypsy (1992) by Steven Brust and Megan Lindholm
- Titus Alone (1992) by Mervyn Peake
- Titus Groan (1992) by Mervyn Peake
- Unwillingly to Earth (1992) by Pauline Ashwell
- Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass (1992) by Lewis Carroll
- Children of the Night (1992) by Dan Simmons
- Crygender (1992) by Thomas T. Thomas
- Horses of Heaven (1992) by Gillian Bradshaw
- The Glory that Was (1992) by L. Sprague de Camp
The Silent City (1992)
Élisabeth Vonarburg?Elisabeth Vonarburg
- Brother to Dragons (1993) by Charles Sheffield
- Dorella (1993) by Mark A. Garland and Charles G. McGraw
- More Than Human (1993) by Theodore Sturgeon
- Steel Beach (1993) by John Varley
- The Spirit Ring (1993) by Lois McMaster Bujold
- Aristoi (1993) by Walter Jon Williams
- Fantastic Tales (1993) by I. U. Tarchetti
- The Goblin Mirror (1993) by C. J. Cherryh
- The Moon Pool (1993) by A. Merritt
- The Werewolves of London (1993) by Brian Stableford
- Mistworld (1993) by Simon R. Green
- Nightside the Long Sun (1993) by Gene Wolfe
- Strange Devices of the Sun and Moon (1993) by Lisa Goldstein
- The Collected Feghoot (1993) by Grendel Briarton
- Tyrannosaurus Rex (1993) by J. F. Rivkin
- Deep Freeze (1993) by Zach Hughes
- Labyrinth of Night (1993) by Allen Steele
- Mars Prime (1993) by William C. Dietz
- The Clan of the Warlord (1993) by Elizabeth H. Boyer
- Triumph (1993) by Ben Bova
- A Wealth of Fable (1993) by Harry Warner, Jr.
- Heart of Midnight (1993) by J. Robert King
- Lord of the Two Lands (1993) by Judith Tarr
- Mind Light (1993) by Margaret Davis
- The Weigher (1993) by Marcia Martin and Eric Vinicoff
- Beggars in Spain (1993) by Nancy Kress
- The Haunted Pampero (1993) by William Hope Hodgson
- The Oathbound Wizard (1993) by Christopher Stasheff
- The Singularity Project (1993) by F. M. Busby
- Burning Bright (1993) by Melissa Scott
- Slay and Rescue (1993) by John Moore
- The Architecture of Desire (1993) by Mary Gentle
- The Wall At the Edge of the World (1993) by Jim Aikin
- Virgil Finlay's Strange Science (1993) by Virgil Finlay
- Virgil Finlay's Women of the Ages (1993) by Virgil Finlay